Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 813: chance encounter

In fact, the three of Sun Maocai have already analyzed almost, and they have also selected the dishes they are going to be responsible for. Yongheju specializes in Shandong cuisine, and other cuisines are also slightly involved, such as Cantonese cuisine, Subang cuisine, local cuisine and even Southeast Asian dishes, but they are not very good and the sales are mediocre.

After reading the dishes selected by the three of them, Jiang Feng helped them remove a few items that were usually not sold well, but they were printed on the menu to make up the number, even if the menu for the next two weeks was confirmed.

This is the benefit of understanding the exchange restaurant. If Jiang Feng and the four of you don’t know anything about Yongheju, you must step on the thunder in the first two days, and then adjust the menu. This will waste a few days of collecting points and fall behind. .

It's five o'clock in the afternoon when the menu is completely set. Lu Sheng originally wanted to stay with Jiang Feng for dinner with the four of them at Yongheju, but today all the boxes have been booked. Variety shows are popular during this period. Many locals in Peking have watched variety shows. Jiang Feng’s four people walking on the street alone may not be recognized, but the four people will inevitably be recognized by the audience and cause unnecessary trouble.

After weighing them, Lu Sheng led Jiang Feng and the four to have dinner at a fly restaurant in the village in the city.

Although the hygiene of the Flies Restaurant is not very good, but the chef is good at craftsmanship. In Wu Minqi's words, it has a flavour of Jianghu cuisine. This restaurant also specializes in Sichuan cuisine.

Jianghu cuisine with the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes, eating in this kind of fly restaurant is more atmospheric than eating in a big restaurant.

Lu Sheng invited four of them to dinner. In fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the other three. Yongheju has no chance to qualify. He has a good relationship with Taifenglou. There is no need to stumble. This opportunity to make friends is also excellent. .

In the next few days, Jiang Feng and the four went to Yongheju every day during non-business hours. Without disturbing the normal operation of Yongheju, they became familiar with the other chefs in the rear kitchen of Yongheju, and understood the structure of the kitchen and some kitchen utensils. Jiang Feng has no need to be familiar with. Every time he goes to Yongheju, as long as Peng Changping is there, he will be caught to show how Jiang's ginseng and phoenix eggs are doing, and see if he has left the kitchen because of variety competitions during this period. art.

There is no waste, but no progress.

The rest period between the competitions is a window period for variety shows. Yongheju's camera will shoot as usual but no photographer Fu will follow. The material program group filmed this week will be cut for half an hour for daily life and post-match rest to be broadcast. Many things Jiang Feng doesn't mind being filmed. Anyway, many things can't be broadcast after filming.

Tai Fung Building is progressing well, as is the top-level restaurant. Although Jiang Feng is not in Taifeng Building, Ji Yue, Ji Xia and Wang Xiulian will enthusiastically convey to him every day what Chef Arnold has done in Taifeng Building.

On Thursday, Chef Arnold, like Jiang Feng, went to Taifeng Building to confirm the menu. The four chefs Ale contracted all Zhang Guanghang's menus, which led to Zhang Guanghang being able to have a long vacation in the next two weeks because he had no dishes to cook.

Zhang Guanghang was very happy about this and booked a flight ticket back to France and went home to visit relatives.

Jiang Feng felt that visiting relatives was fake, and it was true that he didn't want to see Chef Arnold.

In addition to Zhang Guanghang's dishes, the team of promised chefs also contracted some desserts and some Cantonese dishes from Sun Maocai and Sun Jikai. Obviously, some of the four pure-bred foreign chefs have some interest in Cantonese cuisine.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Chef Arnold led his little brothers to stay in Taifeng Building. Like Jiang Feng, they did not affect the normal operation of Taifeng Building. If it’s business hours, they won’t do it, just watching and observing the situation of each chef. During non-business hours, Chef Arnold will use the ingredients and kitchenware from Tai Fung House to make the dishes they finalize on Thursday, making sure that every dish is There is no problem and the production can be made smoothly and without error.

It can be said to be quite professional.

As for why the four-person group in the top-level restaurant is called Chef Arnold and his little brother, according to Jiyue's observation, Chef Arnold is an absolute tyrant in the kitchen. He is very good at commanding people and can smoothly put three people. The commanded turn around. It feels like Chef Arnold brought his three younger brothers to work for Tai Fung House.

