Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1047: Hunting in Shahai (21)

Chapter 1047 Hunting in the Shahai 21

"What the **** is this?" Biddyville held the golden cube bricks in his hand and cast a look for help from Kana. He hoped to get some information from the well-informed and well-preserved security captain of the desert.

Kana shook her head, and impatiently perfunctored: "Don't ask me, I don't know at all. This may be a kind of ore clumping. How about trying to sell it for money after returning to Cairo?"

The werewolf is more confused. Although this thing looks like a cube of gold, it is very light and completely free of the heavy touch of gold. It is either hollow or not made of gold at all, it is a deceptive little ornament, it is even more impossible to say that it is ore. All in all, it has no value at all.

Despite this, Bedieville stuffed the golden brick into his trouser pocket. He endured tremendous nausea and took this little thing out of the body of the golden worm. How can he say that he lost it and lost it?

The **** golden corpse corpse has no use value - Biddeville made a look at the sailors, indicating that the corpse was thrown away.

"Are you sure?" Karna watched as the three sailors pushed the body of the golden worm with a mop, pushed the thing down the edge of the deck, and whispered to Biddyville: "Maybe the monster still has more of this Small bricks?"

The werewolf shook his head. He has a hunch that no more valuable things are hidden in the monster's body. As a warrior with many battles, his instincts are often accurate.

The body of the golden worm slammed into the sand and there was no more shadow. The desert konjac didn't even mean to go to eat it. It is estimated that they don't like to eat this disgusting worm. The golden worm is left to Bediville, the twenty-two barrels of gold worm, and this small, nothing-brick gold brick.

What does all this mean? The werewolf is temporarily unable to understand. The desert konjac was once again spinning around the sand boat, and everyone on the boat was busy again. Bediville had no time to take care of the little bucks, tidy up the mood and continue to deal with (killing) the army of the desert konjac.

The mysterious man in the cabin looked at the werewolf's encounter through the surveillance camera and made a puzzled boring.

At the same time, Cairo, [Lost Paradise] bar.

Albert and Sedge have booked a box in the bar, hoping to enjoy this rich and willful night without interference.

Unlike the slightly ruined appearance, the lost interior is quite luxurious. The owner of this bar is very willing to spend money, but also very business-minded, knowing (thinking) that this investment can not attract more investment.

The dark gold-black, with a fine relief pattern on the wallpaper, patchworkly attached to a variety of diamonds. Although they are all decorative rhinestones, they shine like stars in the dim light of the bar, and the room in this overall style is shining like a mysterious universe, and then with inorganic metal. The seats set off against each other, ultimately giving a feeling of darkness and degeneration, both luxurious and full of fantasy.

Albert and Sedge, sitting side by side on the sofa, this metal-silver leather sofa did not look hard, but unexpectedly soft and comfortable. The wooden parts of the sofa and the coffee table have a uniform, beautifully carved pattern, and the pattern describes a beast. This makes the sofa coffee table comfortable and at the same time reveals some sort of domineering and wildness, showing how the taste of the bar owner is different.

Outside the box is a slightly noisy environment, as the lobby of the bar is playing football from the display, and because Africa is currently on an important football season, the Egyptian men who watch the ball are concentrating on the display, from time to time. Give a wave of cheers. The soundproofing function of the box is excellent, even if it is noisy outside, the box is still very clean - as long as Albert does not open the monitor to watch the ball or sing.

The two young people felt that they were slightly stunned when the glamorous, sexy-looking black rabbit with a Kennedy swimwear and long-legged black stockings came in with a bottle of beer.

"Guest, this is your beer." The rabbit ear girl put the opened beer in two large cups.

"Oh, huh, huh, okay." Albert couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, picking up the glass and taking a sip of beer.

The barley beer in Egypt is quite refreshing, and with the crystal clear ice in the cup, it is a cool night for the evening when the night is just around the corner.

Of course, drinking summer heat is not the main purpose of Albert and Seglade here. The two hot-minded young people came to this kind of bar, of course, in order to drink and have fun while looking for a few accompanying wine girls to share the good and vent their youthful heat.

"Then," the rabbit ear girl blinked at the two cats: "Please slow down, please."

