Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 253: Vegetable tofu soup

Because Sun Jikai was drunk in advance, the skewered dinner ended earlier than expected, and it was only 10:40 when Ji Yue returned home with her packed crayfish.

Ji Xue did not sleep as she expected, and was still busy in the kitchen, but unlike cooking, it seemed to be cooking soup.

Jiyue was close to the kitchen and smelled the vegetables and tofu soup.

"You're back!" Ji Xue's apron hadn't been picked yet. "Come and try the vegetable tofu soup I cooked."

"Vegetable tofu soup?" Ji Yue put the crayfish on the table and looked into the kitchen.

It is indeed a vegetable tofu soup. It is not only green vegetables, but also green beans, lettuce, lettuce, baby vegetables, cabbage and cabbage. Ji Xue's vegetables from the kitchen today are all in this pot soup.

Not only vegetable tofu soup, but also a green vegetable chowder.

Because of the addition of tofu, the color of the soup is a bit milky, and the vegetables are chopped and mixed together, staggered in the middle of the square white and tender tofu, which is very light and elegant.

It's the first time Jiyue has seen so many vegetables mixed with tofu for soup.

"Axue, why did you think of making this soup?" Ji Yuemin smelled it closely, it smelled good, it should be quite delicious.

Ji Yue just ate so much greasy barbecue and ate a pound of crayfish. The smell of burping on the way back was a bit greasy.

Ji Xue boiled this pot of light and detoxified, green and healthy vegetable tofu soup, which was in harmony with Jiyue.

"My family often cooks this soup, and my sister likes it. But the price of green beans has always been relatively high. My family usually cooks this soup without green beans." Ji Xue explained, "I know you can't paint these days The manuscript was annoying. I went to Dongmen every day to relax with a barbecue, but you ca n’t stand eating your stomach every day. Drinking this light soup just relieves tiredness. ”

"Ah, Axue, I love you so much!" Ji Yue gave Ji Xue a loving bear hug, and happily went to get a bowl of soup and drink.

The taste of vegetable tofu soup is very light. Jiyue speculates that Ji Xue may not have added any sesame oil except salt, but the taste is unexpectedly good.

If you compare the barbecue and crayfish you eat tonight to rich, colorful, gorgeous and heavy oil paintings, then the vegetable tofu soup made by Ji Xue is simple, gentle, and pleasant, pure and elegant ink painting.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!" Ji Yue never praises her praise, "In fact, I would drink this after eating barbecue in the future, it's so delicious!"

"Just like it." Ji Xue also looked pleased. "A customer suggested that there is no light soup in the store. I just wanted to see if I could sell it in the store."

"Absolutely, your soup is absolutely light and delicious, and it's definitely fine!" Ji Yue encouraged Ji Xue.

"I'll make a few more days to see if other dishes will taste better. The store is the 27th, and there is still more than a week to go." Ji Xue turned and then cleaned up the garbage in the kitchen.

Ji Yue was standing in the kitchen while holding the soup bowl and drinking soup. Ji Xue cleaned the kitchen arbitrarily. She was about to take the garbage bag downstairs and throw it away, and was stopped by Ji Yue.

"Oh, I patronized the soup and forgot about everything. Axue, don't throw away the trash first. The table is the crayfish I brought back to you. You eat the crayfish first, and there is soup in it. I picked up the garlic leaves and **** slices for you. You better eat it now, or it will taste bad until tomorrow. "Ji Yue put the soup bowl on the table and packed it Take out the box and open it. "Tell you that this garlic crayfish is very delicious. It just has no garlic flavor at all, you will definitely like it."

"I ..." Ji Xue hesitated.

"Whatever I am, how much I have eaten these days, I ’m going to eat fat! You also have to eat it back for me, you ’ll have to be as fat as I ’m fat, fast, now it ’s still warm Yes, it won't taste good when it gets cold! "Ji Yue urged.

"it is good……"

Ji Xue went to the dining table at the urging of Ji Yue, put on gloves, and slowly and awkwardly began to peel shrimp.

The crayfish in hand is still warm, seductive and juicy. The size of the crayfish is very large, and the shell of the shrimp is crimson and black, and the shell is very hard, which has caused a lot of obstacles for novice shrimp peelers such as Ji Xue.

It took Ji Xue a full two or three minutes to peel the first shrimp, and the lobster meat, which was not very tight, had been peeled off by her.

The grilled crayfish in Dongmen also has its own hand. Each shrimp is opened, and the juice is poured into the shrimp. The original white shrimp is dyed reddish, salty and spicy.

Ji Xue has not eaten crayfish for many years.

Her father is a chef, and his cooking skills are not very high. He used to run a small restaurant at home and was relatively wealthy. From the ears of his ears, Ji Xue helped to cut vegetables and dishes in the restaurant at home, and he could barely be called a family school. Because of this, after a series of accidents at home, Ji Xue would choose to drop out of school to work in a restaurant.

Her happy childhood was over from the age of 7 when her mother detected breast cancer.

Her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer at an intermediate stage, and after a year of painful and desperate chemotherapy, she could only choose to remove it.

Shortly thereafter, her father was diagnosed with diabetes. At that time, Ji Xue's mother was still receiving chemotherapy, and his father had no time to pay attention to his illness. He had to take care of her mother while running a restaurant business. As a result, his condition deteriorated rapidly, causing complications and blindness.

When Ji Xue was thirteen years old, her family was in debt, her father's diabetes continued to worsen, she started to develop uremia, and her blindness caused by complications had not improved.

Also in the same year ~ ~ She chose to drop out of school and go to Tan Jia Xiao Guan to work as an apprentice in the back kitchen.

The reason why she chose to go to Tan's House was simple. She was under 14 at that time, and no other store dared to ask her. Only the owner of Tan's House, which was the son of Master Tan, accepted her. Being willing is also very simple. She is young, low in price, has no contract, is easy to squeeze, and does not have less work than others. She is a cheap labor force that is easy to bully.

Now she is 19 years old and her life does not seem to be much better for her. Her mother ’s breast cancer has been cured but her father ’s diabetes has turned to uremia. Even if there is a kidney source to change the kidney, they ca n’t afford the surgery.

She is still the same as before, dare not eat, do not dare to wear, do not dare to rest, do not dare to stop.

Those wonderful things I tasted in childhood, those snacks and snacks that only exist in memory, such as crayfish, milk tea, lollipops, potato chips, barbecue, have faded out of her world and become dreams she cannot touch. .

But now, she seems to live in a dream.

Her boss is nice, her colleagues are nice, her friends are nice, and her roommates are nice.

The touch on the hand is real, and the taste in the mouth is real.

"Axue, I think you're tired today, it's almost eleven o'clock. After you finish eating, you can wash and sleep. I'll clean up these. I'll draw pictures when I wait, and I'll have soup for a while. "Ji Yue said in the kitchen.

"it is good."

Ji Xue remembered a poem that her mother taught her as a child.

Pitch me for papaya and return it to Joan.

The bandit also reported, always thought good too!

Vote for me and return to Qiong Yao.

The bandit also reported, always thought good too!

I vote for Mu Li and return it to Qiong Yan.

The bandit also reported, always thought good too!

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