Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 591: Ge

When Jiang Feng squeezed the quilt into the ward, there was no one outside, and Zhang Weiyu and others disappeared. It is estimated that he went back to work. The ward was still crowded, and the family members of the patients in the next bed were still secretly watching Jiang's family with frightened and curious eyes, but much better than when he left.

Jiang Weiming had put on a hard pillow brought by Jiang Sanitary, and he could not speak with his breathing mask on his face. When Jiang Feng came, he showed him a standard Jiang Weiming smile.

Weak smile.

Although frail, at least the person woke up, and looked more angry than when he was lying in bed.

Although Jiang Feng brought a quilt, people couldn't access the bed. The closest chair to the bed was Jiang Weiguo, then Auntie, and then Jiang Sanitary. The rest of the place was based on his ability.

Jiang Feng can see that Jiang Jian and Jiang Jian's ability is not good. They cleaned the cabinet near the door. It seems that cleaning the cabinet is actually unable to squeeze in, and the business ability is not enough.

Jiang Feng, who was also incapable of business, squeezed to the side of Jiang Jianshe and Zhang Jiandang and asked, "Er, uncle, are the doctors here? What did you say?"

Jiang Jiandang whispered: "It's okay to say that the situation is okay, but we need to focus on observation for two days, and then change to the ward and change to a double room."

"Don't you say there are no double rooms?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Director Zhong helped with the coordination. Director Zhong also took a special look just now and said that if there is a single room for two days, then switch to a single room. Your grandfather said that our family would like to thank Director Zhong this time." .

Jiang Feng nodded: "It's time to thank Director Zhong well, this time thanks to Director Zhong's carefulness."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Feng smelled the strong scent of donkey meat.

Not only Jiang Feng smelled it, Jiang Jiandang and Jiang Jiandang also smelled. The three looked down the scent and saw Jiang Jianguo who didn't squeeze into the hospital bed somehow.

Jiang Jianguo's body shape should not be.

Jiang Jianguo was awkwardly holding the donkey meat that had just opened the plastic bag and burned it, explaining to everyone: "I just saw one and wanted to eat one."

"A little hungry."

Jiang Feng just came in holding the quilt and put the fire on the table casually. He forgot to tell everyone that only Jiang Jianguo, who was closest to the table, saw it.

"I want to eat and eat, what is it like to eat this kind of thing in the ward."

Jiang Jianguo nodded again and again, caught another fire and slipped out.

It's past dinner time and everyone didn't eat. It was originally not hungry, but now it's hard to feel hungry when you smell the fragrance.

So the donkey meat on the table suddenly became the second focus of the audience after Jiang Weiming.

"Grandpa, don't you burn the donkey meat first, I just bought it and eat it while it's hot." Jiang Feng suggested.

"If you want to eat, just go eat. Just leave two people in the ward." The old man said, getting up first.

Under the guidance of the old man, everyone left the ward with a donkey flesh and went for food. The originally crowded ward suddenly became empty, and Jiang Weiming's bed was left with Jiang Feng and Jiang Sanjian.

Jiang Sanjie took the opportunity to sit at the position closest to Jiang Weiming that belonged to the old man, but it was useless. Jiang Weiming was still unable to speak with a breathing mask.

Jiang Feng didn't know what he could do, so he straightened the quilt feet to make the quilt look more neat, and then continued to stand.

Jiang Feng was standing and found that Jiang Weiming's bed seemed to be shortcoming. There were thermos bottles beside or under the other three beds, but Jiang Weiming didn't have this bed.

"Bo Jiang, should we buy a thermos for Grandpa Three?" Jiang Feng asked, "I don't know if Dege is still in the supermarket. I'll send him a WeChat."

"No, I'll buy it. There seems to be a supermarket downstairs in the hospital." Jiang Sansheng got up.

He also wanted to find something to do for himself. Although Jiang Weiming woke up, he felt relieved that he would no longer think about some messy things that he should not think, but he felt weird sitting in the ward like this.

