Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 654: Forcing a small expert (six thousand + b

I don't know why, Jiang Feng suddenly has a feeling of being a little old in a fantasy fantasy writing. But the problem now is that they haven't played in the small ones, and the old ones are coming. This is simply not playing according to the routine.

Even if Jiang Feng has never seriously paid attention to who is in the top ten of the famous chef list, I do n’t know who is the sacred chef Anuo, but as the only active player in the top ten of the famous chef list, Arno Jiang Feng now wants to report the opening of the top restaurant.

After arriving at Taifeng Building, Jiang Feng spent almost twenty minutes reviewing and commenting on all news, gossip, encyclopedias and professionals who do n’t know where he can find on his mobile phone. Read it again.

Chef Arnold is actually a celebrity chef.

Unlike most fake internet celebrities on the market, Chef Arnold is a genuine internet celebrity because he has been red for many years.

This bearded, burly figure, a little fierce, took off his chef's clothes and changed into a costume. It is said that the mafia is also a domineering chef who was believed to have participated in a culinary reality show many years ago. In that reality show, Chef Arnold was grumpy, like to scold, like to hurt, like to scorn people, sneered at the peers and showed no mercy to the younger generations, a little bit careful and still very vengeful, tearing up together with the female judges on the show Can't win him, but he is a good cook.

Because of his outstanding performance in the reality show, this native American chef was not very well-developed on the Internet at the time. It was popular all over the United States and was well-known to everyone.

Although Chef Arnold became a low-key, he took root in the restaurant like all other top chefs, and occasionally participated in some culinary competitions and took the championship to live a simple and boring life. But because his variety show was so hot, many amateur guests later tried to copy his fame and embarked on a road of no return.

But other people teared it up and did n’t have the natural nature of Chef Arnold. So that whenever there is a new large-scale tearing reality show, newspapers and magazines that can't find news materials always have to write about the great achievements of Chef Arnold, causing him to have him even if he is no longer in the rivers and lakes. The legend, I ca n’t think of a low profile.

Then the question arises. How can such a rich, famous, young, and grumpy chef get him from the other side of the ocean?

Are all American restaurants closed? As a result, their top chefs can only travel across the oceans to find work.

After reading the information of Chef Arnold, Jiang Feng had an aftertaste, and his face was surprised: "Such a powerful chef, is there a discount on his set meal?"

Wu Minqi said: "I also feel weird. Although I haven't seen Chef Arnold, I heard that he has a short temper. In the past few years, he changed restaurants almost every few years. It has only stabilized in the last four or five years. They often quarrel with the owner of their restaurant for a small thing. "

"Actually, it is a normal thing for him to change restaurants, but it is incredible for him to come to the top-floor restaurant, because Chef Arnold likes to target Chinese chefs. Although he has never publicly spoken or expressed his attitude, but he has participated in cooking In the game, as long as the opponent is a Chinese chef, his mockery will be extremely sharp. "

"Abnormal?" Jiang Feng grabbed the keyword.

"Chef Arnault likes to mock his opponents after the culinary competition. This is quite famous. I have also been mocked by him before." Zhang Guanghang, who has joined the gossip team, added.

Jiang Feng: ...

Is worthy of being the chef who was famous all over the United States through tearing.

"But Chef Arnold especially hates Chinese chefs ..." Zhang Guanghang narrowed his eyes for a while and seemed to be recalling, "I never seem to hear anyone mention this, how do you know?"

Jiang Feng and Ji Yue also took a look at Wu Minqi. Zhang Guanghang, who had been mocked face-to-face by Chef Arnold, didn't know. How did Wu Minqi know.

"I heard from Master Pei Shenghua." Wu Minqi said.

A few people suddenly realized that it was originally said by King Gua, that must have some credibility.

"That's really strange. He doesn't like Chinese chefs. Why did he come here to find his own anger. Is he running out of money recently so he can make extra money?" Jiang Feng guessed boldly.

