Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 720: Mission target approaching

What Ji Yue and Fang Mei did not know was that a batch of diners had received the mail they sent in the morning in the afternoon, Zhou Zhou was one of them. As a rich second-generation middle-aged person who has not fully accepted the business at home, Zhou Yan and Han Guishan are different from the hard-working generation who have to work overtime every day. The daily life is very leisurely. They eat, drink and accompany their wives and children, friends Come with your friends when you come.


   For example, now he is accompanying Ouyang Yang who just returned from a business talk abroad and scolded Sun Changning.


"Sun Changning’s dog stuff, I saw last year that he was not a good person. I was surprised when I heard that he was selling a house. Sure enough, the wolf is not ambitious. Sun Changping is also a fool, I have never seen such a stupid thing. People, their wives can be burned by their wives in their hands, and the sludge cannot support the strong things. I can’t do it!" Ouyang Yang came back to Beiping first because he had some things to deal with in Beiping first, just after getting off the plane Straight to Zhou Zhou's house, he began to yell at Sun Changning without drinking a cup of water.


   "Burn? Why did the version I heard tear off?" Zhou Yan asked.


   "No matter what he is, I also listen to what people say." Ouyang Yang was not angry.


"The version outside is true and false, just look at it. You and the Suns have no friendship, why are you so angry." Zhou Zai smiled and glanced to the side just to see what was just delivered. Courier without tearing down.


"I just can't get used to the two hundred and five hundred of Sun's family! Is Sun Changning's brain kicked by a donkey? The good catering industry doesn't do hotel business, and it also says that it needs to develop the hotel ecological chain and take catering as a side business. I Bah, he made a hotel under the name of Jubaolou. He actually used Jubaolou as a hotel. Master Sun just died and he wanted to change Jubaolou into a hotel!" Ouyang Yang was excited, when he saw the news Sun Changning made a phone call and Zhou Zhang scolded for nearly an hour, probably because the telephone scolding was not enough, so he pulled Zhou Zhou back and scolded again after returning home.


Ouyang Yang is a hard-core fan of Jubao Building Zhou Zhou knows. In recent years, anyone who dares to say that Jubao Building will not work is better than Ouyang Yang who used to jump up and curse people, not to mention that the internal battle of Jubao Building directly transformed his fight. Too.


  Zhou Zhou felt that if certain behaviors had not been written into the criminal law, Ouyang Yang was afraid to go back and go and unload Sun Changning.


"Ouyang, I know you may not like to hear this, but I think you may have been a bit wrong about Sun Changning." Zhou Yan said, "Sun Changning has been wanting to do hotel business for so many years, you don't know, Jubao Building These years of business are indeed not as good as one year. Master Sun may still have some prestige to live in while he is still alive. Now that Master Sun has passed away, his apprentices have learned Qiu Fu by seven or eight points, but Qiu Fu You are clear, he can’t support Jubaolou. As for Sun Jikai, Master Sun’s grandson, I don’t know much about it, but it is impossible for Sun Changning to fight.


"Sun Changning is a smart person. It may not be worse to transform into a hotel than to insist on a restaurant. The stock price of Jubao Building fell like that before. Sun Changning made the stock price rise back at a press conference. You also saw the end of Tan Jia Xiaoguan, Although no one said it clearly, many people thought it was the first private restaurant in Guangdong Province. Master Tan died only a few years ago. You can see how many people still remember the Tan Family Restaurant. Gone."


   "Then should I send a banner to Sun Changning to thank him for the successful transformation of Jubao Building?" Ouyang Yang sneered.


"I'm letting you not be angry, don't be impulsive. Qiu Fu has already gone to Taifeng Building. Even Sun Maocai was dug by Taifeng Building. The last master who can do things at the top of the job jumped. What's the point of being angry? "


  Ouyang Yang was still so angry that he wanted to battle Zhou Zhou. When he heard this, everyone was stunned: "Qiu Fu and Sun Mao went to Taifeng Building?"


Zhou Bei saw that he was actually a bit strange in this reaction, and pointed to the undelivered courier that was thrown on the sofa: "That should be an invitation letter, a summer banquet. It is reasonable that Taifeng Building should invite you, you Didn’t you go there for dinner?"


Zhou Zhou said that Ouyang Yang was a bit impressed in the midsummer banquet: "It seems that the person at Taifeng Building called me to invite me yesterday, but I have a contract on the 6th and I can't sign it off. Well, why didn't she tell me that it was Sun Maocai."


