Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 623: Spring limited

In a flash, it was April.

Everything is recovering, spring is blooming, and a variety of fresh ingredients that belong to spring are listed one after another. Taifeng House will also usher in a new round of menu updates.

Spring limited dishes including spring bamboo shoots and toon will be on the menu of Taifeng House one after another. The screws will also wake up from their dormancy before and after the Qingming Festival. They are fresh and tender. Dong Shi and Dong Li are already ready to show them to everyone in Taifeng House. One thousand practices.

Master Huang Huang returned to Gusu at the end of March. In his words, his son and grandson were both in Gusu. He had missed him for a long time, so he hurried back. But in Dong Shi ’s words, it was Master Huang ’s medical insurance that was linked to Gusu, and it was too inconvenient to stay in Peiping to see a doctor.

Qi Jiang Weiming's body is getting better. The attending doctor told Jiang Feng that if everything goes well, Jiang Weiming can be discharged next week.

As soon as Jiang Weiming is discharged from the hospital, Jiang Feng's clear soup and broth practice must be on the agenda. Last time at the hospital, Jiang Weiming asked Jiang Feng if he wanted to learn, and Jiang Feng's answer naturally was.

The broth and broth are very important in top dishes, especially for those who need more broth or clear broth in a recipe like Jiang Feng. Whether it's soup soup with lobster, Jiangshen wonton, chickpea flowers, or the latest Buddha jumping wall, soup and clear soup are indispensable.

If he wants to run, he must go first. Now Jiang Feng can go, but the problem is that he doesn't want to run but to fly.

I can't grow wings at least I have to buy an air ticket first, all Jiang Feng has to do now is to save money to buy an air ticket.

I left aside to buy air tickets. Everything that happened at the end of March was surprising.

It seems like a wonderful poem. When winter snow melts, the earth returns to spring, and everything recovers, everything will be fine.

It will be better if the turnover can be improved.

Comrade Wang Xiulian has been a little upset recently.

As the only person in the whole family who cares about the debt of Taifeng Building, Wang Xiulian sincerely prays that the top-level restaurant next door will close quickly because of poor management. It is not bad if it is not good, as long as it is closed.

The turnover of Wutaifeng Building in March was really bad.

Although it is still profitable, the amount of profit has plummeted compared to previous months. Wang Xiulian feels that if she follows this trend and waits for her unbelievable son to get married and have children, the lovely grandson will not necessarily have to pay off his debts when he grows up.

Her grandson hasn't been born yet, how can she owe a **** debt because of her father and her grandfather!

Whenever thinking of this, Wang Xiulian wanted to deduct all the salaries of Jiang Feng and Jiang Jiankang to make the accounts of Taifeng Building look slightly better.

"Mom, come and taste this toon omelette." Jiang Feng ran to Comrade Wang Xiulian with a plate of toon omelette just out of the pot.

Wang Xiulian took the chopsticks in Jiang Feng's hands and stacked the toon omelette in the plate. A chopsticks were all inserted into the mouth, chewed twice, her face suddenly changed.

"Your grandpa made it?" Wang Xiulian swallowed toon omelette.

Qi Jiangfeng nodded: "How do you like it?"

"Your grandpa made delicious food, of course!" Wang Xiulian looked upright. "Your grandpa is trying dishes for the new menu?"

Qi Jiangfeng nodded.

Because the business is not very prosperous, Fang Mei proposed that it is better to introduce a spring-limited set. All the dishes in the set are made using the freshest and most plump or unique ingredients in spring. What kind of dish is not important, but the spring limit.

I wonder who can resist the temptation to limit these two words?

Reasonably speaking, this kind of thing ca n’t be done by Jiang Weiguo himself. It is really boring for Mr. He.

Qiu Jiang Weiming was in the hospital. Grandma Jiang went to Chen Suhua to play mahjong as usual. Suddenly, the third brother was not around. Jiang Weiguo didn't even have a person who could chat at any time. It was boring to go to the tea house for tea at noon.

After all, unlike now, Jiang Weiguo could scold four grandchildren at one time at the peak. Now there is only one grandson who can scold. It is boring to curse.

