Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 795: Hunger marketing

  The recipe for pure meat wonton is actually not bad.

   Although its buff is very suffocating, but at least the sales are very guaranteed. It sells 30 copies every day, and basically can get 30 good comments, unless someone who does not pursue art eats it.

   Sixty points a day, five days is three hundred points, this score is not high, definitely not low.

   This time I reported five recipes. The dishes that Jiang Feng reported were pure meat wonton, eight-treasure chestnut pigeon, crab stuffed orange, chickpeas and braised pork.

   Of course, braised pork is the kind that can't be helped.

The sales of these dishes are basically fixed. Chickpea is a predetermined dish. It is sold for 23 servings a day, and Jiang Feng can’t sell it any more. Under the premise of ensuring normal operation, a pot of clear soup is carefully made every day. His limit, no matter how much he really can't hang.

   Eight Treasure Li Xiangge is also a pre-ordered dish, and the sales volume is a little bit higher. If Jiang Feng fights together, he will make up to 70 servings a day, so that he feels like vomiting when he sees the pigeons.

The sales volume of Crab Stuffed Oranges fluctuates greatly. When it is small, there may be only a dozen or twenty copies a day, and when it is high, it can sell forty to fifty copies. This dish is time-consuming, and it is mainly a waste of apprentices. It was all made by Ji Xia.

   Braised Pork is the non-main dish that should be put on top after Jiang Feng studied his own menu data sales this month. Home cooking, the price is not expensive, meat dishes, as long as the menu sales will not be too low, it is a stable dish.

  Pure meat wonton is not the best among these five dishes, but it is definitely not bad.

  Jiangfeng’s cuisine is like this. His main dishes are too many, and each one is very popular. Most of the procedures are complicated and time-consuming and difficult. It is impossible for him to have a product that sells well and is fast like dry fried Niuhe like Sun Jikai, and is super suitable for making dim sum products.

   It can be seen from the points situation last week that most restaurants are like this, and Yongheju lost at this point.

   Zhiweiju branch is high because they opened the sales link, the white case and the red case are fighting for sales, the red case can only stand in sigh and raise the white flag to surrender. Similarly, if Zhiweiju can enter the finals and enter the normal cooking competition stage, the white case and the red case will fight for the richness of ingredients, cooking skills and cooking methods will still only have the life of surrendering the white flag.

   Each has its shortcomings and each has its own strengths.

   The top restaurant branch is high because they have drawn two good lots. One is to sell the appetizers in the set menu. The sales are high and easy. It is not time-consuming without the technical content. The other is the dessert that Roland drew. That dessert is the top restaurant's online celebrity dish. Those who are not in place will order one to try.

   Why Babaozhai has a high branch? It depends on Zheng Siyuan. They also have takeaways in the store. Who can handle the fresh meat mooncakes by drawing lots?

   Excluding those three days with operating points above 2,000 points, other restaurants have operating points below 2,000 points. Jiang Feng feels that as long as Taifeng Building's operating points are around two thousand points this week, and without pulling the hips during the weekend test, Taifeng Building can really fight a beautiful turnaround in the second stage of the schedule.

   No matter which restaurant to switch to, as long as it is not Zhiweiju, Jiang Feng is confident to get a report on sales.

   And as an experienced variety show viewer, Jiang Feng feels that the second stage of the game must be Babaozhai who has drawn Zhiweiju. Otherwise, this competition will not be able to play at all. The chefs of other restaurants are not the only one who can do nothing.

   Sun Maocai and Sun Jikai know how to make Cantonese dim sum, but Zhiweiju sells Su-style dim sum and they are not professional.

  Wu Minqi didn’t know that Jiang Feng’s thoughts had gone from now to the next week. He thought Jiang Feng was a little disappointed with the pure meat wontons, and quickly comforted: "Maple Feng, I think it’s good to get pure meat wontons."

   "Look, there are 30% stable sales every day, and you can also limit it. I remember that at the beginning of last year, your limited dishes were limited and unlimited? The prices are still different."

  Jiang Feng was still studying which restaurant they had to get next week to be more profitable. He heard Wu Minqi talking to him about unlimited limits, and asked casually: "What unlimited unlimited?"

   Wu Minqi repeated the sentence just now.

   Jiang Feng suddenly felt that they were stable.

   Hoo, the program group did not stipulate that the original limited dishes should not become unlimited.

   It may be difficult to make delicious dishes, but it is not easy to make unpalatable dishes.

   "Qiqi, you are so smart, I will call now to ask if the program group can change the limited amount of dishes to unlimited." Jiang Feng was so excited that he patted his thigh and started calling.

