Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1544: Dream is broken in Qiming (23)

Chapter 1544 Dream Breaks in Qiming (23)

When Albert woke up, he only felt his shoulders faint. It is a complex feeling of numbness and pain, just like burning with flames, but the outside is eroded by cold frost, there is an unspeakable uncomfortable.

"Oh--" He climbed up and just wanted to say something, but he was quickly smothered with something.

"Oh day! He woke up!" the doctor shouted. "Come on him! Don't let him release bacteria in the sterile room!"

A mask was quickly placed on Albert's mouth. The tiger had not figured out what was going on. The medical staff wore something similar to an apron and put it on the tiger.

"If you wake up, stay there and don't move around!" It seems that he is snoring on the other side of the operating room, wearing a mask, and a round table knight in Constantine, Constance, looks back at the tiger.

Albert realized that he was still in an operating room. It is estimated that the doctor is doing surgery for him and the cat boy, Mutter, and Albert is in a relatively light condition. He just did a suture of the shoulder wound, so he completed the operation earlier.

Albert looked at his shoulder again, and the injury on his shoulder became like that. He couldn't see it now, after all, his shoulder was covered with a thick bandage. The anesthetic was still in effect, so he only felt an inner pain slowly brewing on his shoulders, but did not feel particularly severe pain.

So his situation seems to be okay. But what about Mutter?

Although the other party told him to stay honestly, the tiger was the kind of guy who didn't listen to people. He climbed down from the operating table and went over to try to peek at how Mutter's surgery was going.

"What do you think? Flashing away, don't hinder my surgery." Constantine's temper was very bad, and ordered two medical staff to block Albert.

He should have driven the waking tiger out of the operating room right away, but he couldn't do it because the operating room is now in a sterile environment, and once the door is opened, the bacteria come in. In particular, when dealing with Mult's surgery that requires laparotomy and running into bacteria to produce postoperative infections, it is likely that a cat-and-child life will be required.

Albert is sneaking up and trying to peek: "Don't be so sly, I am the guardian of Mutter. See what you have done to the kid's body."

As the tiger ran around, the medical staff had to sway with the rhythm of the tiger. One of the nurse’s **** almost hit Constent’s elbow, and Constantine was holding the sharp. The scalpel, if the elbow was hit, the sharp scalpel that would easily cut the tempered glass would poke on Mute's intestines, and the situation was shocked to scare Constantine's cold sweat.

"Stop! Don't move around, stay away from me!" Constance was more angry and snarled, but his angry tone emerged from the mask, but it did not have the majesty that it should have.

The medical staff had to block Albert and prevent the tiger from seeing the operation. On the other hand, they had to keep a distance from the attending physician, Constantine, in order to avoid a medical accident, so they could not help but feel a little embarrassed. The ground does not move.

"Forget it!" Constance was so angry that the forehead was bright, but he was too lazy to continue to entangle with Albert. He said, "Well, if you want to see surgery, just look at it. When you want to vomit, you can hide." Do not spit on the operating table."

Albert pointed to the mask on his mouth: "If you want to vomit, you will spit in it."

Constantine did not answer, and there was a sinister flash in his eyes.

The group of medical staff did not block Albert, but let it open, to make a gap that allows the tiger to observe, and go back to continue their surgery. Albert also curiously leaned over to see how Mutter, who was being fully rescued, became what it looked like.

However, in reality, there are very few parts he can see. The parts that are not related to the surgical site are covered with cloth, and Albert can only vaguely see the face of the cat's young Mute at the other end of the operating table. Under the illumination of the shadowless lamp, the cat man was opened in the abdominal cavity and revealed a bright red.

"Oh--" Seeing Mult's internal organs, there is indeed an impulse in the tiger's throat to vomit. But he held back. The battle-hardened Warcraft hunter Albert is best at hunting World of Warcraft, taking the killing of Warcraft and taking the useful part of it, which is what Elbert often does. So he has already seen the internal organs of many animals. How could it be easily scared by this small surgical scene?

Draw. However, at this time Constantine has been cut off with a very skillful approach to Mutter's appendix. It was just a piece of intestines, only the size of the tail finger, and it was estimated to be extra bloated due to inflammation, with an unsightly pus-like mucus.

