Life With You

Chapter 735: Sleepless night

After dinner, Chang Jingle sent Diana home. She lay on the bed after taking a shower, fearing that she was thinking about her crazy, WeChat tapped Song Xi and asked: Are you asleep?

Song Xi replied quickly: just finished coaxing the child to sleep.

Diana smiled and typed: How does it feel to be a mother?

Song Xi sent a voice over: "Pain and happy."

Diana said, "Aren't you going to work tomorrow? I just bought some supplements, and there are ingots for your husband. If you don't go to the hospital, I'll take you home."

Song Xi said, "Tomorrow, I will go to see Grandma Xiaojie with Zhisheng. I don't think I will be free. Wait for my call."

The two chatted for a while, Xiaojie, Song Xi took the initiative to say: "I haven't had much time to help you lately, how about the restaurant?"

Diana said, "Don't worry about me. I haven't said anything that I can't help you. You can take good care of your husband and leave the rest to me. Everything is going well in the restaurant. The decoration is completed this week. I will follow you tonight. Jingle ate together, and he also suggested that I open the business at the end of July."

Song Xi said, "So fast?"

Diana said: "He said that their company had a movie to be promoted in early August. It was starring Tong Yun, Xiao Lujiang, and Deng. At the end of July, he asked these people to come to the restaurant for dinner. When the movie was promoted in early August, Hot search with restaurants."

Song Xi asked, "Is it "With Love, With Time"?"

Diana said: "You know all of this? I'm afraid you don't understand the movie industry, and didn't mention your name. It seems that I underestimated you."

Song Xi said, "Da Mengmeng has been talking to me since two months ago. She is Xiao Lujiang's fan, but she said that the role played by Deng Tong is her favorite male number two in the book, so she started again. Faner Deng Tong, the newcomers of Changjingle Company are very popular recently. Use them to help you warm up the scene. Chang Jingle is justified."

Diana said: "It's not because of the face of your couple, but to correct you, don't use the male second to describe Da Mengmeng's favorite. Last time I said a male second, she almost didn't strangle me. In her heart, the two male protagonists tied for first place."

Song Xi said: "I don't understand the mentality of a fan of novels. Anyway, she talked about the play in my ear for several days, which made me very interested in this movie. We will go to see it when it is released."

The two chatted for ten minutes, and Song Xi suddenly said, "My husband is looking for me."

Diana replied very pretentiously: "Hurry up and warm his lonely heart, I'm asleep."

The two said good night to each other. Diana glanced at the WeChat list and clicked on Chang Jingle’s avatar uncontrollably. After entering, the screen was full of various small videos and chatting time. These things were familiar to her. , But still want to watch it again.

Looking at it, Diana went online rationally and decided that she could no longer indulge in this way. The secret love felt uncomfortable, and she had no reason not to rein in the cliff.

Putting down the phone decisively, she turned off the bedside lamp and went to sleep.

Less than five minutes after lying down, the phone rang, and as the screen turned on, Diana opened her eyes and saw a WeChat message on it.

Almost immediately, she picked up the phone and swiped up, thinking it was Chang Jingle, but the WeChat profile picture was not him, it was a string of strange names in English plus patterns, and the content was: old classmate, are you asleep?

If you don't add this old classmate, Diana even forgot to add Tianli WeChat in the restaurant.

Still not asleep, Diana replied: Nothing.

Tian Lidao: Just when I came to see your circle of friends, I realized that you are making a restaurant. The decoration is very beautiful. When will it open? I went to join in the fun and learn from the experience.

When he talked about learning from the past, Diana first politely said a few words, and then said: Are you also doing catering?

Tian Li did not answer the question: Is it convenient for voice? Typing is too slow and anxious.

Diana is not easy to say no, and replied: Yes.

The point is that it's only past ten o'clock in the evening. It's not early but it's definitely not a midnight watch. It's not a chat time that people can misunderstand.

He uttered a voice, Diana connected, Tian Li gave two polite greetings, and immediately started the topic, and the chat was all about dining. This is what Diana is in her arms. She is now in the restaurant and dining. Above, if Tian Li talked to her about something she didn't have, she would hang up as soon as she found an excuse, but he knew a lot, and that was exactly what Diana wanted to know.

The two didn’t stop talking. The topic changed. Diana asked, “You’re an expert at all. You know both Chinese and Western food. What are you doing?”

Tian Li mentioned the names of two restaurants, one for Chinese food and one for Western food, especially Western restaurants. There are three in Guang Yecheng, which are very popular.

Diana smiled and said, "It turned out to be Boss Tian. I said it earlier. My newcomer has also expressed his opinion in front of you, an expert, for a long time. Are you holding back listening to my jokes?"

Tian Li said: "Don't don't don't, everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, I just got into the water a few years earlier than you..."

With that, he gave her a lot of professional opinions and suggestions. While listening, Diana silently got out of bed and took out the notebook, making notes, not being so serious in school.

She listened attentively. She didn't know how long the time had passed. Finally, Tian Li asked: "It's so late, aren't you sleepy?"

Diana glanced at the length of the conversation between the two, two hours and fourteen minutes.

In hindsight, Diana said, "Ah, I'm sorry, Boss Tian, ​​you go to rest quickly, I will digest."

Tian Li couldn't laugh or cry, "Old classmate, your mouth is still the same as when you were in school, can we stop calling the boss, I have a sense of sight of a coal mine boss."

Diana stared at the notebook and replied aloud: "Then call Teacher Tian, ​​I will speak to you tonight and take a few years of detours. I sincerely thank you."

Tian Li said: "I am not hiding our relationship with you. The key is that your restaurant is very big and the location is so good. At first glance, we are ready to work hard. We learn from each other and make progress together. Tell you my experience and learn from your operating model."

Diana said: "I am most willing to chat with Changliang people."

Tian Li smiled and said, "I remember you had a friend from the Northeast, right?"

"Yeah, yes."

"No wonder he doesn't have a southern accent when he speaks, but he goes further and further north."

Diana said: "I wish Mr. Tian's business grows bigger and bigger, and I will go to the Winter City to open a few branches tomorrow."

Tian Li said: "Let your good words, wait for the specific date of your restaurant to open, don't forget to notify me, so I can join in."

"for sure."

"Then do this first, let's talk when we have time."

"Ok, bye."

When the voice hung up, Diana began to concentrate on sorting out her notes. She thought she had done enough homework, but compared with an expert, a word of hers would make her feel better. It is not the same whether there is a famous teacher giving directions.

The research was organized until 2:30 in the morning. Diana posted a circle of friends, a sika deer jumping up, with the text: Thank you, Teacher Tian, ​​and wish you a fortune.

After sending it, she went to the bathroom. When she came back, she habitually brushed it before going to bed, but she did not expect to see Chang Jingle leave her a message below: Teacher Tian? Enrolled in a successful course?