Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 367: Good sister group

When Jiang Feng returned home, it was Wu Minqi's estimated time for eating fried rice.

Comrade Wang Xiulian has gone to the gym with her aunt, and is preparing to consume the evil calories just involved through healthy exercise. As for the consumption, it is not known to outsiders.

As soon as Jiang Feng and others stepped into the living room, they smelled the scent of fried rice permeating the whole house.

The central air conditioner was on, and the kitchen door was not completely closed, leaving a gap of about 10 cm wide. The old and new scent of sea, land and air fried rice that has been eliminated and the sea, land and air fried rice that is about to be out of the pot are combined together, floating around in the living room and dining room and even in the room, dancing on the tip of everyone's nose, it is intoxicating.

Shrimp, beef, minced pork, tuna, eggs, cabbage, and pickles that everyone knows and loves are this recipe, which is everyone's favorite sea, land and air fried rice!

Jiang Feng's spirit was refreshed, and the fatigue caused by non-stop riding on the subway disappeared immediately. He sat up in shock and rushed into the kitchen and shouted.

"Dad, I want double shrimp!"

"Know, go outside and wait." Jiang Jiankang said cheerfully while turning his spoon, frying and frying, and stopped to scramble his own spoonful of beef sauce.

Beef sauce is the latest masterpiece of Jiyue's mother, using a new recipe, even Jiyue has not tasted in advance, and sent with the last batch of pickles. Since Comrade Wang Xiulian was not very interested in this kind of beef sauce, Jiang Jiankang boldly corrupted both cans of beef sauce, never mentioning that Ji Yue's mother also sent the beef sauce over.

Since pickled vegetables and fried rice became popular in the Jiang family, Ji Yue's mother ranks second to the two grandfathers in the minds of the Jiang family and has been labeled as omnipotent. Even the dried pumpkin, which is generally considered to be very unpalatable and not recommended for consumption, has been eaten up by my aunt when she was chewing sweet potatoes in her spare time.

When Jiang Feng came out of the kitchen, Wu Minqi, Ji Yue and Zhang Guanghang were already sitting beside the dining table.

"Feng Feng, has Uncle Jiang eaten?" Wu Minqi asked.

"I must have eaten it, my dad wo n’t be hungry for myself. When I first went in, I saw what sauce he was eating. Hey, what sauce is it, I do n’t seem to have seen this sauce, wait for me to go in and ask Ask. "Jiang Feng turned and went into the kitchen again.

In less than a minute of entering and leaving, Jiang Jiankang has eaten the fried rice just out of the pot.

Of the five sons of the old man, Jiang Jiankang is not the tallest or the strongest, and he is not even the best cooking talent, but he is recognized as the most stolen.

From the beginning of learning to cook, Comrade Jiang Jiankang will steal this skill without a teacher, and will continue to improve through continuous self-learning and training.

If the old man did not exaggerate when scolding his son, Comrade Jiang Jiankang had a high level of stealing when the cooking was not very good. And he has always had a very good self-appreciative ability. When he has not taken the position of state chef from the old man, he ca n’t help but eat two bites every time he feels that he ’s performing particularly well. Often, it ’s not lunch time. I've already eaten my mouth full of oil.

But how can the chef's business be said to be stealing? One bite is to taste, two is to taste, and three to four is still taste. However, Comrade Jiang Jiankang is different from other chefs. Other chefs taste a small mouthful. Comrade Jiang Jiankang is a large mouthful, and with his mouth capacity, usually two mouthfuls are gone for half a dish.

I don't know how many times Comrade Jiang Jiankang was beaten, only to get rid of his big taste while cooking. It can't be said that it has been changed. It can only be said that there was some convergence in the state-owned hotel. Later, after Comrade Jiang Jiankang opened a healthy snack, he still loved to taste. Anyway, a plate of chili fried meat, as long as you put enough peppers, the surface of the meat is large enough, guests can not see how much meat actually.