"Hey!" The more powerful vomiting impulse almost crossed Albert's throat and spewed out of his mouth. He still resisted. That's right, if it's not because of the World of Warcraft that Albert used to dismember and kill, he's already used to it. He estimates that he really spit it out. However, the psychological endurance of the tiger youth is still quite high. However, no matter how many World of Warcraft corpses he has dealt with, those are corpses, there is no life, and Warcraft is just an animal, not a human. Now Mutter, who is lying on the operating table, is a living person, and even blood and intestinal fluids are pouring out when the appendix is ​​removed. On the operating table is a big living person, especially let Albert's heart hair.

However, this was originally a minor operation. Constantine removed Mutter's inflamed appendix and immediately sewed it to sew the wound on the intestine after the appendix was removed at lightning speed. Everything seems to have never happened, and the seamless stitching makes the incision on Mute's intestine difficult to detect. This is to complete the treatment of the disease root. However, this operation is not complete, because peritonitis caused by appendicitis has caused Mute's internal organs and abdominal cavity to be slightly infected and needs to be disinfected.

"Look at it." Constantine was so malicious that he made a look at Albert, and then began to make a move that made Albert look completely dumbfounded.

Yes, Constantine dug out Mutter's internal organs from his abdomen by hand - immersed in a container filled with medical gel to disinfect!

............The doctor took the cat and the young man all the intestines out, soaked in the disinfected container, and put it back! !

"Hey!" The greater vomiting urge came from Albert's stomach pocket, went straight to the throat, and then rushed out. The tiger had already been scared out of the distance, but he couldn’t control it. The shiny, rainbow-like things came out of his mask!

"Call." Constance sneered. The medical staff had already prepared for it earlier, and moved to block Albert’s line of sight, fearing that the tiger would smudge the dirt and dirty the operating table.

"Okay." Constance had already smashed the sterilized Mult's internal organs at an incredible speed, and then quickly sutured the cat's abdomen and announced the completion of the operation.

"Take the kitten to the ward to rest, inject 500 units of antibiotics and 200 units of nutrients." The Knights of the Round Table applied a medical gel to the abdomen of the cat and the boy, and then wrapped a bandage: "By the way Drive this stupid tiger out of my operating room!"

The medical staff dispersed and was busy handling the mess left after the operation. And Albert's consciousness is gradually blurred...

"Wow!" When Albert woke up again, he found himself lying in the hospital bed. This should be a compartment of the medical room of the Great Britain battleship.

He endured the pain on his shoulders and climbed up from the bed and found that Mutter was lying quietly on the other bed opposite the same compartment, screaming. Mult performed surgery on general anesthesia, which was much more effective than the local anesthesia that Albert accepted, so the cat-and-boys have not yet woken up. Albert then measured the time. It didn't seem that he had fainted for a long time. After all, he was only fainted.

"Wake up?" Constance walked in from outside the compartment: "Is it okay? Should this injury not interfere with the afternoon battle?"

Albert touched his shoulder. Under the heavy wrapping of the bandage, the wound was still faint, but there was no pain in the game this morning, but it felt a lot easier. But to be honest, Albert is afraid of this time. He is afraid that he will use the same force in this afternoon's battle, and will tear the wound, and then his wound will become like a bandage before. See the terrible look. It would be too bad if things got like that.

"Can your people use magic to treat me?" Albert asked: "Is there a magic trick that can accelerate wound healing?"

"There is indeed, but it is used on you, and the effect is not great."

"What?? Nonsense -"

"It's true." The doctor sneered with a sneer: "The modern medical magic principle basically stimulates the cells on the wounds of the opponent through the photons concentrated in the palm, and thereby promotes the healing of the wound. However, modern medical magic It is based on the condition that [cells have self-memory]. The more newly injured, the faster the healing, the faster the wound will heal. But your injury is worsened by forced exercise after intense treatment. I have missed the best time for magic treatment, and the second is also because you are weak, the cell's self-memory has long since disappeared. You still don't expect the magic to quickly cure you, honestly. Rehabilitate, let time cure you."

"How can this be--" Albert flipped his brow, and then he suddenly thought of something, and he asked more nervously: "Wait. I can't treat it with magic, what about Mutter? Appendicitis is the same principle...?"

"Yes, the same principle." Constantine nodded ruthlessly to admit it all: "This child has to lie at least a week to get out of bed."

This said, it was really that Albert was scared and covered with cat hair. Albert has been dragging on this injury, and Mutter has to stay at least for a week! So what should the sandstorm Sphinx team play tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and then those games! ?