The program group might have expected that a contestant would call to ask or comment after the dishes were announced. The call was answered almost in seconds. Before Jiang Feng opened the phone, there was a crisp, standard, Chinese customer service voice. In English.


   "Can you speak Chinese?" Jiang Feng doesn't understand or cannot speak, but he just doesn't want to speak.

   "Okay, it's Jiang Feng, is there anything I can help with?" The phone cut Chinese in seconds. Obviously, the staff who answered the call was a good taste staff.

"That's it. The dish I drew this week is pure meat wontons. If I follow the previous sales method, my pure meat wontons are limited to 30 servings per day. Can I change it to unlimited?" Jiang Feng Asked.

   "Okay, I will record your question here, and the result will be given to you soon, at most half an hour. Do you have any other questions?"


   "Okay, please tell me later... Oh no, I wish you a happy life."

   The phone hangs up.

   Jiang Feng:?

   What did your delicious staff do before?

   After the call was hung up, Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi discussed their dishes with Sun Maocai and Sun Jikai in the WeChat group, and they were all good. Sun Jikai got his once proud of Wenchang Chicken. This dish is only made by Sun Jikai in Taifeng House. Ji Xue can’t make it, and Sun Mao is unwilling to make it. The sales volume on weekdays is of course incomparable to dry fried Niuhe, but it’s okay. If you want to eat, you can only order Sun Jikai's.

   Exclusive monopoly is so confident.

   Sun Maocai's lottery this week can be regarded as very good. He drew Ding Hu Shang Su, which is one of Sun Maocai's main dishes in Tai Fung Building. Generally speaking, as long as this dish is on the menu, people who can grab Sun Maocai's dish will definitely order this dish, unless they don't understand anything and don't like vegetarian food at all.

  Moreover, Dinghu Shangsu has another advantage, which is fast food.

  Compared with Jiang Feng’s eight-treasure chestnut-flavored pigeon, chickpeas and crab stuffed orange, Dinghushangsu’s cooking speed is simply swish, faster than braised pork.

   It can be said that Tai Fung Building is basically stable at 2,000 points this week. If Jiang Feng's pure meat ravioli is unlimited, and the majority of art-seeking students don't mind eating something that lacks soul and labor, Taifeng Tower is expected to hit 3000 points.

   Soon the program team called Jiang Feng back.

   I won a limited amount of dishes. I want to make the limited amount of dishes unlimited. This is not an excessive or unreasonable request. The program team certainly agrees. But the program group also has a requirement that all limited dishes except for the scheduled dishes must be changed to unlimited.

   Then, there was a conflict between the two sides.

   From the point of view of the program group, the change from limited to unlimited is just a matter of one word.

   But here in Jiang Feng, the difference between limited and unlimited is a buff.

   The difference is big.

   can make people cry and laugh.

   The program group couldn't understand why Jiang Feng insisted on marking a few copies as a limited quantity, and the rest was unlimited. Jiang Feng could not make the program group understand.

   He can't tell the director in chief that you come to taste, you will know the difference if you taste it.

   In the end, the program group gave in and asked Jiang Feng to change the menu to the way it was when Taifeng Building first opened, but the other way around. The original menu of Tai Fung House was a dish with the same name. The limited edition is more expensive than the unlimited one, but this time Jiang Feng must be an unlimited limited one.

   For example, nowadays, Ninety-eight pieces of candied yam are sold, so you can sell them in unlimited quantities, 108 or even 128.

  Pure meat wontons are sold for one Unlimited ones are sold for two or even three yuan.

   It sounds like pure meat wonton has more advantages.

   It is not Jiang Feng’s job to set the price of food. It is Wang Xiulian’s job. It will allow her mother to negotiate with the program team. After an hour-long tug of war, the two sides re-determine the price of the food.

   At the end of the tug-of-war, the phone was switched to Jiang Feng, and the delicious staff couldn't hold back the curiosity in their heart and asked more.

   "May I ask? Why are these dishes set in limited quantities? Wontons and candied yam are set in limited quantities. I don't think it is necessary."

   This question really stopped Jiang Feng.

   Jiang Feng thought for a while.

   "Hunger marketing know it, it's hunger marketing."

   "Then why do you want to be hungry to market wontons for a dollar? This is not profitable." The staff member still didn't understand.

   "You don't understand, right? It's just because you don't make money that you want to be hungry for marketing, otherwise the sales are too good and there is no profit."

   Staff sister:?

   Is this hunger marketing as I understand it?

   "By the way, this passage cannot be broadcast. This is a trade secret of our Tai Fung Building. I tell you absolutely not to broadcast it!"


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