Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 800: 8 small carrot heads

   Regarding the Sunday test, Jiang Feng didn't actually care too much.

   With an ultra-high operating score of 8997 points, Jiang Feng can completely ignore any test. As long as the test does not deduct points, Tai Fung House will be invincible.

   And because the program team said that the test was completed in a store, and the time was still set before three in the afternoon, it was obviously not a difficult and tiring test. Before going to bed, Jiang Feng thought about what the content of the test on Sunday might be. In his opinion, there are only a few tests that can be completed in the store. The single-person ability test in terms of seasoning and knife skills cannot have the kind of judges. .

   It turns out that he wants less.

   Jiang Feng is still too young, and the variety show experience is not rich enough, even if it is a small test conducted separately in the respective restaurants, the program group can give you fun.

   In order to ratings and hit points, the program group can do everything.

   So when Jiang Feng and the four rushed to Taifeng Building at 2:30 in the afternoon and saw a bunch of small carrot heads, they were shocked and collapsed.

   Especially among the eight small carrot heads, there is a very familiar one, Han Youxin!

   There are no customers in the shop at 2:30 in the afternoon, and most of the employees take advantage of the break to go shopping, eat or sit in the cafe. In the empty lobby, there were only two or three waiters, three program staff, four camera teachers and eight turnips.

How powerful is the eight small carrot heads? Jiang Feng knows very well in his heart. He is a volunteer who has gone to aristocratic elementary school, especially in dangerous places like the kitchen. As long as there is no one to look after you, they can make porridge. Boil yourself.

   "Should our test today teach them to cook?" Wu Minqi murmured.

   Soon the program team gave their answer.

   Today’s test content is of course not teaching children to cook. If it’s teaching children to cook, this competitive cooking show will become a harmonious and friendly children’s show full of laughter. This is not what the show crew wants to see.

   Jiang Feng and their test content today is to make the dishes that these eight small carrot heads want.

These eight children are the children of regular guests of Taifeng Building. After the program team investigated the children in the homes of the guests who came to Taifeng Building for meals the most frequently, after seeking the consent of these guests, they borrowed their children for an afternoon to order them. dish.

It’s no wonder that Han Youxin will appear here. Han Guishan is definitely not one of the most frequent guests who come to Taifeng Building for dinner. He directly regards Taifeng Building as a dining hall, and he wants to eat three meals a day at Taifeng Building. If breakfast is served on the floor.

"The content of the test today is very simple. The eight children will tell the type and approximate range of the dishes they want to eat, but will not give the specific names of the dishes. Please make the four contestants according to the needs of the eight children The eight children will give you points for the corresponding dishes. The scoring rule is a hundred-point system, and three times the scores of these children will be counted as the test points for this week’s total points."

"The test time is from three to five. The four contestants only have two hours to make dishes. Please hurry up. It's three to forty and there are twenty minutes left. If you have any ideas If you ask, you can ask questions now." said the young lady responsible for announcing the rules.

   "Is this the same in other restaurants?" Sun Maocai asked.

"Yes, other restaurants also selected eight children with the same rules and standards." Miss sister nodded, "The children we selected this time are all between six and eleven years old, and they will not be particularly big or special. Small situation. Please rest assured that we have achieved the greatest degree of fairness and justice in this test."

   Children from six to eleven years old can basically express their thoughts clearly, and the program group requires that the dishes cannot be specified but only the range, which increases the difficulty of expression to some extent.

  The taste of children is very different from that of adults. Under normal circumstances, children prefer sweet and sour things. Parents who like to eat fried food generally don’t let them eat junk food. Among Jiang Feng's four, only Sun Mao has children, and the other three have almost zero experience with children. They don't have a clear idea of ​​what type of food children from six to eleven years old like to eat.

   From the perspective of entertainment and program effectiveness, this test is a very interesting test.

The    program group may want to watch the celebrity chefs who have been famous for a long time because they are so overwhelmed by a group of children that they don’t know how to cook for them.

   I just don’t know if Chef Arnold will say **** in front of the child, and if he says it, will it be silenced.

   "Do these children have any food allergies? Have you not investigated their allergy history?" Sun Maocai thought for a while and raised another question.

"We have already investigated in advance. This is a list. Only a few children are allergic to a few foods. In fact, even if you don't ask about this, we will give you this list when the test starts." Sun Maocai has a list.

   Jiang Feng and a few people also went over and looked at it. In fact, it was nothing. One child was allergic to seafood, and another child was allergic to peanuts, but nothing else.

   "What about the taboos?" Wu Minqi asked.

   "We can't talk about this, but you can ask them yourself." The staff laughed and said nothing.

  Sun Mao just glanced at the time, there are still ten minutes to three o'clock: "Then can we communicate with them now?"

  Miss sister shook her head: "Well, you have to wait three o'clock before you can communicate."

   Jiang Feng understands, the program group is deliberately increasing the difficulty of the test.

   In two hours, it is necessary to ask the eight children clearly about the dishes, tastes and taboos, and to prepare the corresponding dishes. It can be said that time is tight.

