Life With You

Chapter 1161: Today is a good day

The winter of this year was extremely cold. In November, the night city suddenly became below zero. However, many collective heating districts have not yet begun to breathe. Such weather is most suitable for gathering people to eat hot pot.

Diana opened a table on the second floor of the restaurant. One side is the steaming Sichuan-flavored red oil pot, and the other side is the clear soup and white water pot. Song Xi naturally sits on the red oil pot. Poor Han Chunmeng and Qiao Aiwen both love to eat. Spicy people can only touch his visibly bulging belly, Wangmei quenches his thirst.

Song Xi picked out the lamb from the red pot, dipped a lot of millet and brought it to his mouth, and said, "Boil it again, you two will be liberated in March of the next year. If you are greedy, I will eat it for you."

Han Chunmeng was eating the tasteless and tasteless hot pot with blisters on his greedy mouth. Gu Dongxu asked, "Is it okay to take a few bites occasionally?"

Diana said, "Still pay attention."

Song Xi said, "Look at her greedy, she will lift the table if she doesn't eat it, just take a bite."

Gu Dongxu asked Han Chunmeng what he wanted to eat, and he gave her something to eat. After Han Chunmeng struggled for a long time, he said, "Beef balls."

Gu Dongxu took a beef ball and put it in the red pot. Diana said, "Don't you like beef rolls the most?"

Song Xi said with a look through: "The beef ball is the biggest, she wants to eat it slowly."

Han Chunmeng said, "You understand me."

Ling Yue actively asked Qiao Aiwen if she wanted to eat something in the red pot. Qiao Aiwen shook her head. She has been nauseous and nauseated since two and a half months of pregnancy. She vomited more than she ate. Obviously it was the same month as Han Chunmeng. See Han Chunmeng now. Her fat face is round, but Qiao Aiwen has slender limbs, and she can't tell from behind that she is pregnant.

Dang Zhen gave Han Chunmeng and Qiao Aiwen a hand-drawn album with different contents. The two of them couldn't put it down. Yuan Bao said, "I have participated in both."

Qiao Aiwen asked: "Really? Which one did you paint?"

Yuan Bao said: "Guess what."

Han Chunmeng pointed to a star and said, "You painted this."

Yuan Bao smiled and shook his head, then Qiao Aiwen pointed to a small flower on the picture album cautiously, "This?"

Yuan Bao still shook his head.

Song Xi and Diana both went to guess. Diana didn't guess a few correctly. Song Xi muttered, "You can't just paint, right?"

Yuan Bao and Dang Zhen raised their lips at the same time, and the former said, "You guessed it."

Han Chunmeng said, "Hey, I've worked so hard, so if I can't guess I will refer to these'big ones'."

Yuan Bao said, "Then you praised me too much, how dare I show off in front of Jiang Yuan?"

Dang Zhen looked at him and said, "Your paintings are also very good."

Yuan Bao said: "Not as good as you painted."

Dang Zhen said: "Your style of painting is very childish and you have your own style."

Yuan Bao said: "Famous teachers make good students..."

Tong Hao said: "In the past, it was only Wang Po selling melons and boasting, but now I am selling melons with me?"

Dang Zhen was embarrassed to be said, although she was telling the truth, Yuan Bao looked up and said: "Today is such a good day, to the bachelors present here."

Tong Hao's eyes were sharp, and Huo Jiamin said: "I didn't mess with you, don't scratch me."

Shao Yitong asked: "What good day is today?"

Yuan Bao smiled and said, "Friday, and two days off tomorrow."

The table is lively and lively, and the least talker is George Sheng. If others don’t take the initiative to talk to him, he can stay silent or just talk to Song Xi. Everyone has been surprised. George Sheng’s phone rang during the meal. He went out to answer the phone, and as soon as his front foot walked away, Song Xi's phone rang on his back foot, and Song Yuanqing called.

Song Xi opened the connection button and yelled with a smile, "Dad."

Song Yuanqing listened to the voice inside and said, "Eating out with friends?"

"Well, eat hot pot here in Dai Dai."

Song Yuanqing said: "Come out, I will tell you a few words."

Hearing this, Song Xi got up and took the phone out of the private room, "I came out, what's wrong?"

Song Yuanqing said: "Today, Fang Hui explained some of the illegal and criminal activities that the Fang family has done through the Sheng family over the years, including using the Yu Sheng Group to launder money. She has admitted. Now the police are collecting evidence and Fang Yaozong is also under investigation."

The news came so suddenly, Song Xi paused for a while and said, "Why would she suddenly let go?"

Song Yuanqing returned vaguely, "The party family has been doing work. It has been a month or two since Sheng Qianyu was arrested. If she doesn't say anything, Sheng Qianyu's death sentence will not escape."

Song Xi asked: "Then she doesn't need to be sentenced to death now?"

Song Yuanqing said, "It depends on what Fang Yaozong did."

Song Xi understood. To put it bluntly, it means a life is worth a life. It depends on whether Fang Hui wants to protect Fang Yaozong or Bao Sheng Qianyu, but in any case Fang Yaozong will not be a death sentence, the most serious is life imprisonment, but Sheng Qianyu does not have any official position. It is equivalent to a yellow mantle without life-saving, a single blow is a death, so Fang Hui hesitated and chose to save his son and abandon his father.

Song Yuanqing comforted: "During this period of time, the party family has done a lot of work, and the Fang family can't make any more storms. It's time to finish."

In Song Xi's heart, there were hundreds of thousands of turns, as if he had struggled for too long, and at the end there was no joy of victory. He only hoped that this catastrophe would end sooner and return to peace sooner.

"Do you need me to do anything with Zhisheng?" Song Xi asked softly.

Song Yuanqing said, "No, I will let you know and let you sleep peacefully."

Song Xi said, "One minute before you called me, Zhi Sheng also went out to answer the phone, and that's probably what happened."

Song Yuanqing said: "Fangsheng's family is down, and Qiao's family can be stabilized, and the party commander will not treat Qiao's badly in the future."

Song Xi's lips twitched lightly, and said jokingly: "That is, both Dang Zhen and Yuan Bao are holding them in their hands. We are hostages."

Song Yuanqing also laughed, "The party commander would ask me about Yuan Bao and your group from time to time for fear of treating his daughter badly."

Song Xi said: "You tell the Dang Shuai to relax. Dang Zhen is the'Kid King' among our group. Qiao Qiao and Silk Jing really like the fairy tale books she sent. Today, she gave Xiaowen and Da Mengmeng again. We all said that in the future the children will gather together and let her tell stories."

Song Yuanqing said: "That's good, you get along well, and the party commander can rest assured."

Song Xi chatted with Song Yuanqing and saw George Sheng appearing from the corner. She hung up the phone and George Sheng walked towards her. They looked at each other and knew that the other party had received the news.

Song Xixian said: "It seems that Yuanbao is very accurate in speaking. Today is indeed a good day."

George Sheng said, "I just came up from downstairs and it was snowing outside."

"Really? No wonder the temperature is so low suddenly."

George Sheng said: "Find a time, let's make up the wedding."

Song Xi's eyes were full of surprise, "So suddenly?"


In the private room, Tong Hao was surrounded by pairs of people from all walks of life. On the opposite side were the most greasy and crooked Yuan Bao and Dang Zhen. He silently lowered his head to eat and occasionally chatted with the same single Huo Jiamin. The phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and saw that he received a payment of five thousand yuan in his bank card.

When he saw the money, he knew what number it was today. Tong Hao pulled out a text message with "Tong Anwei" and typed two words: received.

Not long after, ‘Tong Anwei’ replied: A good person lives in peace.

Tong Hao endured the urge to raise the corners of his lips and typed with one hand: Do you know what you look like?

The other party asked back: What is it like?

Tong Haodao: Pretending to be a demon of Buddhism.