Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1514: Awakening to staying up late (eight)

Chapter 4 Awakening to Day and Night Eight

At the same time, in the Red Sea in eastern Africa, among the stone pillars, the Great Britain battleship, the medical room of the Paramitis.

"Good, let's move your right hand to the right hand," Merlin said.

Bedyville moved the right hand of the tail. Merlin frowned, and an electric light was emitted from the palm of his hand, which was shocked on the palm of Bediville.

"Hey!" Biddeville was stunned by electricity and could not help but scream for protest.

Merlin ignored the protests of the werewolf youth and continued: "Good. Then your left toe."

The werewolf youth tried to move his toes again.啪滋! He just moved his toes, and the calf was immediately powered by Merlin.

Always being shocked, Biddiville was a little impatient, and finally could not help but vomit: "Honestly, does this physical examination really make sense? I am exhausted, when can you let me go back to the hotel to rest?" "

"Patience, I will adjust it right away." The prime minister gave the werewolf a look: "You and I have played in [the world], and I have lived in [the world] for more than a month. His Majesty is manipulating a human. The body, so okay; you are using the body of the demon - more correctly, the half man and the half wolf - you have used the body of the demon to act for more than a month, your spirit The body has been used to manipulating the motor nerves of the body. Now you must find a way to adjust it back, and the sooner the better, otherwise it will affect your life after the body."

"It’s not as exaggerated as you said. I can’t do it right now. It’s a big fuss.” Bettiville snarled.

"There may not be much impact on ordinary actions. But the fine movements, such as the delicate coordination of the body when swinging the sword, are another matter. When you are on the battlefield in the ring game tomorrow, you will find that your body cannot be as you used to. Acting freely, and therefore lost the game, don't blame me for not helping you adjust."

After the speech, Merlin’s palms released another electric light and shocked it on Bediville’s thigh.

"Hey!" Biddeville called again.

"Beddy, let you suffer." Arthur smirked at the side of the scene, and at this time he interrupted: "Do you know, wait until everything is over, you will reward you once." Let's go."

"I am looking forward to it." Bedieville smiled perfunctorily. He followed King Arthur to the adventures of the different worlds after 900 years, but in fact it was not for reward. As long as King Arthur ordered him to do it, he would not hesitate to do it. This adventure is no exception.

Moreover, this adventure is far from complete. They have not been able to bring back the most important Queen of Greenville. When the time is right, they have to go to that different world. But that is the future.


"Wang!" Biddyville screamed and screamed.

"In this way, the nervous system has all been adjusted." Merlin said that this time he found the tide red on the face of the werewolf youth, so he asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"If you really want to count it, there are more places that are not right." The Werewolf youth said, "But the most wrong place is... I am. Leak."

"Oh God--" King Arthur reached for his nose.

"Just a little bit, and this blame me? - He just used electricity to stimulate my lower abdomen!" Biddyville spoke dissatisfied, his face flushed.

"Look, the nervous system is not coordinated enough, and this phenomenon will occur." Merlin sneered: "Optimistically, you are missing a better leak than the middle of tomorrow."

"Yes, it’s better than being ugly in public." The werewolf gave the Master a glance: "Thank you so much."

"You don't understand Merlin," King Arthur joked. "In fact, Brady is just too energetic. He needs to find a woman to vent."

"This is not funny." The werewolf stretched his face and climbed from the operating table for medical examinations: "Well, since all the inspections are completed, I will go back. It is really exhausting."

"It's too late now, do you want to send you a ride?"

"No. If I didn't estimate the mistake, then at this time a fool should be too tired to stop and come to me." Bedyville Road.

"Beddy!" As the Werewolf youth calculated, Bedyville's smashing bracelet sounded Albert's cry for help: "Where are you? I finally finished practicing, come pick me up -"

"Isn't my iron ride lend it to you? You can drive it straight back to the hotel parking lot!" Bedieville said with no anger.

"Don't! I don't want to touch this machine again tonight! Don't kill it!!" Albert groaned. "The Duke of Hall seems to have trained him well." Biddyville pointed to his own magic bracelet and said to Arthur.