"Impossible." Zhang Guanghang directly vetoed, "Although there are many chefs who are not good at managing finances, and some famous chefs will face the dilemma of bankruptcy after retirement, Chef Arnold absolutely does not have this problem. Although he has a temper It ’s not good, but he is very good at investment and financial management. Except for opening a restaurant earlier because of poor management and no other major problems, his economic situation should be very good. "

"Can it be that ... the boss behind the top-floor restaurant is actually the son of Chef Arnold?" Jiang Feng came up with a bolder guess.

"He only got married once and divorced, no children."

Jiang Feng: ...

It seems that only restaurants across the United States have closed down, leading their top chefs to travel across the oceans to find work as the last option.

"Actually ..." Zhang Guanghang paused, apparently hesitating to say this, "Since the top-level restaurant has launched a chef's set menu, I think we can go grab it if we can."

Jiang Feng :? ? ?

The old chapter you have changed, it used to be my enemy, now you take the lead!

"The set of chef Anuo ’s personal cooking was originally required to be booked more than half a year in advance. The price will fluctuate but generally will not be lower than five digits." Zhang Guanghang thought about it, "US dollars."

"And the most important thing is that Chef Arnold is the only chef in the top ten who is still working. It may have been slightly better when Finn Garden opened as usual in the past two years. Chef Nuo became the only choice. "

"Chef Arnold ’s cooking style is very special. He likes to use fresh and precious ingredients. His cuisine is wild and wild, with a strong Western food cooking style. Taste the dishes prepared by top chefs of different cooking styles, It is very beneficial for our chefs of this level. "

Jiang Feng suddenly moved.

Eat is what you earn!

Although I do n’t know why the famous chef Arnold suddenly ran to the top floor restaurant to work as a blackman, but for him, it ’s right to have a meal first. Babaozhai's pastry and moon cake Jiang Feng, which also includes a full delivery fee, do not know how much they have eaten. It is a mistake to miss the 10% off the chef's set meal.

Since he decided to be an enemy, Jiang Feng sent Ji Yue to pay attention to the timely development of the top-floor restaurant. When there was any news, Jiang Feng would immediately brush up his experience as before.

No matter how many gangsters come to the top restaurant, even if Peng Changping goes to the top restaurant to work as a black worker, the brush experience should still be brushed.

At noon, Jiang Feng received the news from Zhang Zhiyun. Zhang Chu was a little excited to learn that Peng Changping had returned to China, and wanted to book a ticket to Peiping on the spot. But Zhang's family was not worried about letting Zhang Chu, a retired old man, come to Peiping alone, and sent Zhang Zhiyun, who was better off at a glance, to take a few days off to accompany Zhang Chu to Peiping.

Zhang Zhiyun wanted Jiang Feng to ask for Peng Changping's contact information, but Peng Changping didn't have a WeChat or domestic phone number, Jiang Feng gave Lu Sheng's contact information to Zhang Zhiyun, and sent Lu Sheng a message to tell him about it. This matter is over.

After sending the message, Jiang Feng originally wanted to go to the convenience store next door to buy some snacks and continue to go back to the kitchen brush experience after eating. As a result, he just entered the convenience store and started to pick up snacks. The phone rang, and the call was a strange number.

This strange number is familiar.

Jiang Feng stared at the mobile phone for a few seconds before reacting to it. This strange number seemed to be a bit like the mobile phone number that had been called to him several times this morning.

Jiang Feng sighed in his heart that sales were really difficult this year. The same number was called at noon in the morning and actually called, and the phone was connected.

"Hey." The voice on the other end of the phone was a little familiar, a little nervous, and a little agitated. Jiang Feng could even clearly hear the person on the other end taking a sip of water after speaking.

"Little boss, recently ... is the business in the store okay?" Jiang Feng heard it, it was Zhou Shi.

Because of WeChat, Jiang Feng of many back kitchen employees in Taifeng Building did not keep the phone number.