   "It must be that you refused as soon as you heard the time, and blamed others for not saying it." Zhou Zai smiled.


  Ouyang Yang couldn't help but beat his chest. Sun Maocai's meal was also difficult to make an appointment. Sun Maocai himself was a chef from Jubaolou who was all playing in Jubaolou. The craftsmanship is exactly what Ouyang Yang likes.


"Oh by the way, there is one more thing that you might be a little happier when you listen to it. Your favorite master Jiang Fengjiang has finally resumed work some time ago, and the eight treasure chestnut pigeons have also been on the menu, but only the amount released each day It’s less difficult to make a lot of appointments. You said that by coincidence, I happened to make an appointment for the eight treasure chestnut pigeons tonight."


  Ouyang Yang glanced at Zhou Zhou without curiosity: "Don't say early, go to Taifeng Building to eat at night."


   "Yo, how can I remember that some people said that the dishes of Taifeng Building were just like that, totally incomparable with Chef A Nuo's craftsmanship?


"What time is it now? Yo, it's four o'clock. Let's go. If your home is so far from Taifeng Building, it's estimated to be seven o'clock if there is a traffic jam. The plane meal at noon today is too unpalatable. I didn't eat two bites. Now I’m a little hungry. Let’s go to Taifeng Building.” Ouyang Yang changed the subject after a while, got up, and didn’t forget to take apart the undelivered courier on the sofa to see what the invitation letter looked like.


   On the other side, Jiang Feng did not know that his mission goal was moving towards Taifeng Building. Even if he knew that he might not have much reaction now, he had one more important thing to do.


  He started from today until the summer banquet on the 6th. He needs to hang the clear soup under the supervision of three chefs, two masters and Sun Maocai.


   Hanging soup used to make chickpeas.


  Because Peng Changping is coming to have a midsummer feast.


  The diners who called only yesterday notified the invitation letter sent this morning. Prior to this, Taifeng Building had not publicized the summer banquet because of the fear that the top-level restaurant would estimate what is going to cause trouble. Although the top-floor restaurant shouldn't be so inferior, at least for now it seems that it is also a fair and direct target for Taifeng Building. With its strong customers, the means may be somewhat glorious, but it does not do anything that people are angry about.


   Until now, there has been no publicity in Taifeng Building. At first, it was an anti-thief. Later, I simply felt that it was good not to advertise. Playing mystery might not be a way of publicity. Tai Fung House’s Xuanfa has never been so good. It can be said that even if Tai Fung House wants to buy a bid like Babaozhai, it doesn’t know where to buy it. If there is no acquaintance, there is no way to buy it. The treasure of Baozhai may not have his number.


  Buying the bidding points of major software browsers, Babaozhai is professional.


  Peng Changping was so fast until Jiang Feng in the midsummer banquet was unclear. Perhaps Lu Sheng told him. After all, Lu Sheng was always well informed.


   The problem now is that Peng Changping is coming to eat.


  Peng Changping is not only a recognized first chef, but also a half master of Jiang Feng.


   Even in the eyes of many people, Jiang Feng is a disciple of Peng Changping.


  Jiang Feng followed Peng Changping for a few months to learn broth. Under the guidance of Peng Changping, the seasoning and fire were brushed to the master level in the shortest time before making chickpea flowers. However, Peng Changping only tasted Jiang Feng's S-level broth that day and had never tasted Jiang Feng's chickpea flowers. The midsummer banquet will be the first time Peng Changping tasted Jiang Feng's chickpea flowers.


   In front of half a master, UU reading Jiang Feng wanted to show his best cooking skills.


   First, we must make the best clear soup he can make now.


  So, Jiang Feng, who was still seriously cutting the meat, gave up cutting the meat directly after answering the phone. Wanfu meat didn't do it either, and he lifted the clear soup wholeheartedly.


   Not only hanged himself, but also went to the teahouse to get all three head chefs back. The tea was not allowed to be drunk, the sky was not allowed to chat, and the cow was not allowed to be blown.


   Three chefs: ...




   Has his little grandson swelled recently?


  Does he still know what his last name is?


   Hanged a clear soup and actually asked the three old guys to watch from the side. What's so good about this kind of thing...


   Hey, this soup is so good!