Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 506: Hero Feast

Grandma Jiang's memory is like water in a sponge, it will disappear when you squeeze it lightly, and it will evaporate naturally if you don't squeeze it.

Jiang Feng and Grandma Jiang walked all the way. Grandma Jiang read it all the way. After Jiang Feng bought the flour, Grandma Jiang still thought of holding her mo what subject was like a mantra, until she stopped at the old-fashioned shop selling brine goose.

"The boss takes a braised goose without chopping.

The owner of the Lu Mei shop selling Lu Goose is quite old. The shop can only pay cash, not mobile phones. Jiang Feng put his things down and started to take cash out of his pockets. He had a lot of down jacket pockets and he didn't have enough money.

Grandma Jiang stared thoughtfully at the goose in the glass window, wondering whether she was in deep contemplation when staring at the goose or just staring at the goose when she was in thought.

"Well, Xiaofeng, I remember." Grandma Jiang patted Jiang Feng with excitement, and nearly patted Jiang Feng on the ground.

Grandma Jiang had developed a good skill when she ate her five big fat sons in the early years. This palm shot is not bad compared to other Jiang family members.

Jiang Feng just stood still, and the expression on his face quickly switched to surprise: "Grandma, you think of it, what's your grandpa's dish?"

"What is it? I remember why your grandfather and Master Huang would have a whole sheep feast that year!" Grandma Jiang entangled with Jiang Feng was not the same thing at all, "how did I forget this? See My memory. It's really too old to remember. Alas, old age is old. "

"Well, Xiaofeng, what do you buy here? If you buy lochi, by the way, I will just buy a loose goose. I almost forgot about it. How can I not sell loose goose for the new year?" Grandma Jiang woke up like a dream. Look.

Jiang Feng: ...

"Grandma, Lu Goose bought it." Jiang Feng said helplessly, the expression on his face quickly became curious again, "Why did Grandpa and Master Huang do a full sheep feast."

"That was a matter of decades ago. At that time, your dad hadn't even given birth. I just conceived your uncle. I forgot exactly why. Anyway, it caused a forest fire. In order to fight the fire, many fire officers and soldiers I was injured, as if I had sacrificed a few. At that time, the radio, newspapers, and the street office were discussing this matter, and it was spreading. At first, many people said that it was deliberately arson, and some people said that it was a spy. It seems like an accident. "Grandma Jiang said.

The boss has packed the goose, and by the way handed the money to Jiang Feng, he heard Grandma Jiang saying something from decades ago and said, "You said the forest fire 50 years ago?"

"50 years? It's been so long?" Grandma Jiang thought about it and found it was true, she couldn't help but said, "It's been so long, it's no wonder I didn't remember it all at once."

"You know what?" Jiang Feng asked.

The owner of the Lumi shop was interested, and put the packed goose on the table, and began to chat with Jiang Feng once: "How can I not know, when I went to elementary school, it was a sensation."

"A sensation?" Jiang Feng was a little confused. "Is that forest fire serious?"

Although the city around Z is mountainous, the trees are not dense. There should be no place in Jiang Feng's memory that can be called a forest.

The owner of the Luwei shop glanced at Jiang Feng and smiled: "You kids are unexpected. Now the living conditions are better and developed. This was not the case for us here."

"At that time, the mountains were connected to the mountains, there were everything in the woods and forests, there were wolves all over the place, and sometimes you could see tigers. People who lived in the mountains lived in the mountains, and they might not be able to make mountains twice a year." Said the shop owner.

"Yes." Grandma Jiang nodded and agreed. "Don't look at the hill in front of your grandfather's village. There aren't many trees at all. The original mountain was full of trees and there were wolves in the forest."

"What happened to the forest fire?" Jiang Feng asked afterwards.

"It seems to be caused by dryness or something. Anyway, it is not artificial, what the newspapers say." Because the owner of the Lumi shop was too uncertain, "I remember that our school teacher also organized us to give fire at that time. Fire officers and soldiers wrote a letter and later hosted a hero feast. I remember the hero feast. The newspaper said that the city had invited two chefs from the state-run hotel to run it, and it used a dozen sheep. At that time, the lamb was very expensive. Ah, not to mention that wool is expensive because of lamb, woolen sweaters can only be seen and cannot be touched in the supply and marketing agency. "

"Hero feast?"

"Yes, the hero's feast. At that time, our Chinese teacher asked us to write a essay on the hero's feast. What did I write? I remember that my composition was well written and was posted on the wall of my house by my mother. What is it written? "The owner of Lumi shop was lost in thought.

Jiang Feng and Grandma Jiang spoke with the shop owner and left.

Jiang Feng did not expect that when he was young, he served as the chef of such an important banquet. The most important thing is that he did not mention this matter. If Jiang Jiankang had this experience, Jiang Feng estimated that he could blow his grandchildren, that is, his own children were born.

"Grandma, why haven't you and Grandpa told us this?" Jiang Feng couldn't help asking on the way home.

Grandma Jiang who only mentioned two bags of vegetables was relaxed and said with a smile: "What can I say about this kind of thing?"

"This is an important banquet. Just 50 years ago, the owner of the lo-mei shop remembered it, and of course it was worth saying." Jiang Feng looked solemnly.

If he can take on such a banquet now, he can't wait for a banner at the entrance of Taifeng Building.

"The important thing is that the person who eats the meal is not the cook who cooks it, what can there be to say." Grandma Jiang disapproved. "If this can be taken out and said repeatedly, your grandpa would not chatter every day Say it. "

Jiang Feng was aggressive.

"At that time, things were not as powerful as you thought. It was very common. At that time, the most powerful chefs in these nearby cities were your grandpa and master Huang. They received leaders, and sometimes they also received foreign guests and cooked food. It ’s all your grandpa and Master Huang. I remember that in the next few cities, we would still come here to borrow someone to cook in the past. ”Grandma Jiang.

"This kind of heterodyne is usually by Master Huang, unless your grandpa is not enough."

"Why?" Jiang Feng was puzzled.

"Although this kind of heterodyne is **** the road, there are additional bonuses. Master Huang's mother is too bad to take imported medicine, and their family's medicine costs are not enough for a month." Then, Grandma Jiang sighed, "These things It sounds amazing, but that's what it is. Your grandfather and Master Huang looked beautiful at the time. In fact, each has its own difficulties, and it is not easy. "

Jiang Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"It's usually the same way of life. There are so many amazing things. These are trivial and trivial things." Grandma Jiang said earnestly, "Don't learn from your dad and uncle. They brag all day long, and even small things can go to heaven. Don't know Who did you learn about this problem, one by one can't wait to blow the sky. "

Jiang Feng glanced silently at Grandma Jiang: ...

"We are all ordinary people. It ’s as if Qiqi ’s shop is opened in Shudi and ours. It ’s also ordinary people. Let ’s just have a good life for ordinary people. You will understand when you get married ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Jiang Feng originally nodded in agreement, nodded and suddenly felt a little wrong.

Ordinary people?

Wu's Restaurant.

Tai Fung House.

Ordinary people?

Grandma Jiang also said long ago: "Actually, it is worth it when you are young and you are old enough to see it. It is not a luxury for ordinary people like us, and the greatest happiness is to be free from illness and disaster. Look at your grandma Chen, weaving sweaters and raising pigs, playing mahjong with me every day, just relax. "

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

Grandma, do you have any misunderstandings about these four words?


Remember Aishang in 1 second: