Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1229: Rest in the night (six)

Chapter 1229 Rest in the night of the night

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the Cairo Grand Hotel, Leopard Brothers Saifei and Seglade's room.

"呜" The tiger was lying on the bed with a powerlessness, and looked desperate as if the world was about to be destroyed.

Paramitis and his two sons were busy playing with the parts of the Luna Steel weapons. When they saw the tiger coming up, they looked like a ghost. The Leopard warrior had a sweat on his forehead: "What happened to him?"

"Call and don't ask, you will regret it when you ask." The werewolf tried to hold back and laugh.

"Oh, no reason, no justice, no reason!" Even if no one asked, Albert still began to cry in bed: "My performance today is clear, why do you give the bounty?" But that's so little!! Even one-tenth of Bedieville's one-of-a-kind is not going to be a letter to you? Is this a special joke to me?!"

"Out, appeared, the cat was bursting six times." The white bear man on the side looked at Albert, and he didn't expect to be looked back at the tiger immediately, scaring Elaine to stop.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Segrad heard a smog: "What bounty?"

"It’s a gossip that Ayr heard," Biddyville explained without hesitation: "Is our knockout today not live on TV? There are tens of millions of viewers watching it in Africa. It seems to be The ratings determine the rewards given to each candidate, so that candidates with excellent performance have more adequate preparation funds."

"Yes." Paramitis smiled slyly: "So, the little tiger is not satisfied with the bounty that he has received? - How much money do you get?"

"One thousand Egyptian coins." Albert said with a sad face: "There is a thousand Egyptian dollars in the area!! You said this may be awkward!! Even paying for a meal is not enough!! And the most irritating thing is, why?喵 I have done so well to get a thousand dollars, and this stupid wolf is almost not doing it, there is tens of thousands of dollars in credit? It’s unfair!”

When Albert was eating dinner, it seemed to be a replay of Biddyville and Rogan's showdown on TV. At that time, he was quite disdainful of the duel. Because the match between the werewolf and the wizard is simply boring, it seems that two people have cut a few knives and slashed each other, it is not even wonderful, even one-tenth of Albert’s battle against the giant Nimitz. Not wonderful.

Of course, Albert doesn't understand at all. Because Rogan will use time magic to speed up his actions, his battle with the werewolves is almost always in the ultra-high speed world. The huge change that occurred in a hundredth of a second completely exceeded the limit of the number of frames taken by the bee-like camera, and of course it could not capture the excitement of that moment.

Bedyville didn't talk, just smiled.

Albert pouted and continued to complain: "Biddyville's boring battle can make a 10,000 yuan bill. The most irritating thing is this stupid bear! - He actually earned 30,000! !"

"Ha, haha" Elaine embarrassedly licked his head.

"This is not to praise you!!" Albert angered.

"Oh - yes, sorry!" Elaine pulled her ear and shrank it into the corner.

"This is actually normal." Palamidis laughed and finished playing: "Beidy and Rogan are fighting. Both of them are top candidates. They are all hot, even if they don't fight." Someone turned the TV to watch it; the battle between the bear and the scimitar Molen was also very exciting, which attracted the audience."

Elaine’s battle is not so much a wonderful thing as it is a visually gorgeous one. The White Bears destroyed one-third of the battlefield, and the [burning stars] was enough to shock people.

"What about me? My battle is terrible?!" Albert groaned in resentment.

Paramitis shook his head: "The little tiger has been beaten by the giant Nimitz from the beginning. The game didn't see any suspense from the beginning, but you were beaten unilaterally. Although you finally It’s still a day-to-day, and the reversal of that moment is also very exciting, but it’s too late. The audience thought that the outcome had been set and turned to watch other events.”

"Is it like this?!"

"That's it." Palamidis reached out and touched Albert's cat's head: "You've actually done a good job, but the group of ignorant viewers don't appreciate it, don't worry."

"It turns out!" After listening to the analysis of the uncle of the leopard, Albert was completely open and cheerful, and he was happy to roll on the bed: "Or Uncle Paramitis knows me best! The group didn't take me. Fight to see the last idiots know a fart! Let them stunned, hahahaha!!"

"That's stupid." Seifer, who was busy repairing the moon's steel weapons, couldn't help but whisper.

"It's really stupid." His younger brother, Seglader, also echoed, and didn't even look at Albert.

"Drink!" The young tigers started from the bed and resurrected in the same place: "Determined, I am going to gamble and distract my heart, let me talk about it first!"

