Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 601: Adult choice

The location of the stalls selected by Sun Jikai is good. Although it is in the alley, it is very easy to find. The business is also very popular. It is much stronger than Jubaolou. Jiang Feng queued for dozens of minutes at the door.

After entering the shop, Jiang Feng first looked at the menu. Although it is called a stall, the price of the dishes is not cheap at all, and it is more expensive than ordinary restaurants. After Jiang Feng ordered two dishes, he handed the menu to Wu Minqi. Wu Minqi ordered another dish and gave the menu to Sun Jikai. The tedious and solemn ordering ceremony was not over until Sun Jikai had two dishes.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to order two more bottles of beer. After all, how can I stop drinking when eating at a food stall? Sun Jikai is now a good time to borrow alcohol to relieve his sorrow. Originally, he ordered two bottles of beer, and each person could drink two glasses. It is not suitable for Sun Jikai. The amount of alcohol is poor, and it is estimated that after two glasses go down, he can sleep until tomorrow afternoon.

Before the dishes were served, there was a plate of melon seeds donated by the store, Wu Minqi sat up and picked up the melon seeds, clicked, and soon a pile of melon seeds shells piled up in front of him.

"What do you think of going to Jubaolou today?" Sun Jikai asked.

Jiang Feng didn't know why. It was clear that the expression and tone of Sun Jikai's words were normal, but he felt a melancholy breath inexplicably—probably because of the scum on Sun Jikai's face.

Wu Minqi continued to slap melon seeds, using his eyes to signal Jiang Feng that the difficult question was answered by him.

Jiang Feng hesitated and asked, "Want to hear the truth?"

Sun Jikai nodded.

"Very bad," Jiang Feng said.

"The chef's attitude is terrible. The most basic chopped vegetables are not cut properly. I do n’t see any advantages on it. It ’s perfunctory. There is basically nothing to praise except the flavor of the grated pork. ”Jiang Feng said,“ Just the dishes we ordered today. Lou, my mother estimates that the quarterly bonus of all the chefs responsible for those dishes will be deducted. "

"The service attitude is also not good. There is only one waiter working in the lobby, and most of them are gathered together to chat. The guests also pretended not to hear." Wu Minqi added.

Sun Jikai shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The business is also estimated to be very poor."

"Not so good." Wu Minqi said gently.

"It's also normal. Since Grandpa was hospitalized, I haven't paid much attention to the business of Jubaolou. No one cares about the chefs, so naturally they are not so attentive. In addition, my family is a little bit unbalanced recently. After a period of rectification, it should be better. "Sun Jikai said.

"All the chefs in the backyard of Jubaolou are ..."

"Basically, my grandpa's disciples and grandchildren." Sun Jikai knew what Jiang Feng wanted to ask and rushed to answer.

"Why would you stand in line?" The business model is almost the same as that of Jubaolou. Wu Minqi, the heir to the former Wu family restaurant, questions.

"Who knows." Sun Jikai smiled bitterly.

Sons are not necessarily one heart, let alone apprentices.

Looking at Sun Jikai's appearance, Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi knew that their family estimated that this time was not peaceful, so they wouldn't solve the problems without asking them, and would only increase their troubles.

At this time, the dishes are here, and everyone can start eating and stop talking.

Someone said that the food in this stall is better than Jubaolou.

"By the way, when I went to Jubaolou today, I found that the decoration of your store looks quite new. Is it newly renovated in the past two years? I think it is quite unique." Jiang Feng began to shift the subject while eating.

"Um." Sun Jikai nodded. "It was renovated two years ago and the position of the kitchen door was changed."


"Originally, the kitchen door of Jubaolou was facing a dining table. Although there are some distances, people who come in and out will disturb the guests to eat. Therefore, when renovating, the door was removed and reinstalled in another place. "Sun Jikai explained.

After talking about Sun Jikai, he started to pull out his mobile phone as if he was looking for something. After a while, he looked up at Jiang Feng and said, "I just checked it. There do n’t seem to be any northern pancakes here. And we do n’t sell much northern pancakes here Especially in the evening, it is very rare. Otherwise, you can bring a bean sprout pancake to Grandpa Jiang, which is also a feature of our side, there is a shop in front of it. "

Jiang Feng nodded, as long as it was pancakes, no big deal, he ran away after sending the pancakes to the father.

