Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 653: Chef Arnold

On the second day, Jiang Feng woke up early in the morning. The first reaction was that he was shocked to see the time on his mobile phone. An unknown number called him 11 times in a row. The additional display of the unknown number was courier / takeaway.

A total of 11, each showing 8 or 9 rings. Because there was a precedent of being awakened by an unknown harassment phone at two or three in the morning, Jiang Feng would put his mobile phone into silent mode before going to bed at night, and even the vibration would not be shocked.

Jiang Feng recalled that he had no online shopping recently, so he identified this unknown number for sales, and also sighed in his heart that the sales in this year were really dedicated. He started calling and selling at more than 6 o'clock in the morning, and he continued to fight so much. phone.

He doesn't look like he can afford a house, can he sell insurance?

Jiang Feng changed his clothes and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he brushed his teeth, he still felt the smell of the barbecue that he ate last night. The foam with a mint flavor just tasted the taste of lamb skewers.

The ancients described the good music as Yu Yin circling Liang for three days. Jiang Feng felt that Peng Changping ’s BBQ was almost the same even if it did n’t last for three days. Anyway, it was an exaggerated rhetorical technique.

I just do n’t know if there is a chance to eat Peng Changping ’s BBQ. Actually, I do n’t use BBQ, and I can also fry vegetables.

When Jiang Feng practiced the kitchen, the old man always used Jiang Chengde to cook Jiangcai's green grass, which was also scented to attack Jiang Feng's pig food. At that time Jiang Feng didn't believe it. After all, he hadn't tasted the fairy grass. He didn't know whether the fairy grass was good or not. But in just over a year, he saw so many celebrity chefs besides the old man. He has eaten eight treasure chestnut pigeons, chickpeas, and Tan Jiacai, and he also ate it yesterday. Even the BBQ done by Peng Changping, the No. 1 celebrity chef, was full.

Until yesterday night, Jiang Feng realized that before, he always thought that the old man said that Jiang Chengde's fried vegetables are all grassy, ​​and it was an exaggerated rhetorical method, only because he had too little knowledge. Peng Changping can make BBQ so delicious, why can't Jiang Chengde stir-fry the vegetables with fresh grass flavor?

After washing, Jiang Feng came to the living room, only to find that this morning the house was extraordinarily quiet, not only quiet but also without the familiar oily and spicy flavor.

In the living room quietly, there is no second person except Jiang Feng. There was only an empty plate and a can of Jiyue's mother just two days ago. There was no unopened pickled radish, no chopsticks, and no traces of food.

Jiang Feng walked into the kitchen and found that the stove was very clean, and the stew was adjusted to a warm state. Inside was a pot of hot white porridge. A large iron spoon was placed next to the saucepan, and the white porridge in the pot was not marked by scooping. There is not much oil and spicy spicy seeds in the refrigerator. The cold skin Wu Minqi just made yesterday is also placed in the same place. Seeing this, Wu Minqi just set the boiled white porridge last night.

Since she didn't do it, what about her?

Go to morning training?

Jiang Feng hesitated whether to seize the power of breakfast again, and cooked a bowl of green onion egg noodles cooked with his best noodles bought in supermarket, the door opened.

The family was instantly lively, Wu Minqi, Ji Yue, Ji Xia and Ji Xue walked in together.

"Jiang Feng, you're up." Wu Minqi carried a few small plastic bags in her hand, apparently the breakfast she just went downstairs to buy.

Ji Xia was holding pancake fruit in his mouth, Ji Yue carried a big bag in his hand, and Ji Xue carried a plate.

"Just when I went downstairs to buy hair cakes and bean curds, I happened to meet Xia Xia to buy breakfast and now I said that Ayue and Axue had something to give us, so I invited them to have breakfast together. White porridge, everyone can drink a small bowl to warm the stomach. "Wu Minqi said with a smile," It was too greasy to eat so much barbecue last night, and eat light this morning. "

Ji Xue consciously carried the plate to the edge of the refrigerator and put the plate into the refrigerator.

"This is the beef patty I made last night. You can have it fried tomorrow morning." Ji Xuedao.

Ji Yue put the bag on the ground as soon as he entered the door, and now he does n’t want to mention it. It is obviously overwhelmed. This is a new thing for Ji Yue. As an excellent waiter at Tai Fung Building, there are not many things that can overwhelm her.

