Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 451: honey

Ji Xue is processing the casserole that she newly brought back. This casserole is obviously some years old. Not only does it look a bit old on the outside, but the color on the inside has completely changed. Obviously it has been used often, just like those purple pots that have been used for many years.

Ji Xue is processing a small piece of honey. This honey, Taifeng House, has a lot of it, because it is needed when making tiled flower chicken.

There is a thick layer of honey on the outer layer of the tiled flower chicken, which is much thicker than the average dish brushed with honey. This is because when making the tiled flower chicken, you not only need to brush a layer of ordinary liquid honey on the outside, but also rub the piece of honey into small pieces and stick it on top.

The lumpy honey will melt when heated, and because it melts slowly, it will slowly adhere to the surface of the chicken. Two different types of honey are combined to form a thick layer of honey. The outer layer of the tiled chicken is firmly locked. This method can only be figured out by Mr. Tan Weizhou.

The tiled-and-carved chicken has higher requirements for honey. The two types of honey that Taifeng House now uses are determined by Ji Xue after repeated experiments.

But now Ji Xue didn't handle the chicken, she didn't even take out the chicken, and there was only an empty casserole in front of her.

"What are you doing with honey now? You haven't started to handle chicken yet. Your hands are dirty and inconvenient. Would you like me to help you get the chickens?" Jiang Feng asked. "When will your friend come over? I'm afraid The waiter may not be at work and asked Xia Xia to pick him up at the door. "

"She ... she should be here soon. She just went to the hotel to drop off her luggage and handle something, maybe twenty or thirty minutes." Ji Xue was a little uncertain, and her movements didn't stop.

"That way, I asked Xia Xia to pick her up at the door after 20 minutes." Jiang Feng nodded, ready to go back and teach Ji Xia to make fried sauce, "Just teach Xia Xia to make fried noodles, and let Xia Xia do it for her A bowl, and show your sister the skills of your sister. "

"Huh." Ji Xue nodded with a smile, holding the lid of the casserole with his left hand to keep it stable, and wiped the freshly processed block of honey slightly closer to the edge of the lid.

Jiang Feng :! !! !!

What does Ji Xue put honey on the lid of the casserole?

Do they have honey on the lid of the casserole of the tiled flower-carved chicken?

Jiang Feng seriously recalled the video teaching he had watched. He didn't have any impression, but he probably did. The casserole used by Tan Weizhou is an old casserole that has been used for many years. The inner layer has been dipped in a deep color, even the lid is the same as the casserole now.

If you just wiped a little honey on the lid, Jiang Feng may not really notice it.

Is it possible that Ji Xue saw this for the first time?

What kind of eyes is this? In order to see such a humble thing on the lid at a glance.

Jiang Feng felt as if he had grasped the essence of the tile-carved chicken, just staring at the inside of the lid for a few more glances when going back to the video teaching to see the mystery.

Jiang Feng looked back at Ji Xue again, she didn't seem to be very satisfied with the honey she had just wiped, and wiped it off and started processing honey again.

Jiang Feng returned to his cooking table, and Ji Xia had a good taste of the yellow and sweet noodle sauce according to his instructions, and apparently preferred the sweet noodle sauce.

Jiang Feng had to use his eyes to see that the two bowls had less sauce in the front.

"Xia Xia, you really have to eat less. It's okay to eat more food. It's better not to eat snacks." Jiang Feng said graciously, he was really worried that Xia Xia would develop towards his two cousins.

Nothing else, Jiang Feng does not discriminate against fat people, he is a stranger in the Jiang family.

The main reason is that Xia Xia could have been a bad girl. If she really grew up to the tonnage of Jiang Yanlian and Jiang Yanqing, Jiang Feng was a little worried that if there were differences in teaching in the future, she might not beat her.

Ji Xia looked at Jiang Feng with some confusion, and looked at the sweet noodle sauce in front of her.


It turns out that Peiping Guan is called snacks.

Jiang Feng returned to the right path and continued to complete his unfinished teaching tasks. He took some sweet noodle sauce into a bowl, mixed the previously processed ingredients with the sauce, and fried it in a pan.

Frying sauce is actually a very troublesome thing. Although it is a small bowl of dry frying, the time it takes is not too small because it can only be fried with a small fire. It also requires people to watch from side to side at all times, and it really has a lot of tests on the patience and attention of the chef.

