Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 526: Loving mother

Jiang Feng was lost in thought while watching this task.

He probably understands the meaning of the mission of the game. Although Zhao Mei was not hungry during this time, she did not eat at meals to avoid stew, and her diet was extremely irregular. As a pregnant woman about to give birth, this was obviously an extremely unhealthy behavior.

Originally, I went back to my mother's family to raise her baby for better production. As a result, I could n’t even guarantee a stable meal after I returned to my family. When the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy retreats and I retreats.

Think a little bit sour.

Just how to accomplish this task?

Tian Lin's craftsman Jiang Feng is clear, and the dishes that touch the meat are either unloaded or heavy, and linger between the dead and the undead. The level of culinary skills only stays in the initial stage of noodle cooking. It is okay to fry simple vegetables, and slightly difficult dishes will not work.

It can be said that it is difficult to teach Tian Lin to cook. Because Tian Lin is not a beginner. Instead, she has been in charge of the Zhao family's kitchen for decades, and she already has her own cooking theory. Even if this theory is wrong, Jiang Feng will not be able to kick her back for a while.

With this worry, Jiang Feng left the toilet and returned to Zhao Mei's room.

Everyone has eaten dumplings. Everyone is holding a bowl with a spoon in their hands. The glutinous dumplings floating in the bowl are very cute.

Among so many people, her husband Zhao Mei ate the happiest. In fact, the hardest thing these days is him. Zhao Mei could avoid meals on the grounds of sleepiness, but he couldn't. Not only can't, but also to face the loving stew made by the mother-in-law with a smile, assist the wife in guerrilla warfare, provide food for the wife, apologize to the wife when an apology is needed, and still apologize to the wife when it is not necessary.

Zhao Mei was full because she ate five buns and two or three dumplings. She dumped the remaining dumplings into her husband's bowl and did not forget to praise Jiang Feng: "Well, my cousin has a good craft."

"Extremely good, absolutely!" Zhao Mei's husband stuttered dumplings.

"Chew more slowly and chew twice more. Dumplings are made from glutinous rice. You can't digest them so quickly when you eat them." Zhao Mei said.

Seeing that everyone was eating dumplings, Zhao Mei supported the edge of the bed with one hand and slowly got under the bed.

Because twins are about to be pregnant, Zhao Mei's belly is terrible, and her rounded face, round neck, round hands and some edema feet are very slender.

Seeing Zhao Mei going out of bed, Zhao Mei's husband quickly helped her put on her coat and followed Zhao Mei.

"There is air-conditioning and warmth in this room. Just stay here. I went out to talk to my grandmother and they just happened to be active." Zhao Mei laughed, holding her stomach out.

Zhao Mei's room is indeed much warmer than the outside. It is not only cold when you go out. There is also the risk that your grandpa will be jammed with a bowl of stew. So everyone is very obedient to stay inside the house and continue to eat dumplings.

"Sister Meimei is so big, isn't she tired of walking like this?" Jiang Yanqing sighed.

"The more you do, the more you have to do," Jiang Shou said. "But I feel that Mei Meimei has changed a lot."

"It's getting milder." Jiang Zaide nodded in agreement.

Jiang Feng was so busy eating dumplings that he had no time to talk about, but nodded one after the other. It was not easy to hear how hard it was for pregnant women.

After Jiang Feng had a bowl of dumplings, she joined the discussion group.

"Brother, sister Mei Mei, isn't it a bit too good for irregular meals?" Jiang Feng asked.

"It's not very good, but if there are only a few days, there should be no problem. I think Sister Meimei looks very rosy and will walk away from time to time. The state is not bad." Jiang Shou said, "Just my grandpa's meat is also stewed. Within a few days, there would be so much pork belly stewed by my aunt. "

Although Jiang Shouxi is reasonable, since the game has released the task, Jiang Feng cannot wait.

He decided to go to the kitchen first to see if there was any room for rescue.

"I'll take a look at the kitchen." Jiang Feng stood up.

As soon as Jiang Feng went out, she heard the voice of Wu Yan and Zhao Mei coming from the living room. When she passed by, she glanced at her. Zhao Mei sitting in the middle of the moon like a moon was the key protection object. A group of elders surrounded her. Grandpa laughed and drank tea on the side, happy.

Jiang Feng hurriedly walked towards the kitchen. Before entering the door, she heard the conversation in the kitchen. Grandma Jiang and Tian Lin were talking.

Zhao's kitchen was small, and he could see the whole picture when he stood at the door. Jiang Feng heard that the two of them were discussing Zhao Mei's problem, so they didn't go in directly, but the cat overheard the door.

Tian Lin was washing vegetables, and Grandma Jiang was helping her choose vegetables.

"Sangu, this is really not my worry, I think my sister must have been bullied at her in-laws." Tian Lin looked worried, "I have always felt that her situation is not right during this time, I always think she has something to do with Hide me. Meimei talked to me from an early age to everything, and told me everything. If you said she was bullied at her in-laws, how could she have something else hidden from me? "

Grandma Jiang casually chooses vegetables and comforts: "The strong daughter-in-law wants me to say that you like to think blindly. Just now I saw Mei Mei's mental state is pretty good. Her husband looks good, a pretty young guy, Mei Mei is in front. He walked behind and took care of him. At first glance, he was very concerned about Meimei. And you didn't tell me that Meimei didn't live with his in-laws. Meimei is a good boy and not a stupid boy, so he won't be bullied. "

"No, it must have been bullied. Sangu, I went to the city to ask the doctor before. The doctor said that the mood of pregnant women fluctuates greatly during pregnancy. It is easy to get **** when encountering a little thing. Meimei was fine before, but Xiaozhu (Husband Zhao Mei) Suddenly, I could n’t eat anymore. It must be that Xiao Zhu came and reminded Mei Mei of something that irritated her. What do you say can stimulate her so much that she ca n’t even eat? ”Said Then, Tian Lin suddenly put down the potato in her hand.

"Isn't it Xiaozhu's family violence?"

"Well, where did you say that? You can also tell this kind of thing, carefully hurting the harmony between Meimei and Xiaozhu. Strong wife, your third aunt, you can't believe it? For so many years, you three When did I see people look bad? There were so many men in the village who hit their wives. What about the men who beat their wives? I ’m not sure about your third aunt. Xiao Zhu is definitely not this kind of person. Meimei didn't think you were thinking about it. "Grandma Jiang looked serious." Don't make such nonsense words in the future. I don't understand how old people are. "

Tian Lin also knew that she had said nothing before: "But San Gu, why did Mei Mei suddenly have trouble eating?"

"I think Meimei's face is very rosy. It doesn't look like she hasn't eaten. Why can't Meimei eat?" Grandma Jiang asked.

"Meimei has been a child since she was young. I don't know how to get sleepy at mealtime. She doesn't want to eat when she eats, so she only wants to drink soup for a lighter meal. Meimei loved stew more As soon as the Chinese New Year, I saw the stewed meat lighted up, and I could eat two large bowls in one breath. I saw that she had a bad appetite, so she got up to stew the meat every day when it didn't light up, and picked up the fatty meat for her. However, Meimei always said that she didn't want to eat without appetite, and wanted to eat sweet. "

Grandma Jiang: ...

There was a brief silence in the kitchen.

"Well, strong daughter-in-law." Grandma Jiang didn't know what to say for a while. "Stewed meat is really a bit too fat. Pregnant women may not be used to it. You will still make less stewed meat for Meimei in the future. Just cook her meatloaf soup in the morning. "

"How can I not get used to it? Didn't I catch the Chinese New Year when I was pregnant with Mei Meimei? Two bowls of stewed meat were eaten every day." Tian Lin couldn't agree.

Grandma Jiang was speechless.

"I was worried when I thought about it. I feel that Meimei has lost a lot of weight in the past two days." Tian Lin looked sad.

"The strong daughter-in-law listened to me and made less stew. Maybe Meimei's appetite would be fine." Grandma Jiang said weakly.

"Actually, aunt San, I still have something to trouble my aunt today." Tian Lin said.

"what's up?"

"Mei Mei didn't have the appetite to say she wanted to eat sweet all day long, but this pregnant woman can't eat too much sweet. If she eats only sweet and no meat, it is not nutritious. The city where I just married Zhuangshi was rebuilt. Ba, you helped Zhuangshi find a bag-carrying job. As a result, Zhuangshi could n’t carry it. I lived in your house during that time, do you remember? ”Tian Lin asked.

"Of course I remember." Grandma Jiang said.

"I remember one time my uncle made a stew. It seemed to be stewed with bamboo shoots. The meat was sweet and delicious. Meimei, wasn't it appetite for sweet? I was thinking sweet stew Meimei Eat, so please ask your uncle if you remember how the stew was made. If you remember, teach me. "Tian Lin said.

Grandma Jiang remembers Tian Lin coming to carry the bag in the city, but she ca n’t remember the bamboo shoot stew. She ate the stew made by the father for decades. It was not enough to leave a memory in his heart, even a sweet stew. also can not.

"Let me ask you, even if Wei Guo doesn't remember, I asked him to teach you something else. Maybe Meimei would like to eat another way." Grandma Jiang began to tell the truth.

"Trouble you."

Jiang Feng was at the door.

He found that in fact he and Zhao Mei had fallen into a misunderstanding ~ ~ Zhao Mei could not eat stew, but did not want to disappoint Tian Lin telling her that the stew was too unpalatable, so he chose to use goodwill Lies deceived Tian Lin.

The deception was due to Zhao Mei's concern for her mother as a daughter and her desire not to let her down.

They only thought about how to deceive Tian Lin, so that she felt that Zhao Mei could not eat instead of eating stew, but they all forgot that Tian Lin would cook stew for Zhao Mei, and it was also because her mother cared about her daughter. Love for daughter. Tian Lin always remembers Zhao Mei's love of stew when she was a child, so she felt that making Zhao Mei stew for the New Year was the biggest concern for Zhao Mei, because stew was the best food she could give to Zhao Mei.

This task is actually very easy to complete, as stated in the task hint, it is better to teach people to fish.

Teach Tian Lin to make really delicious stew, let her pass this care that Zhao Mei can accept to Zhao Mei.

Loving mother.

Jiang Feng walked into the kitchen.