Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 393: Life 1 dish (3)


I find that when I feel faint, I think more.

As if the door to the new world was opened.


Mr. Jiang Chengde and Mr. Lu counted the furniture in the morning in Taifeng Building, as large as tables, chairs, benches, Bogu racks, and as small as tea cups and jugs. Mr. Lu wished to pack them all to Peiping. It seemed as though leaving anything casually was enough to make him distressed.

"This set of cups needs to be taken. I remember this cup 20 years ago. It's an old thing. It needs to be taken away."

"You need to bring this bottle."

"This jar ..."

"This Bogu rack ..."

"Yes, the cellar, the contents of the cellar have not been counted!"

Mr. Lu led Jiang Chengde from the lobby to the back kitchen, and then ran to the cellar to count the things in the Taifeng Building. Jiang Feng also saw that Mr. Lu and Jiang Chengde had a very good relationship, unlike the boss and the employees, not even the debtor and the debtor, but like many years old friends.

Although Mr. Lu is old enough to be Jiang Chengde's father, Mr. Lu has a lot of smiles on his face. Jiang Chengde is serious and always feels cold. The two stood together, giving Jiang Chengde a more reliable look.

It's noon to finish counting things. Mr. Lu holds a thick list of items in his hand, and discusses with Jiang Chengde what the first batch will be sent away and what the second batch will be.

"I have already done a good job over Peiping. The first batch of goods that were transported in the past are all expensive items. They will be shipped with the caravan's goods tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. These things will have tonight ..." Mr. Lu said Then I remembered that I had missed one of the most important things. "This plaque must be dismantled and sent over. Uncle and you see if this plaque will be demolished tonight or tomorrow morning?"

"Remove tonight, I will go to the hospital this afternoon to pick up my father." Jiang Chengde said.

Mr. Lu nodded: "If the situation is good, take it out and stay in the hospital. It's unlucky to stay in the hospital. I have another hospital in the west of the city. If you take out your father, let him live there. Qin Wan will soon It's not easy to take care of people when I'm born. I sent two grandmother-in-laws over to take your father to Peiping next month. "

Mentioning the future arrangement of his dad, Jiang Chengde was silent, and he made a pity to Mr. Lu, saying, "Mr. Lu is interested, Bohe can't bear it."

Mr. Lu patted Jiang Chengde's shoulder with enthusiasm: "What's wrong with this, the two of us were originally friends, and you also grew up watching me. I bought Taifeng House and your old house. I told you at the time that I was just looking at these things for you temporarily, and there was nothing we could not stand. "

"If you have any financial difficulties, you can always talk to me. Although the business has not been very prosperous recently, I still have some money on hand. You don't need to worry about the hospital. The Morphine is all shipped from London. It ’s the same kind of smoking cessation medicine as Modu. The pure medicine is also very effective. When I go to Peiping, I will help you to contact the hospital in Peiping to guarantee you the best medicine. ”Mr. Lu smiled. Tao, coupled with his natural smile and what he just said, is the kindest and most righteous person in the world.

Jiang Chengde, no matter how serious he was, was just a young man in his 20s or so. He was impressed by Mr. Lu and owed him a lot of affection, and his heart was full of emotion.

"Thank you Mr. Lu, I have troubled you for many things in the past few years, and I dare not bother you any more. Your great gratitude, Bo He will surely repay you."

"What is Bo and you saying? It ’s not good for us to tell you whether to report or not. My father and I are friends now, and now he has become like this. You are my junior, It should be more taking care of you, you ... "Mr. Lu wanted to say something more, and his buddy ran into the shop to call him.

"Treasurer Lu, boss Huang of the caravan is here, and I want to discuss the shipment with you." When the man saw Jiang Chengde, he stood at the door and said loudly that he didn't come in.

"I still have something over there, Bo and I will go back first, do I need to dismantle you and take you to the hospital?" Mr. Lu asked.

"No need, I can just walk." Jiang Chengde said.

"Well, I won't give it up. You go to the hospital to take over your father, and we will remove the plaque tonight." Mr. Lu nodded and walked towards the door, Jiang Chengde followed closely behind.

The two separated at the door, one going east and one going west. Jiang Chengde only ate two wotou in the morning, a bowl of gruel, and counted the morning with Mr. Lu. He was already hungry. Coincidentally, there was a small stall selling sesame cakes just ten steps away from Taifeng Building. Jiang Chengde went there to buy two vegetarian biscuits.

Jiang Feng paused at the entrance of Taifeng Building, looked up at the plaque for a while, and was about to lift his feet and walk towards Jiang Cheng. He heard Mr. Lu's man talking to Mr. Lu.

"Treasurer, do we really want to move Taifeng Building to Peiping?" This guy is probably Mr. Lu's close friend, dare to say anything and dare to ask.

Mr. Lu did not have the same smile as Jiang Chengde when he was alone with his buddy. He glanced at the guy lightly. I didn't know whether he thought he was talking too much or what, and his expression looked a little cold.

"if not?"

"Master Jiang's cooking skills are awesome outside our borders ~ ~ Even if it is in Peiping City, there are so many restaurants in Peiping City, you are not afraid that he will be dug out by others?" Naturally, the man is facing Treasurer.

"Dug it?" Mr. Lu looked up at the plaque and smiled, and the smile looked a bit eerie. "Who can this plaque be in my hands?"

Jiang Feng stiffened, turning his head in disbelief, looking at Mr. Lu, still the smiling face, but seeing a different meaning.

"The restaurant in Peiping City earns more than a dozen oceans a day. How can it be compared to such a small place outside the customs. Don't hide in the richness of the sky. I think that their Jiang family has a bad brain."

"If you want me to say so, Master Jiang and his dad are really a prodigal. We smoke a lot of cigarettes outside the house to ruin the family's property. It's the first time that a family like him has lost everything in just a few years. That is to say, you have kindly bought the house and field of the restaurant at the market price, and also gave them the living room. Otherwise, Master Jiang and his family have been out on the streets for a long time. "Buddy echoed.

"Bo He's such a good craft, it is a pity to sleep on the street. Don't say something that shouldn't be said. Bo He has never been in the words of unexpected people, but it doesn't mean that other people don't care, especially Master Chen. Why don't you make a gap when you just said that. "

Jiang Feng also wanted to hear what Mr. Lu said. Jiang Chengde had already bought the pancakes and moved forward. The air wall hit Jiang Feng again. Even if Jiang Feng reluctantly had to follow Jiang Chengde, he could not help but turn back while walking forward.

Mr. Lu's expression was always faint, smiling and smiling. He opened his mouth and whispered something, and Jiang Feng looked cold.

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