Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 590: Your 3 grandpa woke up

After arriving at Jiang Weiming's house, Jiang Feng realized that there was a very serious problem. He did not recognize Jiang Weiming's clothes.

He knew which Jiang Weiming's room was, but there was no closet in Jiang Weiming's room, and his clothes were placed with Jiang Jian. There are toiletries, towels, toothbrushes and other things in the bathroom. Jiang Feng did not live with them and did not know which one was from Jiang Jianming and which was from Jiang Weiming.

Except for several coats, cotton trousers and sweaters that Jiang Weiming usually wears in his daily life, he could not recognize any other personal clothes including socks.

He and Jiang Zaide studied for a long time, and finally picked out only a few coats, sweaters, cotton pants, a thin quilt and a thick quilt.

"Brother, why don't you make a phone call and ask which cabinet your grandfather's and uncle's clothes are in?" Jiang Zaide suggested. You can buy it at the supermarket next to the hospital. "

"Uncle Wu didn't answer the phone, it is estimated that the mobile phone was tuned and not found." Jiang Feng raised the mobile phone. He started to call Jiang Jianshe from the moment he opened the closet, but he never got through.

"What to do?" Jiang Zaide scratched his head. There were too many things happening today. He was doing something in the clouds now, and his clever head couldn't turn for a moment.

"Let's go to the supermarket and buy some daily necessities first. I guess Grandpa should wake up in the afternoon, and let Wushu come back to get some clothes in the evening." Jiang Zaide suggested, "I will go to the moon when I go back next time. Ru they bought a light-boiler in their shop, and soon after they ordered the meal, grandpa, they should have dinner too. "

Jiang Feng felt reasonable after listening, and went into the room to call Jiang Sanitary: "Bo Jiang, let's ..."

Jiang Feng stunned as soon as he entered the room. Jiang Sanjian was standing in front of the wardrobe, picking clothes, holding a few items in his hands, and there was already a row of folded clothes on the bed behind him.

"Xiao Feng, do you think these clothes are enough? Not enough, I'll get them out again." Jiang Hygiene said.

"Enough is enough." Jiang Feng quickly said, "It's a little bit. It's almost enough to have two or three sets."

Jiang Sanjie has sorted out at least 6 sets.

Hearing Jiang Feng ’s words, Jiang Sanjie suddenly turned out: "It ’s a bit too much, so maybe this set. This set I bought for Master last year. I guess Master did n’t wear it very much."

"Bring this set, too. This set was bought by Master the year before, and Master said it would be warmer to wear it."

"There is this one, no, this one is not good. Although the old one is worn by the master, it may be a little old and may not be warm. If you do n’t bring this one, I think this one is also OK, Xiaofeng, look at this one What? "Jiang Sanitary hesitated between several sets of Qiu Yi Qiu.

Jiang Feng: ...

I think these sets look the same, even the styles are the same.

"Will Jiang bring a new set of old ones? The old three grandpas are comfortable to wear and the new ones to keep warm." Jiang Feng suggested.

Jiang Sanjie readily accepted it. He picked two suits, took a few pairs of wool socks, and asked, "Do you want to bring toiletries?"

"No more, let's go near the hospital and buy it directly." Jiang Feng said, "On the way, we are buying something for my grandpa, and you better have something to eat, Mr. Jiang."

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Sanjie nodded and walked out holding his clothes.

When walking to the porch, Jiang Sanjie returned to the room again, and when he came out, he had a pillow on his hand.

Jiang Sanjie explained, "Master likes to sleep on hard pillows, he certainly can't get used to those pillows in the hospital. I didn't buy any of these pillows I bought him 8 years ago. Master likes it, so he should take it with him wherever he goes. "

The three then went out holding things.

Lunch was eaten at the donkey meat burning shop of He Yueru's house. Jiang Zaide did not have breakfast for the medical examination. Jiang Feng also ate some beef stew in the morning. The two of them were scared all morning running east and west, and now they felt very hungry when they sat in the donkey meat burning shop. They drank the donkey meat soup and donkey miscellaneous soup and started to burn.

Jiang Feng and Jiang Zaide's Zhenghuan **** has no appetite, and they are still worried about Jiang Weiming while eating and emptying.

"Xiao Feng, do you say that Master is already awake? Otherwise, I ’ll bring a pillow first. Master would be uncomfortable if I wake up with a soft pillow." Jiang Sanitary cares most about pillows now.

"If Grandpa Woke up, my dad would send me a message. Do n’t worry about eating first. Wait until Grandpa wakes up and busy." Jiang Feng mumbled the donkey in his mouth, vaguely, "You Eat more, and you will have the energy to take care of your three grandpas in the afternoon. "

"Bye Jiang, how did you recognize those clothes that you bought for Grandpa Three?" Jiang Zaide asked curiously.

Jiang Sanjie nodded, put down the donkey and burnt it, and started talking to Jiang Zaide: "I bought it all. Master used to live alone in the country. It ’s not easy to live in the country. Although the clothes in the town are cheap but not warm, they are all me. Bought him. "

"Did grandpa live in the country before?" Jiang Zaide asked.

"Neither, Master lived with his eldest son for a few years after his death, probably less than three years. Master said that he was not used to living in the city, so he returned to the country alone." Jiang Jianjian said As I was talking, I felt a lot of inexplicable peace of mind, so I kept talking like I opened the box.

"Master is afraid of cold. The house in the country is not air-conditioned and the wind is strong. Master ’s house is an old house and cannot be protected from the wind. In winter, if there is no brazier, it will be as cold as an ice cellar. As long as it is winter, I will take Master to my house and live there. In fact, I think Master really likes to live in the city. Jiang Yanlu is definitely not good at Master. Master is not willing to live in the city. "

"Actually, I always felt that Master was a little bit eccentric. Although it was because Jiang Yanlu was the eldest son, at that time, the eccentric bosses whose parents were supported by the eldest son were more common, but Master was a bit too much."

