Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 495: Deep talk

After dinner, Wu Hanxue and Father Wu stayed at the Wu Family Restaurant to continue working. Mother Wu drove Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi back.

Although Ms. Wu's attitude towards Jiang Feng has always been gentle and kind, when she looks at Jiang Feng, she always smiles like a spring breeze, not a mother but a mother, but Jiang Feng is still very restrained when she sits in the back seat.

Jiang Feng's mother, Comrade Wang Xiulian, generally does not give Jiang Feng a smile like a spring breeze. She only occasionally gives him a slap like a spring breeze.

"Xiaojiang, did Qiqi take you to the panda base this afternoon?" Mother Wu looked at the front and asked with a smile, "Is it fun?"

"Fun, especially interesting." Jiang Feng said.

"That's good, in fact, there are many scenic spots around us, but unfortunately you stayed for a short time, otherwise I let Kiki take you all to stroll around." Mother Wu said, "I heard Kiki said that what you ordered is The ticket returned in the morning the next day is a ticket or a moving ticket? It should take a long time to move. "

"Moving tickets, 10 am the day after tomorrow. It's not too long, it will be 10 hours, and it will arrive at 8 pm." Jiang Feng said.

"It's been enough for ten hours. It's really hard for Xiaojiang. It's almost New Year's Day and I've traveled all the way to Kiki to join her cousin's engagement banquet. Originally, my father and I didn't mean You deliberately ran this trip, but the engagement banquet wasn't just married. It was because Qiqi had the best relationship with her cousin, so I wanted you to join in and see her face in advance. "

"Where are you? Uncle Wu and you can rest assured that letting Qiqi come to work at Taifeng House is the greatest trust in me. Because of the long distance, I haven't made a special trip to visit you in the past six months. Asking a good book is the way to go. Even if cousin Qiqi is not engaged this year, I should come and say hello to your second elder at this time. "Jiang Feng's face was sincere, even if Mother Wu could not see his expression at all.

"It's such a good boy." Mother Wu smiled and closed her mouth.

After returning to Wu Minqi's house, Ms. Wu cut two plates of fruit for Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi, washed two cherries, and sent them to Wu Minqi's room. She said that she knew that the young people could not let them go in front of the elders, so she would not disturb them Already.

After sending the fruits, Ms. Wu returned to the room to watch TV, giving the young people enough space and freedom.

The decoration of Wu Minqi's room is very simple. There are no desks, bookcases, wardrobes and beds. There are no too many decorations. There are only a few dolls on the bookcase that are cheap at first glance. Bed linen.

"Feng Feng, sit down." Wu Minqi returned to the room seemed relaxed and sat on the bed casually, while Jiang Feng sat face to face with her in a chair at the desk.

Jiang Feng glanced at the book on the desk, not the magazine he imagined, but the "five-year college entrance examination three-year simulation", "experimental class" and "golden examination paper". At a glance, he could think of his tutoring years book.

"Qiqi, why haven't you thrown out the high school's tutoring book?" Jiang Feng asked curiously. His three-year tutoring book was sold to the downstairs and collected by Comrade Wang Xiulian after he determined that he didn't need to repeat the test. of.

The selling price of Jiang Feng still remembers that at 89.6 yuan, Comrade Wang Xiulian ran into his pocket and did not give Jiang Feng.

"Others were thrown away, but my mother said that I do n’t think I would use the desk very much in the future. The desk is empty and not good enough, so I basically put it on the table for decoration." Wu Minqi explained, "When I applied for A big at first, My dad isn't happy yet. He wants me to make it easier for me to go home to college like this. "

Jiang Feng understood Wu Hanxue's ideas. If it wasn't for a small city in Z City, there would not be a good university. Comrade Jiang Jiankang and Wang Xiulian would probably let him stay in university.

Parents always want their children to be closer to themselves.

After Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi fell in love, they rarely talked about things before going to college. It's not a taboo. It's just that the topics on weekdays can't talk about this. Even if the two of them live together, they spend most of their time on work. They don't even have time to mention it now. How can they spare time to talk about the past?

"Qiki, I've always been curious, why did you go to college?" Jiang Feng asked suddenly, turning the topic into an in-depth interview program.

"Huh?" Wu Minqi didn't respond.

"You and Zhang Guanghang both had the ambition to become an outstanding chef from a young age, and did not rebel midway like Sun Jikai and me. According to common sense, shouldn't you stay in Shu to inherit the family business?" Jiang Feng was curious about this question. For a long time.

"Because my mother wants me to lead a normal life." Wu Minqi looked up slightly. "I haven't loved talking since I was a kid. Except for cooking, my only hobby is playing chess. I don't have any friends, basically I'm with my cousin, my cousin also There are cousins ​​staying together. My mother said that if I do n’t go to college and give up the last reasonable opportunity to communicate with outsiders and make friends, she is afraid that I will become like my dad. ”

"Facts have proven that my ability to make friends is very poor. It is a lot of trouble to fail to make friends in the first time when I have a bad relationship with college and roommates. I wasted a lot when I didn't make a friend in my freshman year. When I was cooking. After I returned home from my freshman summer vacation, I told my mother that I did n’t want to read. It ’s better to waste time studying at the university than go straight to the restaurant like my three cousins. My mother advised me to stick to another semester and participate in more activities. Meet new friends, and then ... "Wu Minqi looked at Jiang Feng and smiled.

"Then I saw the club recruit new on the road. There was a long line in front of the shed of the chess club. I thought that the mung bean cake was an application form that you made and wanted to fill in with your cooking skills. When the results came out, I was worried that you would not Recruit sophomores. "

"Fortunately, Qiqi, you misunderstood, otherwise you would miss an excellent boyfriend like me." Jiang Feng pretended to look scared.

"Well." Wu Minqi didn't hold back, a big smile appeared.

"But it turns out that I'm still not good at making friends." Wu Minqi sighed. "I didn't make a friend in school, but I met a lot of people in the healthy cooking restaurant."

"That's enough." Jiang Feng laughed. "No one has stipulated where to make friends. Your mother just worry that you will become lonely without friends. No matter what the process is, the result is right."

Jiang Feng ended his in-depth interview with warm words and turned the topic to Mr. Wu.

"By the way, Qiqi, are your grandpa and my third grandpa familiar?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Familiar?" Wu Minqi frowned and thought for a while. "It shouldn't be too familiar, but it doesn't seem to be, I can't say it. When you came to Grandpa Jiang last year, I asked Grandpa. Grandpa Jiang didn't come to Shudi Renamed Jiang Yuanchao? My grandfather said at the time that the eight achievements you were looking for were Jiang Yuanchao, but he did n’t know where Grandpa Jiang lived at that time ~ ~ I remember later my grandpa asked me Did you find it, so I think my grandfather and Grandpa Jiang's relationship should have been good. He rarely cares about people. "

"And I think my grandpa also likes you very much." Wu Minqi continued.


"My grandfather is very strict with his family and apprentices, and he basically does not laugh. He is slightly better but rarely smiles to outsiders. Grandpa laughed so many times during dinner tonight. My parents and I were a little scared. Arrived."

Jiang Feng generally understood that Mr. Wu and his personality are very similar to those of Mr. Wu, but the junior Wu family did not learn the skill of blowing rainbow farts like the junior Jiang family.

"Qiqi, believe me, praise your grandpa as much as my grandpa and my brother usually praise my grandfather. Don't be afraid of exaggeration. Exaggeration is better. It doesn't matter if you exaggerate. The most important thing is sincere. Just add the words with emotion and enthusiasm. The grandpas will eat this set! "


Remember Aishang in 1 second: