Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1258: Hunting Devil in the Night (1)

Chapter 1258 Hunting the Devil in the Night

Ten minutes later, the bottom of the castle.

"The door to the sewer is just ten yards away from the front, you won't miss it." Evan's voice came from the intercom.

"Damn, the net is for us to do the dirtiest thing." Beddyville cursed, using the lightsaber in his hand as lighting, walking side by side with Paramitis.

Even if it has not yet entered the sewer, the corridor at the bottom is already dirty and full of rotten and disgusting smell. The smoke cast by the monster suspected of being a deep sea troll is also pervasive at the bottom, leaving a strange green atmosphere around it, a little scary.

"Don't complain." Paramitis turned to the corridor and could already see the front sewer door: "Let us get things done as soon as possible."

Bedieville sighed and walked to the left side of the closed sewer door. After a look at Paramitis, the two turned the metal turntables on either side of the door. The disc rotates to drive the metal hinges therein. The hinges are transmitted to the internal organs of the gates, so that the ancient gates, which have been rusted and corroded for thousands of years, slowly open from both sides.

The more intense hypnotic gas oozes out of the door, and Betdiville feels dizzy when he **** a little bit, and he can't help but take a step back.

Drops - Some strange sound caught the attention of the werewolf. He frowned and turned and saw that Paramitis was **** his pants and peeing at the broken Brie.

"what are you doing?"

"The skills I used to learn from the military, I can put this on my face, and I can solve all kinds of suffocating and poisonous." Palamidis took the rags full of urine to Bediville. I also prepared a copy for you. It’s not good to **** in these poisons."

The werewolf whitened the leopard warrior: "No thanks. I don't think it will work."

"Do you really want it?" Palamidis had covered his face with another piece of rag: "I am not stunned by the poison. I will not save you."

(Before that, I am afraid I will be stunned by the smell of urine first.)

Bedyville pulled a little cloth from the corner of his clothes and covered his face. Then he felt that this was enough, and went straight into the sewers filled with poisonous mist.

"You have to be careful. There are dark shadows in the sewer. I can't accurately identify the exact position of the enemy." The voice of Evan came through the intercom. "But what you have to do is still the same." , lead the monster to the sluice side."

"Are you sure it will run out of the open sluice? If it prefers to stay in the castle?"

"I have my own way." Tristan's confident voice came from the walkie-talkie and seemed to have thought of countermeasures.

"Okay." Bedyville shouted dissatisfiedly and interrupted the conversation. He walked side by side with Paramitis, stepping forward for the camp, searching for monsters in this poisonous, low visibility sewer.

The terrain of the sewer is intricate. Except for the endlessly extended staircases, it is a variety of stone pillars that exist as foundations and have been eroded by disgusting decaying materials. There are unclear dark corners in this gloomy stone pillar forest, and those tentacle monsters can be hidden anywhere in these corners, and they can sneak into Bediville and Paramitis at any time.

"Speaking back," Paramitis walked to the right, holding up the lightsaber and brightening the surroundings: "The relationship between you and Tristan is getting worse and worse. So even he forgot you?"

"I don't want to talk about this now." Bedyville agreed with a sigh.

Paramitis, which recovered from the petrochemical state, is probably the only person in the world who has retained the full memory seven years ago. Others were influenced by the [fourth miracle], completely forgetting about Bediville seven years ago - among these people, including the best friend of Bediville, Tristan. Every time I think about this, the heart of the werewolf can't help but feel a pain.

"I know that you have a bad relationship now, and you know that he forgot the days when you were together," Paramitis sighed low. "But if you go on like this, you will only get more and more. You must The truth of the matter tells him."

"It's useless." Bedieville was anxious to interrupt this unpleasant conversation: "No one in the world remembers me except you. If you tell them the truth, I will only be treated as a madman."


"Uncle Paramidis, I know that you want to help me." The werewolf interrupted: "But this is a problem between me and Tristan. Please don't intervene. My friendship with him is as early as seven years." It’s already over, there is no room for salvation. Our relationship is still good.”

"If this is your choice, I have nothing to say." Paramitis sighed: "But I have to tell you the truth: the real feelings in the world are all illogical and unreasonable. Love is so Friendship is the same. If you think that Tristan will refuse to believe in the true friendship you have had on the grounds of [irrational], you are a fool."

