Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 405: Sweet sound

When Jiang Feng ran home with a sprint speed of 100 meters, Wu Minqi and Ji Xiazheng looked at the crabs quietly for years.

At this moment, Jiang Feng remembered a poem:

This is the same root, so it is too urgent.

"Feng Feng, you are back!" Wu Minqi saw Jiang Feng with a quick look and panting, and put down the crab removal tool in his hand, and poured him a glass of water. "

"If you don't run, I suddenly remembered that my grandma should sleep before 11 o'clock, and I must send my grandma's share before 11 o'clock." Jiang Feng explained, "Otherwise, I might have been in my whole life. No more meat dumplings, maltose, nougat and chives pancakes. "

Wu Minqi :? ? ?

Season summer :! !! !!

"Master, is the fresh meat dumplings covered by grandma delicious? Which one is better than today's fresh meat mooncakes?" Asked Carnivorous animal Jixia.

From the perspective of a chef, Jiang Feng certainly thinks that the fresh meat moon cakes are delicious. The fresh meat dumplings made by Grandma Jiang and the fresh meat moon cakes of Babaozhai are just one underground and one sky. There is no advantage other than large meat pieces.

However, as Feng's filial grandson, Jiang Feng, of course, had to support her grandma.

"The dumplings are delicious. The meat of the dumplings is growing fast. My grandmother's dumplings topped half of the fresh meat moon cake." Jiang Feng said, thinking about it and adding, "And the dumplings are cooked with broth."

"My grandma usually stuffs two pieces of meat in."

Grandma Jiang's image in Ji Xia's mind suddenly became bright.

Jiang Feng glanced at the table and looked at it again.

Enough crabs and enough oranges.

You can steam the two crab stuffed oranges for the grandfather and grandma, and now it's 10:39, you must race against time.

Jiang Feng is already familiar with the various steps of making crab stuffed orange. This dish is also the most suitable for the production of fluidized food. The processing of oranges and crab meat can be distributed to different people at the same time. Once the two big heads are completed, the remaining steps are relatively fast.

Jiang Feng even feels that only the processed crab meat and oranges are enough, and the number of pots and stoves is sufficient. He may be able to make hundreds of crab stuffed oranges in one hour.

If a crab stuffed orange is sold for 108 yuan, then a 100 crab stuffed orange is 10,800 yuan. When you make it, put less crab meat and more orange meat. One crab is more than three or four crab stuffed oranges. This rough calculation, if I only sell crab stuffed oranges in Taifeng Tower a day, the turnover will be ...

The logical ghost Jiang Feng was blinded by money.

Of course, if he did, he would be interrupted by angry Wang Xiulian, a business talent.

Since accepting Ji Xia as an apprentice, Jiang Feng's small vault has shrunk dramatically.

At 10:51, two special crab-stewed oranges come out of the pan.

[Crab Stuffed Orange B]

Through detailed identification, Jiang Feng can see that because the crab meat has been peeled for a long time, it is slightly cold when it is filled into the orange, and the fishy taste is relatively heavy. Although these two crab-stuffed oranges are also Grade B, they are not as good as before For Wang Xiulian and Jiang Jiankang.

Jiang Feng felt that with such a limited schedule, he might be scolded by his father.

But compared to fresh meat dumplings, maltose, nougat, and chives pancakes that my grandma might not have eaten in my life, it seems nothing to be scolded by an old man.

After all, this time I wo n’t be scolded by the old man, and next time I will be scolded by the old man. There are more opportunities to be scolded, not this time.

Jiang Feng put two crab stuffed oranges in a bowl and went downstairs again.

At the same time, Grandma Jiang sat serious on the sofa in the living room, staring at a dozen pounds of nougat on the coffee table.

The old man slowly shook the tea from the room to the living room and poured tea. Seeing that the mouth of the nougat bag on the coffee table was not sealed, he opened it with a grin, and reminded Grandma Jiang.

"Wife, you have so much nougat outside and it's so hot right now. You're not afraid to break it. Put it in the refrigerator." Jiang Wei State Road.

"I make nougat, where I like to put it, drink your tea, don't talk too much." Grandma Jiang glared at Jiang Weiguo, exasperated with him, and then continued to stare at the nougat in front of her sulking.

Jiang Weiguo shook his head helplessly. This old woman is really older and more childish. Xiao Feng is more sensible than her.

"Don't sleep so late?" Jiang Weiguo asked.

