Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1031: Hunting in Shahai (5)

Chapter 1031 Hunting in the sand sea

At the same time (?), Great Britain, London, King Arthur's palace.

"Oh--" Comet yawned and opened his eyes, and found that the sky outside the window had a white belly.

He struggled to get up, and the crotch was still faintly painful - it was injured by Charlotte, and it didn't seem to be cured for a while.

"The comet, it’s really early." King Arthur didn't know when he ran into the comet's bedroom. "Cash it, come and have breakfast - or do you still need to wash the dragon?"

"I want you to manage." Xinghui Long slowly got out of bed with his head, but his mouth was viciously groaning.


"What?" The comet felt the burning gaze of the Cavaliers: "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. Your kid is wearing this gold armor even sleeping, and he can't help but smile." Arthur grinned.

"I said that this is the change of my dragon armor. It was originally part of my body. You shouldn't think that I would peel off the scales before I go to sleep?" - "Xinghui Longyan beads turn, suddenly Whispered: "That, the magic weapon that you used to enter the dream of the little ghost last night... I used it on me seven years ago, right?"

"Seven years ago?" The Cavalier King stunned for half a second and had no impression for a while. Then he remembered, and suddenly realized: "Oh, seven years ago! The night before the duel with Palindol! - Your kid is so good, you can't remember it without saying it!"

"Oh, of course." The comet finished his clothes: "The dragon has a perfect memory, and there are enemies that will have an enemies. So you are careful, don't get rid of Lao Tzu."

"I'm scared." Arthur sneered in disapproval. "So, seven years ago, did you intend to use it as a hate, or as a kind of grace? Let's make it clear, so let's Psychological preparation."

"Well... seven years ago?" The comet looked at his head and seemed to have some sort of meditation: "What happened to me at that time...?"

Seven years ago, the comet at that time just suffered the loss of flesh and blood. His father, the Emperor Titans, his mother, Aaron Ayers, and his brother, Xianville, all died in the pure land of Elison.

At that time, the comet had a "small problem": he had a feeling of inferiority and self-blame for himself as a dragon. Psychological obstacles have caused Xinghui to be unable to use the magic to change back to the prototype, and have always maintained the appearance of this human juvenile.

At that time, Arthur and Greenville, stole the national treasure from the treasure house of Great Britain, [recalling the magic mirror - Raelthefield], using the power of the magic mirror to enter the dream of the comet, in order to solve the problem The star can't change back to its original shape.

I think of the comet, I finally got to know a reason.

"At that time, did you help me change back?" Golden Sparks looked at Arthur King with amazement: "But, this guy actually trespassed into my dreams!"

"Hey, you have no choice! In order to win the duel, you need your strength." Arthur shrugged and defended himself: "Otherwise, you have always been a non-dragon, non-human, unclear, and you will be very confused."

The face of the comet has changed: "So you do it for yourself, it’s a self-proclaimed guy!"

"I haven't said it before." Arthur snorted: "So, what do you want? Because of the old things seven years ago, is it now troublesome?"

The comet held the cockroach and thought for a while: "Although you are a self-proclaimed bastard...the fact that you helped me has not changed."

"So you owe a favor, right?" Arthur took the opportunity to say, "So, please, please, one thing, should you promise?"

"Come again?!" The comet was struggling with Arthur’s recent requests: "Can't you stop?!"

"I won't add too much trouble to you." The Cavaliers smiled slyly. "As long as you are in the period of your injury here, help take care of the two little devils. If you have a busy government, if you are not a holiday, you can't get it." Time to take care of the children, but you are a leisure person... a leisure dragon, is there time?"

Xinghuilong immediately stretched his face: "There are two nasty little devils."

"You also saw, comet, the two children were stared at by several forces." Arthur looked at the sky outside the window with all his thoughts: "The human world is insulting, you can't believe who you are. But you are not Human beings, you are completely neutral. And your combat power can also compete with the round table knights, you can safely hand over the children to you."

"Oh? Why don't you please your faithful knight?"

"No." King Arthur shook his head. "This is a private matter. How can you use the power of the Knights of the Round Table for personal matters?" "Can you use my power?" The comet was a little angry.

The Cavalier King did not think about it: "Because you are a good friend."