Jiang Feng pays attention to the time while frying the sauce. He feels that there is nothing to teach Ji Xia when the sauce is fried. When it comes to the pan, he can only operate it by himself, practice it, and feel it. Summarize experience in failure, but some people may also have a genius success, there is no chance to fail, let alone summarize the experience of failure.

Because there is nothing to explain, the process of frying sauce becomes more boring. Ji Xia didn't have to eat or listen, he could only stare at the ketchup in the pot and watch him dry out a little. He didn't dare to disturb Jiang Feng for fear of affecting his ketchup, and he felt like he was back in school.

Jiang Feng looked at the time and said to Ji Xia as soon as 20 minutes came, "Your sister's friend should be coming soon. Xia Xia, you can pick up someone at the door. This sauce will be fried for a while, and you will come back when you receive it. Maybe you can still Catch up with the sauce and let you see how far you can fry it. "

"Good master!" Ji Xia was like a student who had finished a 45-minute math class and ran out of the kitchen happily.

Jiang Feng continued to guard this pot of fried soy sauce, he can understand the feeling of Ji Xia, and he also felt that it was more interesting to go outside to pick up people than watching this sauce of soy sauce.

At least people can stand at the door and you can see the road outside. The car on the road moves more than the fried sauce in the pot.

The first time he fry, he didn't add much, and almost died in front of the pot.

Jixia's pick-up was more than 20 minutes. Jiang Feng felt that the sauce in the pot was almost ready, and the deep-fried was going to be dry, and she didn't see her return.

Jiang Feng was regretful. Xia Xia couldn't see the fried sauce wrong this time and missed a chance. Next time, he had to follow him to complete the whole process, staring at the fried sauce in the pot with nothing and watching it fry to the proper temperature to get another time. Seeing the opportunity of fried sauce out of the pot, Ji Xia returned.

"Master, I sent the person to my seat." Ji Xia was still holding a piece in his hand when he returned.

"What's in your hand?" Jiang Feng asked.

Ji Xia stretched out her hand and held a piece of Dove chocolate in her hand.

"The older sister gave me just now." Ji Xiadao.

Jiang Feng smiled and asked Ji Xia to keep the chocolate far away. The temperature was too close to the pot and the chocolate sauce turned into a chocolate sauce.

After tens of seconds, Jiang Feng felt that the time was up, then turned off the heat and stirred the fried sauce in the pot.

"Did you smell it? Probably the scent is ready to come out of the pan. Fried sauce is useless to look at, and you still have to smell it. When you can't see it with your naked eyes, you can smell something with your nose." Jiang Feng said.

Ji Xia took a closer look and felt that the fried noodles must be delicious, after all, the fried sauce was so fragrant.

Ji Xue has begun to make tiled chickens. Jiang Feng estimates that it will take some time for Ji Xue to be out of the pot, so Ji Xia is not making noodles now.

Jiang Feng walked towards Ji Xue.

"Ji Xue, the menu is not yet open, and your friend can't order food. Should I make her a few dishes and let her taste our signature dishes at Taifeng Building?" Jiang Feng shamelessly put a gold on her face It's as if he made Taifenglou's signature dishes.

"She doesn't need to be so troublesome, she is alone. In fact, I will make her a tiled chicken with flower pot, and then Xia Xia will make her a small bowl of fried noodles. It may not be enough." Ji Xuewan refused. .

Jiang Feng also felt reasonable when she listened: "Well like this ~ ~ I will make her a crab stuffed orange. After you finish cooking, go out and eat with her. This is your friend who left her on the table. How bad people eat. It happens that I make three crab-stir-fried oranges at a time, two of you and one for Xia Xia. This is a seasonal dish. After this period of time, it will be gone. Your friend is here in Thailand. Fenglou had to let her taste some special dishes, but you ca n’t be the first chef in our shop to fall into fame. ”

"Thank you." Ji Xue thanked him.

Jiang Feng returned to the culinary table again and said to Ji Xia: "Xia Xia, please help me pick three oranges and teach you to make crabs again."

"Master, aren't we going to make fried noodles now?" Ji Xia asked.

"Jijang noodles is not urgent, first make crab stuffed orange, and then make jjjang noodles." Jiang Feng said.

"Oh." Ji Xia obediently picked oranges, but couldn't help whispering in her heart.

Master is all right, but this idea has become too fast. It was said to be the same in the previous second, and changed in the second.

Master is really a fickle man.