Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 411: Betrayal revolution

When Jiang Weiming returned to Taifeng Building with a big bag of hairy crabs, the staff at the kitchen were basically there.

Everyone saw Jiang Feng as if he was doing scientific research. One person stared at three steamers with corn, corn, and sweet potatoes. Jiang Feng sometimes opened the fire and turned off the fire, and sometimes opened the lid and sometimes the lid, and every time you opened the lid, you should use a chopstick to poke the surface of sweet potatoes and corn to judge their fire. There is also a small notebook and a pen on the side of the stove. Every time Jiang Feng pokes corn or sweet potatoes, he will write down some mysterious numbers on the notebook.

Jiang Jiankang and Sang Ming both stood next to Jiang Feng and stared at him with curiosity on their faces. Even Zhang Weiyu, who cut vegetables at the sticky plate, stopped things from time to time and stretched his neck to look at Jiang Feng. Everyone looked like he was afraid to ask.

The main reason is that Jiang Feng's expression is too serious, unprecedented seriousness, like a scientist in a TV series who engages in scientific research.

Everyone wants to know what Jiang Feng is doing, and they are afraid that they will disturb Jiang Feng ’s sacred experiment and become a sinner on his way of exploration, so they can only look around and hope to see some famous places.

Jiang Weiming put hairy crabs on the ground and joined the ranks of watching Jiang Feng.

By the time Jiang Feng reacted, he had become the focus of the whole kitchen.

Jiang Feng: ...

Sang Ming always likes to watch the liveliness. It's not surprising that the third grandfather is a big family who eats melon as soon as he comes back, but dad and lao zhang, what is going on with you?

Especially you Zhang Guanghang, don't think you stand far away, I can't find out that you are actually watching the fun with Sang Ming, your height of 1.92 meters and the mixed face of Chinese and French can't hide!

"Dad, just ask whatever you want." Jiang Fengmu said, expressionless.

Jiang Jiankang was immediately excited and seemed to be eager to try. Sang Ming, who watched the whole time with him, was a bit lost. He felt that it was more obvious that he had performed himself. Why didn't Jiang Feng ask him?

Zhang Guanghang, who had been pretending to be looking for a plate on a cabinet in the distance, took the plate and walked two steps silently.

"Shit, what do you do when you poke sweet potatoes and corn? Are you still taking notes?" Jiang Jiankang asked curiously. "Are you doing experiments? I heard that you all have to do experiments in your graduation thesis. You go to Will the name of our Taifeng Tower be written on the graduation thesis? "

Comrade Jiang Jiankang, see me as your dear. I still remember how you would write your graduation thesis after graduation this year.

Jiang Feng admired Comrade Jiang Jiankang's wonderful imagination and meticulous logical reasoning and judgment from the heart. Unfortunately, Comrade Jiang Jiankang's reasoning was wrong from the beginning. Anyway, 焖 is not a unique skill, Jiang Feng does not need to hide 掖 and hide it from telling everyone, he will study how to lie in Taifeng Building in the morning and in the afternoon. I repeat what I said to Wu Minqi and my father this morning.

After listening to Jiang Feng's words, Sang Ming was bewildered. After all, he was just a chef who could n’t even touch a knife. Zhang Weiyu was so tasteless that he had no interest. After all, he was just a pier head chef who could n’t even touch a pot.

Jiang Jiankang didn't react very much. He eats more rice with Grandma Jiang than crabs with Jiang Feng. He is no stranger to this cooking method. So Jiang Feng said that he wasn't too shocked-he didn't just know how the crab stuffed orange was made, he even ate only one bite.

There were three people who responded relatively strongly. The first person was Jiang Weiming, who was very relieved and even glad. Jiang Feng's eyes were so soft that he seemed to be able to overflow with laughter. Jiang Feng nodded frequently when he said it, apparently agreeing with him very much.

Zhang Guanghang wasn't interested in crab stuffed orange, but he was very interested in the cooking method of ravioli. He didn't even care about the plate in his hand and found a place to put it and walked towards Jiang Feng. Zhang Guanghang poked at the sweet potatoes that had just come out of the pot, his mouth like a machine gun asking a series of questions.

"How long have you used this sweet potato before and after it was cooked?"

"How long did it take between the first and the second fire?"

"Do you wait for the water to boil every time you fire or do you feel it?"

"Actually, I think if you keep it at a low temperature for a long time ..."

Zhang Guanghang asked Jiang Feng all this time.

This is also the first time the big girl got into the car head and used the gas stove to hold things for the first time.

When he was young, Jiang Feng didn't let Jiang Feng touch the pan. Jiang Feng wanted to touch the pan and felt that Grandma Jiang was fun to eat rice. He often soft-grinded and asked him to stay in the kitchen to watch the rice in the pan and experience the feeling of touching the pan. Once Grandma Jiang was annoyed by Jiang Feng, she really let him stay in the kitchen to watch the rice in the pot. Jiang Feng felt that since she had touched the pot, she had touched it completely, so she added wood to the stove.

The consequences can be imagined, that pot rice paste is very thorough.

The pot-filled rice became Jiang Feng's supper on the day. Jiang Feng now remembers that grandma Jiang said in anger at the time: "It is time to teach this little bunny a little lesson. If you do n’t have enough, add two. root!"

Yes, Grandma Jiang's heartache is not rice, but her firewood.

Jiang Feng's divine effort, Zhang Guanghang has already asked the question.

Zhang Guanghang looked at Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng felt that he was a scum in disguise Xueba. He did not dare to look into Zhang Guanghang's eyes, looked away, and pretended to twist his neck and tilt his head.