Jiang Feng thought that Zhou Shi was far away from his hometown, so the news was not well informed. It was only after two days that he learned about the top-floor restaurant, so he called to care about the business situation of the old owner ’s house and smiled and said, "Okay, not much affected. What about you? How about blind date, is there a target? "

Jiang Feng and Zhou Shi were during the Chinese New Year because there were some short-term contact on the phone during New Year's Day. From now on, it was just a relationship of friends and friends.

The relationship between the two of them is average, and there was basically no contact. Zhou Shi told Jiang Feng that he started to have contact only after leaving office.

"It's okay, no, I mean there are already objects, and it's still in the stage of communication." Zhou Shi was nervous like a student who reported his homework to the teacher, which was not his style at all.

When Jiang Feng was his boss, he wouldn't look like this, let alone Jiang Feng is now his former boss.

"That, little boss, I called you a few calls this morning and you didn't answer it. Then in the morning I was afraid of delaying Hou's business so I didn't call you, which delayed me to make this call at noon." Zhou Shi explained After a few sentences, the tone was a little calmer, "I called you today and I just wanted to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Feng asked. "In fact, you can ask on WeChat. I can't get the call."

"In fact, it's just a trivial matter, but I want to confirm directly that I saw Sang Mingfa's circle of friends yesterday. Is it true?" Zhou Shi's tone was full of excitement.

"Friends circle?" In the morning, I had a terrifying melon. Jiang Feng had long forgotten what happened besides Peng Changping's barbecue and Buddha jumping over the wall last night. I thought about it for about half a minute.

"Oh, you said Sang Ming's circle of friends, right. Yes, we went to Tuanjian yesterday and had a barbecue, what's wrong?"

"I'm not asking about Tuanjian, I'm asking ... I saw him in Sang Ming's circle of friends and said that he had eaten the grilled meat of Master Peng Changping yesterday. Is it the Peng Changping we know? Or the same name and surname, yes ... … Master Peng Changping, who is ranked No. 1 in Famous Chefs? ”Zhou Shi even asked a little carefully in his last sentence.

Jiang Feng finally understood why Zhou Shi called him this time. He actually forgot about it. Zhou Shi was a fan of Peng Changping.

When he chatted with Zhou Shi, Zhou Shi mentioned Peng Changping more than once, and his tone was full of worship of Peng Changping. Zhou Shi also said that if he didn't know the specific address of Peng Changping, he would like to visit the other side of the ocean, even if he can't talk and take a closer look.

"It's Master Peng Changping, he's back home." Jiang Feng said, "Yesterday the barbecue restaurant our group built was opposite Yongheju. Wasn't Master Peng originally the chef of Yongheju? He and Mr. Xu Cheng ate in Yongheju together because I came to see it for a special reason, and when I was interested, I cooked some barbecue. "

"I remember you said that you always wanted to see Master Peng. Master Peng will stay in China for a long time this time. If you need me, I can help you ... Hey, are you still there during the week? Hey, you Can you hear it? Isn't the signal good? Hey! "There is no response from the phone.

Zhou held the phone and raised his head slightly.

He was afraid that when he lowered his head and tears, he could not help falling.

He regrets it!

He hates!

Why did he resign, why did he return to his hometown, why did he open this **** private restaurant.

If he did not resign a few months ago, he is still an employee of Taifeng Building. He will be in Peiping, he will participate in the team building last night, he will be able to see his idol Mr. Peng Changping, maybe he can say a few words to Peng Changping, the most important thing is that he can eat Peng Changping himself Grilled barbecue!

Barbecue grilled by yourself!

He and his idol grilled meat are only one step away from his resignation.

But now there is nothing, no chance to speak, no chance to eat barbecue.

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Feng hung up the phone because he could not hear the echo and thought it was a signal problem. Zhou Shi could only hold the phone with a blank screen and grieve alone.

