Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1475: The origin of the night of the curse (33

Chapter 1475 Beginning at the Curse Night

"Look at what we found this time?" A smashed leopard teenager salvaged a pile of debris from the bottom of the sea. Those are mostly discarded by human beings, but they are treasures when they are in the hands of the orcs, especially those who depend on their ruin.

He also found the freezer that was covered with sludge from the **** heap—or, that was not a freezer, it was more like an old iron can filled with barnacles.

However, the function of this old jar is still functioning normally. After two hundred years, it was finally unsealed.

Vibrate and nourish the temperament - the intense cold air is sprayed in the cracks of the iron cans.

With the opening of the iron can, the smashed teenager who was scared to shrink behind the stone once again took a look.

To his surprise, there was something in the iron can. More correctly, there is a creature in it.

White, no face, furry little hairball.

The smashed leopard teenager has never seen such a weird creature. He thought he saw the illusion, and he blinked his eyes subconsciously.

Just as he finished his eyes and tried to see it again, the original white furry creature had already become a baby. A leopard baby with weird blue hair.

It looks exactly the same as the smashed leopard boy, "the same race." The baby just woke up in the cold of the cold, shivering in the shiver, accompanied by extremely low, weak and sobbing.

"Hey, let's see what's in here?" The smashed leopard boy suddenly pity his baby and used to pick up the baby: "Little brother, who drunk you in this place?"

The baby only cries, he knows nothing about his own life.

"I know. I know you." The leopard teenager whispered the baby. "In this world, the days are getting more and more sad, and the abandoned baby is getting more and more stunned - but don't worry, I will Take care of your jealousy. From today you are my brother, Paramitis."

The baby only cries, he knows nothing about the world.

Then there is the darkness, the darkness of silence.

"It turns out that, really?" In a corner far from the end, I remembered the mysterious voice again.

"Although there is no direct evidence to prove everything, but basically can be inferred." The mysterious voice is saying something puzzling.

"You passed. At least you are not lying. I still know very little about you, but I am sure that I can entrust everything to an honest person."

Paramidis was stunned and overwhelmed. He can't even tell everything that happened to him at this moment, what is going on. He seems to be doing one night after another, but when he wakes up from a dream, he immediately forgets the content of the dream he had made before. Repeat and repeat this way until all the dreams have been traversed once.

And he is still confused now, and he doesn't know what happened to him.

"Since you passed - "The dark voice in the endlessness of the endlessness, continue to say: "Then you are qualified to have it all. Come and bring your reward."

Paramidis suddenly felt that the whole body was surrounded by a warmth.

No, no, there should be a warmth coming from the bottom of the mattress. The gel-like object wrapped in the whole body of the Leopard warrior has excellent heat transfer performance, and the warm moment spreads evenly inside the gel, and it spreads throughout the whole body of Paramitis.

It was originally felt by the gel-like mattress, and Paramitis, who couldn’t move half a point, gradually felt freedom. Because the gel-like object that wraps around him is "thawing", melting, and being moved down by the influence of gravity.

Paramitis tried to move his body and climbed from the sticky gel mattress. In fact, his movement was not as difficult as he had imagined. After the heat, the gel slipped away from the big cat and didn't even stick to his hair.

However, in front of him is still a dark world. He came back and remembered that he was trapped in this small black house with no way out. He was almost drowned by the gel mattress. He seemed to have done a lot of nightmares just now, but now he wakes up and can't even remember half of it.

So, now? What is Rosetta’s idea? Is there no other new trick besides teasing him with that gel-like object?

However, the big cat is too happy. Sure enough, there is a new movement in this dark room.

The light suddenly appeared on the ground, and it seemed to be emitted by a lamp embedded in the floor. The ray stretched straight toward the distance, to the margin that Paramitis could see with the naked eye.

This should have been a secret room, and Paramitis has just explored it here, and it has already been confirmed. However, what is the light that extends straight to infinity? Is a hidden door in the secret room open?

Although very suspicious, this may be the only chance for Paramitis to escape from this secret room. How can the big cat miss it.

He climbed down from the hard bed (there was no mattress), black all the way, and walked along the road indicated by the light. He still remembers that he is in a state of nakedness, but (fortunately) the surrounding environment is dark, so Paramitis will not feel any shame. I only hope that he will follow this light, and will not suddenly plung into the crowded streets.

However, the development of the matter is completely different from what Paramitis imagined. He walked along the light all the way, but the light seemed to extend toward the endless distance, no matter how you walked, you could not reach the end. Paramidis, who was already tired and hungry, was inevitably exhausted and couldn’t help but sit down and rest.

Damn, you know that things can't be that simple. It's impossible for the other party to simply put Paramitis away. This is good, the Leopard warrior has no place to stay at this time, waiting for this illusory, do not know the direction and do not know the end. Paramitis thinks this should be a kind of corridor, trying to groping the walls on the side of the radiant road, but surprisingly discovering that nothing can be touched - either because the corridor is very wide or because it is simply Not a corridor!

Fold back?

Go ahead?

Or is it a guide to deviate from this path of light and continue to search from the side?

I always feel that every choice is dangerous and there are too many uncertain factors. Paramitis is now even more dizzy, and the brain seems to have just been squeezed by the machine, and it is impossible to calm down and think rationally.

So tired. So hungry. It’s so cold. The naked man walked in the darkness of his fingers, but he was gradually swallowed up by the darkness, as if he could not see even the last hope. He squatted on the ground and gasped. He continued to move forward with half-and-half crawling, but he knew that he could not go too far.

The path of light seems to be dimming too. Or is it actually that Paramitis’ own physical strength has started, and the horizon is getting darker?

so sleepy. The eyelids are about to fall. Thinking began to stop, and the intuition began to be swallowed up by the cold, and the consciousness became more and more blurred.

Already no longer

The darkness swallowed him.


At that moment, the amazing light suddenly spread out in front of his eyes. He had closed his eyes because he was sleepy. At this time, it seems that he had to close his eyes because the light was too glaring. But he tried to adapt to the light, and when he saw the surrounding conditions in this bright environment, he found himself in a bathroom.

This is how the same thing?

Is this an illusion?

But hallucinations? Why is this an illusion?

Paramitis tried to sort out his thoughts, but he could never understand why he had the strange idea of ​​"seeing the illusion".

This is obviously true. Although his consciousness was a bit fuzzy, he clearly remembered that he had just taken a shower in the bathroom.

The bathroom of your own home.

Yes, he should be in his own home.

"Palami Parami!" There seems to be someone calling outside the bathroom. The voice of a woman. That voice, of course, Paramitis is the most familiar, because that is the voice of his wife Vivian.

"What the **** are you still in the bathroom? You have been washing for two hours in the shower!" Vivienne blamed outside the bathroom: "Come on, even the cat hair on your body will be lost!"

"Oh, wait," Paramitis quickly grabbed a bath towel and went to his beggar: "I will be out soon."

He hurried out of the bathroom and saw a stunning landscape. Vivienne was lying on the bed, wearing a hot swimsuit, waiting for the leopard warrior.

"Hey, baby." The woman smiled femininely at her husband: "Would you like to play this evening?"

"Hey, how come you suddenly" Paramidis was a bit stunned.

"Oh, please~" Vivian smiled charmingly, reaching out and making a teasing gesture to Paramitis: "You have been out for a while, and the children are not at home tonight, how can we? Can you spend a good time with the two worlds?"

"Hey--" The big cat made a bad expression: "You may be right. But haven't you been busy with a lot of work lately? It is said that King Arthur has assigned you a very important research work? I am not very clear. I am not going to do your important work. I only care about being intimate with me. Is there really no problem?"

"No problem." Vivian smiled at her husband and said: "Our days are still long, and work can be postponed until any time. But you - the life of the orc is far shorter than the succubus, I don't know anything. When you lose you, how can you not grasp this youth?"

Speaking of this, Palamidis could not help but wrinkled his brow -

"You are not Vivienne. Who are you?"