Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1654: Interlaced at the meeting (9)

Chapter 1654 Interlaced at the meeting (9)

Hey! ! - A very crisp sound rang in front of Odin's brain. However, this is not the sound of the blade of the blushing knives embedded in the skull of the old man, but the blade and the hammer of the old smashing iron collide with each other, and the golden stone that sounds in an instant!

"Oh, it really is a dragon. It's stupid and impulsive, every action is so predictable." Odin said with a sneer: "But take your knife. I said I need your blood, not intending Killing you means. It’s just literally asking for your blood, and a few drops are enough."

Xinghui Long’s brow jumped: "Is this useful again? A few drops of dragon blood enough to completely resurrect a worn weapon?"

"It's impossible in normal terms, but I said it is a bet. You don't have much loss anyway, you don't lose a few drops of blood."

There are countless blue veins in the forehead of the comet, and fiercely spit it out: "No! The loss can be big, and the sword of my father is cut off by you!"

"Oh." The old man gave a dry smile and changed his mind: "There has been a break anyway, and you have nothing to lose, so it is no big deal to contribute a few drops of dragon blood."

The comet sighed: "This is what humans often say, dead horses as a living horse doctor..."

"So, do you want to give me blood, a stupid?" The old man continued to swear.

The comet will take another look, then take a spare dagger from the waist and put it on the palm of your hand: "I will trust you again, dead old man. If I find out that you are lying to me, I can not only kill It’s so simple to lose you - well, how?

"Here, let the blood drop on the broken sword." Odin said.

The comet cursed as he muttered, cutting his palm and dropping the dragon's blood on his broken father's sword.

But this is not a novel, this is reality. In fact, it is a few drops of dragon blood, although it contains magic, but it is not a particularly remarkable thing - the dragon blood drops on the broken sword, it is impossible to restore the broken sword.

"You are lying to me? A few drops of blood can fix a broken sword. What a superstitious statement." So the comet continued to blame. The wound on his palm has begun to heal. A few drops of dragon blood are really not a big loss for him. However, the broken sword is still a broken sword, and there is no sign that it has been repaired. The father’s relics were broken by the old man, and it really made Xinghuilong feel bad.

"No, no, you only know that you look at the surface, so you say that your dragons are stupid." The old man sneered and explained, while still not forgetting to ridicule the comet: "To recast the broken sword." It’s not difficult at all. The problem is to let [the gods] have it and make it a qualified dragon.

I think I have already said it to you. In order to produce [God] in Longwu, it is generally necessary to use the bones of the dead dragon. However, this sword was an experimental work of my youth, and I only made it from a rib of your father. At that time your father was still not dead, [God] did not appear in this sword. "

"...I know this, then?" The more the Xinghui Long Yue is confused.

"Now, from the words just now, your father is dead?"

The comet seems to be pinned like a pin, and his face is uncomfortable: "Yeah."

"And I can feel the atmosphere of Titans from you. Let me guess. Is the soul spar after his death inherited by you?"

The comet is like a bit of glue stuck in the throat, and he said depressedly: "... um."

"The next guess is more superstitious, believe it or not." Odin's old man said: "I want a few drops of dragon blood from you. What I need is not the magic, but to this handle. Longwu without [God] conveys a message - the death of your father.

When my sword was made, your father was still not dead, so the magic of this sword could not be awakened. But now? After you know your father’s death, what will it look like? "

"...this is really nonsense." The comet endured for a long time, and finally complained dissatisfied: "This will not be useful. You are wasting your time.

It was originally a broken sword without magic power, and no matter how it is remade, it is impossible to suddenly have magic power. What's more, you have told me to tell the sword of my father's death, it is a fantasy. "

"It’s easy to be superstitious when you are old, don’t you know?" Odin, who ignored the ridicule of the comet, began to knock on the broken sword that dripped the dragon's blood, and sent it into the furnace for the break. The parts overlap.

"In any case, come back to me tomorrow morning. Even if you can't liberate the special powers, I will at least return the new status to you. Is this always ok?"

"...the price is?" The comet was suspicious: "I don't believe that you will help me to repair the sword like this."

