Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 521: Spring roll

The New Year is going well.

On New Year's Day, no one will pull a face, even if it is unhappy because of some things. In such a happy and peaceful day with laughter and blessings, Jiang's juniors who are the most popular in the village are naturally the most popular.

There is no lunch and dinner. The first day of the new year is where you go to eat. Every family eats in the past.

The melon seeds and shortbread cookies of the village chief's family, which is only inadequate, are too fragrant. Everyone eats the shortcakes and forgets the time, and it's dark when you rub your belly and go home.

If you make glutinous rice dumplings at this time, Grandma Jiang can't drink sugar water before going to bed.

Jiang Feng didn't dare to do this. He drank a bowl of 4 kg of sweet sugar water before going to bed, and then fell asleep in Meimei. In case Grandma Jiang fell in love with this bedtime activity, she drank her body for a while. That Jiang Feng is the sinner of the Jiang family, and will always be nailed to the pillar of the humiliation of the Jiang family.

Jiang Feng euphemistically mentioned to Grandma Jiang that the glutinous rice was postponed. Although Grandma Jiang was a little disappointed, she still understood, and repeatedly urged: "Then Xiaofeng, do it tomorrow, get up early, and you can eat it at noon. Here. Your grandpa will cook the goose for the wok tomorrow.

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

Sticky rice wonton with goose stew?

What's this new look?

Even if he didn't understand, Jiang Feng still agreed on the surface: "Okay, grandma, don't worry, I will get up early tomorrow morning to do it for you!"

Although Jiang Feng loves to sleep, he is also a filial grandson of Grandma Jiang.

Compared to grandma with filial piety, what is lazy sleep?

In addition, if you can get up early, you can eat grandma's pancakes. You can kill two birds with one stone. How can Jiang Feng, as the number one filial piety in the Jiang family, miss this good opportunity for filial piety?

As soon as the alarm sounded on the second day of the second day, Jiang Feng broke away from the quilt one by one with the rabbit stepping on the hawk. The cold winter made him quickly sober, quickly dressed and washed, and rushed into the kitchen.

Grandma Jiang's cake has already been baked. Not only is it done, the old man has already eaten it. Seeing Jiang Feng rushing into the kitchen, the old man continued to eat the cake, pointing to the cleaned goose that was no longer angry on the fingerboard.

"Take care of the geese when you come," the old man said.

Jiang Feng :?

Jiang Feng glanced at the cake in the hand of the grandfather, and the extravagant grandfather ate three pieces in one breath and stacked the three together.

And there are three pancakes sprinkled with black sesame and white sesame. The one with more black sesame is one that Grandma Jiang made for herself.

"Grandpa, what do you eat this morning?" Jiang Feng reminded politely.

The old man was unmoved, and continued to stack the three cakes together to bite. He was not afraid of chewing his teeth, as if to prove that his teeth were good.

"You have spring rolls in your uncle's house. I put it in the kitchen. I think it's a problem. I put it in the living room. I'll put it in your uncle's house if it gets cold. There is noodles in the pot. Go and eat in your uncle's house, "the old man said.

Spring roll! Brine!

Jiang Feng immediately forgot the pancakes, what pancakes, what pancakes with sesame, is the pancake with sesame important to spring rolls?

Father, it is rare to make a spring roll!

"Okay grandpa, I'll go now!" Jiang Feng fished a small bowl of noodles and ran away.

Thanks to him waking up early today, if he slept like usual, don't talk about spring rolls after getting up, spring roll residue can't be eaten.

Sure enough, the grandson of filial piety to his grandmother never had bad luck.

When Jiang Feng ran into Jiang Jianguo's room with a bowl, there were only three people in the room, all wearing cotton pajamas of the same style as the landlord.

Jiang Jianguo, auntie and Jiang Jian.

Most of the others are sleeping.

Auntie was holding the soup pot, and there were half a bowl of hot noodles with soup in it. The noodles were covered with a layer of brine, and the soup became cloudy and thick because of the combination with the brine.

Jiang Feng took a deep breath, and the whole room was filled with the sweet smell of brine and the smell of spring rolls. When I smelled it, I knew it was just the spring rolls that had just been fried.

"Xiao Feng got up very early today, why didn't he sleep much?" Jiang Jianguo was relieved to see Jiang Jianguo. He quietly took out the pot with spring rolls hidden behind him and put it back on the table.

"I woke up and woke up. I didn't expect so good luck to just catch up with my grandfather fried spring rolls." Jiang Feng laughed, sitting next to her aunt and joining them.

"The plan for the day lies in the morning. It is good to get up early. Come, Xiao Feng eat it while it's hot, and the spring rolls must be fresh when they are out of the pot. It won't feel like it's cold." Jiang Jianzhu said enthusiastically.

"Yes, brother 5 is right. The dad's fried spring rolls must be eaten out of the pot." Auntie agreed very much, and in order to prove her approval, stretched chopsticks to clamp a spring roll and stuffed the whole into the mouth. .

"Click, click."

The crisp and clear chewing sound came from Auntie's mouth. As soon as she swallowed the spring roll, Auntie lowered her head and took a big mouthful of noodles. The marinated noodles slipped into the auntie's mouth and saw Jiang Fengren Can't help but take a sip of silence.

