Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 704: Q & A

Sun Maocai also saw the news in Hong Kong City this morning to know that the Sun family had hurried. He had been in Hong Kong City for many years, and his connections, family property, wife, children and friends were in Hong Kong City. Regarding his decision to leave Hong Kong City and return to Jubao Building, Sun Maocai's wife and children have no opinions.

He and her wife have had a general relationship these years, relying on two sons to maintain marriage. Now that his eldest son has settled abroad, his younger son is also preparing to study abroad. Sun Maocai's wife was originally planning to accompany his younger son abroad. These days he even helped Sun Maocai to deal with the properties they bought in Hong Kong City these years.

In the past few months, Sun Maocai and his wife have dealt with these complicated chores together in Hong Kong City. By the way, they fool the boss ’s retention and add a natural barrier to the information. He had no knowledge of Sun ’s affairs before. The overwhelming news in the morning revealed that Jubaolou had changed hands.

Not only to change owners, but also to do restaurant business instead of focusing on the service industry to switch to hotel business.

Sun Maocai who was unemployed as soon as he resigned [Nameless novel] :?

Sun Maocai contacted Assistant Wang as soon as he finished reading the news. He learned from the assistant Wang of the same career that Sun Jikai and his son were in a hurry. Originally, Assistant Wang wanted to come with Sun Maocai, but Sun Maocai felt that Assistant Wang's exhortation was not as useful as Qiu Fu's advice at this time, so Assistant Wang assured him to follow him at home and wait for news to follow Qiu Fu to find Sun Jikai and his son.

Sun Jikai got up from the ground and opened the door.

Qiu Fu and Sun Maocai stood at the door, neatly dressed, and wearing a rumpled shirt, with long hair and no cuts or mess, messy spirits, pale face, and dark blue eyes for a long time. Sun Jikai, who wrote four characters on my face, was envious of him.

Qiu Fu was so shocked to see that Sun Jikai was speechless.

When will Sun Jikai appear in front of people in this way? Even when Sun Guanyun drove him out of the house to freeze bank cards, credit cards and trusts a year ago, the cuffs on Sun Jikai's clothes have never been taken off.

"Xiao Kai ..." Qiu Fu didn't know what to say, would he persuade him to start something, let alone Sun Jikai, even he could not think about it, otherwise he would not refuse the generous salary Sun Changning gave him resolutely and decisively Resigned.

Qiu Fu even felt that the names his master gave his two sons were not taken well. Chang Ping did not have peace, and Chang Ning did not see peace.

Sun Maocai didn't seem to see Sun Jikai, so he walked in calmly: "Is it convenient for us to sit?"

"When ... Of course." Sun Jikai hasn't communicated with a normal person for a long time, and speaking to someone's mouth is a bit uncomfortable. Ordering takeaways is all about taking out takeaways at the door without knocking on the door.

"I'm going to ..." Sun Jikai thought about it as if there was still drinking water in the refrigerator, and walked towards the kitchen. "Pour you a glass of water."

Qiu Fu couldn't rest assured that Sun Changping went to the bedroom and saw that Sun Changping was lying on the bed with his face down as if he was drunk, and the ground was full of empty beer bottles. He wasn't supposed to answer him twice, and then came out a little worried. "Xiaokai, your father ..."

"He is not drunk." Sun Jikai put the water glass on the coffee table.

Qiu Fu didn't believe it. The floor of the bedroom was full of beer bottles, and the bedroom was full of alcohol. How could he not be drunk?

"I see that on the ground ..."

"It's all left over. My dad got drunk every day for the first few days. In the past few days, he drank one or two bottles of beer every day. He wasn't drunk. It was just that the bottle on the ground wouldn't let me pick it up." , "He might, don't want to be drunk or sober. Just think about it."

"What about you?" Sun Mao looked at Sun Jikai.

"I don't know." Sun Jikai lowered his head.

"Because I don't know, is that the case? Every day I bring such a small house with dark curtains closed, no contact with the outside world, no people, escape, can escape be useful? This morning, I looked at my phone and it was all about. I am afraid that the news of changing the owner of Jubao Building will be known to the whole country. Now, do you want to continue to escape? "Sun Maocai said.

