Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 315: Roll over 3 in a row

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Jiang Feng continued to slide down the property panel, and soon slipped to the menu bar, opened the menu, found Cao Guixiang, clicked in. Fastest update ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

The friendship tips below Yunji and Two-colored Prawns have turned into a dish that exceeds the player's current culinary level, and has a greater chance of making a failure.

Jiang Feng found Jiang Weiming's chopped fish head again. The friendship hint that originally showed a certain chance of failing to make had disappeared.

It seems that his current level of cooking has no problems in making Class B dishes, but Class A dishes are still a bit out of reach.

Jiang Feng hasn't stayed in Renyi for a long time. He went to Taifeng Building after a lunch in the orthopaedic canteen where legend says Renyi's meals are the best.

The progress of 4 missions in just one morning was quite rewarding. There was an interview in the middle of the afternoon, but before the interview, he wanted to try the master seasoning and heat to get his dishes refined. What a point.

When Jiang Feng returned to Taifeng Building, her business was just closed at noon. Wu Minqi was carving a rich fruit tray to practice her knife. She cut vegetables less during this time and felt that her knife skills had fallen a little.

What surprised Jiang Feng was that Zhang Guanghang was also cooking and practicing dishes.

You know, Zhang Guanghang never practices dishes in front of them.

Compared with the tedious life of Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi around the kitchen every day, Zhang Guanghang's life is much more colorful.

Go to work on time, get off work on time, practice dishes are also back to Fenyuan practice, rich in leisure life, playing ball, hiking, climbing, climbing the Great Wall, watching movies, and even occasionally go to the bar to drink two glasses of wine to relax. Not a painting style.

Zhang Guanghang is an idol style, while Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi are inspirational.

Zhang Guanghang is processing a whole chicken.

The chicken wings, chicken feet, chicken neck and chicken collarbone have been removed by him. The remaining chicken was chopped into four pieces by him. He is now knocking off the chicken calf bone with the back of the knife, preparing to remove the calf bone and cartilage.

He is making Saffron Chicken.

"What dish?" Jiang Feng asked knowingly.

"Shafolo chicken." Zhang Guanghang did not hide, "I have been trying to do it a few days ago, but I felt unsatisfactory a few times, so I practiced more."

"Saffron chicken?"

"Yes, a classic French meal. I had it when I was a kid ... An elder made it for me. The taste of the Saffron chicken made by him is very special, so I want to try to make it the same taste as him." Zhang Guang Channel, the movement of his hands did not stop, quickly pulled out the broken chicken calf bone.

"After I'm done, I'm bothering you to help me taste and make suggestions." Zhang Guang Channel.

"I'm honored." Jiang Feng laughed and went to look for chicken.

He has seen the practice of chicken many times, and he is already familiar with it. In addition, he has tried many times because of unwillingness. Although he failed, the steps are not any problem.

The chicken was fried in a pan with a crossbow flower. Jiang Feng watched the chicken pieces gradually fry in the oil pan, began to deform and fished out.

Leave the oil in the pot, cut the food, add it quickly, stir-fry, thicken, drizzle with sesame oil, and make it in one go.

Jiang Feng feels knowing that the dishes are ready.

He Jiang Feng finally wanted to make a class A dish that was not open.

Out of the pan.

The hen-like chicken glows in the dish, exuding a seductive sweet fragrance. If it is seen by such children as Han Youxin, it will definitely cheer and pounce on it.

Chicken (Failure) Grade B

Jiang Feng? ? ?

I did so smoothly, I felt like I was the son of a natural choice, and you told me it was a failure? !!

Jiang Feng tasted the failed b-level chicken with grief and anger.

The taste is actually okay. It is much stronger than the c-class chicken made before. It is sour and sweet, and it is absolutely no problem to fool the children.

But this is a failure.

Whether it is 50 or 59 points, no matter how close the passing line is, you cannot change the fact that it is a failure.

However, Jiang Feng has rolled over so many times and has a wealth of experience in rollovers. He is also accustomed to his rollovers and rejuvenated and decides to come again.

Twenty minutes later--

Chicken (Failure) Grade B

Jiang Feng ...

It's okay, winning or losing is a matter of common practice. Players are asked to start over.

Jiang Feng comforted herself.

After another twenty minutes--

Chicken (Failure) Grade B

Jiang Feng ...

It's okay, it's okay, a class dish, rollover is normal. As the saying goes, there are only three good things, and the third time must be.

Twenty minutes after double--

Chicken (Failure) Grade B

Jiang Feng ...

After twenty minutes--

Chicken (Failure) Grade B

Jiang Feng? ? ?

After twenty minutes--

Chicken (Failure) Grade B

Jiang Feng ╯ ‵ ╯︵┻ ╯︵┻ ┻ ┻

What kind of broken food is this? Does it really just have a greater chance of failing? Is this bigger 9999?

Six times in a row, Jiang Feng's mentality collapsed.

Jiang Feng was lost in thought.

The six dishes in front of them all showed that the seasoning was not in place. To put it plainly, his level was not enough. But since his level is not enough, why does the game show a greater chance of making a failure.

If there is a large chance that the production fails, does it not mean that there is a small chance that the production will be successful?

Jiang Feng really suspected that the game had no customer service because the previous customer service was strangled by angry players.

Just when Jiang Feng was skeptical of life, Zhang Guanghang's Chinese Saffron Chicken came out.

He made this Saufro chicken very carefully and made it for more than an hour.

The plate is also very beautiful, with green leaves underneath, radishes folded, chicken pieces like flowers, and apples like buds.

Zhang Guanghang tasted the ingredients in this plate one by one, not even the vegetables and apples for the decoration.

It's a pity that this elaborate saffron chicken still disappointed him, not the taste in his memory.

Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi also stretched out their chopsticks to taste. They have never eaten Saffron Chicken before, so they do n’t know what the original Saffron Chicken tastes like.

However, Jiang Feng felt that the taste of this Shafuluo chicken made by Zhang Guanghang was very good ~ ~ much better than the chicken he had just turned six cars.

The chicken is fried first and then roasted. It is crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, and the juices are locked in the meat. It is slightly acidic and should be added with balsamic vinegar.

Jiang Feng clamped another apple, which had no special characteristics. It was just fragrant after frying butter.

"I think it's fine." Jiang Feng said.

"It's not the taste, something is missing." The expression on Zhang Guanghang's face seemed a little confused.

Although he didn't feel that there was much problem with the taste, it was different from what he had eaten as a kid.

When he was young, he ate the dish Xia Mudi made for him for the first time, and he was amazed at the entrance, and he felt he would never forget it all his life. But after he grew up, Xia Muyi stopped making this dish. He wanted to learn Xia Muyi and did not teach it.

What exactly is it?

Zhang Guanghang looked at the seemingly okay Suffolk chicken in front of him and always felt that something was missing.