After she turned around, she did not seem to stay with Albert to drink.

"Wait, wait a minute, Miss!" Saifel reluctantly called the rabbit ear girl: "Don't stay with us to drink?"

"Hey, do you mean to find a companion girl?" The rabbit-eyed girl snorted and licked her right eye and smiled very sweetly: "I am sorry, I am not responsible for this, you will come back with your wine and wait for it." , don't ~ heart ~ urgent ~ oh ~!" "Okay, okay." Safir frowned and looked at the rabbit ear and walked away.

"So the pretty lady actually left....Is there really no problem?" Saifei could not help but doubt.

"It's okay, just the quality of a waiter who comes over with wine is like this. The accompanying wine ladies here are estimated to be big beauty." The tiger youth grinned.

"Don't you... come to this place for the first time?" Albert leaned on the sofa and took a sip of beer, and calmly asked: "Don't you say... or a little boy?"

"Yes, it’s not awkward!" Saifei shouted resentfully: "That... my brother and I have been living in Turkic. There is no bar, but the ladies in the bar are like people... I am not so heavy!"

"Oh, huh, that's it." Albert saw the lie of Safir, but deliberately didn't poke, just sneer.

"What about Mr. Albert?" Safir’s revengeful remark: "When you look at you, should you often come to this place to have fun?"

"How is it possible?" The tiger waved his hand in disapproval. "I was a monster hunter. Have you forgotten? You have been hunting in the wild for more than a town. I have someone I like... ...have been. So I won’t be in the bar."

"Oh, what do you like?" Saifei looked at Albert with a cold eye: "So you are already dragging it now?"

"No, no." As soon as I talked about this, Albert's face immediately gloomy. He poured a large amount of wine into his stomach and said, "After I tried to pursue it, the woman didn't have me at all. In the end, she married my dad... call Huh... Ah hahahaha, how do you say this is a funny thing? She actually doesn’t look at me, but she is married to my dad!"

"Oh... I am sorry, oh." A drop of cold sweat emerged from Safir's forehead.

"I am very sorry, too." Elbert learned the tone of the young Leopard, and sipped a big beer. He said: "Oh! Don't say it - what to do, how to accompany the wine women?" Hey, don’t you come? How long will we wait!"

"Hey, don't worry! We're here~" A cat-ear girl pushed the door into the box, shaking her big chest wrapped in a Kennie swimsuit, and spitting her tongue out, revealing (apparently makeup) ) pointed tiger teeth: "I am Nina 喵~ let the guest officers wait for a long time, I am so embarrassed 喵~"

"Where, where (喵)!" Saifeier and Albert looked at the cat girl who had come in for a moment, then smiled and said: "No, it’s good!" "Lovely!"

The cat-ear girl named Nina walked in and sat down, so she leaned against Seifer, and the egg-like smooth skin was attached to Seifer's high-level suit: "This little handsome guy is so cute!~ If you like it, Nina will be with you tonight!"

"Okay, good wow~" Saifei rose blushing, and quickly poured a big mouthful of beer.

"Then, what about me?" Albert felt unfair and muttered.

"Oh, the little guy over there, of course, she is going to accompany her--" The cat-head girl waved twice with her hand with a plush toy cat's paw: "The new one, you still What are you waiting for? Come in quickly~"

"Oh." Ayre is very much looking forward to what a beautiful beauty will come in, can not help but nervously poured a sip of wine.

Another cat-haired girl slid into the door and walked in. The moment the door was opened, I was shocked by Albert and Seifer.

She has the white-smooth and delicate skin of the egg, as well as the alum of the water;

She has a long black hair like a waterfall, and she is almost integrated with the black ear decoration on her head, which is especially cute;

She has a proud and slim figure, although the Twin Peaks are not as hot as Nina, but they are also full and feminine;

However, the most surprising thing is her pair of demon-like, elf-specific pointed ears – it is full of dark forest-like mystery.

The master of the pointed ear of this pair of elves is exactly -!

"Hey!-" The beer in the mouth of the tiger squirted out, sprayed the sofa, the coffee table was full of beer, and even sprayed himself.

If he can, he even vomits bleeding: "Xiang, Chanel?!"