Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 770: Gift (3) (four thousand)

   The next thing is very boring. Jiang Feng has seen too many people sleeping in his memory, and has no interest in appreciating the sleeping position of a handsome guy.

   Taking advantage of Zhang Guanghang’s sleep, Jiang Feng tested his range of activities this time. It was not too large, only five or six meters away from the wall. With such a small range of activities, Jiang Feng was destined to not be able to walk around during Zhang Guanghang's sleep, so he could only look at Zhang Guanghang's bookshelf.

In fact, Zhang Guanghang’s room is quite modern. From the current point of view, it is a normal child’s room a dozen years ago. Beds, desks, bookshelves, wardrobes, except that the room is a bit bigger, and other people’s children’s rooms. There is no difference.

The books on Zhang Guanghang’s bookshelf are basically all in French, while the Chinese books are those like "The Doctrine of the Mean," "The Analects", and "Zhou Yi" that make people feel headache after reading it. The only book that Jiang Feng found to be relatively normal was "Records of the Historian".

   If this "Historical Records" is annotated, it should still be a story book.

In addition to these puzzling books, Zhang Guanghang’s bookshelf also contains many notebooks, sticky notes, various notebooks, and stacks of scratch paper. They are very clean and tidy, not as neat as a daily routine. A desk that normal children who want to do homework should have.

  Jiang Feng vaguely remembered that when he was finishing his desk in the third year of high school, he accidentally unearthed a pack of hairy squid slices that had been missing for a year under nearly half a meter of draft paper and exercises.

   When Zhang Guanghang finally woke up, Jiang Feng was so bored that he started counting the stains on the wall.

   Zhang Guanghang woke up and began to do his homework. After writing for almost an hour, Xia Mucheng came in to check his study progress. In fact, Xia Mucheng couldn't understand anything like Jiang Feng. The way he checked the progress was to judge how many characters Zhang Guanghang had written, as long as he felt that the characters were written enough and the progress was OK.

   Jiang Feng can only sigh about this, it is not easy for Zhang Guanghang to live so normally.

   After finishing the homework, it is almost the time for business in the evening. At night and noon, there are four tables of guests. Even the dishes ordered are quite different. Compared to the simpler lunch and dinner, there is a dish of chicken stewed with mushrooms.

   A whole chicken can't be eaten by two people at all. Zhang Guanghang has a long body and eats a lot, but it is only the appetite of a normal peer. Xia Mucheng's remaining small half plate of mushroom stewed chicken was put in the refrigerator, indicating that Zhang Guanghang could go to watch TV, and Jiang Feng realized that Zhang Guanghang didn't seem to have much entertainment this day.

   He didn't know what was going on in the morning, but according to previous memories, Zhang Guanghang should have accompanied Xia Muchen to buy vegetables in the morning. The whole day was either practicing cooking or studying, and only watched TV at night. Such a familiar life made Jiang Feng's eyes moist.

   Isn’t this just the winter and summer vacations for his elementary and junior high school!

   The TV is in a special room. At this time, Jiang Feng has to make complaints. He has no idea what Xia Mucheng's house allocation and decoration ideas are.

   According to theory, Fenyuan only lives with two people, and the houses of Xia Mucheng and Zhang Guanghang should be adjacent to each other. But this is not the case. The space between Xia Mucheng and Zhang Guanghang's house is less than 50 meters.

In addition to the normal furnishings of the main hall of Fenyuan's residence, there are bogu frames, decorations, tables, chairs and benches. The rest of the houses are decorated so strangely that people simply don't understand what those houses are for. Maybe it’s just that the house is too big and there are too many rooms, so I don’t know what to do, so there are things in it and things in it, making it nondescript.

  Some rooms only have cabinets, some rooms only have beds, some rooms are like warehouses, and some rooms are confusing.

  For example, in the room where you watch TV, a room with an area of ​​less than 40 square meters actually only has a table, two chairs and an old-style square TV. That table is not in front of the chair yet, that table is for the TV.

   After watching TV, Zhang Guanghang washed and went to bed, while Xia Mucheng went back to the room to call-Xia Mucheng has a mobile phone.

   Xia Mucheng likes to walk around when making a phone call, as long as the phone is long enough, he can even go around Fenyuan. It's just that the call this time didn't seem so pleasant. Jiang Feng heard Xia Musheng's roar from a long distance away. In order to hear clearly what he was shouting, Jiang Feng deliberately walked to the place closest to Xia Musheng, half of his body was stuck in the wall before he could barely hear it.