Xinghui Long put his face away to cover up the redness on his face: "Well... well! Anyway, idle is idle, I will be a nanny. But all I do is protect them from harm. They need to feed their baby when they are hungry, they need to change their diapers, etc., but I don’t care!"

Arthur couldn't help but laugh: "They are not babies."

"The devil who is only seven or eight years old, even if it is not a baby, can’t be much worse!" said the star.

At the same time (?), Egypt - the southern port of Cairo.

Betteville and his team came to the port with the deputy head of Mohammed, and they were immediately attracted by the scenery here.

The port in the south of Cairo does not connect to the sea, but is a port facing the desert, which is convenient for the passage of sand boats. Instead of calling it a seaport, it is better to say [Shagang].

In the afternoon, it was just the time when the sand ship was unloaded and reloaded. The not-so-large sand port was already filled with hundreds of heavy sand boats, ready to go.

Take a closer look, these boats are suspended in the desert, about three feet from the ground, floating not too high, just avoiding the friction between the bottom of the ship and the sand.

"This is the ship of our caravan." Mohammed walked to the deck of the ship lightly in front of a large sand boat: "You are the last batch of bodyguards, I will send it here." The next thing will be handed over to the caravan's security consultant to explain it - Kana?"

"Come on!" A young woman in white robe and a 20-year-old woman walked out of the crowd and promised. Her black hair is brown and well-proportioned, and the whole body exudes the unique style of the Egyptians.

However, the security consultant turned out to be a woman... Beddyville was puzzled.

"This is the new bodyguard? Hey, interesting." Karna looked at Bediville, Sedge and Elaine with great speed. She spoke fluent English, more than Mohammed. The head of the English is much better.

"So, let's talk slowly. I went to inform the captain and I was ready to go." The deputy head nodded to the girl and walked into the cabin.

"Hello, I am Brady -"

"You don't have to call," Kana fiddled with her long, flowing black hair. Her beautiful black hair did not dry up in the hot air of Egypt. "Your information has just been sent." Come over, I know what your name is. If you are free, we will gossip and say the key points of the mission before departure."

This woman is very refreshing. Bedyville can't help but praise.

Kana spread the map and said: "Your mission is to protect the safety of the sand boat with five other bodyguards. The sand boat departs from Cairo, crosses the Sahara desert to Zwar, and returns from Zwar to Cairo for four hours. In the hour, you must protect the sand boat from the desert konjac, and also levy the desert pirates."

"Sand, desert pirates?" The white bear muttered.

"It’s just a group of small thieves, and generally does not pose a threat." Karna said in an understatement, "Speaking back, I see you seem to be the first time to work as a sandbag bodyguard. Are you clear about the structure of the sand boat? Do you need me to explain it in advance?" ?"

"Oh... it’s best to be so embarrassed." Seglade said uncomfortably: "Is this different from ordinary anti-gravity spacecraft?"

"Of course." Kana smiled lightly: "The fuel of the anti-gravity spacecraft is expensive, and the energy consumption is directly proportional to the quality of the transportation. The goods transported by the caravan are dozens of tons. It is not worthwhile to transport goods by anti-gravity spacecraft. Fortunately, the Sahara Desert has a strong magnetic belt. Using the principle of magnetic levitation and magnetic traction, the operation of the sand boat is very fuel-saving - there are two points you need to pay attention to:

Kana pointed to something like a sail on the top of the ship: "This is a solar sail. It is the main source of power for the sand boat. It is also the object that you want to protect. Be careful not to break it in the battle, they are good. -Dear."

"Oh." Elaine snorted and seemed to have expected the worst of his stupidity to smash the solar sail.

Karna went on to say, "Then is the power stove - but it is hidden in the center of the ship and it is generally not easy to be broken. When it is broken, we are almost dead."

Bedyville listened carefully, his eyes looking at the other four bodyguards on the deck.

These guys seem to be good at it, but none of them are candidates in the round table trials. Also, even if other candidates have the same ideas as Bediville, they may not be assigned to the same mission as Bedieville. The chances of encountering other candidates here are infinitely close to zero.

and many more. Four bodyguards? Shouldn't it be five?

Beddyville frowned, trying to ask where the remaining bodyguard went. He remembered a familiar voice behind him: "Oh, it’s so good, my friends! I didn’t expect it to be there. I met you here!"

Bedyville turned his head in a depressed mood: Sure enough, it was the swordsman Solar.