As long as he runs fast enough, the scolding sound of the old man will not catch up with him.

The three talked about other things while eating.

Although I haven't seen it for a few months, there are still a lot of topics to talk about. After all, Sun Jikai peeks into the screen of Taifeng Building's working group almost every day, and he knows the big things and small things of Taifeng Building.

I ate a meal for more than an hour, but there was always a time to end the long meal. When Jiang Feng finished his last sip of soup, he also announced the end of the dinner tonight.

"Go ahead and buy pancakes. I will send you back after the purchase, lest you go wrong and you can't find the hotel." Sun Jikai got up to check out.

Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi followed Sun Jikai to the pancake shop and stood at the entrance of the shop waiting for pancakes.

"By the way, Sun Jikai." Jiang Feng called him suddenly.

"Huh?" Sun Jikai wondered.

"Sorrowful." The two words Jiang Feng had been brewing in his heart for a long time, and for more than an hour, he didn't say it.

He could only find such one, although it was embarrassing, but at least he could say the opportunity to say it, and spoke out these two words.

"I'm fine," Sun Jikai said, watching the mung bean pancakes coming out of the pot.

"It's really okay. Grandpa told me last year that he was running out of time."

Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi looked at him quietly. Jiang Feng felt that Sun Jikai's current situation was very similar to Zhang Guanghang's at noon that day. They just needed a chance to say what they wanted to say.

"I was prepared when Grandpa was hospitalized. I dragged in the ICU for so long. I feel that everyone is ready. In fact, if I want to collapse, it is probably only Grandpa who gave up the treatment that night and had to pull out of the ICU. , And then I watched him sitting in a wheelchair, closing my eyes and breathing collapsed when he stopped breathing. "

"And there are so many messy things in these two days, even if you want to be sad, you do n’t have time to be sad. Everyone around you is not sad, only you are sad and feel silly, and you feel like a fool. And no one is sad. I wo n’t feel so sad, at least it ’s just a little uncomfortable, but it ’s fine. ”

"And did n’t you just send a WeChat and told me that you met Sun Mao in Jubaolou? In fact, before my grandpa left, I asked him to return to Jubaolou and ask him to help Jubaolou. After all, you can also see the situation of Jubaolou You have tasted the dishes, and it is already very bad. "

"Your pancakes are ready." The boss handed the mung bean pancakes to Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng took the pancakes and Sun Jikai led them towards the hotel and said as he walked.

"Today, when I asked Assistant Wang to call Grandma Sun Maocai and tell him about his death, I did not ask him to return to Jubaolou for help. At that time, I was thinking ~ ~ I can revive Jubaolou by my own strength, Maybe it's a bit of a grumpy when my mind is hot. At that time, it seemed that I was a little angry when I thought about it. I felt that Grandpa would rather entrust the future of Jubaolou to a stranger I have never met before, he would not trust me. " .

Jiang Feng: ...

It is indeed you, thirty years old in Hedong, thirty years old in Hexi.

"Now I'm awake and a little bit regretful. In fact, Grandpa's decision was the best. It's only Sun Mao who can quickly save it like Jubaolou. It is estimated that only Sun Mao is willing to come and save it." Sun Jikai Mingming did not drink, It looks a bit drunk.

"Have you ever seen Sun Maocai?" Jiang Feng asked.

Sun Jikai shook his head: "Grandpa has basically no contact with him, and I haven't seen it. I searched the Internet for photos two days ago, and it is difficult to recognize it at first glance.

"I think others are very good." Jiang Feng said, "It's kind, even after wearing glasses, I feel a little kind, and I look very young and not like a man in his fifties."

Sun Jikai looked at Jiang Feng.

"He only got a call this afternoon. He arrived in the evening and went to Jubaolou for dinner. I think he will agree as long as you are willing to speak." Jiang Feng laughed.

"Maybe." Sun Jikai smiled.

The three walked to the door of the hotel in this way. Sun Jikai did not go in this time, and waved with the two at the door and left.

"Feng Feng, do you think he will ask Mr. Sun Maocai for help tomorrow?" Wu Minqi asked.

"It should be." Jiang Feng pressed the elevator button and stood with Wu Minqi at the elevator door waiting for the elevator.

Although Sun Jikai is in the second grade, he is no longer a teenager.

Adults make the right choice.

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