Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 641: Group building

Wu Minqi and Zhang Guanghang wanted to take Jiang Feng out to relax, and Wang Xiulian and other elders wanted to find a chance to talk to Jiang Feng. Just when everyone was at a loss and didn't know what reason to use to promote this seemingly abrupt thing, a wonderful reason came to them.

Jiang Feng has a birthday.

April 16 is Jiang Feng's birthday, and it is also the first anniversary of Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi's love.

After a brief discussion, Wang Xiulian decided to give everyone a day off

Yes, it's a holiday. The Prince's birthday is so platoon.

Jiang Feng was very aggressive when he heard the news.

To be honest, for the first time from childhood to old age, he felt that his birthday could be so prestigious, just like Jiang Weiming's 99-year-old birthday!

One person celebrates his birthday, and the entire store is closed.

Having said that, Jiang Feng has always felt weird for the past two days. Since listening to Jiang Sanjie's remarks that Comrade Wang Xiulian and Uncle Wang went to a coffee shop that day, Jiang Feng felt that everyone's eyes had become a little different.

He didn't know exactly what kind of eyes he looked at, anyway, it wasn't the eyes of normal people. And almost everyone has the same look at himself, so Jiang Feng can't help wondering if everyone knows something amazing about him behind his back.

Wu Minqi's eyes made him think he might be green. Zhang Guanghang's eyes made him think that the person who made himself green might be him. Ji Yue's eyes made him think that Ji Yue might know that Zhang Guanghang gave him It's green.

Moreover, Zhang Guanghang and Wu Minqi have been whispering together for the past two days. If it was not Ji Yue who often joined them in whispering, Jiang Feng would really suspect that he might be green.

All in all it's weird, it's weird.

At 3 pm on April 15th, there should be only a few people in the kitchen, and the crowd was as crowded as normal business hours.

Sang Ming stood beside Jiang Feng and enthusiastically asked what he needed to bring for tomorrow's team building, can he bring Mahjong or playing cards.

Although Wang Xiulian nominally said that April 16th was the newly-established group building day, everyone knew that this was to accompany the Prince to celebrate his birthday.

Ji Yue, Ji Xue, Zhang Guanghang and Wu Minqi brushed their hands across their chests, half leaning against the wall, standing in the corner and looking at Jiang Feng, who was dealing with ingredients while looking down at Sang Ming, like a triad group .

"Qiqi, your man has been like this for the past two days?" Ji Yue asked.

"It's always been like that, getting up, eating, cooking, eating, cooking, eating, cooking, sleeping. It was a sudden shock last night, and I've been thinking about 97,970,000. I have a little doubt now. Is it because I made him like this? "Wu Minqi looked worried.

"What did you do?" Ji Yue turned to look at him.

"That night, I suddenly remembered after talking with my mother. Actually, Fengfeng had another incident before it became like this." Wu Minqi sighed. "I made breakfast for him the previous morning, and I talked to him. He said I would always make breakfast for him in the future. "

Month and month :?

"You're not happy to make Jiang Feng for breakfast?" Ji Yue couldn't understand. Sometimes Ji Xue got up early in the morning to make something delicious, and she and Ji Xia would be as happy as paying bonuses.

"Mostly, the noodles I made for him that day seemed a bit numb." Wu Minqi bit her lip fiercely. "I suspect Feng Feng may be unaccustomed to eating and embarrassed to speak, so I just practiced cooking so hard Grab our breakfast right afterwards. "

Zhang Guanghang & Jiyue & Jixue :? ? ?

"No, no," the three whispered in unison.

"Is there a place for the regimental construction tomorrow?" Zhang Guanghang asked. "Will you climb the Great Wall or the mountain?"

"Climbing the Great Wall, tomorrow is not a rest day or a holiday. If you climb the Great Wall, there should be fewer tourists. Ascending to the distance, the air is good, and Jiang Feng changes his mind. This is what Aunt Wang said." Gather, bring your own food to eat at noon, and go to the BBQ after climbing in the afternoon. The house manager has set a place. "

"Auntie Wang and Uncle Jiang Feng will find an opportunity to talk with Jiang Feng alone at noon tomorrow, and see if there can be any words. But Lao Zhang, do you really think Jiang Feng is ill? I think he looks like this You are not ill, you see, usually, if Sang Ming talked to him, he would have stopped touching the fish long ago, and now he is still a piece of meat. Either sick or reborn.

There cannot be a third option.

"It's not sick." Zhang Guanghang shook his head. "Is Grandpa Jiang's body dead if he climbs the Great Wall tomorrow?"

"The two old men don't go, they go to the tea house for tea." Ji Yue said.

"Do you think Jiang Feng is worried that the business in the store is not good, so he suddenly practiced cooking so ecstatically." Ji Xue pushed himself.

"Impossible." Ji Yue vetoed on the spot, "If it was more than half a month ago, it is still possible. Since the spring limited menu was on the shelves, the business in the store has been much better. Although the turnover is not as good as the original, the top restaurant has taken away many customers , But compared with the worst time, Jiang Feng has come back a lot, Jiang Feng cannot be unaware of it. "

"How is the top restaurant now?" Zhang Guanghang is probably the only person in Quantaifeng Tower who is still concerned about the top restaurant next door.

"It seems like that. Didn't the variety show that advertised them the day before yesterday? I saw it from other people's circles. The business was a hot one. The average lineup was 6 hours. I want to have lunch until dinner. The more people line up, the longer the line is, it is really enviable. "Ji Yue lamented," but advertising this thing still depends on cost-effective, our house advertising costs are not bad, the effect is not bad. Their publicity Although the effect is good, I heard that the advertising costs are all eight digits. "

"Eight digits!" Ji Xue was shocked. "Can they get back the cost of such a high advertising fee?"

"Yes ~ ~ Zhang Guanghang nodded surely.

"It's difficult. I remember our store's total turnover was only eight figures last year. Our store doesn't have to pay rent." Ji Yue actually didn't know much about this.

"You can squeeze the competitors, and you have to close the door if you can't squeeze them." Zhang Guang Channel, "Although their homes now have high prices on the menu, they have weekend discounts and holiday discounts, plus coupons issued regularly. Caijin The price has not reached a very high level. When they crowd out a restaurant like ours and cancel the discount, they will be able to pay back within two years. "

"It should be impossible to be completely crushed," Wu Minqi said.

"You don't need to be completely crushed. Pick the weakest one in a short period of time to be able to take away its customers. If you can, you can also dig out his employees. Rip a hole, and the rest gradually eat away. "Zhang Guang Channel.

The three looked at Zhang Guanghang together, their faces covered with how you knew it so well.

"Fenyuan Garden developed like this. There was a privately-owned state-owned restaurant near the former garden. Soon after the opening of the garden, that restaurant closed down, and the chef was also taken away by other restaurants." Zhang Guanghang thought I thought, "I remember the chef went to Yongheju, and the rest went to Babaozhai."

Ji Yue took a deep breath and suddenly felt a little creepy.

"Don't say anything, I think I'm going to lose my job. I don't want to go back and pickle pickles for my mother. Now my brother can study hard, and my mom will ask him to help pickle pickles whenever his grade drops. What happened to Jiang Feng? "Ji Yue pointed to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng originally had a good slice of meat. Suddenly he quit and held the meat.

"Maybe ..." Wu Minqi tilted her head for a few seconds, "I think Sang Ming is too noisy."

"I think he's a bit noisy before every holiday."