Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 373: Better master

After Jiang Feng finished writing the six papers, it was time for lunch.

As soon as he looked up, Jiang Feng felt that it was all bright.

Turning his head again, Jiang Feng found that Wang Hao had fallen asleep, and fell to the book, presumably falling asleep with knowledge.

According to the principles of biology, the knowledge in books containing high-concentration knowledge flows to Wang Hao's brain with low-concentration knowledge. In this rounding, Wang Hao appears to be sleeping, but may actually be with Zhou Gong Learn physics.

"Hao Zi wakes up, I'm finished." Jiang Feng shakes Wang Hao with a violent shake.

Wang Hao suddenly awakened, and the memory was still at the moment before he fell on the book, murmured: "Liquid crystal is a liquid that looks like a fluid from a certain temperature range, and it also has optical birefringence. Crystals. "

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

"The digital light processing DLP technology is adopted ... Adopted ..." Wang Hao wiped his mouth with water, gradually restored his mind, and found that he still couldn't remember.

"Using all-digital technology to process the image." Jiang Feng reluctantly said it carefully and thought it was wrong, and picked up the book with pillow under Wang Hao's face.

"Photoelectric Display Technology"

Sure enough, Wang Hao hung more than one course last year.

"Why are you hanging this door? Isn't this course basically a concept that doesn't have anything to count?" Jiang Feng questioned.

With a sad face, Wang Hao's eyes turned into a meat-eating fan: "Brother Feng, haven't you focused on the dean of Huang Yuan?"

"Do you still carry the key points of Dean Huang's plan? Isn't he famous that the key points of the annual plan are re-examination points?" Jiang Feng expressed his confusion, thinking that Wang Hao had also carried the key points of Dean Huang's plan.

With a sad face, Wang Hao couldn't bear to look back: "I thought ... his final and re-examination papers would at least overlap, because it was too late to memorize the whole book, so he put the emphasis behind him."

The results are naturally self-evident.

Jiang Feng remembered that he had such naive thoughts when he was a freshman, but he was lucky that time, and he was considered to pass the bar. Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but patted Wang Hao's shoulder comfortably: "It's all right, at least you can pass this retest."

"I forgot about it at the end of the term."

Jiang Feng: ...

Not saved, wait for death, rebuild, and postpone it.

However, within a few minutes, Wang Hao forgot about the sadness brought to him by the make-up exam, and he was a good man again, and began to calculate where to eat.

"Brother Feng, it's three o'clock, let's go for afternoon tea." Wang Hao suggested, and he felt hungry after sleeping for several hours.

Jiang Feng has this meaning: "Food Street?"

Wang Hao nodded, the two looked at each other, and had a good heart. The tacit understanding of many years of roommates is now at this moment.

"Fang Ji Congee Shop!"

"beef noodles!"

Jiang Feng & Wang Hao :? ? ?

"Brother Feng, what kind of noodles will you have for tea this afternoon? You must have porridge!" Wang Hao's face was incredible.

"I haven't eaten this day. How could I go to drink porridge, it must be eating noodles!" Jiang Feng said that it was heresy to drink porridge in afternoon tea.

Wang Hao had an idea and thought: "Brother Feng, I remember that the original shop opposite yours was a noodle shop. Fang Ji Congee Shop didn't treat you

. vnxvmxnx? Exactly, I went to Fang Ji Porridge Shop and packed the porridge, and then went to the noodle shop to eat with you. "

Jiang Feng nodded. He brought Wang Hao with his mobile phone and money. The two left the dormitory and went to the food street for dinner.

On the first day of school, it was the afternoon class time. Jiang Feng didn't see anyone in the school. Most majors have no professional courses when they are in their senior year. There are only one or two courses that are not available. In most cases, the teacher himself stays at the public course where he plays with mobile phones. However, Jiang Feng had problems in scheduling courses before their major in optoelectronics. As a result, the senior year had one more professional course to take.

At this time, everyone has no thoughts about attending the class. The postgraduate entrance examination has reached the sprint stage of the last head of the beam, and those who are looking for work have been running around since the summer vacation, not to mention that everyone has a copy hanging above their heads. Check the very strict graduation thesis.

Fortunately, the teacher of the professional course is also a salted fish. During the summer vacation, he directly stated that everyone only needs to come to the first class, and the rest of the courses can be free, and a paper can be submitted at the end of the term.

If it weren't for the first class to stay, Jiang Feng felt that by the time the counselor's class would finish tonight, they would have to run half of the class.