"My grandma sent this area, I thought it was just a small object and I didn't care. I took it last night. When I took it, I was shocked. It was a whole box of bacon, cured lamb leg, plate duck, salted fish. , Sauce duck, sausage, all made by my grandmother this time, I picked it a bit and brought it to you. "Ji Yuedao said.

Jiang Feng :?

Jiang Feng looked at the big bag on the ground, and then looked at Ji Yue and asked, "That big box yesterday ... You got it back by yourself?"

"Yeah, I even dragged it all the way back. I knew that my grandma sent me so many things. I called Xia Xia and A Yue to go with me." Ji Yue said.

"I was thinking about giving it to Aunt Wang and Grandpa Jiang. But my grandma called me this morning to ask if the items were delivered. She still sent me a batch in two days. Divide again, you taste it first. "

Taking advantage of their talking skills, Wu Minqi has already packed the bean curd in a bowl, poured the cake into the dish, and served 5 bowls of white porridge to the table.

The reason why she boiled a large pot of porridge is because she originally planned to drink only porridge this morning, so she cooked so much. But after getting up, Wu Minqi changed her mind again. She felt that she was full of porridge and too light, so she went downstairs to buy breakfast.

Although the breakfast on the table is all white, but now the quantity looks very rich. The hot white porridge is just as thick, and it is warm in the stomach.

5 people sat at the table and drank the porridge together. Jixia bite the white porridge and bite the pancake fruit, which seemed out of place.

"Don't you eat Ji Ji pigeons? How can you eat pancake fruit for Xia Xia?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Eat, we had fried beef patty this morning, and I also cooked soy milk. But Xia Xia was not full, so I went outside to buy pancake fruit." Ji Yuedao.

Jiang Feng looked at the pancake fruit with eggs and meat in Ji Xia's hands, realizing that he felt that Ji Xia's meal volume had increased again during this period of time. Not that he thought, Ji Xia's meal volume had really increased.

It is estimated that the average adult man does not have a large amount of rice in summer.

After drinking the hot porridge, Ji Xia went up to pack up and went to work at Taifeng Building. After seeing the three go, Jiang Feng dared to speak: "Qiki, do you think Xia Xia's appetite is getting bigger and bigger than before? ate too much."

"It can be eaten more than before. The original Xia Xia meal was about a little more. Now it is estimated that there are two bowls." Wu Minqi looked at Jiang Feng's expression and knew what he was worried about. "At Xia Xia's current age, he can eat It ’s normal, you can eat long adolescents. Do n’t look at Xia Xia now seems to be fatter than the original, as long as she grows one by one, she will lose weight quickly. ”

"What if I can't lose weight?" Jiang Feng didn't believe it. Chen Xiuxiu could eat it in high school, but she didn't see her lose weight at all.

But in his memory Chen Xiuxiu can eat anytime.

Wu Minqi was silent: "Generally speaking, if you don't smoke vertically, you will only smoke horizontally."

Jiang Feng: ...

Wu Minqi took the last bite of porridge and began to forcibly change the topic: "But what did Grandma Ji Yue suddenly do so much cured meat?"

"I don't know, it may be that the elderly are idle at home and want to find something to do." Jiang Feng was successfully transferred to the topic. "My grandfather never raised anything when he worked, and he didn't even raise chickens and ducks. Pig farming started in the countryside, maybe it ’s a hobby. "

Jiang Feng did n’t know that Grandma Jiyue suddenly started to be so enthusiastic about spending so much time and effort to make so many cured meats, not because of hobbies but because of the great success of Jiyue ’s mother ’s pickles.

Jiyue's mother's pickles were learned from Jiyue's grandmother, and even Jiyue's aunts and uncles also pickles. At the beginning, only Jiyue's mother and Jiyue's aunt made the pickles. In short supply, these pickles were occasionally used as small dishes in addition to being used for cooking. Later, Ji Yue ’s grandmother, Dang Yizhuang, also began to pickle vegetables. In addition, Ji Qiran often could n’t complete his homework and was caught by Ji Yue ’s mother as Zhuang Ding. The supply gradually came up. Free promotion of a small pot of pickles.

This promotion has led some customers to pick up tables for pickled vegetables.

Jiyue ’s two uncles were originally running business with Jiyue ’s father outside to prepare for a comeback, and then Dongshan played another half and found that the possibility of Dongshan ’s comeback had not yet returned home and his sister made a fortune with pickles to get rich, and then abandoned Jiyue Dad went home to make pickles.