"Cub, what are you doing standing here? Have you eaten lunch? Don't be too hard. This meal still has to be eaten on time. The money can't be earned. How can you not talk back?" Zhou Shi's mother I noticed that my son was looking at the wall sadly with his head tilted up in a very strange state.

"Mom, I have eaten. Don't talk to me now, I want to be quiet."

"If you want to call her quietly, why did you quarrel? Wasn't it okay yesterday? Your boss is not small anymore. Don't be as angry as the young one. I think this kid is quiet and good. "

"Not this quietly."


Everything was normal for the next few days. The turnover of Taifeng Building did not fluctuate sharply as usual. The top-floor restaurant hasn't moved since the announcement of the poster and the preferential news of the half-covered pipa. The specific chef's set menu is not available. How many copies are not announced every day, it seems that there is no more below.

Jiyue and Babaozhai's foreman at this time are working hard to have a close relationship with the foreman of the top restaurant, trying to hear from the foreman a little news from the top restaurant, but it has been fruitless.

Unknown to everyone, the reason why the top-floor restaurant is so quiet is that no news is released because their new chef has not been very good-tempered these days. Training colleagues at work, scolding the boss after work, if Chef Arnold is still participating in the reality show, the materials of the curse are estimated to be able to cut out an episode in the past few days, so that the poor imitators in the reality show can see what is called tear The originator of the genre.

Chef Arnold is not a linguist. He once studied Spanish and French for a short period of time, but he ca n’t even do daily conversations. The only proficient ones are the curse words. This also caused him to scold people usually in English mixed with Spanish and French, of course, this is the same for people who do not understand.

Tao Shu couldn't understand.

Tao Shu is a very inconspicuous assistant in the back kitchen of the top-floor restaurant. His experience is similar to that of Zhou Shi. He has turned around in many restaurants at a young age. He has done Chinese and Western food. The cooking skills are slightly worse than Zhou Shi. Since middle-aged people are busy, they just want to find a high-paying job and get some money to return to their hometown to buy a school district house as soon as possible so that children can go to a good school in the future.

By the way, Tao Shu once worked with Zhou Shi as a colleague for a period of time, and he told Zhou Shi about the news of recruitment at the top restaurant. However, Zhou Shi did not apply in the past because he hadn't done Western food. He was lucky to apply.

After a busy day of work, Tao Shu returned home to find someone to complain about his work. He also opened his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat as usual. He found Zhou Shi and Zhou Shi in the address book to force the chef to work today. Who was scolded.

At first, Tao Shu had a good relationship with Zhou Shi, because Zhou Shi was willing to listen to him complain about some trivial things. This is not because Zhou Shi likes to listen to gossip. At that time, Zhou Shi was very young and very motivated. Every day, besides going to work, he was wondering how to steal one or two tricks from other chefs in the store.

Although Tao Shu likes to complain, he is well informed. Zhou Shi heard a lot of useful news when he listened to Tao Shu ’s complaints. One likes to say that one is willing to listen. Coupled with his similar age, he has the same academic background. In the situation, the relationship between the two people is quite good after a long time.

Later, after their resignation, they gradually lost contact, but no communication between them, but the last time Tao Shu told Zhou Shi that the top-level restaurant was recruiting, they got in touch again.

Tao Shu learned that Zhou Shi had saved enough money to go home to open a private restaurant. He was always envious, and he always wanted to go back to Zhou Shi and learn to go back to open his own restaurant. After chatting a lot, he was used to complaining to Zhou Shi about the work at work as he used to. Zhou Shi remembered that Tao Shu specifically told him the recruitment news of the top-level restaurant. He was willing to listen to him. Understand the situation of the top restaurant.

Even the situation of the owner of the top-floor restaurant that even Jiang Feng and others are unclear, Zhou Shi also knows a little.

Although the top-floor restaurant is opened in Peiping, the back kitchen staff are basically foreigners. Only the small workers and a handful of kitchen assistants are Chinese. Tao Shu feels that he is going abroad every time he works, and he only returns to China after work . The chef usually speaks English habitually, and sometimes speaks French. After a long period of time, Tao Shu can understand simple sentences and one or two French words. Tao Shu feels that he can go to the exam for a few more years. English level 4 now.