As soon as he turned his head, Jiang Feng noticed that the time of the week in the corner was wrong.

Zhou Shi is a cook with a very low sense of presence. As the top cook in the food chain of Taifeng Lou's back kitchen, Zhou Shi's presence is not as good as Sangming's chef.

Coupled with the frequent diss during the week, the guest's evaluation of him has not been very high. Although there are no bad reviews, it is basically difficult to get good reviews. Taifeng Building has been open for more than two months. The stove chefs of the entire back-cooker only reduced the price of the weekly dishes and never rose.

In addition, Zhou Shi is not very talkative, and he is not very gregarious on weekdays. Everyone often ignores him.

Standing on the edge of the shelf during the week.

That shelf is in the corner, which is very inconspicuous. Usually, there are some ingredients that can be stored for a long time but not used up, such as sweet potatoes and the like. With the presence of Zhou Shi and the position of the shelf, 9.9 of the 10 people in the Taifeng Building where he went will ignore him.

Zhou Shi usually stood there without any problems, but standing there today, Jiang Feng felt that he was very wrong.

The shelf was empty, maybe the two old masters emptied all the ingredients above yesterday. When Jiang Feng went to find the sweet potatoes, he didn't find it there. He touched all the shelves in the kitchen and even went to the warehouse Only touched two sweet potatoes.

Good-looking, standing on an empty shelf during the week pretending to look for something, is it touching the fish?

The person who touched the fish Jiang Feng said that if you want to touch the fish, you should not touch the fish near that shelf. That shelf is not a dead end. The other shelf near the freezer is a dead end.

Seeing Jiang Feng looking at herself, she was a little nervous during the week, and this tension fell into Jiang Feng's eyes, which naturally turned into a guilty conscience.

Looking at Jiang Feng during the week, he took a few steps ahead and asked loudly: "That ... little boss, the temperature of the crab stuffed orange should be difficult to control, right?"

Jiang Feng was stunned, but Zhou Shi had started to discuss the issue with his serious children.

"So I'm still trying to figure it out, but I think this method is feasible. Well, I always have to try out the dishes, and don't try to know how to know." Jiang Feng said vaguely.

"Are you interested in crab stuffed orange?" Jiang Feng asked.

"A little." Zhou Shi smiled a bit embarrassed, "I heard you were talking about this dish yesterday, because I haven't heard it, so I was curious to check the Internet and found that it was a dish that was lost after the Tao was restored. I've always been interested in this kind of dish. "

It was an explanation for Jiang Feng.

"Try it if you are interested," Jiang Feng said.

But he still feels that the week is not normal. He doesn't remember that he discussed with Qi Qi about crab stuffed orange in the kitchen yesterday. He usually stays on the road and talks slowly. Talk to Kiki slowly when returning home.

Even if you say it, you may accidentally say it, why do you remember it so clearly during the week?

Also deliberately went back to check.

Unless he has a crush on Kiki.

Or crush yourself.

Or he has ghosts.

Jiang Feng used his years of watching idol dramas and playing werewolf killings to infer that the truth might be the third.

In the early years when Jiang Feng was still young, he often watched idol dramas on TV with Comrade Wang Xiulian at home at that time. At that time, idol dramas were not like current idol dramas. They were purely in love. At that time, idol dramas were often mixed with love Some commercial warfare, ethics, morals, battles, house fights, betrayal, etc. are a series of unspeakable elements, and may even be 404 elements.

For example, if the sky is affectionate.

At this moment, Jiang Feng felt that the script in his hand had become a commercial war script.

He knows that this day will come sooner or later, after all, he is the boss behind Taifeng House, and occasionally takes a business war script against his boss's identity.

In order to verify his guess, Jiang Feng chose to urinate.

Came to the familiar men's toilet on the second floor, Jiang Feng silently opened the employee management system.

Because he does not manage employees at all on weekdays, plus Taifeng Building generally only has staff changes in the lobby, Jiang Feng usually does not open this interface very much.

He remembered that Zhou's loyalty always seemed to be in his early 50s and less than 60. Although it was not high or even failed, it was not low. After all, everyone is just a normal dirty money trading relationship that does not participate in any personal feelings. You give money to me, and it is not an important role during the week. You don't need such high loyalty.

And the attributes of the week are actually pretty good. The knives are all advanced, the seasoning is even master, but the mind is not very good at work, and no one knows what he thinks every day, so he has been performing poorly and cooking From time to time, small mistakes are made.

Jiang Feng scrolled through the list for a while before reaching weekdays.

Name: Zhou Shi

Age: 29

Position: Stove (Chef)

Loyalty: 19

Skills: Knife (Advanced), Fire (Advanced) Seasoning (Master)

Employee rating: B

It really has a problem!

At this time, Jiang Feng even wanted to make a case and praised loudly that she was indeed an excellent behind-the-scenes boss.

Even employee rebellion can be found immediately.


But why did Zhou Shi's good times betray him?

Isn't it good to maintain the original dirty and pure money transaction?

Jiang Feng is lost in thought ~ ~ He thinks one person has serious suspicion.

Ling Guangzhao.

Anyway, whoever rebelled, it was right to throw the pot to Ling Guangzhao.

The goods were exhausted, and even the boss of the other side was dug up. When Ling Guangzhao's mind was about to dig up the week, it was not impossible for him to stage a spy in Taifeng Building. Although now the entire Peiping catering circle and even the staff of Taifeng Building feel that the old man is the real boss of Taifeng Building, this does not prevent Jiang Feng diss Ling Guangzhao.

When you dig, you dig, you can't even do it with perseverance. There is no news after that, and it is not sincere.

It must be him!