Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 535: Comrade Wang Xiulian's performance time

Jiang Feng is a good drinker.

Pour three cups and fall asleep when you are done, neither running nor barking. Compared to Comrade Jiang Jiankang, who likes to talk about a lot of chicken soup in the spirit when he is drunk, Jiang Feng is a model drunk.

When Jiang Feng woke up, it was already seven o'clock in the new year and it was over ten in the morning.

He slept for more than 20 hours. He had not eaten a bite before the earliest time. After he woke up, the first reaction was faint, and the second reaction was hunger. He felt hungry even without feeling a headache.

Jiang Feng glanced at the clothes on his body, or the one he was wearing before he lost consciousness, a smell of wine, Jiang Feng himself felt drunk.

There was new clothes prepared by Comrade Wang Xiulian at the bedside. Jiang Feng first went to the bathroom to take a hot bath. After changing clothes, he slowly went downstairs and prepared to eat something.

The people downstairs heard Jiang Feng's movements while Jiang Feng was taking a bath, knowing that Jiang Feng was awake, and it was not surprising to see him come down.

"Shit, there are dumplings just wrapped here. Would you like my father to cook some dumplings for you?" Jiang Jiankang asked, holding a dumpling skin.

"Yes, cook more, thank you, Dad." Jiang Feng said weakly.

Yesterday at noon, he took a pre-emptive attitude with an attitude of early death and early birth. Before waiting for the honorable guests to respect him, he began to pay respect to them. Liquor poured into his mouth with a big mouth, and he who did not know thought that Jiang Feng was the reincarnation of Bacchus.

Then Jiang Feng went down smoothly before honoring all the watches.

It was also because of inexperience. Jiang Feng drank too much at one time because he drank fast and violently. This time he was drunker than he was a few times before, so that he seemed to be stunned.

"Xiao Feng, come, make dumplings for a while." Wang Xiulian beckoned Jiang Feng to let him come over.

Jiang Jiankang went to cook Jiang Feng's dumplings, and his seat was naturally vacated. Jiang Feng took the opportunity to sit on the chair before Jiang Jiankang and started making dumplings-the chair was still warm.

Packing a bag, Jiang Feng found that this scene seemed a bit wrong.

How could his mother, Comrade Wang Xiulian, sit with two pro-aunts and two pro-aunts on a dumpling?

This scene was harmonious to him, and they were not only used to making dumplings. Comrade Wang Xiulian was still chatting with Jiang Feng's two uncles.

Jiang Feng looked over at the sofa again, and saw his cousin who could recognize his face but did n’t know his name, was playing with his mobile phone on the sofa, and felt that everything was normal again.

"Sister, I see that your face has lost a lot of weight. It must be too busy to go to Peiping. Is it too thin?" Jiang Feng aunt said with concern.

Jiang Feng looked closely at the round face of Comrade Wang Xiulian's radiant face, and confirmed that Dasao was talking nonsense with her eyes open again.

"Really?" Comrade Wang Xiulian touched her face. "Maybe I'm busy and thin. This Peking is no better than a small place like the city of Z, the capital, the restaurant is so big, you have to manage everything, plus the back kitchen What about Bailai staff? Can you be busy? You have to get up every morning when it's dark, and you can go home until 12 o'clock in the evening. Not to mention that I'm thin and I feel a lot older. "

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

"Xiu Lian, don't make yourself so hard, you're not young, and your body can't stand tossing like this." Grandma Jiang Feng heard a distressed expression.

Wang Xiulian waved her hand, and the dumplings were no longer wrapped. She started bragging on the bench: "Mom, don't work hard, get busy, but someone in the shop always has to do it. You do n’t know the competition in Peiping's catering industry How intense, many restaurants have been open since the end of the Qing Dynasty for more than 100 years. They are old, newly opened, and what foreign restaurants and various cuisines. Our restaurant is newly opened and has no foundation, of course. Be busy. "

"Is that business good?" Aunt asked curiously.

"Of course. Yesterday, didn't I all show you the praises that the guests wrote to Xiaofeng? The praises of more than 20 pages, I just picked up a small piece of it. If the business is not good, there will be so many good reviews. ?"

"Dad, mom, you don't know how lively it is on the day of opening. The reporter just made two tables, and various reports were overwhelming. Besides, if the business is not good, can I be so busy every day? I'm so sad!"

"And the staff of our restaurant are all graduated from prestigious schools, and the management posts in the lobby are all highly educated. The foreman is from Xiaofeng ’s school. His school sister, his family is so beautiful and has a high degree. This kind of person can be a foreman in our shop, isn't it Xiaofeng? "Wang Xiulian looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, painting is very good."