Stupid really has the advantage of stupid, Albert, who was still apathy in the last second, immediately became alive and kicking in the next second, and even the heart of gambling.

"It’s spending money again." The werewolf gave the tiger a look.

"What's so bad!" Albert defended himself. "We have all the weapons we have used. We don't need to add any more. There are no hotels to eat and drink. There is no place for money." I have never spent more than one million of my previous gambling money. How can I not take the opportunity to be willful?" He turned his hand to Paramitis: "Uncle!~ Give me money!~"

(A group of military funds are handed over to Paramitis and Bedieville and stored separately in the room card of the two.)

"Where, you can, but only for five thousand." Palamidis smiled: "You have to go back to sleep after losing the light, don't play too late, understand?"

"How do you say that I will lose money!" Albert was greatly dissatisfied.

Except for the white bears and the tigers, the people present were unable to smile. Everyone is unaware of this kind of thing. There is no casino in the world. It is not black. When tourists go to the casino to play, they have to lose money. Most of the money that is earned occasionally through gambling is mostly that the casino owner is in a good mood and rewards the tourists.

Albert is not an idiot, of course he knows this little thing. But he went to the Cairo Grand Casino and was not meant to play.

After the tiger took the pocket money, he ran happily, and Bedieville was also ready to go back to his room to rest. Before he left, he took a look at the work of Saifeier and asked, "How is the weapon adjusted?"

"While the delay of the plug-in system has been reduced a bit, it is still not ideal." Saifei looks unhappy: "Sure enough, relying on the devices in our hands, we must adjust the porting system of the transplant to the original version. Delay, still too stubborn."

Bediville originally wanted to say something to comfort the young Leopard, but Paramitis tried to win the eye of the werewolf. It seemed that he hoped that Bedieville would be strict with the two young people.

The werewolf then turned his eyes: "Is there any other way?"

"If there are more sophisticated electronic measuring and mounting equipment, things will be much easier." Segrad said, "But this high-tech electronic workshop is hard to find in Cairo, and it is not found. Willing to borrow the trick we use."

"If you can use the office of Vivienne, you can do it," Saifel complained. It is a pity that Vivienne's research institute is far away from Great Britain, and they are far away.

Do not?

Bedyville’s brains turned: "Is there such a paradise in Paramitis?"

"I have? Where is it?" The leopard warrior heard a fog.

"No, not to say you, the real version of Paramitis." Bettiville whited the **** panther: "I am talking about the battleship, [the attacking Paramitis]. Since it is Great Britain Supporting the front-line and special-purpose omnipotent warships, will there always be such a workshop?"

"I doubt it very much." Saifei frowned.

"Not a small Bedi is a genius!" Paramitis also had a chance to move. "Let's go to the battleship and look for it! Even if there is no workplace, there is another substitute that can be used to ensure that you can find what you need." thing!"

"Generation, substitute?" The werewolf suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"It’s the transfer room." Paramitis was so bold that he came up with this ghost idea: "I heard that Arthur seems to be using the warship's transmission to quickly and efficiently travel between Egypt and Great Britain? That conveyor can connect to Great Britain, why can't we borrow it?"

"My God" Werewolf's face has changed, just like everyone else in the room: "You are crazy, Paramitis? You should not forget, we are now on the way to the exam, can not leave Egypt -"

"Who can't say it?" The big cat sneered and interrupted: "We were only brought to this place unilaterally, but the test organizers did not clearly stipulate that we can't leave!"

"But they won't let you use the conveyor!"

I didn't expect Paramitis to come up with a more daring idea: "Without their approval, as long as we sneak into the battleship, start the conveyor!"

"Dad!" The two leopard youths almost screamed at the same time.

"What's wrong, don't you dare?" Palamidis sneered. "You want to borrow Vivienne's studio, right? Go back to Great Britain with a conveyor. You can go home in a few hours. The studio is casual. Use, I also visit my little Hal, hehe."

"Dad is crazy." Saifei whispered.

"He is homesick and crazy." Bedyville's forehead was sweating.

"It's really crazy." Seglader also echoed.

Paramidis’s forehead has an obvious blue vein: "You guys don’t dare to take risks, let me go alone. Give me the weapon to be adjusted. After I go back, I will adjust to Vivian. They are sent back."

"But this is almost cheating -" young people still want to continue protesting.

Just then, the phone in the hotel room rang.