Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 233: A la carte

"Waiter." Zhuang Li beckoned.

Zhuang Li was the first passer-by in the duo to watch at the door, becoming one of the eight lucky people who won 1,000 yuan vouchers, and because of his luck, he successfully got a name.

"Hello, sir, is there any problem?" Fang Mei, who was closest to Zhuang Li, came over and asked.

"I do n’t understand your order system. Why is the price of the same dish different? Look at this. It ’s the same Sanxian. Jiang Jiankang is 48 yuan, Jiang Feng is 36 yuan, and Zhou Yi is 32 yuan. Shen Yi It's 28 yuan, Jiang Weiguo is 66 yuan, Jiang Weiming actually wants 88 yuan? "Zhuang Li couldn't believe his eyes." And this, marriage package, chopped pepper and fish head, and chicken with vegetables are 188 yuan. The name is also strange. There are also 6 limited editions. There is also a recommendation for this weight loss. This decompression is required. It is also a limited edition of Li Hongzhang chowder. It also sells 688, and the following Li Hongzhang chowder is only 566. The limit is not limited. Some don't understand! "

Fang Mei smiled and said, "Yes, sir. Because each chef in our restaurant has a different level of cooking skills, in order to give you a better dining experience, the prices of different chefs are different. Limited dishes It is because the production method is special, in order to ensure the quality, it must be limited, and our store will retry the dishes once a month, change the menu, and reorder the dishes. If you are dissatisfied with the dishes, you can use the tablet to click on the dish evaluation before checkout or It ’s okay to comment, voice and text. If your review is useful, we will send you a voucher of random value. "

Zhuang Li suddenly realized, "Hey, let's say it early. I and my friend studied the menu for a long time."

Fang Mei apologized and said, "I'm really sorry, this is our negligence on the job and wasted two people's time. I'd like to give you two a piece of plum soup as a make-up. Can you still remember? Who is the waiter who brought you in? "

"I remember that my hair seemed a little yellow, alas, that's the one!" Zhuang Li's companion pointed at Qirou's fellow villagers.

"Okay, I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'm going to give you two sour plum soup now." Fang Mei left, and struck Qirou's fellow in his heart.

The mud won't help the wall.

"Hurry up, see how much Sour Plum Soup is!" Bai earns a piece of Sour Plum Soup. Zhuang Li's companions are even happier than having a girlfriend.

After all, his girlfriend was empty, sour plum soup was coming soon.

"88, my gosh, this store is so expensive!" Exclaimed Zhuang Li.

"You don't look at this area either. A piece of raw beef with fries in the broken shop next door is served in a spicy fragrant pot, and you dare to call you a classic French set to sell you a copy of 168. Get angry, see what other dishes are below, alas, and Cantonese dishes, let's order a Cantonese dish! "Companion joined the ranks of the menu," I went to Guangdong Province on a business trip to eat their fried fried Niuhe. It was delicious Here, click this, Sun Jikai's, his cheap 28. "

"It's okay, we have vouchers that are not bad money, point expensive, order this 36, anyway, the waiting time is only 17 minutes." Zhuang Li arrogant.

Except for a few diners like Zhuang Li who encountered the same irresponsible waiter who caused a problem with ordering, most of the diners have a very good dining experience, and they can play for more than ten minutes just by playing the ordering system. Although there is such a special zone for dyslexia today, every qualified and excellent dyslexia patient will go to order today's recommended dishes after reading every dish.

There is no problem of ordering in area c. After the cold dishes are served, hot dishes are successively added. Each dish has an interval, methodical, and one after the other.

The number of dishes is not large. There are only eight hot dishes. Among them, Jiang Weiming's cannons and Ji Xue's tiled flower chicken are hard-pressed dishes. Jiang Feng's wire-drawing yam is ranked as the fifth-press dessert.

It's not expensive, there are only ten guests at each table in area c, and you can't finish eating too many dishes.

Xia Muzhen didn't stretch his chopsticks all the way, and he kept quietly looking at the guests around him.

"Master Xia, this dish is very good, especially the meat in this jar is not inferior to Yongheju, you ... Oh, sorry, I forgot." Sitting next to Xia Muyi and him The familiar diners wanted to invite him to eat a piece of jar meat. Suddenly, Xia Muzhen's physical condition could not support him to eat such greasy food, and he could not help but pat his head.

"Look at my memory. I just heard that the waiter said that the next dish is simmered cabbage. Master Xia, you can taste it."

Bacon Caixin belongs to Cantonese cuisine. The quality of Caixin is very important. It is also important to control the heat when cooking. The heat controls the taste and the sauce controls the taste. Although Sun Jikai was rejected by his grandfather, he was also the eldest grandson who Sun Guanyun taught and devoted himself to, and the sauce of Baizhu Caixin was quite good. The sauce is prepared by Sun Jikai.

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and as soon as the words of the diners familiar with Xia Muyi fell, the heart of Bai Zhuocai came up.

The vegetable heart is fresh and green, just like the jade carved out by Master Jade Carving. It glows with light, and it is a green hill on the plate.

"Howling, this dish is so beautiful. You ca n’t wait for the chopsticks before you wait. Let me finish chopping the chopsticks." Pei Shenghua was suddenly excited.

"Oh." Yun Deyan is considering whether to block this circle of friends.

Every day at 12 o'clock in the evening, the food pictures taken on that day were sent on time, even if his friends were almost all chefs.

Seeing that Pei Shenghua is one of his few friends, Tong Deyan waited for him to pick a good angle to take a picture before moving the chopsticks to pick one up. The heart is crisp and tender, and the flavor is fresh, but the sauce seems to match. Not the skill of this dish Baizhuo ~ ~ a bit meaningless.

"This dish has a good heart, and the heat is quite good. You can't do it, old man. I was not as good as this when you made the white-boiled cabbage heart." Pei Shenghua said while eating the white-boiled cabbage heart.

"The last time I made garlic cabbage heart." Wu Deyan said.

Pei Shenghua: "... Almost, it's Caixin, you can't control it better than this one."

Yun Deyan ignored him and gave him a disgusted look.

On the other table, Xia Muyi tasted a bite of Cai Xin and then put down the chopsticks. Xu Cheng and Xia Muyi were at the same table. Seeing that he had not eaten anything, he raised his hand and called the waiter.

Jiyue was waiting in Area C. She also knew Xu Cheng, walked over and asked with a smile: "Mr. Xu, what do you need?"

Xu Cheng also recognized Jiyue. After all, he also ate a lot of meals in the healthy cooking restaurant in the last few months. He was a little surprised at the moment. I didn't expect that the Jiang family not only moved but even the waiters. There is no shortage of employees.

"Can you order?" Xu Cheng asked.

"Certainly." Ji Yue went to get Xu Cheng's tablet and immediately caught the attention of others.

"What is Mr. Xu going to do?"

"It seems to be ordering."

"Can you still order?"

"You said that, when will the restaurant not be able to order."

"Will we also look at the menu?"

Some people say just do it.

"Waiter, order!"

PS: (Do not count money after counting)

From the chapter name in the previous chapter, you can see that I recently lost my mind because of a mid-term review. (??; ω; `)

After finishing the final exam next Wednesday, two changes will be resumed on Thursday.


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Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL: