Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1356: Trapped in the ramp (28)

Chapter 1356 Trapped in the ramp 28

The complex whip net covers the gap on the shield by a third, and each arc of the "wire" formed by the whip is more and more sparkling, making the entire grid more dense and unbreakable!

The crazy gold beetles of the group did not expect that Bedyville would come here. A large number of scarabs hit the whip net and were burnt black!

These small golems, which are made up of a large number of precision electronic circuits, are less resistant to electromagnetic radiation, and the arc between the whip nets flashes past them, enough to interfere with their internal loops. Therefore, even those who sneak out of the gap between the power grid, the golden scarabs who survived the hardship, were affected by the weak electromagnetic waves and were in a semi-failed state. They flew east and west, and the appearance of the coming momentum suddenly converges a lot!

"Hey!" Tristan was not willing to show weakness, and he raised an ice fog. The ice and fog spread around it. It is a special ice fog created by the fisherman's prince with magic, even in the hot and dry places of the Sahara. The ice fog quickly sticks to the surrounding scarabs and freezes their insects! Of course, the worms still want to continue to act, but as soon as they move, their wings and legs that are frozen will be broken! A lot of gold scarab behemoths lost their wings and feet, and they fell weakly, and they could no longer cause more trouble!

Evan even raised the shotgun, and his hand was obviously a large-caliber photon shot. The particles scattered as if they were deliberately controlled by the half-dragon youth, almost no hair, every shot Can destroy a scarab!

After destroying the large army of the Golden Scarab, Bedyville also took up the whip net and began to use his whip to hunt the enemy's remaining troops. His whip is still energized, so its attack range is much larger than it seems. There are a lot of bugs falling in the place where the electric whip passes, and the air of the original bugs is instantly emptied!

The first wave of enemies was basically wiped out. In the chaos, Bediville had no spare time to consider his teammates. At this time, he remembered Ge Wen and others and looked back. Tristan and Ivan were safe and sound, except for a small wound cut by the worm. A knight in the team had a moderate cut and quickly stood up under the treatment of the wizards. The mages in front of the gap were not so lucky. The three mages died two people. They were all bleeding from the body after being cut by the insects. The remaining mage stood farther away from the gap and started to protect in time. The cover saved a small life and only suffered a slight injury.

In the face of the raid of the Golden Scarab army, can this kind of victory be considered good?

Round table knight Ge Wen? Bedyville looked nervously. The Duke of Gwen is certainly fine, he doesn't even have a bruise. However, the werewolf youth did not understand what Ge Wen had just done. The Knights of the Round Table were armed with swords and shields, but they did not seem to help fight. Perhaps he is physically strong, or does he want to retain his strength in front of Bediville?

No matter what. Since Bedyville is now a commander, he has no time to entangle these little things, or it is important to do business.

"Assault!" The werewolf youth commanded. The combat squad rushed in from the gap opened by the shield.

This protective cover opened by the "Desert Boat" is mainly used to block the sand. When it is buried deep in the ground, the shield is propped up like an umbrella, blocking the sand from the outside of the cover. Of course, the round table knight Ge Wen has used the Holy Spirit to blast a hole in the sand sea and even pierced the protective cover of the sand boat. Bedyville jumped into the hood and landed on the flat deck of the gold ship. On the top of their heads is a shield, which is constructed like an eggshell. The "egg shell" is the sand sea.

"Oh." The werewolf's legs just landed on the ground and they made a sigh. As it was expected, the ship entered a state of full blockade and the entrance to the deck was tightly closed.

"We are coming in, then?" Tristan asked Beddyville in a slightly reproachful tone: "Please don't tell me, you can't find the way to go."

Beddyville couldn’t help but secretly sneak the prince. He knew that Tristan would not be so good, "I highly recommend" Bettiville as the commander of the operation. The fisherman prince must have thought that Bediville had no way to invade the interior of the gold ship, so he recommended Bediville as the commander. If this action can't be done without even invading the sand boat, all the responsibilities should be blamed on the head of the werewolf youth.

However, Bedieville’s mouth rose and squeezed a sneer: "The road is there, you can find it right away."

Oh, of course there is a way. No matter how strong the outer shell of the desert boat is, there is at least one place, it has been destroyed, and it is absolutely impossible to be repaired. That is the left side of the ship near the outer wall of the mechanical warehouse.

Because King Arthur used a black flame to attach a magic to the dragon's dragon's cannon. Those black flames come from the extinction of the sword, with the ability to [eliminate the law of cause and effect]. The shells that were fired from the gun door and with the extinction of the black flame can erode all the sources of the world and turn [presence] into [virtual]. Therefore, the part of the wall of the sand ship became [never there has never existed], and that part was dug forever.

Bedyville led the team to the left side of the ship, and it was not enough that the hollow on the ship's wall remained.

"It’s weird, when is there a hole here?" Ivan yelled.

Bedieville smiled and didn't talk. Almost everyone in the world is affected by changes in the law of causality, so that the process of changing the wall from [presence] to [never existed] is almost impossible to detect. Because it is too much of a matter of course, even Ivan did not realize that there was a hole in it.

The only one who can perceive the world [the influence of the changes in the law of causality], except for the extinct black flame user himself, Arthur, is probably only Betdiville [never exist in this world). People].

"Let's go in." Bedieville released a tungsten tortoise whip and quickly made a way for his teammates to climb.

"It's a convenient whip." Duke Gewen smiled and the first whip to catch the werewolf went down. Although I felt that I was deeply trusted, I was a little happy, but Ge Wen’s big man was really heavy. Biddiville had to stay on the outer arm of the boat with his feet on his feet and use his strength to stabilize the whip.

"Give me a steady hold, don't let go." After Ge Wen went down, Tristan followed.

God, you have to use a whip to send everyone down. Bedieville felt extremely depressed, and when the captain was really responsible. After the team's personnel all went down the whip, Bedieville's arms were sore. He wraps his own whip around the edge of the sand boat and jumps in from the potholes in the ship's wall.

"Are people together?" asked the Werewolf youth.

Tristan shrugged. Everyone except the fisherman prince nodded. Followed by Bedieville, including Prince Tristan, Prince Evan, Duke of the Knights of the Round Table, two other mages, two knights. Beddyville couldn't help but feel guilty. The number of troops in this army is slightly larger. It is not only difficult to play the role of mutual care in the slightly narrow corridors of the sand boats. Instead, it will make the troops busy and more troublesome. Considering that Eve is very likely to send a large army of gold scarabs, it is not wise to take such a large army.

"We have to divide the team into two." He said it without much thought.

Tristan was not happy at the moment: "What? In the enemy's hinterland, disperse valuable troops?"

The Duke of Gewen smiled: "I can't agree with this proposal."

"But, Ge Wen adults!" The fisherman prince looked at the round table knight Ge Wen with a dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Bedieville is very correct. The terrain of the sand boat is narrow, and there are more unpredictable traps in front. The large units have no use in such places. It is best to disperse the current troops into two teams. - Well, and the number is right. The group of four is the foundation of the team's battle in Great Britain."

The round table knight Ge Wen is obviously very good at commanding combat, and his analysis is very organized.

"In this way, even if one of the teams is in distress, the other team can still continue to complete the mission, even to help the distressed detachment. So, do you have any questions?"

Tristan and Ivan didn't dare to speak.

"So, how do you plan to divide the team, Mr. Bedieville?" Ge Wen asked the werewolf in a tentative tone, as if he were an instructor, and Bediville was a test student.

The Werewolf youth felt more and more pressure, and he smashed his head: "The team of Tristan and Ivan, and then a knight and a mage guard. I and the team of Ge Wen adults, also with a knight and Master guard. "

"The reason for this grouping?" Ge Wen continued to ask.

Biddeville is actually grouped in such a short-lived mind. It is really a bit embarrassing to be questioned. But the Werewolf youth may not like to be ugly in front of others, especially if they don't want to be ugly in front of the head of Prince Cui Stan, so he bluntly explained: "This grouping is to balance combat ability and search ability. I believe that Ge Wen's Strength, but also believe in cough (he reluctantly said to export) the strength of His Royal Highness Prince Tristan. The battle is handed over to you. And I can use the nose and hearing to detect the traps along the way, Prince Evan also has an eagle Eye surgery, whether it is a trap or an ambush, can easily deal with it? So I and Ivan are in a small team, the most effective grouping."

"It’s a very wise decision." The round table knight Ge Weng smiled again: "If I let the team, it will be the same."

Tristan wanted to take the opportunity to mock Bradyville, but heard that the Duke of Gewen said that the fisherman prince did not dare to speak.

"There is one more thing," said Bedieville, who took the opportunity to say: "Tristan and Ivan are responsible for going to the captain's office to retrieve the secret treasure of the mermaid [metal detector], and then come to the information room to join us."