"Even if he has not existed in his past memories, the feelings at that time will not easily disappear." Paramitis added, "One day, he will remember you. He will definitely ""

Bedieville fell into a deep silence.

At this moment, a sudden commotion sounded in a dark corner, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Come." The werewolf raised the lightsaber and carefully warned: "Damn monsters."

"It didn't at least make a sneak attack." In the face of the black tentacle monster that emerged from the corner, Paramitis also held up the lightsaber.

"Guess again!" Biddeville suddenly turned and rushed to another dark corner where more tentacles emerged.

The war started in an instant, and hundreds of octopus tentacles came from all directions, keeping up with Bediville and Paramidis.

Hey! The lightsabers of the two danced in the darkness and cut the tentacles of the attack. However, these monster tentacles are extremely regenerative, and the cut parts are instantly healed, just like nothing to continue attacking!

"It's time to withdraw!" Paramitis screamed at the sword, suppressing the attack of the tentacle, and ran towards the entrance to the sewer.

"Be careful!!" Bettyville, who followed, saw more tentacle monsters crawling on both sides, and they had blocked the way back!

"Damn! What should we do now?" In the face of the tentacles that are constantly emerging and surrounded by sewers, the werewolf desperately snarls.

"Help me delay a little time!" Paramitis threw the short sword to Bedieville and began to play with his two-month steel armor.

"What?" The werewolf took the dagger and frantically waved two photon daggers to defeat the attacking tentacles. He can only concentrate on the oncoming monsters, and he has no time to see what Paramitis is doing.

"Hello, ah, ah--!" The Leopard warrior took a deep breath.

lb! ! - He kicked out his fists and slanted on the floor, picking up a strong shock wave!

Motivate and nourish! ——The cold air is sprayed along the shock wave to form a cold front. It is cold and cold, freezing the sewage on the ground to form ice, freezing the water vapor in the air to form ice fog, and finally hit the black tentacle monsters and freeze them into crisp popsicles!

"Hey, are you implanting a plug-in system in your glove?" Biddeville suddenly realized.

"The two little ghosts are working temporarily. Fortunately, they made this work before departure." Palamidis rushed to break up the tentacles that were frozen into popsicles: "Open, I am responsible for the road, you are responsible for the temple, first from This ghost place escapes and says!"

"Cough--" The gas around him made Bedieville even more uncomfortable. He had long wanted to leave the sewer. He slashed several octopus tentacles with a knife, followed back behind Paramitis and fled in the direction of the sewer exit.

lb! Paramitis hit a punch again, and the shock wave and the frozen gas on the glove insert were instantly mixed, creating a frozen shock wave that shattered the tentacles of the road.

"Fast! Turn left to the left for about 30 yards to the sluice!" The moment the two rushed out of the sewer, the voice of Evan had already passed from the intercom, guiding the two to escape.

"I really hope that your **** plan will succeed." Bettiville ran and waved two photon daggers, shredding all the tentacles that caught up. After the innumerable tentacles, there is a black crush, which is probably the monster's body. This black-pressed thing has been taken from the sewer by Bedyville and others, chasing its dinner madly!

The Werewolf and Leopard warriors had just entered a huge room through a long corridor.

"Paramitis!" The voice of Evan came from afar. There were several lights in the room, and the figures of the companions were reflected in the red light that was flickering.

Bedyville looked around and found it was a huge room to store sea water. It is estimated that the seawater that is introduced here is purified by the imported seawater and finally purified into fresh water resources for drinking to be supplied to the entire base. Of course, since this is a large room for storing sea water, it means that there is a huge pool in the center of the room. When Biddiville discovered the pool, it was a sudden brake, and it was hard to stop. This dry duck almost fell. Going into the pool!

"Beddy! Behind you!" Paramitis ran to the other end of the room and loudly reminded.

lb! - It is already late!

Bediville, who had been chased by the monsters, had to slow down because of the sudden brakes. But the huge tentacle monster behind him can't slow down, it instantly catches up with the werewolf. Countless tentacles accompanied by its fierce screams, entangled Bediville!