Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 350: Sugar

Tanabata is a traditional Valentine's Day for flower growers.

Unlike the glamorous and cheap goods of latecomers such as February 14 and May 20, Tanabata will definitely be able to take advantage of the palace ladies on Valentine's Day. Major shopping malls and hotels will also launch various Tanabata discounts and packages equally. I made a loss, I lost again, I almost lost the ugly face of being the richest man.

Jiang Feng was awakened in the early morning of Qixi Festival and smelled the sweet smell in the air.

It is indeed Qixi Festival, even the air is not the same as in peace days.

Jiang Feng took a deep breath. Well, it was the taste of sugar.

Alas, sugar doesn't shake?

How can it taste like sugar?

Jiang Feng picked up a carp and sat up from the bed. He searched out along the taste. Sure enough, I saw sugar on the table, but the sugar was not blackened with black sesame. Ground peanuts and white sesame seeds look very attractive.

Tangbu Shao, also known as Ruyiguo, is a traditional name in Guangdong Province. It looks similar to dumplings, but because Tangbu Shao is cooked with hot syrup, it tastes a lot sweeter than dumplings and is generally sold as a dessert.

The two bowls of sugar on the dining table were still hot, and they were just out of the pan. Jiang Feng went to the kitchen to glance at the trace of no fire, and went to find Wu Minqi who watered the flowers on the balcony.

"Ji Xue brought the sugar at the table?" Jiang Feng felt that no one except Ji Xue would make a special sugar donation in the morning.

"Well, Axue just brought it and said it was hot just after it was out of the pot. Let's cool down before eating." Wu Minqi said.

Jiang Feng went to wash, and after he finished washing, Wu Minqi's flowers were also watered. The two pots on the balcony and a pot of cactus were bought in the first two weeks. Although Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi said that watering the cactus does not need to be too hard, Wu Minqi couldn't help but water the cactus every other day. Some signs of death were already faint, Jiang Feng suspected that its roots were almost rotten.

In the morning of Qixi Festival, eating sugar without throwing it turned out unexpectedly.

Ji Xue's cooking is very fine, as long as it is something she is serious about, people will certainly not be able to pick out the fault, and the sugar in front of them is not the same. The black sesame stuffed sugar is the first time I have eaten Jiang Feng. The appearance is smooth. The syrup is thick and looks thick.

After biting half of the sugar in one bite, Jiang Feng's first reaction was sweet.

It is not a kind of sweetness, the sweetness of syrup, the sweetness of black sesame filling, two completely different sweets intertwined together, coupled with the smooth texture of glutinous rice Q, although there are some sticky teeth, but the flaws are not covered.

There are seven sugars in a bowl. If Jiang Feng eats five in one breath, he will not be able to eat them. Sweets and sweets are icing on the cake. If they are eaten as a meal, they are upside-down, unless they are like Jiang Jiankang. Sweet people, otherwise most people really can't stand it.

Jiang Feng put the remaining two sugars in the refrigerator and prepared to return to eat them at night. Wu Minqi was amazing in sweets. All seven sugars were eaten.

"Want to go downstairs to buy a cup of soy milk?" Jiang Feng suggested.

Wu Minqi nodded, she was a little tired.

The two little lovers packed up their things, holding their fingers together, went downstairs to buy soy milk, and then went to Taifeng House.

Although the Tanabata package offered by Taifeng House is only available in the evening, due to the large quantity, many ingredients have to be prepared from the morning. This is the first large-scale festival that Taifeng Building will face since its opening. It also happened to hit Saturday. Basically, it can be seen as a holiday. It is a good opportunity to test the quality and efficiency of Taifeng Building staff.

During the Tanabata Festival, the overtime wages of all employees in Taifeng Building are counted as double wages. Anyway, they must work overtime. At least double the wages can make everyone willing to work overtime.

By the time Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi arrived at the back kitchen, the back kitchen was already in place. Among them was Comrade Ji Xue, the overtime mad monster, who had begun processing the ingredients needed for the tiled chicken. Today is her busiest. In addition to the normal sales volume of the flower pot chicken, there are six more Tanabata 3344 packages. This dish takes a lot of time to make, and it takes a lot of time to make six more. Mental strength.

