Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 394: Life 1 dish (4)

Jiang Chengde knew nothing about what had just happened. He grabbed two sesame seeds while walking and eating them. The dried sesame seeds were swallowed like that and there was no water. Jiang Feng felt like he was choking after eating.

Wearing a long gown in summer, although the noon sun was not particularly spicy, Jiang Chengde was sweating as he walked along the road.

Compared with the bustling Peiping, there are indeed many depressions outside the customs. There are no pedestrians on the road, and there is no business on the street. There are even many shops that have not even opened the door. The hawkers along the road are hiding in the shade in the shade. , Not even the interest in chatting.

In such a big environment, Jiang Chengde, dressed in a long gown, was very weird.

Jiang Feng has been following Jiang Chengde in this way for a long time. It is so inconvenient to measure the world with his feet. The short journey is very distant. When Jiang Chengde's shadow was stretched a little, he walked to the hospital door.

The entrance of the hospital should be the most lively place Jiang Feng has seen since he came here, women in cheongsam, men in long gowns, and rickshaw drivers in short shirts pulling carts. Western-style architecture, high-arched doors, Jiang Feng even saw an ambulance—a car that was painted white with a red cross on the body.

This is not the first time Jiang Chengde has come to the hospital. He walked through the crowd and went straight to the ward. Some doctors and nurses even knew him and nodded each other when they met.

In front of the ward, Jiang Feng saw Jiang Chengde's father's name, Jiang Hengzhong.

Jiang Hengzhong's attending physician is a foreigner. He stopped Jiang Chengde out of the ward and told him that he was undergoing treatment in a mixed Chinese and English language. It is not convenient for him to enter now. He wanted to go in to visit or take him out of the hospital for several hours.

Jiang Chengde's English is not good either. A few words intermittently, and a few words bounced out. It was difficult to communicate with the attending physician. The attending physician can only talk to him in a Chinese and English gesture, as to whether the other person can understand You can only understand how much you can rely on luck.

Jiang Feng heard them for a long time, but he understood their conversation. The attending physician wanted to tell Jiang Chengde that Jiang Hengzhong's smoking cessation effect was not ideal, and they could only increase the dose continuously. The price of Morphine Powder has been rising. The original money paid by Jiang Chengde was not enough, but Mr. Lu sent another medical bill some time ago, so don't worry about the previous problems. However, Jiang Hengzhong cannot be discharged in the current state. If he only picks up for a few hours, there is no problem.

The Chinese doctor's Chinese is as lame as Jiang Chengde's English. Only the four words, Mo Fang San and Qian, are pronounced in a standard way, causing Jiang Cheng De to be completely wrong.

Jiang Chengde thinks that the attending physician is reminding him that it is time to pay, and has been explaining to the attending physician that he is now in a difficult financial situation and may not be able to get that much money for a while. Who means.

Talking, the nurse came with the medicine.

"Doctor, I brought Morphine," said the nurse.

The attending doctor nodded, motioned her to go in, and spoke 4 Chinese words with the following meanings: "Left arm, injection."

The nurse nodded to understand, and walked into the ward carrying the medicine.

The nurse happened to be walking from Jiang Feng's side, and Jiang Feng casually glanced at her, and saw the label on Morphine stunned.



More toxic and more addictive than opium.

It is actually a smoking cessation drug.

Jiang Feng wanted to walk into the ward, but could not bear to walk into the ward.

Now he knows why Jiang Hengzhong died in his forties. At first, the opium was consumed and the family property was ruined. Later, when quitting smoking, he used morphine to quit, and attacked the poison with poison, which was equivalent to death.

After a while, the nurse came out of the ward and told Jiang Chengde that the patient needs to rest now that Morphine has been injected, and asked him to wait outside for an hour or two before entering.

The attending physician also found it difficult to communicate with Jiang Chengde. He asked the nurse to change to a Chinese-speaking doctor to talk to Jiang Chengde, and he left first.

Before long, the nurse brought a young doctor to talk to Jiang Chengde about Jiang Hengzhong's smoking cessation.

The young doctor first explained with Jiang Chengde that Jiang Hengzhong could not understand the current progress of smoking cessation, and told Jiang Chengde that Jiang Hengzhong's smoking cessation progress was very unsatisfactory, and asked him if he would like to adopt a more expensive but more effective Good new medicine.

"New medicine?" Jiang Chengde hesitated a bit. "Is Morphine already a good medicine?"

"Morphine does work very well, but it still varies from person to person. Now a new medicine with better curative effect has been developed abroad. The price is a lot more expensive than that of Morphine. Modu and Peiping The side has been used first, and the effect is very good. "The young doctor explained," It is very difficult for our hospital to get into this new medicine. When Mr. Lu came to pay the fee some time ago, he said that you would move to Peking. Go, if it's a hospital in Peiping, you can give your father a try on this new medicine. "

"What's the name of this medicine?"


Jiang Feng: ...

He knew how Jiang Hengzhong died.

When he participated in the anti-drug knowledge competition that year, he also answered a lot of questions. The most impressive question was that **** was first introduced into the country in the form of a smoking cessation drug, but I did not expect that this case actually happened to his ancestors.

It will be difficult for Jiang Hengzhong to die in this situation.

Just thinking about this, he actually felt that Jiang Hengzhong was a bit unlucky, and it was his own problem to contract the opium addiction and lose his family property, but the follow-up morphine and even **** and the last life was a bit of a mess.

The young doctor left after chatting with Jiang Chengde. Jiang Chengde stood quietly at the door and waited for several hours, until the nurse went in to check that there was no problem to help Jiang Hengzhong change his clothes and took him out.

"It's best to return it at night." The nurse did not forget to tell Jiang Chengde.

"OK." Jiang Chengde responded.

Jiang Hengzhong is very thin.

It is not ordinary thinness, nor is it because of hunger or malnutrition ~ ~ He is a kind of morbid, even some terrible thin.

The hands that came out of his sleeves were as thin as a hemp rod, skinny, and Jiang Feng could peep out the denseness of his arms from a small section of his exposed wrist, which showed that he now has multiple pinholes in his morphine addiction.

Jiang Hengzhong followed Jiang Chengde out of the hospital, and people looked very shy.

"Where are we going?" Jiang Hengzhong asked. When he was obsessed with opiate before, he was already very stubborn, and even more stubborn after quitting smoking. Sometimes he couldn't even distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Jiang Chengde looked at Jiang Hengzhong, and there was not even any fluctuation in his heart.

Jiang Hengzhong was not his father long ago.

From the time he was infected with opium paste, lingering in the tobacco hall, lying on the couch and swallowing the clouds all day long, ruining his family property, indirectly killing his mother, and infuriating his grandfather, Jiang Hengzhong was not the one who taught him cooking and helped him dress. Father.

"Mr. Lu is going to move his business to Peiping. Taifeng Building will take off the plaque tonight." Jiang Chengde said.

"Mr. Lu?" Jiang Hengzhong was a little dazed.

Jiang Chengde sneered: "Have you forgotten? A year ago, didn't you just sell Taifeng House to Mr. Lu? Didn't you even bring the Jiang family's house and house to Mr. Lu to pay the debt together?"

"Repayment of debt ..." Jiang Hengzhong narrowed his eyes.

In the past few years, he has been intertwined with reality and illusory. People have always been nagging. Occasionally when they are awake, they are either in the smoking hall or in the hospital. The whole person is crazy.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Chengde seemed to see the grandfather on the sickbed and the mother who lost his breath after giving birth, clenched his fists and tried to control himself not to throw a punch, and he ignored him and went straight.

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