Jiang Sanjie doesn't take care of people very much, and the way he takes care of his grandson at home is limited to cooking for his grandson. He imagined taking care of the patients while sitting on the bed and cutting apples, but now Jiang Weiming cannot eat apples.

"Well, turn right when you go out to the supermarket, there are thermos sold in it." The patient's family next door boldly said.

"Thank you." Jiang Sanitary went out, and Jiang Weiming was left alone by Jiang Weiming's bed.

As soon as Jiang Sanjie left, Jiang Weiming raised his hand on the hind foot and pointed to the cabinet, apparently he wanted something in the cabinet.

Jiang Feng opened the cabinet in the direction pointed by Jiang Weiming and found that there was only one pillow inside.

Small soft pillows as standard on hospital beds.

Jiang Feng didn't understand what Jiang Weiming meant, but he took out the pillow and looked at Jiang Weiming with a puzzled look, asking, "Grandpa, do you want this pillow?"

Jiang Weiming nodded eagerly and pointed to the pillow under his head. Zhangkou compared with Jiang Feng's mouth.


Jiang Feng: ...

Who said grandpa likes hard pillows?

The hard pillow is good, but at the critical moment, it yells.

Jiang Feng carefully changed the pillow for Jiang Weiming. The family members of the patient in the bed next door were too careful to help him to put up a handle. The change of the pillow made it difficult to change the medicine.

After changing the pillows together, Jiang Feng and the family members of the patient next door also had a short revolutionary friendship.

"Lady, I just saw that your family has a large population, natives in Peiping." Lying on the bed next door was also an old man, who was taken care of by his son, a middle-aged man in his 50s. people.

"That's right," Jiang Feng said.

"What's wrong with your grandpa?" The middle-aged man asked carefully.

"Acute heart failure, fainted in the emergency department, thanks to the doctor's timely rescue."

"Ah, acute heart failure is very serious. How can the doctor arrange a four-person room for you? Grandpa should live in a single room or a double room. The four rooms are too noisy to help recovery." Middle-aged humane.

"Change to a double room in the afternoon." Jiang Fengdao.

The middle-aged person nodded: "The old man should take good care of him when he is old. My dad fainted in the emergency department like your grandfather. My heart attack, how long the doctor rescued in time. After staying in ICU for two days, I was transferred to a single room. I asked a caregiver to take care of me. Now that I'm getting better, my father likes to lively and doesn't like living in a single room. This is why I transferred to 4 people. "

"Dad, is your back pain better? Would you like me to ask the doctor to come over again?" The middle-aged man turned his head and asked the old father lying in bed.

"No need, old fault, just lie down," the old father said.

"By the way, should your family ask for a caregiver? It's especially important after the first few days. It's better to ask for a caregiver."

"Xiao Chu is fine." The old father lying on the hospital bed said rudely, even if he was lying, he would join the group chat.

"Xiao Chu was the nurse who took care of my dad before," the middle-aged man explained.

"If you have a caregiver, we know it here." Jiang Feng said, if Jiang Weiming wants to ask a caregiver, he must have asked Zhang Guanghang to help. During the hospitalization, Xia Muzhen scolded many nurses, and the one who stayed was definitely the best.

The middle-aged man enthusiastically introduced Jiang Feng to the doctors and nurses in this area. Which nurse has the best temperament, which nurse has the most meticulous work, which nurse has a bad temper, and who needs to find which nurse is easier to handle. These messages, which belonged only to the family members of the patients, were all told to Jiang Feng by listening to ~ It is clear that he, like his dad, is a man who can't stop talking.

At the end, the middle-aged man asked a question smoothly: "By the boy, I think your grandpa looks very old. It seems to be a lot older than my dad, should there be more than 80?"

"99." Jiang Feng said.

The middle-aged man was shocked.

Not only was he shocked, but also the family members of patients who were playing with mobile phones in the bed next door were shocked, and his old father lying on the bed was shocked.

Then Jiang Feng saw a scene that made him very confused.

The old man who could only lie in the bed next to him because of low back pain struggled to get up straight and look at the uncle next to him.

Old man heart, undersea needle.

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