"Hey, Brother Feng, come early!" Sang Ming, who had arrived early, greeted Jiang Feng.

"You came too early." Jiang Feng said, glancing around the kitchen.

It was all single dogs before he came.

"Who do you have a reservation list for Qixi Festival?" Jiang Feng asked.

"I have." Zhang Weiyu handed the list to Jiang Feng. "The amount is quite large. There should be a lot of individual customers tonight and some are busy."

Jiang Feng glanced at the list, it was indeed busy. Every time a Tanabata package is ordered, it means that two pickled dumplings must be sent out. Based on the current number of scheduled packages, 60 buffed pickled dumplings are not enough to sell. Knead for hours.

Jiang Feng remembered the fear of being dominated by kneading noodles in Jiang Jian State that day.

Another destined to be busy is Zhang Guanghang. In a sense, he is much busier today than Jiang Feng. Every Qixi special meal has cakes that he wants to make. Although small, he ca n’t hold up a lot. Jiang Feng is even worried After spending today, he will fall in love with the feeling of making cakes, and then resolutely changes from a red case chef to a dessert chef.

Zhang Guanghang came with the raw materials for making cakes. Because of the large amount, he did not drive the Bingley, which he usually opens, but instead bought a big Ben that can pull goods.

So now the question is, how many cars are there in his garage?

Jiang Feng and Zhang Guanghang knead and make cakes one by one, so at first glance, it still gives the illusion that Taifeng House is actually a bakery.

After nearly two hours of long and painful kneading, Jiang Feng took a small stool to sit at the kitchen door and rest.

The backyard restaurant in midsummer can not be overstated by the stove.

Ji Yue and Qi Rou held small heart-shaped cards and flowers bought from the flower shop in the morning, and placed flowers and cards on a table-by-table basis. Looking at the pigeons like this, being a waiter is becoming more and more skilled.

Jiang Feng was thinking about going to a nearby flower shop at noon to buy a bouquet of flowers for Wu Minqi to give her an old-fashioned surprise, and she was patted on the shoulder.

Turning his head, Zhang Guanghang.

"Are you free? I want to ask you something." Zhang Guang Channel, stretched out his right hand and pointed at the corner of the locker room. "If you have time, go talk there."

"OK." Jiang Feng moved the small bench back.

As soon as he reached the corner, Zhang Guanghang opened his door and asked, "Do you think Qixi is suitable for confession?"

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

Nani? ? ?

You have stayed with us for at least ten hours a day, and you have to get rid of the bill. We don't even have one person to notice ~ ~ You have to confess? "Jiang Feng asked.

"Be prepared for this." Zhang Guanghang was very frank.

Jiang Feng's first reaction was that Ji Pigeon was about to fall in love again, and he had to fall in love before he had time to start.

Alas, why would he use the word again.

"Tanabata confession is very suitable. Traditional Valentine's Day should be chosen by many people." Jiang Feng said that I don't know much about this.

"Did you not grow up in Peiping? How could you not know such a thing?" Jiang Feng asked afterwards.

"When I stayed in Peiping before, everyone didn't spend much of Qixi Festival." Zhang Guang Channel.

Jiang Feng suddenly realized that he almost forgot that Zhang Guanghang had returned to France a few years ago and could not keep up with the trend. It ’s only in recent years that we have all festivals, and weird atmospheres to create festivals.

"How are you going to confess?" Jiang Feng suddenly gossip.

"I carved a rose with chocolate and engraved her initials on the leaves." Zhang Guang Channel.

Jiang Feng suddenly respected Zhang Guanghang.


I can't see it. He has a handsome straight male face, but I did not expect such a master in the back.

It is the public enemy of the majority of male compatriots.

"Very good, it will be successful. If it is unsuccessful, I will make the fish head for you." Jiang Feng encouraged.

Zhang Guanghang :? ? ?

Back at the back kitchen, Jiang Feng continued to knead the noodles, kneading and then stopped and stared at the noodles thoughtfully.

Or ... I used cornmeal to make a bunch of roses and engraved Kiki's name and steamed it for her?

Zhang Guanghang used a confession, I gave my girlfriend a Tanabata gift, but it wasn't too much, right?