"What is it to sleep? Isn't it 11 o'clock? I just want to see if anyone remembers this old lady." Grandma Jiang glanced at her mobile phone, and the oversized font of the elderly machine told her that it was Beiping time. 10:52.

There are still 8 minutes. If Xiaofeng ’s little bunny doesn't come again, she will send all 13 pounds of nougat to the uncle tomorrow.

My uncle's child is filial. When she used to deliver sugar today, she also cared about whether she had dinner. She ordered her a takeaway of braised pork for her to return after eating at the hospital.

Not to mention that the little girl who gave the takeaway looked pretty, it was a blessing at first glance.

Jiang Weiguo doesn't know what happened this afternoon, but he and Granny Jiang have been husband and wife for so many years, knowing that she is so unusually doing so much nougat in one go today. With her, I was unhappy to show the world in this way.

Jiang Weiguo shook his head helplessly. Really, what is the nougat? I don't know if he is old and the tooth is not delicious.

The pancakes are so good. Although my wife's cooking skills are not good, the pancakes are really fragrant.

Scallion pancakes, sprinkle with sesame seeds when it comes out of the pan.

That smell, alas.


Jiang Feng stood at the door of the father's house.

Take a deep breath, adjust your heartbeat, and repeat your thoughts in your heart when you ran down.

Very good, perfect, his future meat dumplings, maltose, nougat and chives pancakes are stable!

Jiang Feng raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The old man heard that someone was about to knock on the door and was about to go to the door to open the door, but was stopped by Grandma Jiang.

"Don't stand still, I'll open the door." Grandma Jiang stood up and glanced at the nougat on the table.

The door opened.

"Grandma!" Jiang Feng, a grandma, shouted with enthusiasm, tears, and hissing exhausted.

"Great, I knew you didn't sleep. I specially made crab stuffed orange for you. Come and taste it, it's still warm!" Jiang Feng held the bowl filled with crab stuffed orange to Grandma Jiang. "This afternoon When I made it, it was a bit out of place and the taste was not good enough, so I did n’t send it to you to try it. This one I made is good tonight. I have carefully selected crabs and oranges. , See if you like it, if you like me, I will send it to you every night in the future! "

Grandma Jiang looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng immediately understood.

"Are you still playing mahjong in the old place tomorrow? I will definitely do it tomorrow afternoon. Is it a bit monotonous to eat this alone, would you like to drink something? Tell me in advance, I will do it for you tomorrow Send it over! "Jiang Feng is the most filial filial grandson of the Jiang family.

Jiang Weiguo: ...

Why didn't he see that Xiaofeng was actually such a person.

It caused Xilai to be so exaggerated, and even his father's 1/10 acting skills were not inherited to ~ ~ but Grandma Jiang was such an exaggerated acting, she retired seriously and fell in love with her eyes, and even looked at Jiang Feng softly A lot.

At this moment, Jiang Feng successfully defeated Jiang Shouzhen and regained his position of being the first filial piety in Grandma Jiang's heart.

"Come in." Grandma Jiang turned to the side and let Jiang Feng go in. "Your child doesn't rest well at night, and you are here to stir up some dishes here without giving a word. If your grandma and grandma we What should I do if I go to bed?

Jiang Weiguo: ...

"The rest of you and your grandfather must be the first priority. You can run it for nothing." Jiang Feng put the crab stuffed orange on the table.

Grandma Jiang walked to the coffee table, picked up a large bag of nougat and walked towards Jiang Feng, and placed the nougat on the dining table.

13 pounds of nougat, at the moment of contact with the dining table, made a heavy and sweet sound.

"I made nothing of nougat this afternoon and gave it around. I forgot to give it to you. I wanted to explain it to you. Since Xiaofeng came here tonight, then you will be with me tonight. Take it home. This bag of nougat is made with peanuts and sesame. Grandma knows that you like to eat nougat with sesame. "Grandma Jiang said.

Jiang Feng stared at the nougat on the table, her eyes straight.

He used his experience of eating nougat for many years of Chinese New Year, and his mouth was stuck and he couldn't talk. The bag of nougat was 10 kilos less!

10 pounds!

He can stay silent for two days!

"Grandma, I'll get a spoon for you in the kitchen. You can taste it while it's hot. Crab dishes won't taste good anymore." Jiang Feng diligently got a spoon for Grandma Jiang.



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