Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 500: Ok, grandma

It's not the same as Jiang Feng who has not had any other cocktails except Ruiao for the first time in the bar. The lobby has an amazing amount of alcohol. He even drank several glasses of Wu Jialiang's special cocktails in the slow sound of the guitar. .

With more than half of Margaret in the cup in front of Jiang Feng, there are already three cups in the lobby.

During the time they were drinking, the bar successively brought in some guests. Unlike the young people in their early twenties as Jiang Feng imagined, most of these guests were in their thirties or even older. .

There were still only guitarists on the stage, playing one song after another, but the singer was not seen.

"Wu Jialiang, did you open the bar without even the singers?" The lobby lobby was already a little drunk and began to call his name.

"Dear wife, the singer will not be able to come until 9 o'clock," Wu Jialiang laughed.

He seems to be in love with the work of a bartender. He has never been out of the bar. When a customer orders a drink, he mixes it. When he is fine, he wipes the glass. He squeezes the original bartender into nothing and can only go to work. Listening to guitarist playing guitar during touching fish.

I didn't speak in the lobby anymore. I was lying on the bar staring at the wine glass, and my face was full of boredom.

"Qiqi, are you scared to see Jiaxue's engagement today?" Suddenly in the lobby whispered.

Because the voice was too low, Wu Minqi could only hear her head by her side.

"Frightened?" Wu Minqi didn't understand what the fear in the lobby meant at first, and thought for a while before reacting.

The restaurant of the Wu family is not a joint-stock company. It has always been passed down from father to son and son to grandson. It has been passed down for so many generations. Who is the chef and who is the owner of the restaurant? Others can get it after 100 years. Other property but it is absolutely impossible to give finger to the restaurant. If it weren't for Wu Minqi and Jiang Feng's love affair with the possibility of voluntarily giving up the position of head chef, she might be the first female head chef in Wu's restaurant history.

"What about you, sister-in-law? Have you ever regretted marrying my brother? My brother was so unconcerned, now ..." Wu Minqi looked up and glanced at Wu Jialiang, and found that Wu Jialiang was no longer at the bar and went somewhere.

"I can't help it now, right?" The lobby sneered, "Why should I regret it, I grabbed your brother from so many little girls, I'm too late to be happy."

"Me too." Wu Minqi laughed. "Sister-in-law, you don't have to think much. Grandpa told us when we started to learn to cook. Learning to cook is a difficult and long process. Some people stop at talent, some people. Stop at laziness. There is only one chef's position, and if you want, you have to fight for it. "

"Shudi is good, but it is a bit worse than Peiping. Peiping City has gathered so many excellent chefs. I chose a wider and more challenging place. Why should I regret it? No pity, I should be happy. Yes. I studied the Wu family's craftsmanship, wherever they are.

"That's great," murmured the lobby. "If only I were half as good as you, I wouldn't be so upset ..."

The words in the lobby suddenly stopped after the violin sounded.

I do n’t know when the stage has been replaced. The original guitarist disappeared and replaced by Wu Jialiang who was standing in the center of the stage and playing the violin.

The melodious and low violin sounds surround every corner of the bar.

Wu Jialiang is still the previous slightly punk dress, wearing Matt's hairstyle, squinting, and playing the violin very intently.

Extraordinarily dazzling.

Unconsciously, he turned around and leaned against the bar to stare at the stage. Wu Jialiang was all in his eyes, and there seemed to be stars shining.

"Kiki, do you remember how I met your brother?" Suddenly asked in the lobby.

"I remember Jialiang said it was because of a lawsuit."

"At that time, I just turned from an assistant lawyer, and the first lawsuit I took was your brother. At that time, your brother had no experience as a violin teacher, and the students who participated in the competition did not even pass the preliminary round. The parents of the students asked for a refund Compensation. It's a trivial matter. The two parties settled without even two days of lawsuit. "The lobby hall said, staring intently at Wu Jialiang.

"When coordinating, your brother played a piece of music to prove his level. At that time, I was thinking, why should such a handsome person be a music teacher, it should be an artist who plays the piano every day without eating fireworks on the earth." He proved himself to be a face-control with practical actions.

"Of course, it turns out that cannibal fireworks are still very good, otherwise there are no people cooking at home."

Wu Minqi laughed and said nothing.

The song is over.

There was a slight applause in the bar, and guests beckoned the waiter to ask if Wu Jialiang could pull another song.

Of course it is impossible to pull another song. The resident singer has arrived, and the singer is charged by the hour. Wu Jialiang is very nervous lately, and she wants to save every cent that can be saved.

After stepping down, Wu Jialiang disappeared for a few more minutes. It is estimated that he had set up the violin and appeared in front of Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi a few minutes later.

Jiang Feng came to the bar this evening to experience life completely. He didn't drink a few words and said nothing. Wu Minqi whispered to the lobby lover. He was neither overheard nor disturbed. He sat at the bar and listened to a guitar song and a violin song played by the boss himself.

Despite this, Jiang Feng was very excited, just like he sneaked into the Internet cafe with his desk at high school for an hour and five dollars of temporary Internet surfing. .

Internet access is not the point, the class teacher at the entrance of the Internet cafe will be refreshed from time to time. What is playing is heartbeat, and what is pursuing is stimulation.

"How about Qiqi, are you Jialiang brother I was handsome on the stage just now?" Wu Jialiang stumbled out of nowhere.

"The serenade is pulling well." Wu Minqi strategically avoided Wu Jialiang's question.

"Handsome." The grandma in the lobby gave his face a face. "It's so handsome that you can't turn your eyes away. After you go home at night, you can even clean up the pighouse you arched out on the sofa this afternoon."

Wu Jialiang awkwardly turned into the bar one by one and turned sideways. Seeing Jiang Feng's Margaret remained intact and asked, "Why, it's not appetizing? May I get you another glass?"

Jiang Feng waved his hands again and again: "It's impossible, it's good to drink, but I'm not good enough to drink too much and I'm too drunk to get up tomorrow."

Wu Jialiang had no choice but to see him look like he wanted to make another cup for Jiang Feng.

Wu Minqi listened to their conversation as if they remembered something. He glanced at his mobile phone and immediately got up: "Jia Liang, we have to leave at nine o'clock, and Jiang Feng has to go back by car tomorrow."

After hearing Wu Minqi's comment, Wu Jialiang also stopped: "I will come again next time, do I need to call you a car?"

"No need, I just called." Wu Minqi said.

"Xunzi ~ ~ let's go first." Wu Minqi looked down at the lobby, and after a few words, she lay on the bar again.

"Well." The lobby lifted his head and nodded, grasping Wu Minqi's sleeves. "Qiqi, don't regret it if you choose."

"I know, I won't regret it." Wu Minqi smiled, was about to leave, and turned to ask again, "Yes, sister, what song did my brother play for you for the first time, you haven't said it yet."

"First time, oh, you said coordinating that time," Erquan Yingyue "." The lobby grandma fell down again after speaking, said drunk.

Wu Minqi: ...

In the eyes of the lover, Shi Chengcheng did not bully her.

"Future brother-in-law, I hope that the extra words can be omitted next time I meet, and pay attention to safety on the road." Wu Jialiang determined that his wife was safely drunk at the bar before waving goodbye to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng stunned for a while, adhering to the principle of not giving up, not giving up, and laughing: "Okay, Big Brother."