Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1651: Interlaced at the meeting (6)

Chapter 1651 Interlaced at the Intersessional Meeting (6)

The photon sense of the dragon can smell the same kind, in order to distinguish the enemy and friends, and even judge the strength of the other party.

In ancient times, in order to hunt dragons, the dragon hunters got the power of dragon blood from the dragon. Therefore, the dragon-hunters are also filled with the powerful atmosphere of ancient dragons. Despite this, dragon blood and human blood have been merging in the millions of years, and it is still impossible to distinguish between dragons and human beings. The kind of powerful and powerful atmosphere that the dragon hunters have radiated is no longer the same family's breath for the comet, but a degenerate stench.

It is a unique type of dragon hunter, not a special smell of dragons and non-humans. This kind of breath comet is the first time I see it.

No, no. I used to feel the same breath in the past, but the comet was not sensible at the time, didn't put it in my heart, and almost forgot it after so long.

In short, Iridium still has the idea of ​​being able to communicate with each other, following Bediville to the eastern suburbs of Cairo.

But he is too naive.

"Odin Daddy, I brought a friend to come to you." Bediville shouted loudly before he approached the stone house, and gave a briefing to the people in the house.

no respond.

"It’s weird." Bettiville frowned and said: "This shouldn't be so quiet. What's missing?"

The Werewolf youth spent half a second trying to understand, and the reason why the neighborhood was so quiet was because of the lack of the sound of the iron of Odin. Originally, the old man should be knocking and beating in front of his forging furnace for a hundred years, constantly forging something. But the familiar iron hitting sound disappeared at this moment, surrounded by dead silence.

The comet noticed that it was not good, and the hand had touched the handle of the weapon on his waist.

lb! - Not waiting for everyone to react, Odin's old man has already smashed the door with a huge rifle, and the gun head is pointed at the heart of the comet!

clang! However, the comet has already been prepared. Before the gun head hit the heart of the Xinghui Dragon, the Xinghui Dragon has already drawn it out. The knife and the gun collided halfway together, and the crisp vibrations echoed in the air!

"Hmm? It's a bit of a skill." Odin's old man stepped back and made a continuation of the attack. The rifle once again spurred like a torrent, and a second was a thorn!

Hey! However, the comet also quickly waved his blushing blade to block, and finally blocked this fierce attack!

Odin’s old man stepped back and planned to continue to launch a more violent offensive. However, at this time he had a black and gold light and shadow in front of him, entangled the old rifle; the comet was also going to counterattack. His face was covered by a **** shadow.

"Stop all the time! How to fight when you meet!" Bedieville had to shout and stop the two.

When Odin saw that his rifle was entangled and inconvenient to wave, he pulled out a scimitar from his waist and was ready to attack. But he didn't attack immediately, but he was angry and asked: "Wolfman, do you really betray our dragon-hunters?! Actually brought a dragon to here! Is this guy coming to my family for revenge?" ?"

"No!" Bettiville was so angry that he almost vomited a blood: "My friend just has something to ask you, and I have no plans to trouble you!"

"The murderous attack just now made me change my mind. The people of the Dragon Hunter are really barbaric," said the comet.

"You don't say a few words, comet!" Bettiville was so angry that he almost vomited two blood: "Things are complicated enough, don't mess up!"

"There is a saying -" The comet saw the **** shadow in front of his face at this time. He initially thought that Badiville used what weapons to stop him from continuing to attack, just like using a whip to stop Odin. But a closer look, the comet found that the one in front of his face turned out to be a large paper tube, and it was the big paper tube that Bediville used to hold French fries.

The comet got angry in a flash: "You use a paper tube with French fries to block my actions, but use your weapon to stop the action of the old man?! Is this looking at me?"

This is of course the big bucket of French fries that Lawrence had before. Lawrence was dragged into the hands of the Werewolf youth before being ridden by Bedieville, but the amount of this scorpion was too much. Bediville had been unable to eat and didn’t want to waste food (even if it was synthesized with water and air). Something), so I’ve been holding this fries from now on.

"Hey..." Bettiville’s forehead blew a drop of cold sweat: "I just took this right hand, so it’s just a hand.""Hot! You just have to change your hand and you're done, why do you want to take this block in front of me! Less look down on people!" So the comet spoke more angrily, pushing Bedi Vere's hand.

