Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1000: Guild Wars in Ziyan (34)

Chapter 1000 Guild Wars in Ziyan Thirty-four

"What are you thinking about, Husky?" The leopard teenager saw greed from the eyes of his little friend. His back was cold and had a bad feeling.

"All of this is on, don't grab the white and don't grab the king." Husky screamed at Harbin: "Let Husky destroy the enchantment room machine all over again."

"This...this is not so good?" The leopard boy strongly opposed it. It is better to have one less thing: "They have destroyed the enchantment generator. The purpose of our trip has also been reached. It is better to leave here soon." !"

"I can't do it. Since it's coming, we must put the damage done in the end." The nature of the dog-boys and urchins is revealed at this time.

Moreover, since the Zhang people are the "bad guys" who are hostile to Husky, there is no need to leave any feelings for the bad guys. The demolished buildings were demolished, the robbed treasures were robbed, and the enemies that were destroyed were killed. This is the fixed law of various adventure games played by the canine boys. And this "game" must be no exception.

Husky shook his tail, his face was full of malice: "This group of people has made us so miserable, don't take the opportunity to retaliate and how to do it? - Hey, come on, let's take the machine here." Over the king!"

"Good idea!" Calvin said with a playful mood: "Let's take all the machines here apart! I took everything that can be removed and sold money! Hahahaha!"

Only in this way, the little prince of the fisherman understands the idea of ​​the canine boy well. Maybe the inferiority in their roots is actually the same, the canine boy thinks.

"You..." From childhood to big, only knowing the rules of the leopard, the young boy, Hal, seems to be unable to understand the thoughts of this group of urchin friends. At this time, he felt very depressed, like the kind of mischief that was forced by some of his friends to do some kind of mischief, but he was afraid of being blamed by the adults afterwards.

But everyone insisted on doing some damage in this room, and Hal was too embarrassed to oppose it. Anyway, this is just a game. Anyway, the people are the hostile forces of the teenagers. It is understandable to be ruined here. Is there anything wrong?

"That, then, you are careful." Hal reluctantly laughed and said: "There may be some organ traps hidden here."

"Wang will pay attention!" Husky took another torch and brightened the surrounding environment: "Now, which machine is the first to start destroying?"

He is not smart and does not aim to destroy. His purpose is at best the most expensive machine in the enchantment room - the generator - only.

It is also very easy to find this generator. As long as the distribution of the wires along the various instruments has been going upstream, the place where they eventually gather is where the generator is located.

It is the location of the treasure.

Husky looked closely and looked along the numerous black, finger-like wires. These wires are gathered behind a small wooden shelf, and the wooden shelf is filled with machine parts and other debris. It doesn't look like a generator.

Husky walked over to the wooden shelf, and together with Hal, he held a torch and carefully observed the shelf under the bright fire.

There must be a good thing behind this shelf. Husky fiddled with the machine parts placed on the wooden shelf, only to find that one of the spherical parts could not be moved. He pulled the hand with conviction, and the part remained still. It’s weird. This thing is not a random object placed on the shelf, but a certain kind of mechanism, half fixed on the shelf.

Husky tried to twist the spherical part from both sides. With a bang, the parts moved - this is really an organ!

The wooden shelf began to move slowly and moved away. Appearing in front of Husky and others is another dark room in the room. In the darkroom, there is a machine that is as tall as an adult. There are countless rings on a luminous ball. Is this something a generator?

"Look at Husky to take it apart!" The canine boy raised a big sword.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hal asked uncomfortably. "It's still running. If you attack it, it won't explode?"

"This problem was solved by the prince." Calvin approached the generator and raised his staff.

A burst of ice rose and flew to the generator.

It is sticky and thick, with a low temperature ice fog, and quickly sticks and solidifies on those rings that are spinning fast. They cause the entire machine, especially the connection point of the ring on the machine, to freeze and slow down the rotation of the ring. Finally, the whole machine stopped working and was frozen into a huge ice hockey. The light of the illuminator in the center was not extinguished.

"Well, that's great." Husky quickly went up and raised the sword and knocked the rings one by one. They move so fast that they don't bother to destroy.

