Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 386: Accuse

Ji Xue cried for a while, but refused to say anything. Wu Minqi and Jiang Feng stood helplessly, with the embarrassment of the only child, who did not understand the only child, looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

While consoling Ji Xue and patting her shoulder, Ji Yue turned her head to make Jiang Jing and Wu Minqi desperately make eyes, but the two only looked at the embarrassment and did not notice the rich expression on Ji Yue's face.

Seeing that the two did not respond, Ji Yue could only pull out the mobile phone from his pants pocket in an extremely distorted posture, and took out the skills he used to play mobile phones in class in high school. His face did not move, his eyes moved, and he unlocked the screen , Click on WeChat to type quickly with one hand to send a message.

Ji Meiji: @ 江枫 @ 吴敏琪 Go inside and see if Ji Xia is in the toilet.

Ji Meili: Nothing so long.

Ji Meili: Don't run away through the window.

Because of Ji Qiran's previous lesson, Ji Yue always felt that his brothers and sisters were a kind of creatures who could easily escape through the window.

Jiang Feng & Wu Minqi :! !! !!

The two woke up like dreams and finally found what they could do and ran inside. The type and layout of the house where Ji Yue lives is exactly the same as the house where Jiang Feng lives, even the decoration style is very similar. The toilet is a sliding door. The sink is connected to the living room without a door. However, due to the problem of the layout, the toilet is completely invisible on the sofa. Sliding door is a kind of material that can vaguely see if there is a shadow in it, and if Ji Xia can see it in the bathroom at a glance.

Jiang Feng walked to the door of the restroom, reached out half of his body, and glanced inside. There was no figure. Ji Xia was not here.

Wu Minqi quietly extended her finger to the half-covered door, and there was movement inside.

Although Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi often come to Jiyue's home, the scope of activities is generally limited to the living room and kitchen. They never enter the room, so they do not know which room is Jiyue's, which room is Ji Xue's, and the door of the room is partially covered. Yes, as long as you want to see what the people inside are doing.

Jiang Feng approached quietly, leaning out his head, and wanted to see if Ji Xia was going to turn the window by the window.

Then I saw Ji Xia packing up.

Packing your luggage is much more serious than going down the stairs through a window. The latter is just sneaking away. The former is blatantly leaving.

Jiang Feng was so excited that he didn't check for a moment and hit the door, which opened completely.

Ji Xia looked up and looked at Jiang Feng, still no expression, Jiang Feng looked at Ji Xia, only showing an awkward smile.

"Well ... pack up your luggage?" Jiang Feng said awkwardly.

"Um." Ji Xia nodded and kept packing.

Jiang Feng felt that he had to say something, otherwise, after a few minutes, Ji Xia had packed her things, and she went out with her suitcase and saw her like this. Based on her current state of mind, the two sisters must be noisy. Maybe they can fight even if they are noisy. By then, will the three of them persuade or pull the rack, will they help Ji Xue fight with Ji Xia, or will they help Ji Xia fight with Ji Xue, or will they just do nothing next? Until it's time to win?

Jiang Feng thinks the best way is to kill this impending war in the cradle.

"That ... I ... I'm Jiang Feng, I met this afternoon." Jiang Feng took the lead in introducing himself.

Ji Xia looked up at Jiang Feng again, a little surprised, wondering why he suddenly said this. She is a person who is not good at communicating with others. Since Ji Xia found that with her face that looks very indifferent and even fierce to her peers, as long as he doesn't make any expressions, he keeps quiet. Naturally, no one would take the initiative to talk to her.

"Um." Ji Xia nodded.

"I listened to Qiqi, my girlfriend. I heard her say that you seem to like drinking my eight-treasure porridge this evening." Jiang Feng only felt the sudden increase in pressure. When Wu Minqi saw Jiang Feng suddenly cue to herself, she walked from behind naturally. Come out and wait for Jiang Feng to continue talking.

"So ... so ... so I just want to come over and ask if you really think that Babao porridge is delicious today?" Jiang Feng wanted to dig a pit and bury himself as soon as he finished speaking.

What did he just say!

Ji Xia & Wu Minqi :? ? ?

Two people looked at Jiang Feng with the same question face, but for a moment did not know how to answer.

Ji Xia opened her mouth and froze in place, completely unaware of what she should say.

"Yes, I just want to ask, what do you think of the porridge I made?" Jiang Feng gritted his teeth and went all the way to black.

Ji Xia: ...

"It's delicious." Ji Xiadao said, "It's delicious."

"It's delicious." Jiang Fengsong breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he could start asking the next question, "What do you do with your luggage so late?"

Ji Xia was silent.

She knew she was leaving, and she should have left. Just now, she said all the words hidden in her heart for so many years. She felt that she had no face and no confidence. Then she went straight to Ji Xue, and lived with Ji Xue and ate and drank to support her.

In fact, Ji Xia knew very well that those words in her heart, whether they were true feelings or uttered in a moment of anger, really should not be the subject of Ji Xue, but her parents.

In a family that is almost distorted, the most paid and the most sacrificed is always Ji Xue. Ji Xia can blame many people who complain, father, mother, fate, life and even herself, but she ca n’t blame it alone. Ji Xue.

But she can only blame Ji Xue.

If she said to her mother at home just now, all she could get was more intense complaints, accusations, crying, crying, and her mother would cry to everyone who could tell how sensible her little daughter was, no Forgiving, not understanding, and wayward, his mother only dared to cry to others and blame her little daughter.

When Ji Xia was in elementary school, there was one thing she never understood. Why her mother can tolerate grandma's irrationality, tricky, accusation and even abusive, never dare to say behind the grandmother is not, in front of grandma and even auntie and little grandma who do not see each other so weak and weak. Only in front of her, her mother can vent her negative emotions recklessly. She can rightfully instruct her to do all kinds of things and pick out her mistakes and problems. When necessary, let herself be her trash can and wish to tell. If you do n’t need it, you can ignore her at will, ignore her, ignore her, and let her live on.

Later Xia Xia learned that people are bullying.

Maybe her mother wasn't like this. Maybe his mother was really the bright, brave, daring, smart and beautiful girl in his father's mouth, but life has already turned her mother into a distorted person.

Her mother dare not rebel against anyone stronger than her, dare not rebel against her grandmother, dare not rebel against life, and reluctant to rebel against herself, she can only add her misfortune and suffering to her weaker daughter than .

She is the same, she knows that those words are useless no matter who she speaks to ~ ~ because they don't care about her, the only one who cares about her in this home is Ji Xue and grandma. She was reluctant to make her grandmother sad, so she had to vent her negative emotions on the same innocent Ji Xue just like her mother.

Ji Xia felt that sometimes he was really ugly and made people bore.

She didn't know where she should go.

She only knew she had no face to face Ji Xue again.

She had money, and she ran away from home for more than two months, earning a few thousand dollars. She had hidden all of them and sewed them in the trousers. After she was found and brought home, no one asked or asked where the money she earned was working. Maybe they didn't realize that Xia was able to live independently to make money to support herself, or that Xia really made money.

In everyone's mind, even in Ji Xue's subconscious, the pillar of Ji Xue's family has always been Ji Xue, and it has never been only Ji Xue.

When Ji Xia packed her luggage, she even felt that the situation was quite good now.

She broke her sister's heart, and she would not care about her if she was disappointed in her.

"Go." Ji Xiadao.

"Where are you going to be so late?" Jiang Feng asked.

"do not know."

Wu Minqi walked from behind to Ji Xia, squatted down, stared at her with her eyes, and smiled, "Xia Xia, can I call you like this? We won't bother about the things between you and your sister, but it's really late now Now, as a girl alone, you don't know where to go, it's really dangerous to drag your suitcase on the road. "

"As for me, I'm just an adult, and I'm about the same age as you. Can you tell me what you want to do in the future?" Wu Minqi asked.

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