The fine arts department, pigeon dove, once the middle of the road is now rising, addicted to my brother and dating can not extricate themselves, outstanding talent of Taifeng House.

"Before we had a young man named Sun in our store. The family opened a restaurant in Fujian. After that, he went back and inherited his family business. He graduated from a prestigious school. What is it?"

"Wharton," Jiang Feng said.

"That Wharton graduate, a world-class school!"

"Also a foreman?" Grandma Jiang Feng asked.


Grandma Jiang Feng :?

"Xiu Lian, the business is so good in the store, have you made a lot of money this year?" At this time, Jiang Feng's aunt Li Hong could not care about jealousy and asked eagerly.

She had already begun to figure out how much money she should borrow from Wang Xiulian.

Li Hong has been worried about Wang Sulian and Jiang Jiankang for a few years after they turned over the salted fish, and they ignored her. In Li Hong's heart, the couple Wang Xiulian and Jiang Jiankang should thank themselves very much. She felt that if they did not lend money to them to open a shop, they would have a better life afterwards.

Forget about the 50% interest you want when you borrow money and the face after borrowing money.

Although Comrade Wang Sulian was bragging, it did not mean that she did not take her mind when she bragged, and looked at Li Hong with a vigilant look, and her expression immediately turned into a sad face.

"Also make money, our family is almost hanging on the neck by being forced to jump from the building!"

Everyone else :? ? ?

Wang Xiulian's topic became too fast for them to keep up with her.

"What happened to Xiulian? Didn't you just say that the business is good? What happened?" Grandma Jiang Feng was worried.

"Mom, you do n’t know how expensive the house prices and prices are in Peiping. Think about it. Although I have been struggling with Jiankang and a few brothers and sisters of Jiankang these years, I ca n’t get that much. Money bought the restaurant. "

"I borrowed all this money!"

"More than three billion!" Wang Xiulian burst into tears, a look overwhelmed by reality.

Jiang Feng's grandparents and two grandmothers were shocked: "More than three billion ?!"

"Xiu Lian, why do you owe so much money? Who do you owe? You owe the bank or the country?" Grandma Jiang Feng couldn't control the expression on her face.

"A relative of the Jiang family, the elder is actually very good at talking, but now it is very good, but who knows in the future? I owe so much money, I ca n’t sleep because I am worried every night, otherwise I wo n’t Work hard. That's more than three billion, and it won't be paid in a few years. I'm afraid I can't afford the money until I die. "Wang Xiulian looked sad," Mom, don't look at this The restaurant business seems to be booming, but labor costs, utilities, and other miscellaneous costs are less than the net profit. "

Jiang Feng nodded again and again, yeah yeah, that's 10 or 20 million.

"When I returned the money at the end of this year, I did n’t even have the money to buy a pig at home. I could n’t even afford a pig when I returned home. The children in the New Year did not eat a few mouthfuls of pork." Wang Xiulian thought of herself this year I didn't eat two bites of pork for the Chinese New Year, and I felt even more sad. "I sometimes regret the good days, but I have to go to Peiping to open a restaurant."

"But after all, Grandpa Jiang Feng ’s wish in his life, even if I die, I may not know the money. When Jiang Feng gets old, maybe he can pay it back. The restaurant can be passed down as a heirloom In this way, the Jiang family can also pass on something to the younger generations. Although we worked hard a bit, but for the sake of the younger generations, I think this effort and effort are worth it. "

Talking, Comrade Wang Xiulian sighed: "Oh, no way, maybe we are doomed to work, all for children."

Jiang Feng's grandpa and grandma are all tears quietly. Grandma Jiang Feng is holding Wang Xiulian's hand: "Xiu Lian, don't be too hard, your parents will feel bad if you go on like this."

"Yeah ~ ~ sister, you feel so distressed!" Jiang Feng's tears almost came out.

"The second brother is also distressed!" Jiang Feng's tears had already come out.

"I'm not hard. Who's hard? Someone has to work hard. Grandfather Xiaofeng said that only Xiaofeng among the juniors in the Jiang family learned cooking, and this restaurant must be given to him in the future. Feng's hard work is also worth it. If I work harder for two years, he can work harder for two years. "

Talking, Wang Xiulian wiped the tears that didn't exist in the corner of her eyes with her hand, and got up: "Stop it, what are you doing about these bad things in New Year's Eve? I'll see how healthy dumplings cook."

Wang Xiulian turned around and put away her expression, she couldn't perform anymore.

Comrade Wang Xiulian's acting skills have not been cultivated to the point of crying and crying.

Jiang Feng who finished the whole show: ...

It is indeed my mother!

Wonderful book house