Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 552: Xu Zhenxiang

For ordinary people, working days are painful, especially after the holidays.

Have a great meal with family and friends. After dinner, maybe I will go shopping and watch movies. I ’m still at home and play two games with my netizens. I ’m happy and happy throughout the festival, even It also takes longer to sleep than usual.

This happy holiday, even if it is not on holiday, will set off the painful working day after the holiday.

But Han Guishan is different.

He has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

In order to welcome this day, he planned his work early and told his assistant to move everything after 4 pm to another time. There is no important thing to do not disturb him.

还 He also repeatedly reminded Wang Jing not to go to the beauty salon today, and Han Youxin should not go out of school early in the classroom after school.

All of this preparation was due to the reopening of Taifeng Building.

He has waited for this day for too long. For more than ten days, he almost forgot about Jiang Weiguo's oil explosion and brittleness, Wu Minqi's Mapo Tofu, Jiang Feng's wire drawing yam, Zhang Guanghang's lamb chop. What kind of taste did Jiang Weiming's dishes and the dishes of other chefs he didn't remember the name.

I did n’t even eat pickled dumplings for a few days.

贵 Han Guishan is a frequent visitor to Taifeng House. He usually eats Taifeng House as a cafeteria. The waiters who greet him at the door all know him and can accurately call his name.

贵 Han Guishan was sitting in the office and felt that the documents on the table were a little unsightly, so he simply put down the work at hand and started studying what to eat tonight.

Basil yam and pickled dumplings must be eaten. He took Han Youxin to accompany Wang Jing back to Shudi during the Chinese New Year. It didn't look spicy in recent times, but he missed Zhang Guanghang's creamy soup. Han Guishan listed in his heart a few dishes that must be eaten tonight, and added a few dishes that can be eaten, and found that there were too many dishes, and their family of three couldn't finish it.

Han Guishan thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and called Xu Cheng.

Xu Xucheng is at home at this time studying the list of judges of this year's famous chef.

Unlike Han Guishan, who struggles and loses hair at the desk every day, Xu Cheng usually does not work. When he needs to work, he can do pigeons anyway. Anyway, he is the boss. If he wants the employees under the pigeons, there is nothing he can do. He has more than one son. He is not like Han Guishan, who has a son in his 50s. He only went to elementary school. His laborious work was thrown to his sons early, and he was only a decision maker. When Xu Cheng was young, he did not like to work and eat all day long, traveling around the world, even more so this year.

Xu Cheng glanced at the list with a headache, silently rubbed it into a ball of waste paper and threw it into the waste paper bucket in front.

想 He wants pigeons, but not pigeons.

If "Knowledge" is his hard work, then the famous cookbook is his pride.

Sometimes pride can also cause headaches. Xu Cheng even regrets why he decided to re-evaluate every four years.

I knew it would be selected once every ten years.

"Ah." Xu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

the phone is ringing.

Xu Cheng picked up the phone and found that it was Han Guishan's call. He pressed the answer button: "Hey."

"Lao Xu, what are you busy with? Are you free at night? I invite you to dinner!" Han Guishan said happily.

Xu Cheng mentioned a little interest when he heard the meal: "Where are you going?"

"Of course it's Taifeng House. Their family reopened today. It's closed at noon and only open in the afternoon. Today is a working day. Let's go at 4:30 early. We can definitely grab the silk yam." Han Guishan's abacus cracked Crackling.

"Taifeng House opened today?" Xu Cheng didn't care much about it. He just remembered that Taifeng House was not open during the New Year. The employees were given the longest paid (base salary) annual leave in the entire Peiping restaurant. He heard at the time In this matter, he lamented the waywardness of the Jiang family.

"Otherwise, let ’s go to Yongheju. In fact, Babaozhai is also available. Babaozhai ’s recent desserts are good. The new master Bai Baizhai who came last year has a solid handicraft. It is estimated that his name will be added to the famous cookbook this year. Xu Cheng suggested, "Taifeng Building just opened today, I guess many dishes are not complete, I suggest you go back tomorrow."

When Han Guishan went to the cafeteria for meals, he would consider the dishes incomplete, as long as there are dishes: "Why go to Babaozhai, which is far away from our company, just go to Taifeng Building and say so I will go to the private box. I still have A lot of documents, I'll hang up and see you then. "

Xu Xucheng: ...

Xu Xucheng sent a message to the assistant asking him to arrange a car to go to Taifeng House at 4 pm, and continued to worry about the list of judges.