Passing the basketball court and watching the poor sophomores and sophomores and younger brothers and sisters play basketball happily in the sun under the hot sun, Jiang Feng and Wang Hao couldn't help but feel a sense of glee.

Electives in physical education, whether yoga, taekwondo, aerobics, badminton or volleyball, are all indoors. Even Tai Chi is indoors, but basketball is outdoors. At that time, Jiang Feng believed Wang Hao's ghost words-"The real man is going to play basketball". At one point, the ghost chose basketball, and was almost burned to death in the old basketball court.

To your real man, I choose indoor.

I used to sit in the dormitory before, but now I am walking outside with Wang Hao. Jiang Feng suddenly feels that Wang Hao seems to be much thinner than last semester.

"Haozi, did you go to the gym for your summer vacation? I think you've lost a lot of weight." Jiang Feng had to say that the power of love is really great. Wang Hao was once fat for love, but now he is thin for love.

"Summer vacation must be lying at home blowing air-conditioning. How could I go out to exercise?" Wang Hao's face of a fat house, "Do you not know Brother Feng, you are used to your home-made dishes, go back and eat again The difference between my mother's cooking and the drop from Mount Everest to the Tarim Basin! I am hungry and thin. "

"Then you have to get used to it. I guess you won't be able to eat it in the future."

"How is that? Brother Feng, I'm looking for a good internship in Peiping." Wang Hao was smug.

"Oh? Which photovoltaic company?" Jiang Feng immediately looked at Wang Hao.

"Ahem, copywriting by the advertising company."

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

"Look at Brother Feng, so that I can continue to eat your food in the future. How good, I will settle in Peking in the future and never come back." Wang Hao made a grand ambition.

Jiang Feng calculated the average price of a meal in Taifeng House in his heart and said sincerely: "I guess you can't afford it."

"How is it possible that I can afford a meal of fifty or sixty." Wang Hao said that he was also a rich man.

"I made a plate of yam of yam. 108."

Wang Hao: ...

Excuse me, leave.

The two of them walked to the food street without a word and walked to the door of Fangji Porridge Shop.

This is the first time Jiang Feng has seen Fangji Congee Shop after the relocation. If it is not a change of signboard, there will be two more cauldrons at the door. Jiang Feng will think this is a healthy cooking restaurant before. The decoration has not changed at all, the tables and chairs inside have not changed, and the hanging orchids on the window sill have not changed. Even the wooden menus on the wall are the same as before, but only the dishes on the menu are given. Changed.

The only good thing is that Fang Ji Congee's big and second masters taste good. The signboard did not follow Jiang Jiankang's previous big red signboard, but replaced it with a log color wooden signboard, which looks antique, adding a bit of connotation to the porridge shop.

"If you go to pack porridge, I'll order beef noodles ~ ~ I'll see you later." Jiang Feng said and went to the store.

The air-conditioning in the store was very open, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but snored when she opened the door. Master Huang is sitting on the left and squinting at the TV show. The sound of the TV show is so loud that Jiang Feng can clearly hear a middle-aged man shouting vigorously: "Comrades rush!"

Master Huang likes to watch the drama of the Anti-Japanese War.

Seeing a guest coming, Master Huang quickly paused and got up. When he saw Jiang Feng, he was very surprised and said, "Xiao Feng is back! How about your store moving to Peiping for business?"

"Very good, almost the same as when I was here." Jiang Feng said with a smile, casually looking for a table and sitting down, "Master Huang, a large bowl of beef noodles, slightly spicy with green onions."

"Yo, Xiao Feng is eating spicy food right now. Yes, beef noodles must be spicy to be delicious!" Master Huang went to give Jiang Feng ramen.

Jiang Feng looked at Master Huang's movements and suddenly reacted. Master Huang's method of making beef noodles was not ramen, but noodles.

It was just that Jiang Feng did not understand noodles, and thought that as long as they were repeatedly folded in half, they were all ramen. At a glance, Master Huang's technique is obviously a more difficult test of basic noodles. It's no wonder that he always felt that Master Huang's noodles were better than other noodle restaurants.

"Master Huang, your noodle skill is good!" Jiang Feng praised.

Listening to Jiang Feng ’s words, Master Huang is even happier: "Xiao Feng, do you know noodles? The noodles made from ravioli are delicious and glutinous. With the beef soup that I boiled all night, I can find them all around A There is no better noodle restaurant than my beef noodles. "

Jiang Feng looked at Master Huang's more familiar masking technique than Jiang Jianguo, and suddenly felt that he could not wait to go back to Jiang Jianguo to ask how to do it.

Isn't there a ready-made and better Master here?