"Hey, the young people nowadays talk about the price, thinking that people all over the world want to take advantage of them." The old man said: "This is the dragon that I cast, watching my weapon fall to this point, If you want to fix it, isn't it a matter of course? You have to charge you for it, and you are too arrogant?"

"But forget it." Without waiting for the comet to frown, Odin's dad said, "In order to give you the steps, I will charge you a little bit. Go, find the most annoying thing in your life. The dragon who wants to hurt the flat most wants to flatten him. You have to be seriously wounded and humiliate him, but you can't kill him. Then you take his spine from him and take it. Bring it to me. This is the price to help you repair the sword. It doesn't matter when you finish it, anyway, I am not in a hurry."

The comet snorted: "Do you want me to be disabled with my family?"

"Call, even if I don't let you do this, you guys and savage flying lizards will always do this. Do you do one less and do one less, is there a difference?"

As the other party said, Xinghuilong was speechless.

"Okay. I will help you get the dragon's spine. But if the other person is still alive, will it create such a weapon without special strength? Does it make sense?"

Odin Daddy smiled mysteriously: "I said it, this is only an experiment at best. The result is not important, the important thing is the process."

The comet snorted and said that he couldn't understand. He took a golden dragon scale from his body and left it on the ground: "Go first. I will come back to take my sword tomorrow."

The old man [call] is a farewell. Xinghui Long did not care much with Odin's daddy. When he opened a portal, he jumped in.

At the same time, Bediville, on the way back, was suddenly hungry.

Because the gravitational beam couldn't pass through the enchantment in Cairo's black market and directly took in Bediville, he had to walk away from the black market. And because Bediville didn't want to eat on the desert boat—he had heard that the food in the desert boat was made of air and water, and he immediately had no appetite. He thinks that if it is just a snack like French fries, synthetic food can still be tasted; but for dinner, still formally find a shop, eat something really nutritious.

Fortunately, the black market in Cairo is not lacking in restaurants. The people who buy and sell here are, in the final analysis, a group of creatures. They are hungry when they are creatures, and there are business opportunities when there is demand. In addition to the shops selling all kinds of weapons and equipment, the black market in Cairo is of course good and small. Hundreds of restaurants and restaurants. If you want to eat, just pick one in these restaurants and restaurants - in theory, that's right. However, Bedieville’s pocket is not short of money. He is now rushing to eat this meal in the black market in Cairo, so he does not want to pick the restaurant casually, but to selectively find it. Place to eat.

In the aspect of [eat], Bedieville is a person who can be casually and casually eats a face and even a meal; but when he makes up his mind to pick it up, he can be very picky, not the most The restaurant of the heart will not stop.

He looked at it.

First of all, those restaurants with untidy shop facades fail. There is no way to clean up even the facade. God knows what the kitchens in those restaurants look like. Eating in this kind of shop, even if you don't eat bad stomach, just think that the material of the food may be crawled by the cockroaches in the kitchen, and the mice are licked, so that people have no appetite.

Secondly, since they have to go out to eat, Bedieville is still in the capital of Egypt, Cairo. It is best to eat as usual. To eat the traditional dishes of Egypt, you can't eat Britannics in Egypt. He then removed the Egyptian-style shop from several storefronts in the black market in Cairo, and removed it from his shortlist.

Once again, the shops that are too luxuriously decorated are obviously just to defraud the wealth of the big merchants who are doing business here. Although they look very high-end, they can't expect to eat authentic Egyptian specialties. So Bediville rejected another number of restaurants.

Choosing to choose, as if it was the fate of the arrangement, Bediville finally chose only the only restaurant he looked pleasing to the eye, and went in. The restaurant is not particularly large, the store's facade is neat and full of Egyptian style, but not to the point of luxury to exaggeration, everything is in line with Bediville's standards.

After finally sat down with a seat and sat down, Bediville just picked up the restaurant menu and ordered to order. There was a familiar voice in his ear: "Hey, boss?"

Bedyville frowned and turned to look. The man was not someone else, it was Lawrence who was ridden from the sand boat by Bedieville about an hour ago.