"And Jiang Yanlu was a wolf-eyed wolf. How good Master was to him that year. Master had nothing good to eat at the state-owned hotel. He could n’t bear to eat it all and brought it home for him. In order to get him married, Master emptied the house and returned I borrowed a lot of money. As a result, Jiang Yong did n’t even have the cost of living in college, so he fed such a thing. His son is not a good thing, and he does n’t look like a good person. Going to find him to borrow money, Master is not enough to take out the old-age money to sell the land in the family. "

"I heard that his son is still aging at home, eh!" Jiang Jie suddenly started cursing Jiang Yanlu and Jiang Zhe.

"Grandma and her ..." Jiang Feng listened to it and suddenly felt a little bit wrong. "How did you get there? Are you sick?"

In fact, Jiang Feng knew that Grandma Jiang Xiaoran had died in a fall, but he heard that Jiang Xiaoran said that Grandma Jiang Xiaoran had just borrowed Jiang Weiming from Jiang Yanlu just now, and suddenly felt that this time was a coincidence.

"After a year, I was stumbled by the stuff piled up by the village entrance. He died of brain hemorrhage." Jiang Sanjie said, "Master has been walking for many years. Master also started to be particularly afraid of cold after she left. Originally he was not so afraid of cold. . "

Jiang Feng was speechless with the fire.

"Bye brother, did you tell them about Xiaoran brother when Grandpa San was hospitalized?" Jiang Zaide asked suddenly.

Only then did Jiang Feng react, and these visiting people packed the ward with Jiang Weiming's own sons and grandchildren who didn't know about it yet.

"I'm calling and talking to them now." Jiang Feng quickly took out his mobile phone to contact Jiang Yong and Jiang Xiaoran, and he sent WeChat to each of them before the call was answered.

As for Jiang Yanlu, anyway, Jiang Feng did not have the contact information of the unfilial sons and daughters, and he did not inform him to see what Jiang Yong meant.

Jiang Feng personally thinks that Jiang Yanlu and his scum son don't know the best. It doesn't necessarily come over when he knows it, and it certainly won't help him when he comes. Maybe it will also affect Jiang Weiming's feelings of healing.

However, this is Jiang Weiming's own housework. Jiang Feng has no right to ask questions and will not tell if it is coming or not.

After sending the news, Jiang Feng continued to eat quickly. After the meal, the three of them packed a lot of donkey meat and burned it. Jiang Zaide sent Jiang Feng and Jiang Weiming to the hospital door. He drove to a nearby supermarket to buy Jiang Weiming's daily necessities.

Jiang Sanjie was responsible for burning donkey meat and changing clothes, and Jiang Feng was holding two quilts. The two men walked in a crowded beneficiary with a pile of things. The only good thing is that they have enough and obvious things to hold, and passersby can see them automatically flash away, without them having to avoid passersby.

Jiang Feng, who was holding the two quilts in his arms, was much better than Jiang Sanitary. At least the things he took would not obstruct his vision and could go straight. Unlike Jiang Feng, most of the field of vision was blocked by two quilts, and he could only walk sideways like a crab.

The two just waited for the elevator at the elevator entrance, and became the two most beautiful scenery of the elevator entrance on the first floor of the inpatient building.

When waiting for the elevator, Jiang Feng always felt that the mobile phone in his pocket seemed to be shaking. It is estimated that someone called him, but because he couldn't pull his hand to get the phone, he could only let it shake.

Jiang Weiming's ward was on the 16th floor. After the elevator door opened, Jiang Feng shouted "Let a let, I can't see let a let!", While walking through the crowd and walking towards Jiang Weiming's ward.

Jiang Sanjie walked behind him. He was very nervous from the moment he stepped into the inpatient building. He appeared again, squatting by the flower bed, and called his wife to cry, but he did not dare to go to the ward to see Jiang Weiming's symptoms.


Jiang Feng felt that his dad was calling him, and he turned sideways and found that it was indeed his dad calling him.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Jiang Feng thought that even heavyweight players like Jiang Jiankang were squeezed out of the ward. How fierce was the competition?

I don't know if he can squeeze someone into the ward with a quilt.

"I just called you, why haven't you been answering it? I guess you should almost come back. I wanted to go down and wait for you. Your grandpa woke up, hurry up, hold the quilt over!" Jiang Jiankang was authentic.

"Master is awake ?! Master is awake and surely won't be used to soft pillows in hospitals!" Jiang Sanjian was agitated, and he wasn't afraid to hesitate. He hugged the pillows and spread his feet and ran to the ward ~ ~ The speed is so fast that it's completely different from **** sanitation on weekdays.

It's like a high school student going to the cafeteria for lunch at noon.

Jiang Sanjie, who returned to high school, ran fast, leaving only Jiang Feng with a quilt that blocked most of his back.

"Shit, what about Dede?" Jiang Jiankang asked.

"German went to the supermarket to buy toothbrushes and toothpastes for Grandpa San, and we did n’t bring those things. We just wanted to buy new ones directly." Jiang Feng said.

"Just right, the doctor just told us to buy that one, and what the **** is coming, said that it is sold in the supermarket nearby. I went to the supermarket to find him, smash it, hurry up the quilt, everyone is waiting for quilt!" Jiang Jian Kang Dao, walked towards the elevator after speaking.

Jiang Feng: ...

Dad, you have a hand.

I can't see the way!

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