Life With You

Chapter 1163: Are you pimping me?

Tong Anwei took a basket of snacks and returned to the world of flurry of demons. Tong Hao sat alone on the sofa of a dozen people, with a sense of independence and conspicuousness. She walked over and put the snacks down, seeing the things on his table. He didn't move, and the wine didn't start, upholding professional ethics, he leaned down and asked loudly, "Is the wine open?"

Tong Hao seemed to have not heard him, holding the phone in his hand and staring at the screen. He seemed to be typing. Tong Anwei didn't know what he meant by ignoring her until the phone in her pocket vibrated. She took it out and asked: You Can't tell the difference between a bar and a nightclub?

Tong Anwei surreptitiously scanned his expression, his expression was dark and unclear, she stood aside, and also replied in the form of text messages: This is a bar open during the day.

After receiving the text message, Tong Hao lifted his eyelids and stared at her with cold and sullen eyes.

Tong Anwei finally knew what he was upset, and hurriedly explained: "I work here to earn money, and I haven't done any bad things. The college students here are all nearby college students. Everyone is very serious."

She was afraid that Tong Hao felt that she didn't learn well and would go wrong. Tong Hao did indeed think so. If there is a high probability of accidents in the nightclub or the school library, of course it is the former. What happened to college students? It’s enough to commit a crime.

Tong Hao pulled her face and pretended to be deaf. Tong Anwei couldn't say whether she was anxious or frustrated. She really did not do anything bad. Yeyiyi University did not come here to work by herself. The manager also took care of the work-study students. Will not let beautiful girls come to receive.

However, Tong Hao came to grasp the present posture, which really made people panicked. She was almost restless on the side. After holding it for a while, she sent him a text message. Tong Hao kept her mobile phone in his hand and turned on her. When I saw her message, she said: I will discuss with the manager when I get off work. I won’t be coming next week. I was also introduced by a friend. It’s hard to say just leave. I always have to say hello to someone in advance.

Seeing her subdued, the fire in Tong Hao's heart was a little lower. Tong Anwei sneaked a glance at his face, but seeing him typing unsmilingly, she was really afraid of receiving his text messages, not knowing what he was about to say. .

With a ‘buzz’, the phone vibrated, and Tong Anwei clicked on Tong Hao’s message. He said: What time do you get off work?

Tong Anwei first made a four o'clock, and then added two words: four o'clock in the morning.

After receiving the text message, Tong Hao took a breath through his nose and asked her: How much is it?

Originally, what he was playing was for how much money per night, but later felt bad, and deleted the previous one.

Tong Anwei returned to him: 500 a day.

Tong Hao said: It's not low, you just don't go to school and come here full-time.

When Tong Anwei saw the text message, she knew how he could not ridicule her.

Muttered to herself, but Tong Anwei also knew that he was just a bad mouth, so she said sincerely: I'm not coming, can you calm down a little bit? I am embarrassed to stand here now.

Pressed to send, Tong Anwei expected Tong Hao to feel softer after seeing the text message. Tong Hao stared at the screen, and her heart was really relaxed. When she came, she immediately said no to do it, and he was still quite comfortable with it again.

After thinking about what to think back, Tong Hao simply put the phone on the table, Tong Anwei saw it, cleverly approached, leaned forward and said, "Shall I open a bag of pistachios for you?"

Tong Hao was non-committal, Tong Anwei took a bag of pistachios from the snack basket, teared her mouth open and handed it to him, and said loudly: "Are you here specifically for me?"

Tong Haoxin said that you wanted to be beautiful, but he was too lazy to reply loudly. The music on the dance floor made his brain hurt. He beckoned her expressionlessly and motioned her to get closer. Originally, Tong Anwei and Tong Hao were separated Mi Yuan, when she saw this, she could only go one step forward, lowered her head, and Tong Hao said to her ear: "I heard that there are many beautiful female college students here, so I came here to take a look."

The warm and humid breath in his mouth was in her ears, but what he could say was provocative and frivolous. Tong Anwei turned to look at him, "Really?"

Tong Hao still beckoned, she turned her ear to him, and he leaned closer and said: "You are familiar with this, and have a good introduction."

Tong Anwei was joking when he was eating, so he leaned into his ear and said: "There are really a few beautiful ones on the dance floor, I'm afraid you won't dare to chase them."

Tong Hao asked: "Do you know him?"

Tong Anwei said: "I don't know, but if you like it, I can help you get a phone number."

Tong Hao said, "You will lose one million yuan until I receive you."

Everyone was just talking here, and Tong Hao didn't mean to tease or deliberately sarcasm, but as soon as he uttered his words, it reached Tong Anwei's ears, which was inexplicably wrong.

Tong Anwei felt uncomfortable, but pretended to be surprised in her face, staring: "You said it."

Tong Hao met her happy expression and nodded.

Just in time for the DJ change, a group of people on the dance floor were young girls. It was snowing outside. They were wearing short wrap skirts and boots. The lights dazzled their bodies, not sure that the white flowers were exposed thighs Still flesh-colored socks.

The first two or three are just as Tong Anwei said, they are pretty. Beautiful women say they are pretty even if they look beautiful, so they don’t have to choose. They walked towards the scattered stage, passing by the deck where Tong Hao was on the way, and he covered the size by himself. The place was naturally very conspicuous. The girls were not embarrassed to look directly at it, but Tong Anwei noticed it. After they passed by, they were whispering, 100% gossip Tong Hao.

Tong Hao called Tong Anwei over and said in her ear: "Find the most beautiful one you think, and ask for the phone number."

Tong Anwei's heart rises strangely and asks: "You really want it?"

Tong Hao said: "I'm single, why can't I want it?"

Tong Anwei just wanted to talk to him, but she answered truthfully: "Did you treat me as a pimp?"

Tong Hao just waited to try Tong Anwei this time. If she really ran to ask for a phone number, he would be very angry. This child is useless and can do anything, but she is obviously repelling it. He is about to Answered, the conversation between the two was suddenly broken by a third person.

"Well, hello—"

Tong Hao and Tong Anwei raised their heads at the same time. I don’t know when there was a girl next to her, saying that she was a girl because she was very young and she was a cute baby face. I don’t know if she is twenty years old, but she The dress is very sexy, wearing a beige tight-fitting one-piece dress, big chest, thin waist and long legs.

Her gaze jumped across Tong Anwei's face, and fell on Tong Hao's face, curled up the corners of her lips, and said with a smile: "Can I have a discussion with you?"

She spoke, but her voice was dissipated by the sound waves, Tong Anwei barely heard it, and 80% of Tong Hao couldn't hear clearly.

Sure enough, Tong Hao's expression was faint, and the girl took another step forward. At this moment, she was standing with Tong Anwei. She leaned down and spoke to Tong Hao's ear.