Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 560: Smile yellow

The latest website: As a senior restaurant owner with rich experience in digging walls, Ling Guangzhao thought of many possibilities in just a few minutes.

Every possible ending was that Tai Feng Lou had dug Zheng Siyuan away.

Ling Guangzhao even put a small memory movie in his mind, trying to remember whether Zheng Siyuan had any unusual behavior in the past few days. Yesterday, when he asked him for leave, did he speak properly, whether his expression was natural, whether a hint of guilty conscience was revealed, and whether he was suspected of lying.

The result was of course not, but Ling Guangzhao was still uneasy.

He picked up the phone and put it down again. Pick up the phone, open the address book, and drop it again. Pick up the phone and open the address book, find Zheng Siyuan's phone number, and drop it again.

After so much hesitation for a long time, Ling Guangzhao finally called Zheng Siyuan's phone.

Zheng Siyuan picked up in seconds.

"Hello, is there anything wrong with Mr. Ling?" Zheng Siyuan asked.

"Nothing, I just want to ask you if you see Master Huang? How is Master Huang's health, do you want to go to the hospital? If you need to speak at any time, as long as I can help, I must help." Ling Guangzhao chose to pretend to be stupid.

"I saw him. The uncle is in a good state and has a good spirit. He shouldn't have to go to the hospital. Thank you, Mr. Ling for your concern." Zheng Siyuan did not expect that Ling Guangzhao even called to greet Master Huang's body, which made him somewhat flattered.

"Isn't it convenient for Master Huang now? If I can, I would also like to visit you. I have heard that Master Huang has never been seen for years. If I have a chance today, I would like to meet." Ling Guangzhao asked.

Zheng Siyuan said for a moment: "Boss Ling, please wait. I will ask Master Shi."

After a while, Zheng Siyuan picked up the phone again: "Uncle Shi said no problem, we are now at Ruixiang Tea House. I will send you the specific address on WeChat."

"Okay, I'm going now. Could you please let Master Huang wait a moment." Ling Guangzhao was relieved and hung up.

He said, how could someone dig a wall and dig into his head, but he was Ling Guangzhao!

Ling Guangzhao put all the documents on the desk into a drawer, picked up the car keys, and said to the lobby manager of Babaozhai, he went to the parking lot to drive to the tea house that Zheng Siyuan sent him.

On the way to the tea house, Ling Guangzhao also turned to the gift shop he frequented and bought a few cans of finely packed high-end tea from Master Huang.

Since Master Huang and Zheng Siyuan have tea chats in the tea house, it is right to send tea leaves.

What Ling Guangzhao did not expect was that not only Zheng Siyuan, but also Jiang Weiguo, Jiang Weiming, Jiang Jiankang, and Jiang Feng were chatting with Master Huang.

Zheng Siyuan is actually a very Buddha.

When Zheng Siyuan first came to Taifeng Building in the morning, Jiang Feng also moved a bit of wry thoughts about whether to dig a corner of Ling Guangzhao. He dug Zheng Siyuan to Taifeng Building and became the first person to dig Ling Guangzhao. From then on, Beiping was named and Ling Guangzhao was included in the list of hate killings. Taifeng Lou and Babaozhai never ceased to die until one party went bankrupt, writing a story about business wars that could sing and weep, ups and downs, and hundreds of times.

This idea was cancelled by Zheng Feng when Zheng Siyuan and Jiang Feng discussed what was wrong with Longjingsu in the tea house.

Friends who have only known each other for years have gathered in the teahouse. Zheng Siyuan does not listen to Master Huang's past events, nor supplements Master Huang's past events. He is not even curious about the love and hatred of the Jiang family over the years, but Pulling Jiang Feng who was sitting beside him to explore the 10 shortcomings of Longjingsu sold by Ruixiang Restaurant.

"This Longjing Crisp can no longer be called Longjing Crisp. Not only is it not authentic, it's not delicious. You can see that this puff is slightly squeezed and then it drops down, and the tea smell is too heavy. Tea-like. "Zheng Siyuan discussed with Jiang Feng seriously.