The language barrier is a problem with the Arnold chef team, but it is not a problem either. Theoretically speaking, when the contestants exchange to the other restaurant, they need to cooperate with the chef in the back kitchen of the other restaurant. This is the path that Jiang Feng and the four took. They have been familiar with the chefs of Yongheju these days just to be familiar with their methods and habits, so that they can better cooperate in the operation.

Chef Arnold took another route. He also cooperated, but instead of cooperating with the chef of Tai Fung House, he had his three younger brothers cooperate with him.

According to an informant, Chef Arnold's approach is also very useful. With three outstanding and familiar brothers, Chef Arnold can quickly prepare dishes without the help of other chefs in Tai Fung House. The quality is still high. The only drawback is that the four chefs have become one and a half, and Roland is also considered a half chef.

However, their problem is that the language is not communicated and communication is inconvenient. It is a good way to choose not to communicate directly.

Everyone is actively preparing for the second round, whether it is expected to qualify or hopeless, but the attitude becomes especially important when the result seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Even if you are destined to lose, as long as you have an attitude to lose, you are still honored to lose.

With such a positive attitude and progress, the second round of competition began.

At this time, the diners have not realized that the chef of their favorite restaurant has quietly changed. Some guests who watched the variety show and went to support their favorite restaurants did not realize that they might not support their favorite chefs.

They are getting enemies.

For example, Liu Qian and Zhang Qian, they ran to Taifeng Building under very untimely circumstances to raise their opponents, and the capital was still the enemy of Taifeng Building's deadly rivals, the top restaurant.

In fact, they can't be blamed. Variety shows require a series of issues such as editing and review. There is a big time difference between the broadcast time and the shooting time, but many viewers do not realize how long this time difference is.

It was always aired in the snack street. The show team used real money to tell the audience how awesome the chefs they hired before it became really popular. As a direct beneficiary, Liu Qian reacted as soon as the show was broadcast and became popular. It turned out that Jiang Jiangfeng and the others recorded a variety show that day was a competition, and the competition lasted for a long period of time.

She really wanted to go to Taifeng Building to support Jiang Feng's figure immediately. However, she had just practiced a lot of work and hadn't gotten started. The first two weeks were so busy that she couldn't even spare time for her rest days. I waited until the second round of the game began for nearly a week, and on Saturday, I took time to run to Taifeng Building for dinner.

Then I ran into Zhang Qian, who also had time to go to Taifeng Building to eat and support Jiang Feng because school was not in class on weekends.

Zhang Qian originally wanted to bring her roommates together, but the last time Jiang Feng's pure meat wontons were so influential that her three good roommates were too influential and she refused to come, causing her to come alone.

Business in Taifeng Building is booming. Both Zhang Qian and Liu Qian came late and they were both alone. However, there was only a table for four. The waiter suggested that they put together a table, and the two readily agreed.

Liu Qian has never been to Taifeng Building before and doesn't understand the menu. Don't let Zhang Qian order first. In fact, the two people have met each other a long time ago. After the Hautian Cooking Contest, Zhang Qian went to the normal cooking restaurant for dinner and Liu Qian met her. There were only a few faces, and after so long, both of them had been together. Can't remember who the other party is.

Zhang Qian found that the menu was a bit wrong when she first ordered.

Her father is also a chef and the head chef of a big hotel. Zhang Qian knew from the menu that Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi were not at work today.

In order to prevent the diners from seeing that the chef has moved, the menu of Tai Fung House has also undergone tactical adjustments. The method of ordering by the chef has been cancelled and it has become a traditional order by menu. Adjustment and debugging, all limited dishes are temporarily cancelled.

This year, no matter what the system is, there can be problems. Most of the diners have not noticed any clues for the time being, and a small number of diners guessed that Jiang Feng was not in the store and did not care.

It's not the first time Jiang Feng is out of the store. He has not been in the store for most of this year.

Zhang Qian didn't expect the chef to change. Zhang Qian thought that today was a day off and everyone was not working. She was disappointed and ordered a few dishes, including French fried veal.

After ordering two dishes, Zhang Qian handed the plate to Liu Qian. When Liu Qian ordered the food, it was not as normal as Zhang Qian. He ordered four large dishes, three vegetarian dishes, and four desserts. Which dishes Jiang Feng made while ordering them. After ordering, she wouldn't worry anymore. In Liu Qian's opinion, as long as she ordered enough, she would definitely be able to order Jiang Feng's dishes.

As everyone knows, all the dishes ordered are from Chef Arnold.