"Dad, what sauce did you just eat? Why haven't I seen it before?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Sauce? What sauce? Oh, the one I just ate. When I came back at noon today, the beef sauce I bought at the entrance supermarket smelled delicious. I just wanted to try and make a beef sauce fried rice tomorrow." Jiang Jiankang started to fill up silly filling, quickly put out the fried rice in the pot, filled a large plate, and stuffed Jiang Feng.

"Shit, take it out and eat your stomach first. I'll fry double shrimps for you now."

Jiang Feng doubted him, and went out with fried rice.

When pulling the kitchen door, Jiang Feng was still thinking. I did not expect that the beef sauce sold in the supermarket downstairs smelled so fragrant. Gaiminger would also buy a can and come back to try it.

Jiang Feng served the extra-large portion of fried rice with one hand, with skillful movements and standard postures, just as when he was in the role of a small-scale cook in a healthy snack and healthy cooking restaurant.

At first glance it looks like a skilled worker.

"When I first went in, I saw my dad eating, and he should have eaten more than one spoonful, so this plate of fried rice should have a good taste, everyone should eat it hot." Jiang Feng said.

The other three started to scoop.

"Ah!" Ji Yue was satisfied, and even spoke English.

"Well, お い し い (delicious)." Zhang Guanghang somehow suddenly spoke Japanese.

Wu Minqi's action of chewing fried rice suddenly stopped, and she began to quickly search for the saying of delicious languages ​​in the brain. In the end, she chewed two mouthfuls and swallowed the fried rice in her mouth.

"It tastes very good."

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

Jiang Feng was at a loss for a while. I didn't expect that I would not be able to eat a few foreign languages ​​or dialects even fried rice this year. I did n’t dare to stretch my spoon while holding it in my hand. For a while, I hated why I did n’t learn to talk to Grandma Jiang as a child. Local dialect.

Suddenly, Jiang Feng's light flashed, and the spoon scooped out a full spoonful of fried rice from the plate. The fried rice was wrapped in a shiny shrimp, and it was chewed and swallowed.


Soon, a large plate of fried rice was cleaned up by 4 people.

Anyone who has rich experience in eating staple foods knows that the staple food such as noodles, especially the particularly delicious staple food, will be very satisfying even if you eat it all at once, or even because of satiety. This kind of thing just feels so.

But if the weight is not enough, and it is only worthy of a belly, it will make people feel that I have just tasted it and it is gone, it will make people want to stop, and even become an unforgettable memory forever.

Now Jiang Feng 4 is probably in such a state of inability to stop.

So, people, you still ca n’t eat too much.

The next fried rice is still in the pot. Jiang Feng 4 people can only sit at the table and wait, just like 4 little chickens waiting to be fed.

"Do you really need to call Ji Xue down? I think today's fried rice is particularly delicious!" Jiang Feng said.

"That's because you're hungry." Ji Yue said, "Axue's stomach is not very good. She couldn't eat more rice at first, and she can't eat fried rice."

"Can't you eat rice with a bad stomach?" Jiang Feng looked blank.

"I don't know, Axue said this, what did she say ... Is the rice cold or cold? Anyway, when you have a bad stomach, eat less rice, which is about that." Ji Yuedao took a mobile phone and looked Time, "Oh, it's almost seven o'clock. She should be making a video call with her mother now."

"Does she have a fixed time for making video calls with her mother?" Wu Minqi asked curiously.

"Yes, her parents are now moving to the countryside. Only two or three households in their village usually live in the countryside. All the older households do not have internet. Then Axue did not install broadband in her house. Her mother can only go to the county hospital for dialysis every week when she can go to the network in the supermarket and make a video call with her. "Ji Yue said," It's usually once a week, and I don't know the specifics. "

"What about her sister?" Jiang Feng asked afterwards, and he was very impressed with Ji Xue, the younger sister who took the script of the real and fake college.

"Living in junior high school in town, it seems that I didn't go home to work in the town's supermarket during the summer vacation." Ji Yuedao was preparing to continue to say something, Jiang Jiankang came out with fried rice.

"Double shrimp, smash it, eat more!" Jiang Jiankang touched the sweat on his forehead.