Including the top-floor restaurant these two days came to the new chef. I also knew when I was complaining to him that Tao Shu complained to him every day these two days. He has a bad temper, loves to train people, and speaks very loudly. Even if he doesn't understand well, he knows that he is scolding. He is also a burly thief, and he is a bit older.

Tao Shu, as usual, first complained to Zhou Shi that the new chef was cursing again today, and then told Zhou Shi that he found the new chef's origin seemed unusual.

Tao Shu: Today I heard Ronaldinho say that our chef seems to be a chef with a particularly high ranking in the list of famous chefs. Yesterday I did n’t tell you that when I passed the utility room, I heard that he was arguing with someone on the phone very loudly? That man is actually our boss! He seemed to be arguing with our boss because he was dissatisfied with the restaurant ’s discount on his set menu. It ’s weird to say that since he is the top celebrity chef, why would he come to our restaurant? I heard that he worked in the most famous restaurant in the United States. This group of Americans is really strange. Those who are not staying in their own country have to come to us to open the restaurant.

Tao Shu: But our boss is really rich and worthy of being the son of a Wall Street tycoon. Recently, the restaurant has to get discounts for discounts. These days, it has become a little bit faster. It is estimated that I will be busy again after a while. When I save enough money, I will go back to my hometown and open a restaurant like you. Wife and child, no matter how tired and busy, any money you make can go into your pocket.

Tao Shu: I can take two consecutive days off this month. I originally wanted to take another two days off. If I take this off vacation to go home to accompany my wife and children, it is estimated that I can't take off now.

Tao Shu: Hey, I really envy you.

Tao Shu: When do you want to get married? Remember to tell me in advance, I will take leave to attend your wedding.

Zhou Shi: Hey, I really envy you.

Tao Shu forced to force :?

Originally did not want to say this week, anyway, Tao Shu just like to force him not to reply every sentence, just return to the last sentence every 6, 7 messages. But in the first paragraph of Tao Shu ’s long series of words, the famous chef ’s three words deeply hurt his heart, and he could n’t help but copy and paste.

He wanted to go back to Peiping ~ ~ But he knew very well that even if he returned to Peiping, he could not eat the barbecue.

Once his dream was only to see idols, but since he learned that all employees of Taifeng Building had basically eaten barbecue made by idols, his dream had changed.

Did n’t hear Jiang Feng ’s last few words on the phone during the week. He was embarrassed to ask Jiang Feng while he wanted to go back to Peiping. After all, when he refused Jiang Feng's retention, he refused with great pleasure, and now he turned back to beg the former boss not only for a bit of a slap in the face, but also for a while.

Zhou's thoughts drifted far away.

Tao Shu on the other side saw Zhou Shi's copy and paste for a moment, then he understood him as a copy and paste comfort, and continued to force.

Tao Shu: Next week will be my daughter ’s birthday. I just wanted to go home to celebrate her birthday on Saturday. Now it is estimated that my wife can only bring her daughter to Peiping to take them around for vacation. I hope that the boss will not ask us to work overtime next week. When I estimated that I would definitely work overtime, the shop changed the head chef. The new two chefs also extended the business hours. Last week, Xiao Cao resigned. Baozhai poached away, and now he has to hire a kitchen assistant. I estimate that during this time we have to do the work of two people alone, and I do not know what to do.

Tao Shu: Today, the manager also asked if there are chefs we know who can be introduced to work as assistants, and a reward of 1,000 will be given for success. Our shop is doing things every day and it is now becoming the public enemy of Peiping Chinese Restaurant. No matter how good it is to hire a chef, I would also resign if I had more money to open.

Tao Shu: Worry.

Tao Shu: Why didn't Babaozhai come to dig me? I also wanted to be digged away.