   The eight children get a full score of 800 points, and triple points means that the highest points that can be obtained in this test is 2,400 points. If it is an adult, it may give a symbolic score of six or seventy points anyway, and even if it is not satisfied, it will give a score that is not unsightly. But children usually don't have such scruples, especially since two of the eight children are obviously only six or seven years old and very young, they must be given as many points as they want.

   Although two thousand four hundred points did not affect the final ranking of Tai Fung House, the score is too low and it is not good for face.

   All four of them became silent and began to wonder how to distribute the eight children.

Five minutes later, Sun Mao took the form handed to him by the staff just now, pointed to the form and said: "Well, I will be responsible for these five older children. The remaining three are six, seven and Eight-year-old kid, three of you, one each."

  Sun Mao only wants to take care of five children alone.

"Master Sun, are you responsible for too much?" Wu Minqi was a little worried that Sun Mao would not be able to cope with it, and pointed to Han Youxin on the list. "This kid is the son of Boss Han. I know Jiang Feng. It's not as good as me and Jiang Feng is responsible for three and you are responsible for four."

  Sun Maocai didn't know that Han Youxin was actually Han Guishan's son: "It's okay, in fact, as long as you can communicate with your children, you can deal with them."

   "By the way, is there a rule in this test that only one dish can be made for each child?" Sun Maocai suddenly turned to ask the staff.

   The staff was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head: "There is no such rule. The final scoring power is in the hands of the children.

   "If you can do it in time, you can do as many as they say." Sun Maocai said.

   The three nodded together.

   It's three o'clock.

   The four divided up the eight children in the same way as Sun Maocai had assigned. Sun Jikai is not good at dealing with children. Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi took over the two youngest girls and Han Youxin. Because Jiang Feng and Han Youxin are familiar, Han Youxin will return to Jiang Feng for the time being.

In order to prevent a child from saying that I want to eat this type of food, other children echoed that I was also embarrassed. The four of them dragged their children to the four corners of the kitchen and squatted down as high as they were. Soft-spoken inquiry.

   can come to Tai Fung House to eat frequently, even if it is not a rich family, or at least middle class, the education of children is very good, at least not afraid of birth, even if some are less courageous, willing to communicate, and even a little curious.

  The little girl in charge of Jiang Feng is a relatively courageous girl. She speaks very quietly and softly. Jiang Feng asked her that it would take more than ten seconds to answer.

   "Your name is Miao Miao, isn't it?" Jiang Feng used a more contrived voice and voice that would only be used when talking to children.

   "Yes." Miao Miao nodded full.

   "Tell my brother what kind of food you want to eat today, OK?" Jiang Feng said softly.

   "I..." After thinking about it for a long time, he was obviously not a very opinionated child. He even turned his gaze for help to Han Youxin, "I want something delicious."

   Jiang Feng:?

   It was really difficult to communicate with children, and it was really hard for Sun Maocai.

   "Sweet." Miao Miao added an explanation.

   Very good, reduced the range of dishes to sweet.

There are many dishes flashed in Jiang Feng's brain for a moment. There are too many sweet dishes. The best one is toasted yam, in addition to sweet and sour pork, sweet and sour carp, sweet and sour pork ribs, glutinous rice lotus root, and Many pastries, sweet porridge, are sweet.

   There are so many dishes that can be cooked.

   "Then Miaomiao tells my brother what kind of sweet dish do you want to eat. Is it pork? Or fish, or vegetables. Congee is fine, and my brother can make it for you."

   Jiang Feng gave too many options, so Miaomiao didn't know how to choose for a while. Obviously she didn't have a specific dish she wanted to eat in her heart.

   Jiang Feng estimated that there are many children here who are like Miao Miao, without a certain dish in their hearts.

   Seeing Jiang Feng looking at herself, Miao Miao seemed very nervous, obviously she wanted to give Jiang Feng an answer but couldn't.

   "Just... it's sweet, in fact, it's not sweet."


   Jiang Feng can only ask in another way: "Then Miao Miao can tell my brother what you don't like to eat, and is there anything you really hate?"

   This time Miao Miao answered very quickly: "Green onions, ginger, garlic, carrots, onions, celery, bitter gourd, eggplant."

   Very good, I'm a picky Jiang Feng probably knows it, just cook all the beets that don't take long.

   Jiang Feng turned his head to look at Han Youxin, showing the same foolish kid's smile as he had seen Miao Miao before.

   Han Youxin:...

   Before Jiang Feng could speak, Han Youxin responded very cooperatively.

"I want to eat meat."

   What an unpretentious wish, look at Boss Han who made the child hungry.

   "Any kind of meat is fine?"

   "As long as it's not lamb, my dad ordered lamb skewers for takeaway every night, and the house is full of lamb flavor." Han Youxin accidentally exposed Boss Han's latest night hobby.

   "Anything not to eat?" Jiang Feng asked.

   "Cai Danzi."


   "Brother Jiang Feng, can you stop cooking dumplings in the future, can I give you full marks this time?" Han Youxin tried to bribe the chef openly.

   "No." Jiang Feng immediately refused. He was not uncommon at a mere three hundred points. "Dumplings are so delicious, and whole grains are healthy. I remember you liked it before. You have to eat it every time you come."

   Han Youxin:? ? ?


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