Sun Jikai didn't speak.

Qiu Fu was anxious to use his eyes to signal Sun Mao to stop stimulating Sun Jikai at this time, but Sun Maocai also used his eyes to signal to stop him.

"Do you still want to fight?" Sun Mao asked.

Sun Jikai shook his head.

"Why not argue? I asked Assistant Wang this morning, and you and your dad would become like this because your mother ruined the will without anyone thinking, and the ruin, with only a copy and no original, is in the hands of your second uncle. The testament with the original remains uncompetitive, but this does not mean that you have no hope of winning this lawsuit. "Sun Maocai then said," There have been many sensational estate disputes in Hong Kong City over the years, let alone not. Wills, even if there is a will, it is common for lawsuits to last for a year and a half for ten years and eight years. As long as one side is not guilty of inheritance and cannot be divided, there are winners who are expected to return, and there are unexpected winners who win by forged wills. Yes, so there are losers, why do n’t you fight? "

Qiu Fu has been frightened by Sun Maocai's remarks.

"Because it can't." Sun Jikai said.

"What is impossible?" Sun Mao pressed forward step by step. "This is what you deserve. If you don't bite and don't give up, don't give up and don't admit it, this legacy lawsuit can be beaten endlessly, even then you If you ca n’t win, your second uncle will definitely give in. You can get more legacy than you get now. Why ca n’t you? ”

"Because Jubaolou can't afford it!" Sun Jikai shouted.

"When Grandpa was still alive, because he was too ill to take care of the business in the shop, the business in Jubao Building was already bleak. After the funeral, the personnel should have been rehabilitated, but because ... because of this legacy lawsuit, it has become more Chaos. Shareholders' standings, staff standings, and Jubaolou's stock price plummeted. If we drag this lawsuit all the way down, I'm afraid it will be over before the lawsuit is over. "

"Now the Jubao Building is also the same. Sun Changning wants to transform the Jubao Building into a hotel, supplemented by catering to create a series of surrounding facilities around the hotel. Do you know?" Sun Maocai asked.

"I know." Sun Jikai stared at the floor. "My second uncle wanted to transform Jubao Building into a hotel for many years, but Grandpa kept it."

"So you are willing?"

"I'm not willing," Sun Jikai murmured, "but my dad and I don't want Jubaolou to be destroyed in our hands because of the legacy lawsuit. Although my second uncle wanted to be a hotel, he would not give up dining, he knew Jubao What is the core of the building, now this way, at least Jubao Building is still there. "

"What about your mother?" Sun Mao changed the subject. "She destroyed the will and caused you to lose this lawsuit. I heard that the divorce agreement was signed before the ruling of the estate lawsuit. She lost her inheritance right because of the damage to the will. But nothing seems to be lacking. "

Sun Jikai sneered: "She will regret it, and she will regret it soon. She thinks she is smart, and my dad and I will not pursue it, but she will soon pay the price for her cleverness, and get lost one by one, than let her It ’s been much more painful from the start. "

Sun Mao didn't ask any more, just looked at Sun Jikai quietly.

Sun Jikai had always lowered his head and stared at the floor waiting for Sun Maocai's next question, but he didn't hear him open his mouth and looked up, just in front of Sun Maocai's eyes.

"Did you just want to ask this this time?" Sun Jikai asked ~ ~, but the rest is unnecessary. "Sun Mao just smiled suddenly," I thought you were shutting yourself down in the house because you couldn't stand the blow. But you know exactly what choices you have made. Now it seems that you haven't regretted these choices. If you don't regret it, why is it still the case? "

Sun Jikai was silent.

For a long time, he shook his head.

"I do not know."

"Want to hear my opinion?" Sun Mao said.

Sun Jikai looked at him, Qiu Fu also looked at him.

Sun Mao was about to begin, and the words came to a halt, and he paused and said, "Mr. Sun, don't stand there, sit down and drink."

Sun Changping came out of the room sometime and leaned against the wall. A sloppy look of a drunk man, but nothing drunk in his eyes.

"Before telling my opinion, let me tell you a story."