Life is a Game

v3 Chapter 956: Miss

PS: The chapter is wrong, it ’s chapter 556 (; ′ ?? Д ?? `)

枫 When he sent lunch, Jiang Feng first gave the copy of Director Zhong of the emergency department. The reason was simple. The copy of Director Zhong was the heaviest.

How specific is it? When Director Zhong just took the lunch box, he almost couldn't hold it and dropped the lunch box on the ground.

主任 Director Zhong with a lunch box :?

I'm not too busy in the morning, so I'm out of energy?

Director Zhong Zhong looked into the office with a lunch box, confused.

It ’s lunch time and the emergency department is not very busy. Doctors are basically rushing to take out food in the office. Old Sun and Lao Zhou are also packed in the office. French sat and ate.

Mr. Sugawara is also a member of the take-away army, but who tells Jiang Feng to deliver meals to him now.

"Xiao Cao, how does this pork chop rice taste?" Director Zhong smiled and asked Dr. Cao who was chopping pork chops with a big mouth.

"It's okay, it's fragrant." Dr. Cao nodded.

Director Zhongzhong went to the seat and sat down, and opened the lunch box silently.

Ayaka is overflowing.

Director Zhong Zhong: ∑ (° Д °)

是 What's on this rice?

Director Zhong Zhong thought so, and asked his mouth.

Dr. Lu, who was looking down at the loving box lunch made by his wife, looked up and explained, "It should be an elbow, the whole root can't be put in, so the meat is picked out and put on the rice."

After speaking, Dr. Lu didn't forget to add: "My wife also made elbow rice for me."

Director Zhong Zhong nodded, and estimated how much elbow meat there is in the upper layer of rice, and thought that this layer should be full, and opened the second layer.

Director Zhong Zhong was stunned, and Dr. Lu opposite Director Zhong was stunned.

Dr. Cao Cao: ...

Suddenly the pork chop in the mouth was not fragrant.

Dr. Cao Cao left tears of remorse in her heart, only hating herself for not learning and being skillful, only hating herself for not working hard enough, and only hating herself for inadequate medical skills.

Director Zhongzhong lifted the third floor with a bumpy heart, and found that it was just a little peace of mind after ordinary tofu stewed with cabbage, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Director Zhong felt Dr. Cao's scorching gaze, and when he turned his head, he saw Dr. Cao staring at his lunch box with a large piece of pork ribs in his eyes.

"Dr. Cao, would you like to eat together?" Director Zhong invited with a smile.

Dr. Cao Cao immediately abandoned the pork chops and other side dishes on the table, and moved the chair to Director Zhong with white rice.

"Thank you, director, oh, so many dishes, you must not finish it alone." Dr. Cao happily stretched his chopsticks and sandwiched a small sweet and sour steak.

"Xiao Lu, I remember your favorite strip fish, would you like a piece of fish?" Director Zhong invited.

Dr. Lu looked at the noodles in the lunch box: "Fried noodles must be eaten just after they are out of the pan. They are delicious. No matter how crispy and fresh they are when they leave the pan, It's changed. "

With a pout on his lips, Dr. Lu's body still stretched out a small piece of chopsticks honestly.

At the entrance, because of the water vapor, the crispy fried fish was no longer crispy, the outer skin was soft and slightly salty, and a little elastic. After biting it with your teeth, the fish inside is delicate and loose, with some salty freshness. You don't need to use your teeth to touch the fish with your tongue.

Dr. Lu Lu was speechless.

It is true that this fried fish is no longer crispy because of water vapor, and it has lost its soul, but it is undoubtedly a very delicious fried fish.

Really delicious fried fish, even if you ignore the fried word, it is a very delicious fried fish.

In the end, the box lunch sent by Jiang Feng was divided up by the doctors in the emergency room.

Dr. Cao and Dr. Lu can divide up the second-tier dishes. The old medical practitioners such as Sun and Lao Xu can only order the third-tier cabbage stewed tofu. The elbows on the first floor all ate the belly.

The price is a little propped up.

On the other side, when Jiang Feng sent two lunches to Jiang Weiming's ward, only Jiang Weiming and Aunt Zhu were in the ward. The lad and the nursing staff in the bed next to them seemed to be going to check.

Jiang Health could only let Auntie Zhu eat without his meal. Jiang Feng sat by the bed and chat with Jiang Weiming for a while. They waited for them to finish eating, and Auntie Zhu washed the lunch boxes before carrying the lunchbox. Back home.

I don't know why, Jiang Feng felt that this time Aunt Zhu was extremely enthusiastic about her.

Dr. Lu, who handed him a lunch box when he went to the emergency department, was extremely enthusiastic about him.

Qi Jiangfeng returned to Taifeng Building and her lunch was not over yet, but the old man has nowhere to go. According to Sang Ming, the old man only stayed in Taifeng Building for a few minutes after Jiang Feng left, and then went to change clothes and left, as if he was drinking tea in a tea house.

光 During the dozens of minutes when my father was away, a slight incident happened in the back kitchen, which was handled by Zhang Guanghang and Wu Minqi.

枫 At lunch, Jiang Feng gave Zhang Guanghang and Wu Minqi a look, and after they got what he meant, they compared him with a gesture they received. A few minutes later, the three gathered at the convenience store next door.

Yes, now the place where they hold secret small meetings has become a convenience store next door.

Mainly because some convenience stores introduced freshly squeezed fruit juice and freshly brewed milk tea service. Although the convenience store owner ’s technology is not good, but his raw materials are not good. As long as you do n’t overcook, you can make milk tea very much. Delicious.

But Jiang Feng once suspected that he introduced these drinks just because he wanted to drink them—each time Jiang Feng walked into the convenience store, he saw the owner of the convenience store sitting at the front desk while drinking juice or tea.

的 Fatty house life full of the decaying atmosphere of capitalism.

"How about the season pigeons?" Jiang Feng drank two bites of freshly squeezed orange juice before discovering that he was missing one teammate.

Although he didn't give Ji Ji the nickname at noon, if he gave Lao Zhang the same as Ji Ji pigeon.

"She has to rush to work to draw the second edition of the comic and now draw upstairs in the box. I'll tell her what we said today at night." Zhang Guang Channel.

"second edition?"

"Isn't the first edition being distributed in the lobby now? That edition was cut out by Orchid by cutting corners. She was anxious about the sudden and diminishing turnover in the store yesterday and today, so she wanted to draw a better version to attract customers. "Zhang Guanghang explained.

Qiujiang Feng was impressed immediately. I didn't expect Ji Jige to love the company so much for the company and even wanted to give her a pennant.

"Did the turnover have fallen a lot in the past two days?" Wu Minqi asked puzzledly. She has never cared about the turnover.

"The drop is quite obvious, but this is also no way out. The top-level restaurant has just opened and it is in a discount period. A lot of diners have been attracted to it. I estimate that the turnover of all restaurants in Peiping has fallen to a certain extent. It should pick up after the discount period ends. "Zhang Guang Channel.

"How many days are they discounted?" Jiang Feng asked, and since Jiang Weiming was hospitalized yesterday morning, he has never cared about the top restaurant, and even forgot about him in just one day.

If it wasn't for Zhang Guanghang's mention, Jiang Feng would even forget that they have such a strong opponent.

"20% off drinks, 50% off on designated packages, lasts three days." Zhang Guang Channel.

Qiu Jiangfeng couldn't help but babble.

The high-end restaurant has such a large discount, it is rich.

It's nice to be rich.

"How about the dishes?" Wu Minqi asked.

"The overall quality is okay, the ingredients are very fresh, and the dishes have basically been improved to a certain extent, and they should be more in line with the tastes of Peiping." Zhang Guanghang commented impartially, "the price is a little bit high, but after all, the Michelin name There should be a lot of people with their heads there to buy. "

而且 "And I inquired a little bit, their appointment has been scheduled four days later."

"Business is booming," Jiang Feng sighed.

不过 "But-" Zhang Guanghang spoke sharply, "I found that the top restaurant actually didn't affect us much."

Min Jiangfeng & Wu Minqi :?

"Although our two restaurants are close to each other, they are not in the same mall, but they are some distance away. Yesterday, I asked the house manager to analyze and found that the coincidence rate of visitors between Taifeng Building and the top restaurant was not high. It should be Babaozhai. "Zhang Guang Channel," The search for the top restaurant has been bought on Babaozhai. "

Qijiang Feng silently ordered Ling Guangzhao in his heart.

"Stop this." Jiang Feng called Wu Minqi and Zhang Guanghang to a convenience store for a small meeting, not to discuss the top restaurant next door.

No matter how good the restaurant business of Pu Yingcheng has nothing to do with them, Jiang Weiming is hospitalized, and the old man is uneasy. It is normal for the back-of-house chefs in Taifeng Building to lose heart, even if the turnover of the top restaurant is not drastically reduced.

"Did you know about Sun Jikai and his grandfather?" Jiang Feng asked.

Ji Zhang Guanghang and Wu Minqi nodded, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

"Grandpa has been in a wrong state since he received the phone call from Sun Jikai this morning. He also saw the post-processing look this morning. He was absent-minded and absent-minded. I have never seen my grandfather look like this."

"In two days, my grandfather and I will go to FJ to attend Grandpa's funeral. To be honest, I am a little worried about him." Jiang Feng frowned. "I worry that my grandfather would not want to drill the horns of his horns. He is so wrong now. . "

I heard Jiang Feng say that Wu Minqi was also worried about her father, but she hadn't encountered a similar situation and didn't know what to do.

Yi Zhang Guanghang comforted: "This is normal."

Minjiang Feng :?

Wu Minqi :?

Wu Zhangguanghang smiled when he saw the changes in the expressions of the two people in near synchronization ~ ~: "Severe illness and death are two concepts."

"As long as a person is alive, even if he is dying, he is alive after all. As long as he is alive, we will have a sense of reality."

"But death is different. Even expected death. When that day comes, the last sense of reality disappears, everything is different."

"When you start thinking about that person, it's like holding the sand empty-handed, the tighter you hold it, the faster you leak, the harder you think about it, the more you can't remember it. As if the memory goes away with him, There is only a fuzzy face in my mind that I ca n’t remember the most specific appearance, and even when I see the photo, I even have a strange feeling. "

"I feel like he is still alive. When I leave the house, I feel like he is at home. When I return home, I feel like he is outside. There are obviously some short notes, but I feel like he is always around."

Seeing that Jiang Feng and Wu Minqi were a little embarrassed, Zhang Guanghang realized that he was running off topic: "It's just a matter of feeling. I think Master Jiang might be because Master Sun is too close to Lao Jiang, Master Jiang. After all, even in their 80s, they will inevitably think that they may feel a bit empathetic. "

"My grandfather used to do this too. He used to see the news of strong anti-virus, assassination and murder in the newspapers. It's only passed as a look at the news. Only when he sees the news that his peers died unexpectedly at home will be a long time ago. Will be fine. "

Qi Jiangfeng looked at Zhang Guanghang and felt that what he had just said was actually missing Xia Muyun.

But it's not just Xia Mu 苪.