"Fart, he is just a thirteen-year-old kid. You let him accept and understand what you do for food? He can eat candied haws on his face two years ago. You let him accept it. I went back to Peking and found that everyone I can’t accept it when I'm in my twenties!"

   Xia Musheng's voice suddenly went up high and Jiang Feng was startled.

   "Why can't I cheat if I can cheat this year?"

"Can't keep it? I'm alone with him for ten months a year. I can't keep it. You can't keep it from so many adults for two months. What can't you see? You two are still alive and he will go back. Did you see you when you did? Don’t talk to me so much, I warn you not to talk."

After    Jiang Feng couldn't hear clearly, because Xia Mu scolded and went away.

   Jiang Feng could feel it. In the long string of words just now, Xia Mucheng had many swear words and swallowed abruptly. In the end, Jiang Feng is clear about the specific results of the negotiation. It must be Xia Muchen who won.

Because after Xia Mucheng finished the call, he went to Zhang Guanghang’s room to find Zhang Guanghang and told him that he didn’t need to go back to France in half a month. Something happened in France and decided to send his tutor to Peking directly. International business trip.

   Zhang Guanghang asked Xia Mucheng why, Xia Mucheng made up a random reason to say that your aunt and uncle ate bad food and went to hospital for surgery.

   The reason Zhang Guanghang was so ridiculous has no doubts. It can be seen that Zhang Guanghang is still very good at deceiving at this time, but it depends on who is deceiving him.

   As expected by Jiang Feng, after breakfast the next morning, Xia Mucheng led Zhang Guanghang to buy vegetables. Along the way, I also ran into other uncles and aunts who were walking around, all of whom lived nearby.

   They saw Zhang Guanghang look like they were accustomed to, and did not show too much surprise. If the relationship is weaker, nodding at the two is regarded as a greeting, and the better relationship directly greets: "Yeah, go shopping."

   The vegetable market is still the one that I saw in my memory last time, but there is no man selling candied haws at the door, but there are sugar sellers. Xia Mucheng saw a sugar seller and asked Zhang Guanghang if he wanted to buy a sugar man to eat. Zhang Guanghang shook his head and refused.

   Grocery shopping is still the method of buying vegetables at will. There is no set goal. You can go around the vegetable market and buy what you see. If you buy something, you will have to eat what you buy today at noon and evening.

   I don’t know if it’s because Xia Mucheng came a little late today. He didn’t even look at the fresh food. He just bought a few catties of pork and some vegetables symbolically. In the end, I still felt that there was no way with too little food, so Xia Mucheng ordered six chickens from the chicken vendor and asked him to send it directly to Fenyuan later.

   After buying the vegetables, Xia Muchen went home with the vegetables, but Zhang Guanghang was unwilling, and took La Xia Muchen's hand to beckon him to stop, and reminded him: "Take pictures."

   Xia Mucheng then remembered that there was still a photo shoot.

   Anyway, there are not many dishes, so Xia Mucheng directly took the dishes and led Zhang Guanghang to the photo studio.

   Very old photo studio, Jiang Feng felt that Beiping City should have been full of photo studios at this time. It was really not easy for Xia Muchen to find such an old photo studio. Just looking at the signs and the inside of the photo studio, Jiang Feng felt that this photo studio was almost the same as the one where Jiang Huiqin and Li Mingyi took their wedding photos, except that the camera is not the antique camera that year.

   An antique photo studio like this, the business can be imagined.

   The boss didn’t expect a customer to come to the door early in the morning. He looked extremely enthusiastic and asked, “Old man, take his grandson to take a photo.”

   After finishing talking, the boss realized that Zhang Guanghang was not a pure-blooded Peking child. He immediately praised: "Oh, your grandson is still a mixed-race, he looks really good."

   Xia Muchen was thinking about other things and didn't care what the boss said: "Take a picture."

"Would you like to change clothes? We have vintage gowns and suits in our store. If you change clothes, you only need to add 20 yuan, which is much cheaper than other photo studios." The boss enthusiastically promoted, "It's just that you two came too early. The makeup artist hasn’t come yet, but you two don’t need to make up. Your grandson is so cute, no matter how you take pictures."

Jiang Feng took a look at the store. The clothes in this store are very few and about seven or eight at a glance. There are some low-quality props in the corner. There is no other person besides this boss that makes Jiang Feng suspicious of the makeup artist in his mouth. Does it exist?

   "You don't need to correct those imaginary ones, just take a group photo." Xia Mu said.

"Okay." The boss was still enthusiastic. He led Xia Mucheng and Zhang Guanghang to the place where he took pictures, and pointed to the only chair in the props that looked more quality and texture. "Do you think this will work? You sit on the chair." Let your grandson stand by the side, it’s better to take a picture like this."

   Xia Mucheng looked at the chair and thought it was OK, nodded in agreement, the boss quickly moved the chair over and signaled Xia Mucheng to sit on it.

   Xia Mucheng and Zhang Guanghang determined the position and posture. The boss raised the camera in a seemingly professional posture, and was about to take the shot. He felt that something was not right. He looked at Xia Mucheng and Zhang Guanghang and put down the camera.

   "Master, smile a little, your expression is too serious, look at how happy your grandson smiles, smile a little, be gentle." The boss said.

   Xia Muchen barely showed a kind smile.

   It may be because of the nervousness of taking pictures. Xia Mucheng's smile is uglier than crying, and a kind smile has become a nuclear good.


   "You should keep the expression just now, it's nice to be a little majestic."

   Xia Musheng:?

   Xia Mucheng put away his smile immediately, with a stern expression in the wood before he recovered.

Zhang Guanghang’s face still has a brilliant smile that reveals a silly white and sweet color. With his cute face with a hint of handsome youth, Jiang Feng deeply feels that the old Zhang is really long. Disabled.

   If Zhang Guanghang can still maintain this cute face with a trace of handsomeness, Taifeng Building will have no business. Just send Lao Zhang outside to cook teppanyaki. When he lowers his head and cooks, he takes the time to raise his head and smile at the customers. Tai Fung House is not welcome...

   Wait, why not send Lao Zhang out to make teppanyaki?

   Jiang Feng was lost in thought.

   Just when Jiang Feng was meditating, the photo was taken, and Xia Mucheng had paid the money.

   The boss told Xia Muchen that he could come to pick up the photos in the afternoon, and Xia Muchen nodded and carried the dishes to lead Zhang Guanghang to Fenyuan again.

   On the way, Zhang Guanghang couldn't help curiosity and asked: "Master, is it your first time to take a photo?"

   "It was taken before," Xia Mu said.

   "Why are there no pictures at home?"

   Xia Mucheng glanced at him: "I took a family portrait many years ago, but it burned away."

   Zhang Guanghang stopped talking.

Today is Xia Mucheng’s birthday, but Xia Mucheng didn’t mean to celebrate his birthday in the slightest. He should be open for business and work. Even lunch did not become rich because of his birthday. What he ate was simple stir-fry and yesterday. Stewed chicken with mushrooms left at night.

   After lunch, Zhang Guanghang didn't go back to the house to sleep, but pestered Xia Mucheng to make Xia Mucheng make him a pie.

   "Pie?" Xia Mucheng suddenly became alert, as if returning to the fear of being dominated by Shafolo, "What kind of faction?"

   "Apple Pie!"

   Xia Musheng:? ? ?

   Jiang Feng can even read Xia Mucheng's heartfelt voice.

  What kind of stuff are you French, and what is not good for cooking? How can you hit the apple bar?

   "Will you do it?" Xia Muchen asked.

   Apple Pie Zhang Guanghang really knows how to make This is a very simple homemade dessert, no difficulty. But the problem now is that there is no oven in Fenyuan, and Zhang Guanghang can't do it, so he wants Xia Mucheng to do it. In Zhang Guanghang's opinion, Master is omnipotent. Even without an oven, he can certainly make something similar to an apple pie.

   Xia Musheng:...

No, I can not.

   The apprentices have given face so much, and Xia Mucheng felt that he was a little sorry for not being a student. He asked in detail what an apple pie was, and finally concluded that it was an apple pie.

   is still a thick-skinned scone.

  The apple pie described by Zhang Guanghang is a big round plate. Jiang Feng feels that this kind of pie is difficult to make with other kitchen utensils except the oven. If it's the rectangular thin-skinned pie sold by KFC, you might be able to fry it in a pan.

   Xia Mucheng started to feel a little troubled.

   He can make scones, but all he makes are meat scones. Now let him make apple scones. He is afraid that he will make the scones. Zhang Guanghang will not dare to eat them.

"You let me study and study." Xia Mucheng left this sentence and let Zhang Guanghang go back to bed to sleep. After waking up, he would do his homework, and he would stay in the kitchen to fight against apples and study what this thick-crusted apple scones should do. How to do it.


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