In the end, only the glowing core of the ice hockey is left. This thing is estimated to be worthless, and Husky looked at it and drooled. He used a long sword to break the core of the ice hockey - it really was a translucent glass structure, the purpose was to seal the core of the glow.

The canine boy took off his shirt and used it as a glove to reach out to get the glowing core. At first he thought it would be burned or powered by a strong current, but his fears were completely redundant. This glowing core is so quietly lying in the hands of the dogman, without causing any harm. It is very stable under freezing conditions and is a pale yellow, highly transparent crystal.

"This... isn't this a thunderstone?" Hal remembered the [Ray-Dragon] monster that was covered in [Golden Stone Valley] and covered with such golden crystals, and the uncle that Arthur mentioned. Light stone].

"It is [Raystone], "The fisherman prince has also come together to see," and the purity is so high that if you have this, you can make a big profit."

"Great," Husky couldn't wait to put the crystal into the inventory: "Go back and sell it for money. Now -"

Is it time to leave?

"desus, desus deshuhim lunmada, entatde le aunmubm - "There was a loud alarm around me, remembering a wonderful alarm.

"Warning, warning." The only Prince Calvin who can understand the language of the narrator synchronously translated: "The intruder! The intruder has destroyed the main generator of the castle. The main generator has gone out of control and will explode in ten minutes! Repeat, the main generator has gone out of control and will explode in ten minutes!"

"I don't want to be king!" Husky exclaimed. "But we obviously have already!"

He thought that the core of the generator would be pumped away and the generator would stop working completely. He thinks so beautiful.

The generator that was originally frozen and dismantled is constantly shaking. Husky discovered that they only destroyed a very small part of the generator.

The larger main part of the generator, connected to the ceiling, is hardly noticeable in this darkroom. Only when it screamed and shook a lot of dust and rust, the teenagers knew to look up.

It consists of hundreds of arms-like iron pipes and a very complex structure that fills the ceiling of the darkroom. There are thousands of wires around this thing. It is estimated that this is the body of the generator. It must be obtained from the core of the generator, and then the power is dispersed and distributed to every machine in the castle.

And this thing does not seem to stop working because of the disappearance of the core. Its central part still has some kind of reaction furnace running, but it starts to have problems because of the uneven distribution of local power. The whole machine roared and made a low roar like an injured behemoth, and it was angry at the reckless behavior of the teenagers!

"Oh no, no, no!" Hal exclaimed: "Get out of here!!"

The machine on the ceiling collapsed after shaking for a while, and was about to kneel on the head of Hal and others! The teenagers were very fortunate that the machine was connected by countless wires, which greatly prevented the tendency of the machine to fall down. And Husky and others have escaped from the darkroom, just to escape before the machine falls, avoiding the fate of being crushed into meat sauce!

"Good, good and dangerous!" Husky just escaped from the darkroom and turned to look at the situation when the huge machine landed. Not only did it fall, but it also made a big hole on the floor, the situation is very scary!

"Don't watch, let's escape from here! Hey! Explosion!" Hal exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Husky just turned his gaze to the vent, where there was a rope for the teenagers to climb back. But can they have to escape? From the smudged air duct, escape the castle in fifteen minutes? !

While still hesitating, Husky suddenly felt that the body could not help but sway. Or, it is a certain force that pulls him back!

The floor on his feet, together with the huge generator wreckage on the floor in the darkroom, collapsed together! The collapse of the floor creates a scary chain reaction, not just the darkroom, but even the nearby ground, it also collapses together! The large-scale collapsed floor swallowed everything around, including the three teenagers who could not escape!

"Wow, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!" Husky exclaimed, his hands weakly scribbling, trying to catch something in the process of falling.

He caught only a furry cat tail, Hal's kitten tail. But this is by no means something he can borrow to climb back.

"Hey!!" The leopard boy made a scream and his tail was pulled. He only felt an indescribable pain in the depths of his butt.

But he didn't have time to pay attention to this severe pain. In a strong sense of weightlessness, the leopard teenager and the canine boy fell together and fell into an unknown abyss.