4 At 4:37 pm, the Han Guishan family arrived at Taifeng House at about the same time as Xu Cheng.

"Uncle Xu." Han Youxin's little fat man greeted Xu Cheng honestly. He was a bit thinner a year ago, and he got back fat during the New Year.

"Yu Xin has grown taller again." Xu Cheng opened his eyes and talked nonsense.

After a few simple basic guest sets, Xu Cheng and Han Guishan followed the waiter up to the second-floor box.

For more than half a month, Han Guishan felt intimate in the box.

"Can you order now?" Han Guishan asked.

"Yes." The waiter nodded.

贵 Han Guishan picked up the tablet, first found the yam yam to quickly order, and then began to look at other dishes.

"Well, you guys have a new dish here. This glutinous paste and squirrel mandarin fish are all Su Bang dishes. Have you come to the new chef? Dong Shi, Dong Li, do you know these two?" Han Guishan was pleasantly surprised to find something new on the menu.

I heard him say that Xu Cheng and Wang Jing looked at the tablet one after another, and even Han Youxin extended his neck to look at the tablet in Han Guishan's hand.

"Dad, I want to eat mandarin fish!" Han Youxin cried.

吃 "Eat!" Han Guishan agreed quickly.

"I'll also have a copy of the Xiangyou paste." Xu Chengdao, "It seems to be a bit of an impression. It should be two young apprentices from Master Huang's restaurant, Master Huang. I've heard it mentioned before. It's either a twin or a brother. I remember being a brother. . "

“Huang Ji Restaurant was listed for sale last year. It should be Master Huang ’s apprentice. They actually went to Peiping to find a job, and they ran far enough.” Han Guishan sighed. Taifenglou. I just said that it would be right to come to Taifenglou tonight. You see, all the new dishes are served. "

"It's not Master Huang that you are here. What are you excited about?" Xu Cheng looked at the menu and found that there was no interest in Babao Lixiang pigeon. "Look at it, I will let my assistant go to Babaozhai to buy some snacks. Come here, it seems that their family has a new snack today, and you can try it later. "

"What's delicious about dim sum is not breakfast." Han Guishan was not interested in dim sum, then went through the menu.

The next second, Han Guishan exclaimed.

"Oh, Lao Xu, thanks to the fact that I didn't listen to you and went to Babaozhai. Today, Master Jiang Weiming has a menu on the menu!" Han Guishan almost jumped from his chair with excitement. He only saw that Jiang Weiming's name was bright. Dishes) Haven't ordered yet.

"What dishes?" Xu Cheng poked his head.

Han Guishan ordered Jiang Weiming's name. There is only one dish under Jiang Weiming's name, limited to 4 servings, and no purchase restrictions.

Baked chickpea flowers, a serving of 688.

"Quickly place an order, buy it all, place an order!" Xu Cheng was just as excited as the college students who had been at the computer desk in the early morning of the Double Eleven in the previous few years, ~ ~ Han Guishan just clicked to add, also Before ordering, there are only two left of chickpea flowers.

Xu Xucheng :?

还有 I've been here so early and anyone grabs me?

Someone has the heart to be so helpless and pitiful like me, who hasn't had the chance to eat the chickpeas made by Master Jiang for decades to grab food!

"Is there only two copies?" Han Guishan didn't understand what Xu was so excited about.

Gui Han, whose wife is a native of Sichuan, knows about chickpeas, and has eaten a lot. I have eaten tens to hundreds of them. I think I ’ll eat something fresh like that. In fact, there is no braised pork. eat. The price of Taifeng House is the most expensive he has ever seen. Even Jiang Weiming did not think Xu Cheng was so excited.

He didn't have to eat cannon dolphin. He never saw Xu Cheng so excited when eating cannon dolphin.

当然 "Of course, quickly place an order, oops, why are you so slow, I'm here!" Xu Cheng grabbed the tablet from Han Guishan, placed the order quickly, and then returned the tablet to Han Guishan.

I hurried fast as if I was single for sixty years.

Han Guishan stunned for a while, and continued to order without surprise.

"Lao Xu, is the dim sum of Babaozhai you just said so delicious? Should we have a meal at Babaozhai tomorrow afternoon?" Han Guishan asked.

"What Babaozhai? Oh, dim sum, in fact, that's what it is, let the assistant buy it, there is no need to specialize in it. We will continue to come to Taifeng House at noon tomorrow, and come early at eleven."