King Arthur and Merlin shrugged at the same time.

ten minutes later. On the deck of the Paramitis.

"Unbelievable." Biddyville looked at the iron-clad, who had just landed, and spit angrily: "You broke it?!"

"It's just a little overheated, and the internal parts are not broken." The Knight of the Knights also drove the dragon ride: "Well, the drill tonight will stop here. Although it ends a bit early, but training." The goal is finally barely achieved."

"Are you sure?" Biddeville looked at the tiger lying on the iron ride and sticking out his tongue, and looked at the iron rider with a thick smoke: "Ayr is a lazy ghost of real value, not good at practicing, he The driving skills can't come in handy in tomorrow's battle."

The Duke of Hall then smiled: "I will let him go tonight. His body and mind are exhausted, and your iron ride is on the edge of the shelf. If you practice it, there will be no good results, or the rest. Time is better for rest."

"Right, rest!" Albert sighed and said: "Beddy, change your drive and send me back."

The wolf youth suddenly sprouted a kick from the tiger to the sea.

Twenty minutes later.

"Then I will go back first~" Albert jumped off the iron ride just before arriving at the hotel's parking lot. Obviously he didn't want to go into the parking lot with Bediville, but he planned to go back directly from the elevator at the main entrance of the hotel. room.

Bedyville pulled his face: "You are too lazy to walk a few more steps..."

The tiger squeezed his nose: "Because Buddy has a strange smell on your body, staying with you will be mistaken for me to be abnormal."


"Hey, hahaha - see you tomorrow!" Albert escaped like a run, clearly a strong energy look, but said that he was very tired!

Bedyville shook his head in a hurry and pushed the iron ride toward the parking lot. He is still a bit worried. After being tossed by Albert, the iron ride is still smoking, and some of the shells have been smoked and blackened. It looks like it has become a broken iron. There is not much difference. The iron ride is now in such a tragic situation. Can you drive into the parking lot? If you are not good, you will be stopped by the snobbery parking lot security guard...

But now it’s meaningless to worry about this kind of thing. Betdiville doesn’t want to drive the iron ride back to the Paramitis, so let’s try to see if the bottom can enter the parking lot. He then pushed the iron ride into the inspection port of the parking lot, but saw the guards there changed personally.

"Good evening, sir." The guard politely bowed to Biddiville and saw the smoked black iron ride that Biddyville was pushing, but didn't say much, just put the parking lot directly. The gate opened and let Bedieville enter.

Bediwell nodded in response and then looked at the guard.

It is said that the Sphinx, who runs the casino, is an orc. The Cairo Grand Hotel he opened also employs a small number of orcs to work as an employee. Therefore, it is not a strange thing for the Tiger guard to be on duty here. However, this tiger guard is so strong that there are not so many strong bodies in the orcs, so this person has attracted the attention of Bediville.

"That," said Bediwell, who asked a few words: "Where is the guard who was on duty here?"

"It is said that he has hit the customer and seems to have been fired." The other party is still polite.

"Is it..." Bettiville was a little embarrassed. The "customer" who had been attacked by the guard was Bediville, and he was the culprit who was fired.

"What is your name?" asked the Werewolf youth.

"Gusta." The tiger man replied.

"Well, Mr. Gusta." Biddyville said, "I don't know if you still have a way to contact the dismissed parking guard. But if you have one, please tell me on my behalf. Sorry."

"Understood, sir." The other replied noddedly and respectfully respected Bedieville: "I wish you a happy evening."

"So good night, Mr. Gusta. I wish you a happy evening." Bedieville pushed the iron ride into the parking lot.

Bediville pushed the iron ride to the second floor of the parking lot and found a relatively deserted corner to park the iron ride. He just planned to leave, but he drove a car next to him.

It seems that I noticed Bediville, and the owner of the car stopped immediately. He quickly parked his car and just rushed to say goodbye to Betwell: "See you again, sir."

Betteville looked at the other side and immediately recognized the lion. This man is the big rich who wanted to buy the iron ride of Bediville before the high price. The name seems to be called -

"Mr. Sarlatin, right?" Biddyville recalled the name printed on the postcard before.