"Are you sure of a few dishes?" Wang Xiulian asked, and she could set the price only after confirming the menu.

"There are too many ingredients that can be used for the spring-limited menu, and none of them have been settled." Jiang Feng said, "There are catfish, catfish, catfish, catfish, catfish, swordfish, anchovies, yellow brows and Pigeonfish, in addition to these there are a bunch of candidates to choose from. "

"The mandarin fish in March and April is the most fatty. Before and after Xiaoman, it is a good time to eat anchovies when the plums are yellow. But the anchovies in April are more delicious, and the anchovies are most suitable for steaming and serving fast. Steaming caviar together is a good dish. "

"Expensive and cheap match, choose something that looks good." Wang Xiulian, "Yellow brow is a lionfish, right? That thing is only on the southeast coast, and it will die if you get out of the water.

Qi Jiangfeng thought it was okay, and they didn't think much about it.

"This toon omelette can be considered," Wang Xiulian suggested. "What a broken egg in the restaurant next door is the ham and bread spread under the egg. There is only such a small slice of ham, and there is no dripping. For the sauce, we dare sell dozens or hundreds of them. We ca n’t lose, and we sell eggs, so we sell toon omelette. "

"Benedict egg?"

"Yes, this is the egg." Wang Xiulian affirmed, "Too expensive, just two eggs 88."

In fact, Benedict eggs are a very simple American breakfast, very common, and the method is very simple, so the name looks very expensive, so the top restaurant can sell the high price of 88.

If the Benedict egg is called muffin omelette or bread omelette or muffin ham omelette, it is estimated that it can only sell 28 or 38.

I said that if I change toon omelette to toon **** egg, can I also sell 88.

"Mom, when did you go to the top restaurant and ate Benedictine eggs?" Jiang Feng grabbed the point.

Wang Xiulian: ...

Wang Xiulian shot the table pretending to be angry, with a look of anger: "I blame your dad. He told me to taste what the restaurant next door was like. I went with him. I did n’t do it for food. The prices and prices of food are just trying to figure out why their business is so good. "

"Why?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Their dishes are really delicious."

Min Jiangfeng: ...

"Although the Benedict egg is a bit expensive, do n’t say that it ’s really worthless. The egg is tender and the sauce inside is delicious, and the flowing egg yolk has a beautiful color. Yo, don't mention how delicious it is on the bread below. "

"Just because there are too few hams, just give them two!"

Minjiang Feng :?

Comrade Wang Xiulian ~ ~ You are a bit thorough in funding the enemy.

"Don't say this, I'm mad at the first talk. Whenever you learned from your grandfather, you wouldn't fry even a fried egg. If the eggs in our shop can be fried like that, don't say 88, say less can also sell 18. "Wang Xiulian Zhenzhen.

Minjiang Feng :? ? ?


"By the way, your third grandfather should be discharged, when will he be discharged?" Wang Xiulian successfully shifted the topic.

"It should be discharged next week. The doctor asked the three grandpas to observe at the hospital for two more days, otherwise they will be discharged this week." Jiang Feng said, "Uncle Jiang Yong is leaving in two days, and their magazine seems to have a temporary one. What needs him to pass. Now the three grandpas are in good health. Uncle Jiang means he will not come back this time. After all, he also took so long leave. The magazine is estimated to have accumulated a lot of work. . "

"The day you go back, you will send him, and bring him two cans of pickles by the way. Mommy Jiyue just sent a new batch of goods two days ago, the winter bamboo shoots have been pickled, I have already tasted them for you, whether it is fried pickles Still stir-fried sauerkraut and marinated winter bamboo shoots and beef stew are very good. "

"By the way, Jiyue's mother said that this batch of winter bamboo shoots is particularly large. Otherwise, I will put pickled winter bamboo shoots in the limited spring package. I will make a batch of small bottles, buy a package and send a can, and raise the package price a little "The more Wang Xiulian thought, the more she felt that this idea was really wonderful, and she immediately dropped Jiang Feng and went to Fang Mei to discuss this matter.

Minjiang Feng :?

冬 Winter bamboo shoots are included in the limited spring course.