The posture of Liu Qian ordering food frightened Zhang Qian, and then she found that Liu Qian seemed a little familiar, and after thinking about it, she remembered that Liu Qian was the director named Jiang Feng in the variety show.

"Are you... the food anchor from the variety show last time?" Zhang Qian asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Liu Qian nodded, "I wanted to support the business of our president's store a long time ago, but I have been very busy these two weeks before I have time to eat out today."

Zhang Qian smiled: "I also came to support Taifeng Building's business, but I may not be able to support it today. They should be off and not working today."

"How do you know?" Liu Qian puzzled.

"As you can tell from the menu, Jiang Feng's signature dishes and main dishes are not available. Obviously the main chef is not there."

Liu Qian suddenly said, "You are so amazing, you can see it from the menu."

"Because my dad is also a cook, I know a little bit."

Hearing what Zhang Qian said, Liu Qian stared at Zhang Qian for a long time, and the more she looked, the more she felt as if she had seen her somewhere. After thinking for a long time, she asked uncertainly: "Did you participate in the cooking competition with our president before? The contestant who cooks porridge."

Zhang Qian didn't expect Liu Qian to know herself, and generously admitted: "Yes, it's me."

"I was watching the game live at the time. At that time, I felt that your cooking skills were also very good. You were the youngest. The dishes looked delicious. Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to taste it." Liu Qian started business. Blew each other, "It's really a coincidence. I didn't expect that the table would be at the same table with you."

Speaking of Liu Qian, she took out her mobile phone: "Let's do it, we took a picture together and I sent it to the president. He must be surprised too!"

Zhang Qian agreed, took a picture with Liu Qian, and added WeChat to each other.

"Oh yes, did you go to college in Peking?" Liu Qian remembered Zhang Qian seemed to be a high school student when she participated in the competition.

"Yes." Zhang Qian nodded, "I am learning Chinese."

"Wow, that's really a coincidence. I am also learning Chinese." Liu Qian exclaimed, and began to communicate with Zhang Qian in depth, chatting about some things.

Maybe it was because the two did have a relationship and they talked very well. Zhang Qian really said a lot to Liu Qian. The two talked about recent developments. Liu Qian talked about internships, and Zhang Qian talked about admissions, which happened to be the two stages of university.

"In fact, our major is not as easy to find a job as some engineering majors, but it is not so difficult to find. Have you thought about what job you want to do in the future?" In just ten minutes, the conversation between two people has risen. When it comes to working in the future, imagining the future is about dreams.

Zhang Qian shook her head: "I don't know, and I didn't report in Chinese at the beginning. It was not enough to be adjusted."

Zhang Qian thought for a while and smiled: "I want to do what I do you like?"

"I like to cook porridge."

"Then you can open a porridge shop. I think the porridge shop is very good, and the air-conditioning is good and the business is good." Liu Qian said exactly the porridge shop that Jiang Feng chose she saw in the snack street. "I think The porridge is very good, and the porridge we cook is especially delicious."

"Yes." Zhang Qian nodded in agreement. "The porridge he cooks is really delicious."

When the food was served, the two stopped chatting. Liu Qian ate more food slowly. Zhang Qian obviously passed her food money to Liu Qian in the afternoon and left. The two made an appointment if they had time next week. Then come to Taifeng Building to join the table for dinner.

After eating, Liu Qian snapped the photo, and sent her face a little smaller to Jiang Feng.

Liu Qian: President, I came to your store for dinner today to support your business. Guess who I met when I was fighting for the table? ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

Liu Qian: [Picture]

Liu Qian: [Picture]

Liu Qian: I gave them all good reviews!

The first picture is a photo of her and Zhang Qian, and the second picture is the checkout list.

When Liu Qian sent Jiang Feng's WeChat account, Jiang Feng's business just ended noon, and he saw the news from Liu Qian for the first time.

Jiang Feng was stunned when he saw the photo.

Liu Qian and Zhang Qian.

How did these two get together?

Then Jiang Feng saw the second picture of the billing statement.

Dinghushang Vegetarian, Black Forest Cake, French Pan-fried Veal Steak, Saffron Chicken...

Damn, it's all Chef Arnold's dishes.

Jiang Feng silently returned Liu Qian's expression.

Jiang Feng: (???? dishes??`)

Liu Qian:?

Did the president send the wrong expression?

Would she like to share her emoticon pack with the president?


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