"The most important thing is that it still sells so expensive, this Longjing crisp is not worth the price at all. At our level of Longjing crisp, no one buys a plate for 10 yuan." Zheng Siyuan looked disgusted, and even returned Some distressed.

Jiang Feng: ...

"In fact, this tea house mainly sells tea. These pastries are sold as a set. Usually no one eats or buys. It is normal to taste bad." Jiang Feng whispered.

Normally, the two fathers would n’t order refreshments at all. Today, they are ordered by Zheng Siyuan and Master Huang for a good-looking table.

"That shouldn't be the case. The waiter recommended Longjing Su to us just now. It means that Longjing Su should be the characteristic of their shop. It shouldn't be so if the characteristics are made." Order an mung bean cake. The waiter also recommended their mung bean cake just now. I have to taste how mung bean cake is made. "

Then, Zheng Siyuan got up and went to the waiter.

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

"Where is Siyuan going?" Master Huang was talking about how Jiang Weijin agreed to accept him as an apprentice, and when he spoke vigorously, he found that Zheng Siyuan was in a hurry.

"Brother Zheng said he wanted to order another mung bean cake." Jiang Feng said.

Master Huang smiled: "This child is just like this. He has to order specialty cakes everywhere. If he doesn't finish all the reviews, he won't give up. That's the problem."

Master Huang continued to talk about Jiang Weijin's wisdom and knowledge, and found him among a group of young boys.

Zheng Siyuan looked around and didn't see the waiter. He wanted to go downstairs to the front desk to order directly, and he met Ling Guangzhao carrying a gift at the entrance of the stairs.

"Siyuan, where is Master Huang?" Ling Guangzhao had his signature smile on his face.

"At the table inside, boss Ling, please wait. I'll ask the waiter to order two snacks, and I'll take you there." Zheng Siyuan's eyes fell on the gift box that Ling Guangzhao was holding.

Ling Guangzhao noticed Zheng Siyuan's eyes and explained, "I don't know what Master Huang likes, so I brought a few boxes of tea. I'll wait for you here."

"Um." Zheng Siyuan nodded, quickly went downstairs, went to the front desk to return to the stairs after finishing the order, and led Ling Guangzhao towards the table of Master Huang.

"That's the table." Zheng Siyuan pointed to the tea table in the corner.

Ling Guangzhao is short-sighted and doesn't like to wear glasses, and things that are a little far away can't see clearly, especially human faces. From his perspective, he could only see that there were several people in the direction that Zheng Siyuan was pointing at, and he couldn't see his face at all, not even Master Huang.

"So many people, it seems that Master Huang also has a lot of friends in Peiping. He had never heard of it before." Ling Guangzhao laughed.

"Not friends, but my two ancestors and their sons and grandsons. My uncle came to Peiping this time for this matter, and there was no connection before." Zheng Siyuan explained.

"Good thing, it seems that I'm right this time." Ling Guangzhao didn't really understand it at all, and didn't know where Zheng Siyuan came from. He just wanted to boast, anyway, it's a good thing.

As the two got closer and closer, and the distance was less than 5 meters, Ling Guangzhao finally saw the other person sitting at Master Huang's table.

Jiang Feng ~ ~ Jiang Jiangkang, Jiang Weiguo, Jiang Weiming.

He knew all of them, not only of them, but also one of them easily waved his **** without inquiring, becoming the most failed digging in his life.

"This ..." Ling Guangzhao froze.

"Master Shi, Uncle Jiang, Uncle Jiang, Brother Jiang, this is my boss called Ling Guangzhao. I heard that you are here to visit." Zheng Siyuan didn't find anything different from Ling Guangzhao, and introduced Ling Guangzhao to everyone with a smile.

"Boss Ling, what a coincidence, we really have a destiny. Master Zheng in your shop is my brother, I didn't know about it before." Jiang Feng smiled, his face was full of hypocrisy, "What kind of tea does Boss Lin want to drink, black tea, green tea or oolong tea?"

Ling Guangzhao now only wants to drink bitter tea and herbal tea, because his mouth is bitter and his feet are cold.

"What a coincidence ..." Ling Guangzhao squeezed a smile.

I don't know why this smile is a little yellowish and yellowish.