"Dad, would you like to take a break?" Jiang Feng advised, "have you been in the kitchen for more than an hour?"

"Yes, Uncle Jiang, take a break," Ji Yue echoed.

"Yes, would you like to have something with Uncle Jiang? You haven't eaten yet?" Wu Minqi asked.

"No need to rest, how many fried today? Now I can sell one hundred and eight fried rice a day when I ’m still in the city of Z. I ’ll cook two more for you, and then I ’ll study my beef sauce fried rice Now, you eat first. "Jiang Jiankang's enthusiasm for fried rice is soaring now that no one will eat it.

Everyone started to eat fried rice, Ji Yue also forgot what she originally wanted to say, and only the fried rice was left in her mind, not to mention that this one is double shrimp, Jiang Feng specializes in plate sea, land and air pickled rice.

"Did Jiang Shu make fried rice with beef sauce?" Ji Yue began to remember that she had nothing in her bowl while eating.

"I haven't done it, my dad has only cooked old rice with fried rice, but the beef sauce smells pretty fragrant. I smelled it in the kitchen before." Jiang Feng said, reaching out the spoon and pointing at the shrimp in the plate.

"After that, I will send Jiang boss to taste it first, and then tell us if it is delicious." Ji Yue decided to hand over this glorious and difficult task to Jiang Feng.

Half an hour later, the four people ended the gloomy fried rice transaction, returning to each one.

When Ji Yue went home and pushed the door, she saw Ji Xue sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone.

This is a rare thing. Ji Xue should be the youngest person whom Ji Yue knows who do not like to play mobile phones, and they do not know how to play mobile phones. Even Jiang Feng, Wu Minqi and Zhang Guanghang, who spend most of their time cooking, use their mobile phones to keep their lives as long as they are free.

Seeing that Jiyue was back, Ji Xue was like seeing a savior, and quickly said, "Ayue, please help me to see what kind of instruction book I should buy for my sister."

Month and month :? ? ?

"Your sister should be the third day of school?" Ji Yue asked.

"It seems that I just made a video call with my mother and I felt she was a little worried about my sister's education. We couldn't find her a tutor and couldn't teach her, so I wanted to buy her a few tutorials for her Do it. "Ji Xuedao.

Month: ...

Your sister received this gift of love ~ ~ I'm afraid she would cry happily.

"Do you know what to buy for the third grade exercise?" Ji Xue asked.

"" Five-year high school entrance examination three-year simulation "!" Ji Yue blurted out.

Ji Xue wrote down: "What else?"

"Also?" Ji Yue thought it would be enough for her sister to write only five or three of nine assignments, but Ji Xue actually planned to give her sister a little more.

"Let me think about it, I have graduated for many years, and my brother never wrote such a tutorial. I remember that what I originally did seemed to be" Tianli 38 "," Lightweight Championship ", and the Queen I do n’t remember the names of those books. You do n’t know what questions are popular when you look at them. ”Ji Yue said that she is also an overachiever old school graduate who has graduated from junior high school for many years.

"Okay, I'll go check it out." Ji Xue said that she wrote it down and handed it to Ji Yue. "You can read these words correctly."

Jiyue took the phone and nodded surely.

Ji Xue went down and picked up a book.

After Ji Xue reminded him, Ji Yue suddenly remembered that Ji Qiran seemed to have never written about the queen boy.

It is really unreasonable. As a socialist successor who grew up under the socialist red, even if Qi Qiran was an international school from a young age, he should not have written about Queen Xiong.

Ji Yue turned on her mobile phone and checked her Alipay balance and bank card balance first. Adhering to the idea that no education would be too poor, I would re-order next month. I gritted my order and bought a full set of queen Xi Jiran .

Adhering to the principle that Queen Xiong and Wu San are more suitable, Ji Yue bought Ji Qiran a set of Wu San.

Hey, I'm such a rare good sister in the world.

Ji Yue quietly put down her mobile phone and looked at Ji Xue, showing a good sister's smile.