Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 474: chat

In addition to 37 letters, Professor Li also handed Jiang Feng several papers and periodicals for him to take home, and take a good look at the New Year.

In the words of Professor Li, although Jiang Feng will definitely not take the academic path in the future, but now that he is still a student who wants to write a graduation thesis, the thesis and periodical should be read. Professor Li hopes that even if Jiang Feng is fooled, he will foolish an excellent graduation thesis and put a perfect end to his college career.

With these dissertations and periodicals, Professor Li and Jiang Feng sat in a chair and talked about the general direction of his thesis. Professor Li hopes that Jiang Feng will be able to write when he celebrates the New Year, so that if Jiang Feng is too annoying and busy with business and does not have time to take care of his graduation thesis, Professor Li can also help him fill in and modify.

After talking about the topic, I naturally talked to the senior who had just visited Professor Li.

"Grandpa, is that senior student a native of Peiping just now? It's almost the New Year and there is still time to see you." Jiang Feng asked.

"He is from Chang'an. He teaches in Peiping. He will return to his hometown to celebrate the Chinese New Year tomorrow, so I just took the time to see me today." Professor Li said, suddenly remembered something, "Yes, Xiaofeng, Taifeng Lou ’s Lantern Festival resumed Is it open? "

Jiang Feng shook his head: "It should be closed. My grandma means that it will open after the Lantern Festival, so it is best to return to Peiping on the Lantern Festival. It is estimated that business is impossible."

"By the way, Grandpa, it would be better for the two of us to have a table for a reunion dinner on the Lantern Festival." Jiang Feng suggested.

Professor Li laughed out: "That's good, you Chen Bo ... Granny Chen has been complaining to me over the years, saying that I haven't made any friends and that my family is very deserted every New Year's Day. This year's Lantern Festival It would be nice if we could live together. "

As he was talking, Professor Li's words suddenly paused, and hesitated a bit: "It's just that you thanked Xue Xue this year, the one who came to see me just now. He has a project on hand, so he has to rush back in the sixth day. He's a big one. Staying in Peiping is also deserted. I just told him to let him bring his students to come with me during the Lantern Festival. That ’s why I wanted to ask you if the Taifeng Building will be opened during the Lantern Festival. If it is open, I will lead them Go to Taifeng House for a reunion dinner. "

"That's it." Jiang Feng's face was embarrassed. If the Lantern Festival was only spent with Professor Li's family, it would be a happy reunion dinner. If you add the students of Professor Li and Professor Li's students, it will become an awkward dinner for both parties.

"Okay, Xiaofeng, I've taken your mind, and we didn't happen to be together for the Lantern Festival next year." Professor Li laughed.

"Okay, Grandpa, we will have the Lantern Festival together next year." Jiang Feng nodded. "Tomorrow the store will open on the last day and the annual meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. My mother and they said that the annual meeting would be simple, everyone gathered to eat and smoke Award, if you and Grandma Chen are free, you can come after 4 pm. "

"Okay, your grandmother Chen likes to be lively. We will definitely go by then." Professor Li is sending Jiang Feng out.

Chen Suhua and Jiang Feng were sitting on the sofa watching TV the same way, but Dahua changed her position and ran to the little sun. Maybe she wanted to experience the feeling of roasting a whole pig.

Seeing Jiang Feng coming out, Chen Suhua quickly got up: "Xiao Feng is out, sit here and chat with your aunt."

"Grandma Chen, it's time for business hours. I have to go first. I'll come and chat with you next time." Jiang Feng laughed with a book and a letter, and his feet were greasy.

Chen Suhua stayed in place and turned to look at Professor Li: "Lao Li, why don't Xiaofeng call my aunt and call my grandma?"

Professor Li grinned: "What's the reason, you are his grandma's, so is it better to call grandma more than auntie?"

Chen Suhua touched her face, apparently very unaccustomed: "Being close is close, that is, Xiao Feng always calls me an aunt, and your students will always only call me a master. Suddenly when someone called me, my grandma always felt like myself. The child is a lot older. "

When Chen Suhua was called grandma by others, her life was very limited.

Professor Li smiled and didn't speak.

Jiang Feng naturally couldn't return to Taifeng Building with so many books and letters. He first took a taxi home and packed 37 letters in thick kraft paper bags. Then he packed the kraft paper bags and papers into a suitcase that his dad would help him bring back to city A. In a short time, he could not go back to city A. So he had two suitcases. One was for Jiang Jiankang to bring it back for him, and the other was to take it around and run around.

After packing, Jiang Feng walked slowly to Taifeng Building. When he arrived, it was just the business hour. As soon as Jiang Feng entered, he saw Wang Hao, who was playing with a cell phone in the corner.

The familiar figure, with a sneaky expression, was looking for happiness in tension and excitement, like almost every student playing mobile phone in class.

Jiang Feng approached Wang Hao quietly, put his right hand on his shoulder, and lowered his voice: "What about mobile phone?"

Wang Hao was so scared that he threw the phone out, and when he turned around to see that it was Jiang Feng, he was relieved: "Brother Feng, you scared me to death."

"I just told you what scared you. It was your guilty conscience that you played with your cell phone and you played with it so secretly." Jiang Feng said.

"Isn't this the sequel to playing with a mobile phone in high school? Now I'm lying in bed at home and playing with a mobile phone. As long as my dad pushes the door in, my first reaction is to hide the mobile phone." Wang Hao said that he was inferior in high school It seemed very frank when I went.

"Then you secretly played with your mobile phone when you worked at an advertising company?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"How can I have time to play mobile phones in the company? I am so busy that I have to wait 48 hours a day ~ ~ A few thousand words copywriting is harder to write than an 800-word composition in high school." Wang Hao said, " The booking time for my box guest is 6pm, and there is still more than half an hour. I will go up for another 20 minutes. "

Jiang Feng had no objection to Wang Hao's blatant touch of fish, and he did not take money anyway.

"By Haozi, there will be a lottery the day after tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Drawing cash?" Wang Hao's round face was filled with the word lack of money.


"How much?"

Jiang Feng thought about it: "Not much."

"That's it. If I only get a special prize and send me a box of papers, it won't be enough to pay for my vacation leave. See when I can get off work the day after tomorrow. If I get off work early, I will give you to Brother Feng. Send WeChat, if the annual meeting is not over, I will come. "Wang Hao said.

"Okay." Jiang Feng nodded and changed into the locker room, leaving Wang Hao to stay in the corner secretly playing with his mobile phone.