Obviously the brine and spring rolls are in front of them, and they still have noodles in their hands, but Jiang Feng feels that the auntie tastes better than others, and the food tastes better if it falls into the auntie mouth.

"Auntie, don't you lose weight?" Jiang Feng didn't hold back.

"New Year's Eve, don't mention this." Auntie held up a pot and took a sip of soup. "You, Xiaofeng, eat while you are hot."

Jiang Feng stretched his chopsticks towards the spring rolls.

Jiang Feng knew from an early age that the spring rolls made by the father were not the same as those made outside.

There is no custom of eating spring rolls in Z city, but if you are willing to walk on the street during the New Year, you will encounter many vendors selling fried spring rolls. These hawkers selling spring rolls are rarely seen on the streets only during the Chinese New Year. They appear for a long time and usually disappear after one week of the Lantern Festival.

The quality of spring rolls sold on the market varies, some are fried just right, and some are fried for too long, which makes them very chewy. There are mainly two kinds of fillings, one is stuffed with cabbage shreds and the other is stuffed with tofu and wild vegetables. Generally speaking, the stuffed cabbage with shreds will be slightly more expensive, and they are sold by the pounds.

The volatility of the spring roll filling made by the father is relatively large, and generally what is done in the kitchen.

The spring rolls are troublesome to make, from the skin to the filling, it must be done by the father and himself, and then they have to guard the gate in person. The spring roll made by the old man only has one line, a small one, and a thin skin. If it is an amaranth filling, it can be clearly seen through the skin after it is removed from the pan.

The Jiang family talked a lot and had a large stomach capacity. It was not enough to let go of the belly to eat spring rolls. Although the grandfather never minded that his children and grandchildren ate too much, if he ate too much, he would be annoying as a chef, so he rarely made spring rolls and could do it once if he hadn't seen it in years.

A small spring roll with chives and shredded pork, even Jiang Feng can pack it in one bite.

I haven't eaten the spring rolls made by my father for several years, Jiang Feng ate four or five before stopping to take a bite of noodles.


The marinade noodles are topped with crispy fragrant chives and shredded spring rolls, and 10 pancakes fried by Grandma Jiang are not changed.

After eating, Jiang Feng discovered that the staffing in the room was incorrect.

Chinese New Year is a fixed time for everyone in the Jiang family. Who would like to get up early in the winter without heating in the south and leave the warm quilt to welcome the morning sun and cold wind?

That is, because of the elder old man and grandma Jiang who are habitually getting up early and their love of health, the aunt who wants to get up early and Jiang Jianguo who has to get up because his wife wants to get up.

So how did Jiang Jianshe get up?

The doors and windows in the room were so tightly closed. Jiang Feng didn't smell a little spring roll just before pushing the door outside. How did Jiang Jianshe appear here, and it appeared earlier than Jiang Feng.

You know, in order to successfully eat the pancakes that just came out of the pot, Jiang Feng specially set an alarm clock at 6:10.

"Uncle Wu, why did you get up so early today?" Jiang Feng, holding the empty bowl, began to put spring rolls in his mouth slowly.

He is almost full, and he is expected to end the fight by eating up to three more spring rolls.

Jiang Jianshe was holding a soup bowl slightly smaller than the aunt's soup bowl, and he was happy: "It is also a coincidence. What I didn't plan to do was just go out to the toilet and go back to sleep. I just saw your uncle holding it. Spring rolls, this is where you come in with your uncle. "

"So, it's better to wake up early than it was a coincidence. If I had just woke up to go to the bathroom at that time, I wouldn't have eaten this spring roll. How rare it is, your grandpa exploded such a big one early in the morning. Pot spring rolls, if I remember correctly, your grandpa hasn't fried spring rolls in years. "Jiang Jianjian sighed.

"The five uncles ..."

Jiang Jianshe waved his hand: "Your five-year-old hasn't been able to sleep well and hasn't been able to sleep so well. How can I bother her? Isn't it just a spring roll, how can sleep be important?"

Jiang Feng: ...

"Wife, do you still eat?" Jiang Jianguo asked.

Auntie shook her head and raised the soup bowl to drink the noodle soup. "Even if you don't lose weight during the Chinese New Year, you should control your diet and not eat more. You should eat less, and don't overeat when you come to the New Year."

Jiang Jianguo pretended not to hear the following sentence ~ ~ turned to Jiang Jianshe and said, "The fifth child still has some spring rolls, or should we divide it, Xiaofeng, do you still eat?"

Jiang Feng picked up the last spring roll: "Don't eat it, uncle, you divide it."

Jiang Jianguo and Jiang Jianyou, one by one, the pot for spring rolls will soon be empty.

Jiang Jianguo, full of food and drink, was satisfied and sighed, "Construction, what day do you say today? Dad got up early in the morning to fry spring rolls. When I saw me in the kitchen, I asked me to bring the spring rolls back to the room to eat. Did not scold me. Dad's attitude towards me was so good that it made me a little uncomfortable. "

Jiang Jiandao said: "Brother, you just like to think blindly. What dad is so good to you, maybe dad is just happy this morning, if I go in, maybe dad will let me carry the spring roll back to the house."

"Also, Dad's temper is getting more and more difficult to figure out recently," Jiang Jianguo echoed. "It's also very good. Some food is fine."


Remember Aishang in 1 second: