Life With You

Chapter 510: What can be solved with money is nothing

Song Xi is indeed a face-loving person. This kind of pride is immersed in the bone marrow. She is born with good children. She has never been inferior, and she does not need to compare with anyone to prove her superiority. But pride is sometimes a double-edged sword. Jian, just like the year after Song Yuanqing lost power, she was accustomed to seeing the warmth and coldness of people, and she also experienced people walking to the cold, and all kinds of people looked at her with all kinds of'colored' eyes. This unfair treatment made her helpless. Even if she was the same as her, she didn't have a father who was the deputy mayor. It seemed that her halo disappeared in an instant. Those who had voluntarily looked up at her finally had the opportunity to look down at her.

By the way, let’s get down to the bottom of the stone. It’s not right. In the words of those people, it should be ‘greeting’ and ‘care’.

Song Xi could already imagine how many people would come to ‘kindly condolences’ if she appeared at a party, and not ashamed, but she would be embarrassed if she went there. She was in a dilemma.

George Sheng said, there used to be your father, now you have me.

Song Xi did not speak for ten seconds after hearing these words. Only she understood the shock and touch in her heart. Even at the hardest time, George Sheng was only a temporary shelter for her, but not her spiritual support. Now he is willing to shelter her from the wind and rain, how can she not be moved by this feeling?

After a year of getting along, George Sheng also knew Song Xi’s temper. She didn’t open her mouth, so he took the initiative to say, “You don’t need to show off to outsiders, but if outsiders bully you, you must make them sober. Just a little bit, shut my mouth."

Song Xi's eyes were already moist, his eyes drooping slightly, and he said softly: "Why are you so good to me?"

When his parents divorced early, his mother took the family and immigrated abroad, and his grandparents died young. In the huge night city, Song Xi had only Song Yuanqing as a relative. Only Song Yuanqing had said that when she was backing her, George Sheng was the first. Two men who supported her unconditionally.

George Sheng shook Song Xi's hand and said as he drove: "Nonsense, you are my wife. Who is good to you if I am wrong?"

A big drop of tears rolled down from the sockets of her eyes, and Song Xi pressed her lips tightly, afraid that she would suddenly cry out of her emotions.

She didn't say anything, but George Sheng said miraculously: "You don't need to shed tears to be moved. It's enough to cook well in the evening."

Song Xi's desire to cry just came up, and when he heard the words, he broke into a smile by accident.

George Sheng said, "Don't have a runny nose, there is no paper in my car."

Song Xi opened the bag and replied inexplicably, "I have it myself." Those who didn't know thought she had a gold mine.

When her mood turned, George Shengyun asked calmly: "I heard that your party has an auction?"

Song Xi said'um' and replied: "Said it was a charity shoot, and the money was donated to Hope Primary School. In fact, it was just to find a good excuse to fight money and fight for wealth without spreading the trouble. In the end, a few percent of the money could be used for the blade Come, no one knows."

George Sheng said, "In the left pocket of my coat."

Song Xi asked: "What?"

George Sheng said, "Help me get my wallet."

When Song Xi turned back, he took out his wallet and handed it to him. George Sheng didn't answer it, and said directly: "Open it, there is a black card on the left."

Song Xi turned on the interior lights and opened George Sheng's wallet by the light. His wallet was very suffocated. There was only a small amount of cash in it. However, there was a black titanium card on the left and right. Song Xi took out the one on the left. He raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Is this the legendary black card?"

George Sheng said: "You take it, if you want to buy anything, just sign my name."

Song Xi glanced at him and said jokingly: "It's so refreshing. It is said that black cards can buy airplanes. Don't you feel bad when I buy airplanes?"

George Sheng said: "As long as you can drive away."

Song Xi smiled and said, "It seems that I'm going to learn how to fly a plane during the holidays."

After that, she looked down at the black card on the right side of the purse, wondering: "Why do you have two?"

George Sheng said, "The one in your hand is domestic, and the other is foreign."

It’s Song Xi’s knowledgeable and can’t help but sigh. "Black cards can only be processed at the invitation of others. One card is luxurious enough. You can get two cards each time. Your Qiao family is rich, but your domestic rich list is only in the fourth and fifth place. Now that you look at it... Did you deliberately hide your assets?"

George Sheng joked expressionlessly: "You can't stop your mouth with money."

Song Xi said triumphantly: "How can I easily let go of catching an invisible rich man alive?"

With a few teasing words, Song Xi silently inserted the black card back into place, closed the wallet and prepared to put it back, George Sheng said, "Give it to you and take it."

Song Xi said, "It's not that I have no money."

George Sheng said: "You keep your money to buy a house for your dad, and I am willing to raise my woman."

He said it for granted, as if this was a matter of course, and Song Xi was caught off guard. It was like two strong players facing each other and she was captured by him again.

The corners of her lips couldn't help but Song Xi replied generously, "It's enough for you to have this heart."

George Sheng's voice was calm and teased: "I'm not respecting the elderly. What does it mean to have this heart is enough? You go to the party the day after tomorrow, and bring some gifts back by the way. I also have a dinner on the 15th, Chang Jingle them Will come, you should buy it for me."

How much George Sheng spoiled her, Song Xi could feel that it was clearly to save her face, or to help him buy gifts. Did anyone go to the auction to buy gifts?

He seemed to be in an instant cheerful mood. With George Sheng by his side, Song Xi was not afraid of the monsters outside. The sense of security he can give people is really not covered up. He has always done what he said.

Driving home, Song Xi went upstairs and changed her clothes. He went into the kitchen with high spirits to prepare food. George Sheng took a shower and went downstairs. He gave the dog toy he bought to make a fortune. He took the fortune in his mouth. He obviously liked it. , He called it to the sofa again, untied the bell dog chain on his neck, and replaced it with another German Shepherd head.

George Sheng didn't think anything was wrong during the exchange, but after the exchange, he came back. They were all naughty things, and the tags were better than bells. Fortunately, he finished the exchange seriously.

It was Song Xi's fault, and it turned out to be the most terrifying habit, slowly, bit by bit, invading life, pervasive.

Just thinking about it, there was a sound of ‘ah’ from the kitchen, and George Sheng immediately got up and walked towards the kitchen. It was already predictable what kind of tricks she had made on the road.

Sure enough, when he walked to the kitchen door, Song Xi was holding a knife in one hand and a fist in the other, staring fiercely at the live crab in the drain tank, while a crab beside him had broken two legs.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he approached.

Song Xi looked up, still panic in her eyes: "Don't be afraid, I will kill the crab."

George Shengjun's face was indifferent, only his eyes revealed suspiciousness: "I'm not afraid, are you afraid?"