During the Chinese New Year, Ji Yue's family conducted an end-of-year inventory. Ji Yue's father found that he had worked hard for a year to run the business outside, and worked hard to prepare for a comeback, and the money he earned did not have pickles in his wife's house. Earn more.

Ji Yue's father, as an excellent businessman who had monopolized more than half of the province's apparel wholesale business, immediately realized that instead of thinking of starting from scratch through the years of hard work, he might as well rub his wife's Dongfeng to change the method. Create greater glories. Then Ji Yue's father gave up in the apparel industry, preparing to do a big job in the pickle industry.

Then everyone found that Jiyue's father would do business, be smart, be able to make friends, meet people and talk to people, talk to ghosts, have a keen sense of smell and intuition, but he wouldn't make pickles.

Ji Yue's family now lacks enough people to start picking pickled vegetables from the village where Ji Yue's grandmother is based. The reliable, honest and reliable people are apprentices.

Why did Grandma Jiyue start to make cured meat?

Since Ji Yue's father's business failure almost went bankrupt, Ji Yue's grandmother has been worried about them. However, as an elderly person with comparable educational level to Zhao Lanhua, she could not think of any other way than taking out her savings. Until Ji Yue ’s mother ’s great success in pickled vegetables showed her a clear way.

Grandma Jiyue ’s pickles and Grandma Jiyue are not the same way, the taste is far inferior, only in the cured meat has its own characteristics, every new year can always win everyone ’s unanimous praise. However, due to the troublesome and complicated steps of cured meat, Grandma Jiyue only makes a little cured meat for New Year's Eve every year.

Jiyue's grandmother's idea is very simple. Since Jiyue's mother's pickled vegetables can be harvested with such great success, her cured meat is not as good as pickled vegetables, but it does not need to be so successful. Even a little success is enough for her to help her son.

I do n’t know if Jiyue ’s grandmother thought that Jiyue ’s father would actually not make cured meat.

These intricate stories were told by Ji Yue to Jiang Feng on the way to work.

Jiang Feng & Wu Minqi: ...

"Then your house ...... Isn't it a pickle workshop now?" Jiang Feng asked.

"It's a regular small pickle factory. My family has gone through the procedures and got the permit, it's legal!" Ji Yuedao said, "My dad and my uncle went to find a place during this time, it is estimated that they want to set up a factory."

Jiang Feng: ...

"So, Mr. Jiang, you must cook well! Your family's young and old livelihood is closely tied to our Taifeng Building!"

Jiang Feng :?

"The business hasn't been very good lately. I remember that after the spring package was launched, the passenger flow has been stable and it has always been profitable. Isn't the spring package not over yet? What's the matter? There are more than half a month! Limited. "Jiang Feng Road.

Ji Yue gave Wu Minqi a strange look, and Wu Minqi shook his head at him ~ ~ what's wrong? Jiang Feng was a little puzzled by the interaction between the two.

"It turns out that your family Kiki didn't tell you, I said why you didn't look anxious or anxious this morning. I thought you were in a good state of mind." Ji Yue opened the phone and there was a poster in the phone Screenshot, "This is the poster announced at the top restaurant yesterday at 12pm."

Jiang Feng took the phone and found three people on the poster, one of whom he knew was the chef of the top restaurant, Roland, wearing a chef's uniform and posing in a very handsome pose, looking straight ahead. What makes Jiang Feng feel strange is that Roland is not actually c. C is a bearded foreign chef he has never seen. From the poster, this bearded chef has a special gas field, and his age is not too small. Part of it is white, and there is an inexplicable sense of the king's overlord.

"The top restaurant has changed the chef, because this time the chef is changed, they will launch the chef limited-time limited course next week. During the event, the chef's set will be discounted and 10 tables will be selected every day for the next month. Guests are free of charge. "Ji Yuedao said.

"10% off the set meal and free 10 tables a day?" Jiang Feng was shocked. "They are not doing business or charity."

"Are you crazy? It's so much money to fight the price war, don't you think it's a loss?"

"Feng Feng, do you know who is the middlemost one on this poster?" Wu Minqi said.


"He is the sixth chef of Arnold, and the only chef who insists on being a chef in the restaurant."

Jiang Feng: ...