"That said, do you want to eat?" Biddiville, in spite of the opposition of the comet, handed the bucket of French fries to the comet: "There are too many things, so I can't finish it. Help me to eliminate part of it." what."

"Don't eat!" The comet spit a blood.

"Hey, is it just a little devil?" Odin's old man put away his weapon: "It's really disappointing."

"Who is a little devil, you stinky old man! I am a good adult!"

Bedieville couldn’t help but snicker. But Odin’s dad said it was all right. Although the comet has lived for more than 10,000 years, it is already an adult dragon, but this guy's human transformation is obviously a teenager (why the comet has been obsessed with becoming this shape, it is a mystery!) And most of the dragons like to nest in their own dragons lazy days, rarely contact with the outside world, their psychological age is often much smaller than the actual age.

In short, Odin Daddy noticed that Xinghuilong’s trip was not malicious from the naive words and deeds of the comet, so he relaxed the tight nerves.

"Come in." The old man said, "No matter what you are doing, don't bother me to work."

Bedyville and the comet looked at each other. It wasn't until the rhythm of the iron-clad sounds in the stone house of Odin's daddy that Bedyville shrugged: "Go in - then do you really don't eat this?"

The comet slammed down the bucket of French fries that Biddyville handed to him: "Don't eat."

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. The rhythmic iron-clad sound echoed in the stone house for a hundred years. When Bedieville and Xinghui Long come into the house, Odin's old man is shaping a wonderfully shaped sword, which can be seen as a big sword.

"You don't have to sit down. If you have something, just say it, let's finish rolling." The old man looked at his face and didn't care.

"I also hope to leave the question as soon as possible, but this problem is not as simple as you think. It is estimated that it will last for a long time." The comet looked at the weapons hanging on the wall in the stone house with interest. Needless to ask, from the above-mentioned weapons, Baoguang can see that these are the Longwu created by Odin. Seeing that these well-made dragons were hung on the wall of the house, the comet felt like the old body was hung on the wall, which made him feel uncomfortable, but Longwu’s own production So smart enough - so that his uncomfortable artwork is displayed neatly together, it is indeed the first time.

The comet looked at those dragons and asked for courage. "My problem is very complicated, but I am here to make a long story short: What are these weapons made of keel?"

"What are you asking Longwu?" Odin's old man sneered: "Longwu is Longwu, still ask."

"Hey! Please, don't use that awkward word!" Comet instinctly replied.

"Little wolf, is your friend's brain broken?" Odin's old man then satirically asked Buddyville: "There are very few dragons to care about Longwu, and your friends have turned into The shape of this human being came to my place to ask Longwu, will the sun rise tomorrow from the west?"

"His brain is really not good." Biddiville replied and glanced at the comet with a subconscious mind, and it ushered in the white eye of the star. Betdiville didn't care about it either. He grabbed a French fries from the paper bucket and chewed it into his mouth: "But this time it's a bit special. This guy is responsible for protecting a devil in the contract. Some kind of keel fragments were stabbed. When the doctor tried to remove the keel fragments from the little devil, the fragments disappeared from the air. It is said that quantum melting occurred..."

"Quantum fusion." The comet corrected.

"Yes, quantum fusion." Biddiville smashed his head. "I heard that quantum fusion is a unique ability of dragons, and this ability has something to do with Longwu. We came over and asked Odin to call you. See if you can provide some clues."

"Hey, do you bother me to work for this boring thing?" The old man refused to continue to beat the sword embryo on the anvil: "But it's worth it, tell you."

"Hey, really?"

"Yes. Longwu's production process is not a secret that is particularly hidden. Its principle is also the same. Only those who intend to understand the principles are less and less. This era of fast food is really stupid. - As long as people pay attention to the results and ignore the process, who wants to get a good weapon to play in the hand, who cares about the production process and principle of the weapon?"

Bedyville and the comet fell into a silence.

"Sit down." The old man said coldly at this time: "I was going to send you away quickly, but it seems that this is impossible. This is a very long story."

Bedyville and the comet then sat down on the bench of the house, leaning against the wall. It was more unnatural for the comet to sit there, as if the Longwu, which was hanging on the wall behind it, would not fall and fall on him.

"So, let me ask you a question first." Odin did not begin to explain the essence of Longwu to the two. Instead, he asked an irrelevant question: "What conditions do you need to meet to launch a magic?"